Wicked Words 001: A Bloody Bad Date
“I’m sorry, I don’t do this much. Uh, blind dates that is.” Faith apologized, reaching for her glass of wine and taking a huge swallow. Much was an understatement. Try never. Except when ambushed by busy-body friends with too much time on their hands. The man chuckled. A soft sound, not unfriendly. He was handsome…
Dizzie Bunnies
Misc plot bunnies and character setups to use later.
002 Panic (TBC)
[Preston Howell is completely unaware that his houseguests are out murdering each other instead of protecting themselves against highly-trained teen assassins. He’s looking for the girl who didn’t show up for the meeting.] -05:13 Jun 29 [Raven is just a normal every day teenager damnit. All she wanted was a summer job! Now she is…
001 Welcome to Teen Island
==== Title: Teen Island Number: 5826 Date: Oct 6, 2011 at 8:17 PM ==== Zalia – Oct 6, 2011 at 8:17 PM [img]http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm144/Ossochanter/teenisland.jpg[/img] Scarny was the first to arrive on the island. She ran up the steps and got the room at the top of the house. She then ran downstairs and into the kitchen.…
Waking Up Mrs. Schafer (Test Run)
[Brooklyn is in bed. A nice warm cozy, snugglie bed. She’s got a rockin’ headache and no desire to get up from something so comfortable!] -02:21 Mar 30 [Ethan doesn’t recall how he made it to bed last night, because he hasn’t had that much to drink in a while.] -02:22 Mar 30 Brooklyn: What…
Spaghetti Detective 002: Undercover Date
[Trevor Cane is driving a dolled-up dame to dinner at a fancy establishment, and it totally isn’t a date.] -03:45 Sep 22 [Jade is wearing her sister’s sexy dress, because you’re supposed to look the part when undercover, not because she wanted to impress a dopey detective.] -03:48 Sep 22 Trevor Cane: Trevor knew how…
Spaghetti Detective 001: Meet Me Halfway
(to be inserted from forum logs)
For the Sake of Tradition 002: For the Sake of Tradition
[Zamira is not going to dinner. EVER AGAIN. At least not until after her cousins wedding and certain people are no longer there.] -10:16 Jun 07 [Rainer has a no-show fiancee for dinner, a sore neck, and one hell of a brewing bad mood. Not that he’s confused or anything like that.] -10:18 Jun 07…
For the Sake of Tradition 001: For the Sake of Tradition
Zamira and Rainer have a very explosive argument.