Sleeping in someone else’s bed was not something Juliette Byron was entirely comfortable with, though after an evening of social masking with colleagues and strangers as well as more entertaining exercise, sleep came quickly.
Then, like most mornings, she was up at dawn, dressed and out the door without even stopping to have breakfast or a coffee. (Though if she were honest, she hadn’t quite officially introduced herself to the housekeeper and wasn’t comfortable doing that over a morning coffee.) Not one to drive herself, she had a driver take her to the main warehouse at docks where she’d moved the core operations of Byron International to save money on office space. The Board certainly didn’t like it, but most of the employees were pleased enough to be able to keep their jobs, despite their new office spaces smelling of fish and sea water.
There were many plans Juliette wanted to set into motion, and with promises of limitless opportunity it was tempting to spend her morning focusing on her five year business plan. Yet, it was far more important to make sure she was comfortably settled in a stable place before she started making plans to buy ships, and planes, and buildings. After all, the expansion wasn’t happening if the wedding didn’t happen.
Thus once she was finished with immediate business, she spent the rest of her morning setting up appointments for their rest of their wedding plans. Sitting in the main office that once belonged to her great grandfather before his son had bought some posh building in the city. Juliette rather liked the rustic brick and old fixtures, and found it quite convenient being so close to being where the brunt of the work was done. Once the wedding was over, she’d consider remodeling the building and keeping operations there.
To hear the door closing upon the departure of the additional body within the residency, proved just enough to leave a curious twinkle in the elder woman’s eye and a glimpse towards him. Offering little insight save for a slight look in her direction before full focal cue decided that his mug and the morning paper spread upon the table had just become that much more interesting! Feeling the woman’s dark brown eyes flickering up and down him in no better chase than a mother might have to a particularly unruly son, searching for the words to discretely trap them in a lie. Something he wouldn’t bite upon, especially not with the housekeeper.
Merely lending a clear to throat that required the sippage of dirty bean water to make it cease its nonexistent tickle.
There was next to little rush for him to tidy himself up to trot out the front door to metal horse, especially since he had no intention of entering the workplace on the end of the week. Perfectly capable of answer emails and calls alike from the comfort of sensible abode. Playing idle boss merely missing the idea of taking up golfing to truly sell the idea home.
It wasn’t till Elisa had finalized her kitchen clean up after the caterer the night prior –deciding that their measures of cleanliness weren’t remotely up to her cleaning nazi standards- he had nearly made it out of the kitchen’s tiled domain when the suggestion of departing the house had arise at all. Scouting the cellular device with controlled lack of interest less Elisa question, he had merely sent the reply back with a cordial agreement. Moving to properly ascend stairs so he might organize outwards appearance from the former night of post bedroom encounters. Favouring the choice that if he was not to be in office, that the need to decorate in shades of worsteds but merely that of jeans and at least semi detailed shirt with a light sweater combination. Figuring that as much as he could have simply appeared in hole covered articles, it might not go well to present a lazier appearance like he might have wanted too. Even choosing some of the rarer pieces of cloth within that possessed hues of lighter complexions.
He’d dress and tag along the item of mobile and date usage to assure that he might be able to answer things that were required, but putting a firm out of office notification upon the mail system as to avoid anyone that might attempt to demand attention. Leaving a short message for Eleanor to handle any items necessary or place them upon desk.
Curiosity pulling upon the entry of wheeled travel that remained to linger, just what had Juliette had planned by this invitation. Besides the obviousness, yet he would glean no answers till the arrival upon the dockside of warehouse. Keeping the dark shades pressed upon optics even upon exit of the car to approach the very building that had been going through a private crisis of downfall.
Well, suppose he’d get to see just how close they were to exiting their legacy or if Juliette was truly the queen ready to make that empire.
Jordan was met with quite an impressive brick building – or at least it had been impressive at one time. Built during the era people actually cared about beautiful architecture, there were gorgeous art deco accents to the brickwork and big windows. Many broken and boarded windows, storm damage and graffiti, but the bones were still there.
Unlike the clean and tailored Rosendry, once he stepped inside he was met with a warehouse proper. Stacks of palettes and crates in every direction and the heavy sounds of fork lifts. A stout woman with a stern face, clipboard and a walkie-talkie caught sight of him and must’ve assumed he was lost interloper walking in from the street, as she grunted something into her radio made a very serious beeline for Jordan.
Just as she reached him, though, a crackle of a familiar voice replied over the radio.
“That’s Mister Harrow, Gertie, try not to rough him up. I’ll be down shortly.”
‘Gertie’ snorted, eyeing him up and down as if she still intended to throw him out on his ass.
“Harrow, is it?” was her derisive greeting. “‘spose you don’t look like a complete prick.”
With that delightful introduction Gertie’s attention turned back to her clipboard.
Luckily, Juliette was true to her word and on the ground floor within a few short moments. Though she didn’t quite look like she belong in a warehouse that smelled heavily of fish and truck grease, with her sienna sweater and black slacks she did at least wear some sensible black boots instead of her usual designer heels. First she took a moment to whisper something to Gertie who surprisingly choked out a laugh, and then she turned the full brunt of her smile to Jordan.
“What a surprise to see you, Mister Harrow,” she teased, knowing full well she invited him there herself. “Would you like the full tour or should I simply put you to work instead?”
Considering the stake of the place and how it probably was a gleaming jewel of the warehouse presentation within its hayday; currently he was staring at a place that truly seemed to embody the very state of Juliette’s company. Internally functional but coloured with exterior ghastliness that only made the skin deep viewers clench their teeth and raise their noses in search of something better. Taking at face value than what lurked beneath. It was truly a sad state of things, merely affirming him mentally that things clearly needed to be worked on. But that control had to be within Juliette’s fingers sooner than later.
Tugging the iron lugged door back so he might escort himself within the very functional root of the warehouse, it seemed to truly show the very thought he had previously. It just needed to be presentable from the outside to lure back those superficial clients that paid well and thought of their presence first instead of their work.
However, his visual attention skewed drastically away from the various equipment and storage containers for shipping to a woman that was making a near dead stomp towards him. Speaking into her little black device to communicate to whomever on the other side before something was uttered back. Barely seemingly like what had been replied was enough to keep him from being shot out the door like an unwanted feline!
Turning curious features into near thinning ready to avoid this brusque damsel from making an attempt to grab his scruff, it seemed that whatever had come through on the radio was of whom he was. Not a complete prick too! “Thank you, and whom do I have the pleasure of meeting? The wicked witch of the west?” Offering a smile as if that was going to suggest what had left his mouth was sweet. Well suppose he was trying to assure that her verbal thought of not being a total asshat, was wrong.
Be it to his lucky grace or foreman juggernaught here, Juliette made a miraculous appearance. Standing out like a orange ray of sunlight compared to the stinking insides of her warehouse. Merely pausing to utter something to her strong arm woman, before addressing him. “I thought so. Got lost in the neighbourhood, hopefully you intend to direct me back to civilization.” Baring a easier grin then, he dared open a palm that seemed to lean him forward. Interposing his being to step into her personal space as an visually obvious statement to assure the mood of affianced was clear. Laying a peck upon her cheek in greeting that promptly vanished at the idea of work. “Tour first, then give me enough time to leap out the nearest window to avoid the means of hard labour!”
Jordan gestured at himself, “I’m a rich boy of soft and squishy value, after all. Hardly worth the effort of picking up a piece of paper!” Sarcasm oozing with a wicked delight.
Gertie did much seem to care about the comparison to the wicked witch of the west, though she had flipped Jordan the finger as she went back to scribbling things on her clipboard.
“Ah, I see you have met my Warehouse Foreman. Gertie doesn’t have much patience for the ilk of rich business men, but she does a great job managing all Byron warehouses on this dock.” Juliette linked her arm with his, mirroring that wicked look he seemed to be giving with one of her own. Soft and squishy indeed! There wasn’t a soft and squishy thing about him, though Juliette did have her wonder and doubts about whether or not he’d ever actually done any manual labor in his entire life.
“We’ve got multiple warehouses here on the docks, but this one is the current… base of operations so to speak.” she gestured towards the rows of colorful metal containers. “This bottom floor houses things coming directly off the ships. Once they’re unloaded they either get put on the trucks to continue on their way, or they’re moved up to the second floor or to a storage house until we’re given further instruction by clients.”
Nudging him gently with her shoulder, she guided him towards walking.
“It’s a shame you’re so adverse to work. I rather like the idea of you wandering around shirtless on the docs and unloading crates.” she teased.
So far he was not sure if he liked the foreman or thought her to be just another annoyance in the world. Perhaps swaying towards the former merely by one finger gesture; it seemed the antics of now was enough to shoo the tough hide woman away. Back to work most likely and most likely it was him that shooed her from being close rather than her actual boss. “A woman of keen eye then, for the ilk that are rich business men are absolutely are the worst imaginable creatures there ever was.” Did he include himself upon that.
Instead one was wisely to hum at the statement that Gertie did her job well enough to warrant Juliette’s praise. But that was neither here nor there the moment they were linked upon limbs. Watching the features of the young heiress pull into a suggestion that she was to be taking a note from his book. Finding that perhaps this day could prove properly intriguing. Whether or not she believed his commentary mattered little.
Skewing attention to look out amongst the sprawl that was a warehouse. With its various containers and inner machinery with items packed and cramped for shipping purposes, the idea that this was the base of said operations. “The current base needs some attention then, place from the outside appears as though one comes here looking for shady Hollywood style deals.” Mentioning this as though it were a line of conversation, he doubted she had to be told that. No less however, he followed the motion of gestured palm. To the metal boxes holding countless untold treasures, leaving him curious. A good view to see just what sort of calibre the very place would handle. What size of volume and the likes.
Expressing the use of cargo facilities being put here for initial inspection and unloading before being moved into a different area for wait periods, if necessary.
With a bump of shoulder and the silent bidding of walking, one astutely followed the madam’s lead. Turning speculating gaze from the floor to that of affianced dear, smirking no sooner. “You’d be so willing to parade me around in such a way where other eyes could see?” he asked matching her teasing tone, “I’m beginning to suspect my fiancée is one who likes to dangle what she possesses in front of other. At least be gentle and offer some sun screen. I might not look it, but I burn easily.” Well… not in the same sense but you know those were unnecessary semantics!
“I doubt you invited me simply to show off your freshly caught husband to be,” As if he were prepping for the figurative but, Jordan kept his focused upon her. “What sort of things do you have scheming for the day, Juliette.”
“What is the use of a trophy husband if I can’t show him off,” laughed Juliette. genuinely amused with the entire idea. Not that Juliette would categorize him as something so useless as a token pretty face with limitless pocketbooks. So far Jordan had been everything she could have ever wanted in a partner and more – surprisingly and unexpectedly so. She was actually quite happy to show him her work and the things she took so much pride in – even if he had insulted the condition of the place!
She led him through the rows of giant metal storage crates and stacks of shipping boxes to an open elevator, where any careless sticking of arms in the wrong places might’ve gotten them cut clean off. Once they were both securely inside and she closed the gate, it was a matter of pulling a lever to make it rise. Juliette then linked her hand with his, offering him one of those mysteriously innocent smiles.
“Not a single scheme today, Jordan. But we’ll meet the caterer after this. We’ll have to pick a cake and a menu for the reception, or else our staring guests will have to chew on each other.”
When the elevator paused on the second floor she didn’t bother to open the gate, Juliette only briefly pointed through the bars at a long hall behind them.
“There are several walk in safes for the more valuable items, though ideally I would like to get a separate building with better environmental controls and tighter security.”
“Ah trophy husband,” he repeated being sure he truly looked like he thought over the idea, “I suppose to fit that I would have to lose half my intelligence and practice my daftest expression.” Pondering the idea with so much of a brushing finger upon goatee chin, whether or not he was really taking it to heart might have been obvious. Mostly due to the fact it was promptly dropped to simply offer her a sly look and vision to be captured by the path where they were being led through. Seeming with nothing out of the ordinary for a large shipping company. Items coming in and out with seemingly a steadfast pace. Neither here nor there. Simply existence.
Though of course most of his thoughts lingered upon what devilish scheme she had been plotting since bidding immediate farewell to the grand estate this morning. Truly not so quick to believe that reply that she had not been doing so. “Uh huh,” Assuring he showed he was not yet convinced, nor would be when it became clear seconds upon her lips that she had ordered an agenda of the events this day. Being with a caterer, which meant food. Food in the name of baked cakes and a menu for those who dined upon livestock or plant styled cuisine. “That could be interesting, if you wanted. See whom is far more carnivorous than others.” Lips smirked at her suggestion. He shouldn’t’ find it as humorous as it was, but she had no idea how close to the truth she was.
So he went along with it. Purposefully eyeing her, “I may still follow that idea. You wouldn’t mind being a tasty morsel, now would you?”
With the elevator paused on the second layer of a floor to invite him to look past the bars, Jordan vocally hummed. Considering what he could from here then suddenly to her as she declared what the place was. “Certainly. While I am sure you are strict with your employees and their ability to enter such a floor, the declared value that might be within is always a possibility to invite someone with despicable desires to try their hand at lifting something of small size.” It was as though he just seemed to notice the state of the old elevator, “Why stay in this building? It cannot be purely for nostalgic sake, can it?”
With his inquiry of her being a tasty morsel, Juliette merely gave a brazen smile, very much suggesting she had quite a few suggestive words to say on the subject. Were she not at her place of business she might’ve given into the urge, so as it were, she simply wrapped her arms loosen around his and continue with her tour.
“It is in part nostalgia – My great grandfather had this building designed when the original warehouse burned. We did once have a skyrise for the corporate offices, but after my father’s thieving I needed to find ways to cut costs and recuperate the losses without losing valuable employees. Thus I sold the real estate and moved everyone into temporary offices here along the docks. It isn’t elegant, but we can build back quickly.”
To illustrate her example, once the elevator hit the third floor, Juliette stepped out, still holding gently onto his arm to help guide him further through her tour.
The third floor, though still rough around the edges and very obviously a former storage space, had been given a small corporate renovation with inoffensive art and potted plants to accent some comfortable furniture in a comfortable lobby. A receptionist’s station had been setup, where a young man was busy enough on the phone, than he barely looked up long enough to spot the pair and give an ‘okay’ signal with his hand before returning to the call.
Juliette led him through a set of double-doors into a large room that was just as busy as downstairs, but had a completely different sort of energy. Like most corporate bull pens, there were many desks and cubicles filling up the space. Employees were dressed much more formal than their warehouse counterparts, though more casual than one would expect in a typical office.
And on sight of Juliette walking through the room, seemingly cozy-in-arms with her guest there were many who were doing their absolute best to not appear to be curiously spying as they worked.
“That one is mine,” she directed, taking them up a tiny set of steps at the back of the room to a second level. “Hers” was the office in the center with glass windows shielded by blinds facing the corporate floor. Once they entered, it was very clear the office was ‘last on the list’ for renovations, and might’ve even been the original office designed for former Byron heir himself. The back wall was an exposed brick with a single wide window too high up to really give a view. The side walls were adorned with book shelves, but instead of a tidy row of books there were stacks of boxes, likely filled with tons of paper work.
In fact the only thing in the office that wasn’t covered in filing boxes was the old antique desk, where at least she had a state of the art modern computer and a stack of binders that were very clearly Juliette’s.
Juliette, of course, completely ignored the mess of her office to immediately direct him to a corkboard set up on a tripod. On it was a very clear action plan for her next five years, starting with a few notations on her wedding (conveniently where “pompous ass” had been written was now scribbled out with black marker and replaced with a red underlined “JORDAN”), and then ending with what looked like a very ambitious plan to expand her business into new countries.
“It’s no power point presentation, but I thought I might give you a small idea of my plans. I suppose it’ll need adjustment to take Rosendry into account, I just wanted to show you that your investment in this marriage will not go to waste.”
The purpose of the building was acknowledged. Though it simply was a two point street as well. To have the young woman stepping up to take the reins away from a man that sat in his position by name alone whilst simultaneously attempting to juggle the losses and recuperation and keeping the former image alive of her grandfather; suppose he could relent on his thoughts of the depressing state of the business. If it was working for now, then it was working. But of course he only could see this being a bandage upon a haemorrhage wound. It might be doing something but the use of it was insignificant that eventually, if someone didn’t work quickly; there’d be nothing to save.
Stroking fingers upon cheek as though the action would ignite an idea like a flame to a matchstick, it had to be pinned. Set aside for a moment. To following the dame upon the release of gates into the corporate arrangement of desks, walls and personnel attempting to look busy when they might have wanted to whip-crack their necks in gawping awe upon the entry of not just Juliette, but the being that had emerged from somewhere to claim the name of affianced. Certainly bound to construct wild ideas and thoughts to why on earth they were both here at the same time. Some close to the truth, plenty he suspected would be outlandish and fantastical. The type of rumours that were worth getting an earful of simply to see how broad someone’s thoughts could lead them to tell such wagging tales.
It was the entry within the space that had been claimed as hers, that his gaze promptly exaggerated around the room. Strangely lingering on the exposed brick –as though he was amused and thought that the aesthetic of it was something he could have guessed she’d have- the hues of cobalt fluttered upon each space of four standing barriers. Taking mental pictures of the space though seemingly considering the disorderly state of what he would claims as the boxes with potential years worth of crammed paperwork, till he was seemingly drawn by foot and eye alike to the corkboard. Insisted upon by Juliette like she was a young girl bringing home her freshly painted artwork for him to see. At the glaring scratch marks that didn’t exactly hide what she deemed him previously, before he was given a name.
Easing a snorting simper from lips as not to hide the fact he found it actually amusing –he’d been called plenty worse- before turning to look upon her from shoulder. “If I was worried that an investment in this marriage was to be wasted, I doubt either of us would have made it this far.” Brow arched playfully but turned the rest of body to aid himself towards her desk. Standing at a corner to look over its state and to nosily with an obvious infliction of prying to what could be arranged about. “You’ve successfully lured me all the way into your corporate den, I suppose the polite thing for me to do is to encourage you to speak upon such ideas. Especially since we’ve made a potentially unintentional show of wandering here together for your employees. We best not rush out too quickly.” Presenting her a toothy grin, perhaps he was being bold here. Sliding around the desk with slow purpose to turn the chair where it ought to be resting her own laurels upon, but planted his own.
Looking up under the neutral brows to new age pirate woman, to smirk. “Indulge me to your thoughts, Juliette. I’m all ears.”
“Bold of you to take my seat, Jordan Harrow,” she chimed, placing her hands on her hips, possibly looking very much the pirate queen ready to do battle at a moment’s notice over that very chair. After a beat, she brightly smiled and circled around the desk herself, where instead of fussing him out of her chair, she very comfortably sat herself on his lap as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“You make it sound as if I lured you here to ravish you in my cave,” she mused out loud. Funny that this was so easy now, when a day ago she never would’ve dared. Somehow, instead of making things a thousand times more complicated, sleeping with him had taken away all the fears of building a relationship, either business or personal! Now she could just exist and happily focus on what she actually wanted to accomplish.
Although now that she was his lap with thoughts of ravishing, it did give her a moment of tempting distracting thoughts.
“I just meant, that I do intend to treat this as a true partnership and that you have my full honesty about my intentions,” she explained with a laugh. “I am going to spend a great deal of your money, you should know where it all goes, yes?”
A slight tip of head and visual rings prying over her as she sought to make herself dominate the room with but a placement of hands on hips, declaring his intentions as bold though he made no obvious move to pluck his rump from the spot. If anything, there was merely a stare down to see what she might do instead! Offering up the deepening of smirk with a bare narrowing of eyes till she shirked aside the near protest of war to help herself over. Rounding about to come and take settlement upon lap as though it were hers from the very start. Which the way things were tending on going, it might as well have been.
Promptly pushing aside any mischief that could have arisen from the simple stealing of seat, a laugh rose out of him. Leaning back and laying rest of palm across feminine thigh. Offering his undivided attention regardless of intention of words. “If you want me to beg for freedom, such a thing will not happen.” Bemused by his own thoughts and way of replying; it seemed that for a stint of a second, she might be considering it.
But with all teasing moved aside, he was attentive to what she had to say. “Open disclosure would be good, especially if you are to spend a great deal of my money. Though I cannot say I would be bothered to know every minute detail.” Jordan glanced forward as those he needed to clear his vision less he be distracted. “I personally don’t think I could drum up enough false attention to listen to how many office supplies one would need. Larger investments, certainly. Otherwise such miniscule items can be accounted for in a budget statement.” He paused for a breath. Bringing up attention suddenly, “Less you are talking about the wealth that comes from my literal pocket,” Once more lids narrowed playfully, “Though in similar reply, I could not be entirely bothered to watch such expenditure.” There came a point in the length of years he spent alive that investments had certainly gone through a violatile lift and fall. Not that money entirely meant a whole lot to him after this long, there was certainly more than enough to probably make most either balk, laugh or cry at the fact that he might as well be a fabled dragon with a lair full of gold coins.
Just wisely he didn’t have all of it listed entirely under his given name. Distributing it about under various alias to avoid some investigation of a broader level.
Another topic for an entirely different time. Alongside the fact that he wasn’t by any means, mortal.
Clearing his throat, Jordan gave a vague motion. “And just what is it your honesty and intentions are to be, Juliette. What is your first priority upon this agreement to rectify. Preferably without your vulture father’s hands ever being aware of it.”
Juliette merely tilted her head back in laughter before cupping his cheek with one hand and leaning forward to kiss his other with a brief soft peck.
“Don’t worry, lover. Should I go on any superfluous shopping sprees, it shall be done with my own funds,” she assured him with amusement.
Straightening her back, she reached for the small stack of binders on her desk setting a couple aside before finding the exact one she needed. Opening it up she flipped through a few pages, mostly for her own referencing, though she held it in easier enough view for him to browse and follow along if he wished.
“My first objective is to return the amount my father stole back to the accounts, and then pay off all loans and borrowing he made in full. The amount of money we’ll save from the interest fees and monthly payment will be more than enough to invest back into the company for our basic needs, like the repairs to buildings, ships and whatnot, buuut-“
At this point she was quite excited to show him the actual paperwork, presenting the page the binder with a flourishing tap of her nails and a more than pleased expression across her face.
“This will be my special project. I intend to buy a private airport, so that we might not just ship expensive valuables, but expand into posh travel arrangements for wealthy clients that can’t be bothered with the maintenance of their own planes. Clients don’t always have items they need shipping, but they do always wish to travel themselves, don’t they?”
“What do you think?” she asked in all earnest. “The startup costs are high, but it will surely pay off quickly.”
With a musical sound and a reward that seemed to earn him favour, brows were slowly lifted upon forehead. Offering interest to the mere idea that should she suddenly have a spurring delight to go frolicking amongst frivolous needs, she’d find coin upon her own purse. He’d have to assume she had some savings somewhere for having spent most of her time sleeping in a hotel. Which he was certain had to add up in the dollar amounts somewhere. So either she was sitting on a nice little goose-egg of cash or she was incredibly good at being frugal with some additional deals.
Not that it was required for him to think about any further. Especially when the whole idea of what she wanted and needed the monetary value was to be discussed. Witnessing the reach and tug of binder that was settled closer for pages to be skimmed through. Eventually coming to allow him a view to visually follow along as she expressed what was first priority. The mere mention of returning value to the accounts that had been picked by the aforementioned vulture, was the wisest start. And to somehow cut the man’s hands off from continually chewing on the bones that might suddenly start getting rather plump if possible. “Agreed.” He nodded to show he was understanding the merit of removing the measure of interest and monthly fees to allow the company to find a stable leg beneath them once more.
In that thought alone, he could see how the expensive it would be.
Overlooked for a breath to see how she was seemingly bubbling from her joy at all this while announcing with rounded nails and features in a pleasing upturn to claim her special project. Stealing a look to her and then down to the paper that expressed what words would utter.
A private airport. “Hmm.” Jordan mused letting ocular peepers slip and slide over the page for greedy detailed reading. But she was on to something. It would be good to have the ability to carrier not only items for transport but people as well. “If we were to think fairly, those types of clients that wish to travel and do not have the investment of their own private plane, rarely like to sit amongst the common class within a flying tin can.” Reaching up to press fingers upon the paper simply like the action would absorb every bit of unspoken information, eh could see value in this. More than just what Juliette had uttered, but of course for selfish reasons. “It’s a step in the correct direction. Opening the value of what your company can ship or expedite beyond just mere sea or packages, is a good idea. It broadens the market without the company suddenly taking up a completely new direction. It is still transport, but of a broader kind. If marketed correctly to, I am sure you could appeal to the metaphorical fat cats to boost the measure of income.” Lips pressed a moment, “What is the general estimation of the startup cost?”
The loaded question. He was sure it would pay off quickly, but it would be unwise for him just to start praising her without knowing a general gist of the expectation of cost. After all, if this was to be something Rosendrey was putting its investment into, there would have to be a timeline of expected projections and repayment.
A brilliant smile followed his tentative approval of her plans and questioning of the costs. Had he simply said yes without any reservations she might’ve thought him a fool or a cheat with ulterior motives. Juliette was sure Jordan Harrow had his secrets, but she was certain that they likely had nothing to do with his finances.
“Mind you, this phase of my plans is intended for a long term plan once we have the company stable,” she reminded him first. “But there is an air field just outside the city borders that seems to be struggling to make do. They’re asking a quick sale of two million for the property, though I’m certain they could be negotiated in price. It also doesn’t include the cost of planes.”
Juliette was quite enjoying having a business meeting like this, across someone’s lap and pleasantly preening about her lofty future plans. So when her intercom buzzed and the curt voice of the lobby secretary chimed in, she cast a scowl at the machine’s interruption.
“Ms. Byron there’s a Mr. Gates here to see you.”
Immediately she stiffened and it took all her willpower to play it off as she gracefully (and swiftly) rose from Jordan’s lap and stand next to the chair, bending over the desk to press the intercom button.
“I do not have time for visitors,” she stated plainly.
“He says he has the paperwork you’ve been asking for?”
Softly cursing under her breath, Juliette answered with a quick send him in before straightening up and curling one arm around her waist and tapping her chin with her nails from the other hand. That cold calculating look, the one he hadn’t seen since the day they met was back, as she seemed to be quickly trying to make a decision in one direction or the other.
“This could be a scene,” she admitted out loud to Jordan directly. “If you prefer you could wait out there. It should not take long either way.”
“I’d be a little more prone to concern if you were banking on having all this within a week.” Uttered the reply with an additional glimpse upwards to her. Short but effective till vision was once more strifing across the page to scour upon notes. Shortened at the mention of a air field beyond the limits of the city that was looking at letting itself go to another’s hands. With an asking price at the two million mark, she spoke first before he could. Seemingly pleased instead that she had ventured on the idea of negotiating that said price. Surely it could be brought down depending on how the well the place was kept, how long it has been sitting in an idle state of the market alongside just how many people really were in the market for just casually selecting an place up for everyday variety. Doubting that one, obviously.
“Looking into it for how long it has been resting in space on the selling market would be a good place to determine how much one can lowball their offer.” Idly tapping fingers across thigh, it was almost instantaneously that his vision sought out the noisy buzzing of something he might have deemed archaic! Which was saying something since in this office alone, he was the oldest thing here! However, he didn’t think he’d witness the same sort of unwelcomed twist of features upon the dame’s face as his own. Nor the way that her being went rigid at the mention of someone formally addressed as Mr. Gates. Leaving questions yet to be asked hanging in the air.
Doubly so with the prompt evacuation that she made to bend over the antiquated device with a declare that there was no time for interruptions. It told him two things in that second. One she didn’t want to be disturbed and two, the one asking for visitation rights might be more than just a name. More of a sodding pain in one’s rectum. Which was leaning more so to the latter when the pointed information of paperwork had prompted the allowance and end of conversation.
Turning visage once quirked in excitement into that of contemplative wintery press. “Juliette?” Bracing palms to aid his own departure from chair, there were moments such as this that he may have preferred to be that of a mind reader rather than one who could influence objects without touch –though the grating headaches he’d have to do deal with would promptly shoo away any idea of that!
She spoke then. Mentioning a scene, with the offering that he could sit somewhere like some prissy little doll. Earning a scoff, “With such a quick reply and the offering for me to tuck a tail between my legs to be unaware like some daft child, that tells me that I shouldn’t. Nor should the offer even be entertained.” Head shook as if his words were declaring the matter to already be pushed away. “Juliette, we are meant to be a partnership, even in deplorable moments. If something is liable to create an uproar, then I’d have no business offering equality in what we are arranging for personal and business.” Reaching to lay a palm upon the small of her back, tipping chin slightly towards the door.
“Call me nosy, peristéri. Whatever is to occur, you have the backing of myself regardless of the situation. Plus, to see you turn so swiftly into a cool reception, makes me doubly leery to simply leave you be. Not that I doubt your strength, Juliette. Rather, it’s to assure that no one attempts to barge and rattle the pillar of your being. Even in annoyance.” Being bold enough to decide that to close this idea of departure, lips fell to graze at her temple. A seal of assurance.
Juliette wanted to be furious. After all, his insistence on staying was such old fashioned male posturing, regardless of what he claimed it to be. Yet, in truthful reality, hearing him say he would stay gave her an immediate sense of relief, followed by frustration that such a simple sweet gesture of a kiss to the temple was enough to temper any argument she might’ve had about his presence.
The real issue, though she did occasionally worry about her own safety, she was far more concerned about how Jordan’s presence was going to complicate things with her untimely guest. If only she could pretend the actions of either man, she might not have been on the edge of her nerves!
There was little time for Juliette to gather her thoughts and give Jordan a proper reply, as it seemed her guest was eager to get down to business. Her office door swung open without so much as a knock, and the man himself waltzed in as if he owned the place.
At least she took some small pleasure in seeing him look completely surprised that she wasn’t alone, but then found it all too concerning how quickly he shifted gears into a broad, knowing smile. Juliette didn’t even bother to greet him, she merely snatched the paperwork out of his hands and immediately got to reading it.
“Well, well, if it isn’t the new affianced himself,” he started, stepping fully into the office and closing the door behind him. Standing just an inch or two shy shorter than Jordan, he cut an impressive figure of old money and the sort of looks that came with it. The right posh clothes and hair perfectly combed. That savoir faire and natural charm one would expect – especially with the familiarity he seemed to display towards Juliette and her fiancé.
“David Gates,” he introduced himself swiftly, even offering a hand out to shake. “The former fiancé, you could say.”
“That is not true,” interjected Juliette sharply.
“Ah, well, what might’ve been had a certain someone not come into play,” he surmised, casually. Something in his tone didn’t quite match the sunny smile he was giving.
It wouldn’t have particularly mattered what she had to say in reply, if time had been permitting. He wasn’t standing here because he thought her some helpless flower about to be stepped on by some overgrown bully, but rather to impress the station that regardless of what happened, their agreement was to show that he had her back. Thinking of it in whatever way she wanted too, he knew his values and his morals. And truthfully, he was nosy. Nosy to see just whom on this earth had enough power by existence however many feet away could curdle her into a bitter mood. It was worth staying put even if it incurred her ire later.
Moreover, there came a bit of surprise when the door had pushed itself inwards with some child in an adult’s body came in without even the decency of manners. Regardless of whatever spitwash of polish the one had attempted to give themselves to look less like a fancy turd, a turd was all he seen in those moments. The type that lived off daddy’s money leaking tit rather than knew how to do anything for themselves. It took literal strength not to sigh noisily at the view of what he could barely describe as a human being, better suited as a dressed up ape –but that would be insulting to the creatures to go as far- he merely glanced upon Juliette. Considering her presence and visuals till the motions of her snatching the paperwork declared wordlessly that this humanoid donkey was someone she wanted to have very little to do with.
Door was closed, sealing them within as Jordan took a pointed look at staring at the portal being shut. “Please do come in.” Uttered loudly enough not to be muttered, slowly rounding lamps to rest and consider the sad excuse of a man a little more formally. Dully blinking at the new affianced comment. Before a smile amongst his mind was gleaming unknowingly to those present. As hand came up in a bare suggestion of greeting, he had no reason to be rude after all. Taking it, though he wasn’t exactly polite by the tension of grip given. Squeezing it purposely harder than necessary, “Jordan Harrow.” He replied having no reason to tag on current fiancé on. Finding the man’s comment gauche.
Palms departed and he tucked one casually into trouser pocket. Remaining vigilant in standing and hawkish stare resting at the man with his impressive ability to somehow talk out his ass at the same time as his mouth. “I think the Ms. Byron’s has better taste as not to waste her time on those that self apply titles when they aren’t appropriate.” Jordan grinned though he influenced his to be genuine even upon words. “The lady within the room is capable of speaking and directing her own choices, Mr. Gates. Perhaps you ought to pause your mouth from running to listen to the wisdom that departs from hers.” Shoulders shrugged haphazardly, glimpsing towards the very woman with a motion of free hand that he would silence his mouth now. Stating by her lead he would simply be that of ears, not a continued voice.
Though he was entertaining a multitude of ways that he could harass this man. Dare he be properly immature and use a little bit of supernatural talent to simply drop his pants? No, he wouldn’t be that childish.
“Sharp as a tack aren’t you,” David surmised with an easy laugh, shaking out his hand after it hand been nearly squeezed to death but seeming to take no offense. “Can’t say I am surprised. That’s what she likes, after all. Wit, cunning, a little bit of danger.” The word came with a mocking flourish of his fingers.
Juliette promptly scoffed, shooting a momentary vicious look from over the paperwork.
“I need to read this if I am going to sign it. You might talk less,” she warned. The woman had never been more tensed and bristled, almost not wanting to look away to focus on the paperwork. So much like a cat trapped in a cage with stray dog.
“Sorry, sorry,” he muttered with an even wider smile, and looking anything but sorry. Clasping his hands behind his back, he sidled up to stand next to Jordan, painting on a face that was so reminiscent of dutiful young Victorian suitors, just biding their time for a lady’s affections.
“It’s the apartment settlement,” he stage whispered to Jordan, seeming to only brighten when Juliette shot him another frown and stepped far enough away that she could read the paperwork without distraction. “Was quite a cozy little arrangement, she and I,” he whispered more softly this time. “Well. Until she stabbed me. An interesting way to end a relationship, but that’s our Juliette…”
There was some bluster of pride watching the living embodiment of a talking butthole shake out his hand after having it given back. Lucky it was given back, as maybe temporarily he had the desire to wretch it off and beat the man with his own arm. But that might be a bit too extreme considering that would take a little more strength than he ought to apply for the measure of mortal standards. So instead, he would give a half breathy laugh at the commentary of being smart as a tack. It was too bad that David here seemed to understand that to be smart, one also had to know when to shut their howling screamer.
Apparently not something he was good at.
Considering the owner of the very office they stood in was giving a clear look that suggested that one’s mouth ought to take a vow of silence for the duration of said time here. Lending his vision to stray over the being of Juliette, practically seeing how coiled tight she was. Liable to be a over extended spring that was likely to shoot off at any second should the tension creep even one pound too far. In all fairness, he’d prefer not to be the one on the receiving end of said pressure! With such a tense state, someone was likely to lose an eye!
Yet somehow that meant captain dingledumb was welcome to come stand closer. Warranting an apparent look up and down the man. As though he had just smelt something properly foul and located it to be just David’s general existence, rather than having stepped in something rank.
By the nine hells themselves, this one was either a hard leaner or he really did have a head full of rocks to be just that dumb. If he wanted his attention, he would have invited the idea of conversation. However, David missed that social cue. Likely trying to be a pest, in which, bravo! He was succeeding. Shortly offering him a look that was better associated with a parent that had a particularly stupid child, Juliette sought space to read over the settlement. “I applaud her ability to withhold herself from murder.” He uttered with leaking evidence that he wasn’t in David’s court for pity. “Though I suspect it was the only obtuse way for her to declare an end to something that you might be able to grasp the concept of finality.”
Turning head slightly to look down upon David with every intent of showing his general dislike for the man, “If you are looking for sympathy, Mr. Gates, you have wasted valuable air within this room to comment on such things. You ought to consider yourself lucky you were simply stabbed.” Gaze tensed and turned suggestively wolfish and hollow all at once. “I’m already losing my measure of patience with your ability to flap those two pieces of skin that we have the misfortune of being your mouth. You came here to finish a documented piece of closure with, Ms. Bryon. Leave it at that. I cannot be bothered to recognize your existence beyond this moment.”
Good lord, if this was Juliette’s ex, he’d have to wonder was she drunk the entire time she was with the man? Or was it a hostage situation not yet spoken about.
“Time will tell, Mr. Harrow. Time will tell,” he simply state with that asinine smirk gone so wide that suggested he either absolutely enjoyed poking the proverbial bear to death or had some sort of secret knowledge that everyone was unawares.
Thankfully Juliette had managed to get through the few sheets of paper, stopping over to her desk to draw out an expensive fountain pen to furiously scribbled her name down along a dotted line.
“If you think I didn’t hear your entire stupid conversation,” she started first, almost out of breath even in how she was so outrageously angry that she almost didn’t know what to do with it. Just the problem with David, is that he enjoyed so very much finding and pressing all of those buttons, and her losing her temper was likely exactly the sort of reaction he was hoping for. Shutting her mouth, she forcefully held the paperwork out for him to take.
“Just making sure your happy new marriage starts off without any secrets. Would hate to see this little empire you’re trying to build fall so quickly,” came David’s rejoinder, all smooth and sympathetic. He grasped the edges paperwork she offered, and much like she did at the start of their impromptu meeting he jerked it sharply from her hand in just the right way to have to snatch her hand back and hiss through her teeth.
When she opened her palm there with a thin line across it, with tiny beads of blood starting to form.
“Ah, look what I’ve done. I am so sorry Juliette. Hopefully your dear fiancé isn’t too… taken aback by blood.”
That was a curious statement from the man, and more curious still that his eyes were on Jordan himself, almost squinting as he waited for a reaction.
Time would tell, when this guy was going to be meet his end. Now he was truly wondering what sort of restraint Juliette had if she had in fact stabbed him and why she didn’t just end that horrible sound that had insisted on being considered a voice. What a service she would have done for the world to paralyze the man’s vocal chords in a forever end! Still, this one had to be applauded. Either he was truly that big of an imbecile or he just was that good at giving not even a tiny shit about what anyone had to say. It felt likely it was a bit of both.
It was by some gracious measure of something nearly divine when the woman had found the paperwork to her satisfaction. Locating pen to press name forever upon its detailed contract with the remark about stupid conversation. Finding his own stare busying with still studying David. Entertaining a few darker thoughts that were properly bloody and not fit for verbal announcement. Merely wanting this sub-literate simple minded mental midget, to get the fuck out! Declaring that he certainly had to have the last word on anything, suggesting about secrets and empires.
Talk about jaded lovers. And loser’s that needed to have a roadmap created in crayons to assure they knew how to get lost.
It seemed like they were nearing –thankfully- the end of this very interaction with the final paperwork being denoted with her signature, just that it appeared David was truly childish. Snatching away the papers with a intended purpose and the sudden intrusion of something perfectly red. Delectable and obscenely desirable as he turned to the sound of her hissing and the waft of the very thing that made his stomach clench in wanting thirst.
And it took a terrible bit of control not to simply lash out. To leap like some ravenous monster across the way to grab at her hand to sink teeth into. Narrowing eyes upon David seconds after as he forced a heavy breath through teeth. “I’m not a fan of blood but I’m even less a fan of you, Mr. Gates.” Forcing himself to walk calmly forward, this was about to be the hardest thing he was ever going to have to do! Not above glaring at the man and now wondering, just what did this floating turd know!
Stepping close –both a wonderful enticement and a horrible tease- he’d reach at least for a Kleenex from desk top so he might ask silently to see her palm. To blot away the crimson temptation even if it was truly putting everything he was at a twisted risk. Wanting nothing more than to sink teeth in to supple flesh to relieve this burning hunger. “I believe you were on your way out, Mr. Gates. Try not to let the door hit you on the way out.” Jordan growled every word possible, using the effect to relieve vainly the temptation to snack on Juliette here and now.
David hovered at least for brief moment, at first smug in his antics and then slowly fading into a slight frown. Whatever reaction he sought, this wasn’t it. Even Juliette had not deemed to bother casting a glance in his direction. Yet he did seem to know when self preservation was most important, as he didn’t dare leave with a parting word. He simply folded up the paperwork to stick in his back pocket and left the office with a swift slam of the door.
Juliette had jumped slightly at the sound but immediately let out another slow hissing breath and then breathed in again as if trying to steady herself. There was a suspicious amount of glittery tears welling at the corner of her eyes, but in her forced breathing they had yet to escape.
“It just burns quite a bit,” she murmured an excuse for her expression, not quite able to meet his gaze just yet and keeping her own focused on a singular spot of his sweater. Truthfully it really did burn, as papercuts were apt to do, but more than that, she hadn’t expected dealing with David would have been so difficult.
“…and I didn’t just stab him for no reason.” she started to explain. Oh! Why did even having to say the words have to be so difficult too? As if she hadn’t already been made a complete fool of already! Now she was here on the edge of tears after she had worked so hard to earn this man’s mutual respect.
Evidently he was going to have to investigate just how much David Gates knew. For the way this behaviour went and the gawping sort of smug stare that had been pinned on him, there was no feasible way not to think that this hairless ape didn’t know something. The very behaviour enough to pin a urgent note into the forefront of his mind that he couldn’t just simply overlook. Especially as the man that didn’t seem to know how to close the largest space in his face to suddenly go silent and slap the door closed in a fit; Jordan knew he couldn’t ignore this!
He might have jumped as well but truly when the door closed it was both a relief and a bit of torture. The sweetened aroma of deep red curor that only fanned the air in slow eeks, was enough for him to feel like his brain was about to leap out of an ear to latch itself onto her wound. No matter how small. Feeling nearly delirious with the sheer effort it took not to turn into a blood sucking vampire that went bleh in the night. Or had some crazy hair as some movies depicted.
He wasn’t the king for no reason, but by whatever deity someone wanted to pray too, he was struggling.
Purposefully he ignored any stray peeks of drops gathering within the corners of eyes or upon lashes, busying with some strange and personal need to stare at her hand when he intended to press and soothe the stinging slice of skin. “As they do.” He hummed in reply at the statement of a papercut –vicious wonderful things- before he was suddenly looking at her when she expressed that she hadn’t stabbed David for just any reason or none.
“The mere fact that man has a mouth is reason enough in my books to warrant a stab. Or thirty.” Had he been a hound, his ears would have pinned against his skull. Swallowing roughly at the knowledge that he was trying to tend to her and not being some creepy tongue licking fiend, he could only hope this all translated into the suggestion that he found blood bothersome. Not wrong but not correct either! “Were you a hostage in the relationship, I have to ask. If you can’t reply, just blink once for yes and two for no.” A bit of humour perhaps, he didn’t really care if she was trying to hide her upset. If he could guess at anything, there was more to the David existence than she was telling him. “From my mere moments with the man, I had plenty of daydreams of doing much worse, Juliette. But… for conversation sake, why did you stab him?” And to distract him from looking at the ever so enticing gleam of satiny red upon palm.
Juliette too seemed preoccupied with frowning at her palm as he dabbed away the few drops of red that dared to appear. It was such an apt representation of her relationship with David Gates! Shallow and viciously painful. Not deserving of so much attention, but frustratingly unignorable.
“Have you ever known someone that could so easily pick apart what you are and make it all seem like it was your own idea?” she asked, not really waiting for an answer before she explained. “Someone that needles and prods in all the right places, convincing you to give in to impulses and drawing out nothing but the absolute worst of you.”
She gently shrugged her shoulders and let out another slow breath… then it finally registered that’d asked if she’d been a hostage – a joke, of course, but what a close description!
“I shouldn’t blame it all on him, I let him goad me into things. Being petty about my father, trying reckless things out of spite. It was all well and fun at first, until suddenly it wasn’t. David would be jealous of everyone and everything, we’d have monstrous fights about it. There was a night he did try to propose but I knew I couldn’t spend the rest of my life like that, and I turned him down.
“He obviously didn’t take that well,” she muttered finally giving a wry smile. There was still a hint of tears in the corner of her eyes, but she’d finally dared to look at his face with that same fierce scowl she had whenever she was ready to throw down for a fight. “He thought he could force me to stay – and I honestly did not mean to actually stab him! – but I won’t say I regret it either! No one will force me to do anything, even if that means a stabbing. Of course, he used that leverage to get my apartment and I had to move into the hotel long before I’d even known about our contract.”
“Well. It’s haunted anyway, I hope the devil takes him.”
She had asked him a question, seemingly rhetorical while features that could be pleasantly docile were knotted up in tight binds due to the overarching tense and not yet shed interaction. No doubt, leaving her into coils of uncertainty that probably wouldn’t be uttered for the sake of face. If he had to guess. Although he would not complain due to the fact that in his own being, it was attempting to pin down a snarling beast that sought the leakage of red with rising vengeance. So he could appreciate her talking without giving him a chance to reply, for he was not particularly sure what his mouth might give over!
In the same space of a thought, to hear her express that David had been the sort of man that had influence poor judgement and ill behaviour –what a shocker-, it had seemed to him that Juliette realized the errors of her ways too soon for the other being to like it. Rather than accept she wished to do something differently, they would have clashed.
After all, what overgrown doorknob of a bully appreciated their pet twisting back to claim that they were no such thing.
“Hmm.” Met with the state of pressed lips and brow alike, to hear that she had been chased from her apartment to stay within a hotel, suddenly made more sense. Not that he was standing there applauding it, perhaps throwing more of his thoughts onto it as an act of distraction. Momentarily jarred when she suggested the place was haunted while cursing David aptly.
Clearing his throat with a few more gentle dabbing, he deemed it suitable for now. Swallowing roughly as he could depart in the act of removing the blood stuck tissue into the trash. “People like him, haven’t been told no enough in their lives. The sort that are entitled and believe that everything in the world is theirs, so it’s natural that the ignoramus would behave like a child. A dangerous child but one no less. You might have parts that have blame, the difference is you’ve selected to step out of those behaviours. Those actions. David and the souls that are like him, will never understand that. Until it’s either too late or something else drastic happens.” Tossing the slight blotted item away, he stole a look towards the door. Then to her. As if checking to assure the adult sized tit had in fact left.
“I’d like to say he is beneath your measure of thought but that’s a cowards reply and a lazy one on top of it. Regardless of what I think, Juliette, I am not here to criticize or chastise. Everyone has skeleton’s in their closet, some are more alive than one might care for.” Flicking his hand up as if the action was enough to dismiss it all, Jordan gave her yet another look over. “Would you now like me to step out so you can compose yourself without my sights present?” Offering her a freedom of choice to either bid momentarily solitude or not, rather than making the choice for her. Though he was sure if he had, he’d assure there was a split. Needing some fresh air as it were. Something to remove this gnawing ache in his jaw that would not likely cease for some time.
He’d said all the right things and affirmed David was nothing more than a pest, but now that she was no longer reeling from the intrusion Juliette was noticing something wasn’t quite right with Jordan. Perhaps he truly did have an aversion to blood and even the tiniest of wounds was enough to rattle him. Yet… Even with it well cleaned up and out of sight he seemed to be on the edge of tense. Odd for a man that only moments ago had no issue with telling David where he could shove his vapid commentary.
Which led Juliette to assume the problem was her. Finding out your fiancé is indeed capable of all the violence she likes to threaten might leave a sour taste in one’s mouth. David might’ve succeeded in tarnishing her new relationship after all!
“I… Yes. A few minutes might be good,” she acquiesced, purely for his sake. In truth, being alone was the last thing she wanted, and she quite hated that desire to he held and soothed as if she’d just been tormented, rather than the needlessly dramatic scene that’d actually happened. But Juliette was well used to handling things on her own, and this was nothing she couldn’t deal with.
“I will meet you outside in a moment.”
There were talents he possessed that were properly inhuman. Unnatural and certainly not something more mortals in this day and age would believe are real without the suspect of mirrors and fishing wire. But mind reading was not one of them, as formerly thought. So all he could do in this particular moment was take measure in her request. Not to bully or press his will upon her as it seemed the young woman had more than enough of that for her lifetime. With other’s doing as they wished with her simply being the pawn in the mix. To hear that she would like those moments to sort whatever mental whirlwind was within it, he could simply oblige.
“Alright.” Offering easily enough as not to broach or bitch about how this was going down, the need for air that wasn’t even phantom-ly saturated with the pricks of red were enough for him! Slipping by though not without pausing for at least the attempt to non-verbally but physically suggest by a lightened touch upon forearm that he wasn’t thinking poorly of her in some way; being slipped out from the old office.
Allowing the slow cleanse of lungs to gradually remove the figment of taste from his tongue. Moments such as these, truly being one of the night was a large problem. No matter how much he might be considered superior to just a mere human, there were obvious weakness. Blood unexpected was certainly a large one and it took a great deal of pure stubborn will not to just immediate turn into a feral felid with blinders on! They were still monsters and they were still impressively stupid by the mere presence of something they required to feed upon. Surely he wasn’t about to compliment himself for a near fuss up that had been so close to showing itself. Turning his gaze into a glare at nothing.
Lingering a moment to scrape teeth across the inside of soft skin before tugging out phone. Declaring that there was now to be some investigation on this David Gates. Issuing the matter to both Emery and Augustus, they might as well make themselves useful.
After all, he couldn’t risk having that walking pustule revealing that vampires were in fact real. Or that he was part of it, let alone… the ruling monarch.
Things just got needlessly more complicated than he liked.
For the tiniest moment, Juliette wondered if she could get away with having someone murdered.
Of course, she brushed it off as quickly as it came. She wouldn’t even known whom to contact if she were serious, and honestly, David Gates wasn’t worth the risk. Now that she’d signed over her apartment and he’d had the opportunity to meet her new fiancé in person, that would hopefully be the end of him.
She wasn’t optimistic about it.
Huffing, she took her quiet moment to shake out her arms and try to stamp away all those riled up feelings and insecurities that were attempting to bubble up to the surface. As long as Jordan didn’t think she’d attempt to murder him the moment she lost her temper, all things would be fine, wouldn’t they? The real trouble was that she was starting to care a little bit too much about what Jordan thought of her. And now that it started, it was difficult to turn those feelings off.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, Juliette at least refreshed her makeup and made sure there was no hint of tears or distress. Brushed through her hair with her fingers, despite the fact it had never been displaced. Once she was satisfied, she collected her phone and left the office to meet Jordan once again.
With a demeanor that was more cool than casual, once she’d found him she gently tugged on his sweater sleeve.
“With proper business out of the way, we have an appointment to get to. I hope you’re famished as there will be quite a few decisions to be made.”
Both responses came back within mere seconds of another. Each acknowledging the information offered by that of the ruling head of the two sides, stating that they would do their parts to locate everything and anything about David Gates. To determine if the man was nothing more than a irritant prickle in one’s pant leg or if the man was a threat that would have to be promptly wiped from the earth. For mortal and immortal kind.
Even yet he hovered a few seconds longer upon either reply. Staring till the release of door had signalled the leaving figure from her office. Telling him to put phone away and attention to be returned properly upon her. Where he could breath in a large inflation without the tacky lingering of blood being stuck forever in his nose. As his sleeve was tugged and her in turn declaring once more their motives for interaction was broader than just simply business plans and unwanted interruptions within the form of better off lost in a gutter, exes.
“Famished?” He asked lining up to step in time with her, “I certainly hope you don’t intend to stuff me like a pig, how am I supposed to maintain my girlish figure if that’s the case!” Jordan dared to line on the side of comedy in hopes that it might encourage her not to lapse back into dour thoughts of what had been.
She had mentioned the need to pick a cake which for him originally had simply assumed, you pointed at one and went done. But it seemed there was more to this which maybe was why it prompted the following, “You’ll have to guide me on this adventure, dove. I am not familiar with one has to do with cake and menu selections.” Which was true, he didn’t make a hobby to marry every century!
With the terribly dated joke and his continuance of pet names, Juliette softened to a more relaxed disposition and small smile. Slinking her arm around his for their casual stroll back to the elevator and easily ignoring all the curious peeping from employees that not only had a chance to see the new fiancé, but a glimpse of drama from an ex. She supposed there was going to be quite a bit of gossiping at tomorrow’s lunch break. If her nerves weren’t so frayed, she might’ve given them something more salacious to chatter about.
For the moment she simply gave a short laugh and a shake of her head.
“I find that very hard to believe coming from a man able to setup not only a proposal dinner, but an entire engagement party on a moment’s notice,” she mused with good humor.
“Those with time and money might visit places all over the city and take months to choose the perfect caterer, but I haven’t the patience to be that picky over the details. I found a top rated baker and a caterer both willing to schedule a conjoined tasting menu. We can enjoy a slightly more abundant than usual dinner and then go home.”
Home! How even more lovely that sounded now after a near disastrous encounter!
Once her grasp came to slip and claim that of his own, perhaps he could take solace that she was releasing whatever unspoken pressure had come to rest itself upon her being. Allowing him a chance to follow the same suit –as much as someone could with the knowledge that all it took was a drop of blood to make him a potential monster in plain view- he dared not pause. Expressing an admittance that he really had no idea what on earth it was planned in the means of caterer and cake. “Well surprisingly, I know how to pull strings well for such events. Beyond that, I couldn’t even say I would be winging it.”
Marriage, weddings… anything of the sort previously were considered unnecessary. Things that existed but had no placement for him to study. So whatever one did for them besides letting the womenfolk deem what happened, he suspected he was about to learn it all now.
Listening as she guided the way back towards the elevator to make the escape –idly checking with what he could by one’s mere senses that David had in fact left the building – vocally he hummed and then warmly sighed at the suggestion of returning back to the comfort of the manor. “Tasting.” He realized after a moment, as though the very word was what he was doing now. Having to stifle the grimace that really didn’t want to eat anything currently from the human world. He could but too much too often certainly made him ill. “I never realized such effort went into even selecting a meal.” Jordan admitted truthfully.
Though he was going to have to really rely on her expressions to tell what was pleasing and what wasn’t. Part of the problem with being what he was! He could eat but that didn’t mean what he tasted was any good. Bland really. He could have the worlds choice prime steak and he would find it almost tasting of sawdust. Gritty, tasteless and just sad. Who knew that performing such tasks would be the hardest things for him to accomplish. “I suppose we have to supply vegetarian or vegan options as well?” he asked curiously, “Though I think after this I will appreciate the measure of home all the more.”
“I suppose it only kind to make sure our guests have a fair choice. If this were for anything other than a wedding, I would quite enjoy all the planning involved, but as it is, my mother has texted me a thousand dreadful suggestions that every day I wish we could hop on the nearest flight and elope somewhere without phone service.”
Jordan appeared to be watchful and not of her overly curious employees. Which wasn’t much a surprise – she too often wondered if David was going to come leaping out from around corners just to be dramatic, or do something wildly unstable as his behavior was starting to hint at.
Telling the lobby secretary she’d be out for the rest of the day, she led Jordan to the elevator, this time without a midway stop. Juliette linked her hand with Jordan’s – her good hand. The other she glanced at her palm to inspect the thin line. It was uncomfortable and going to be a pain, but thankfully was longer at risk of bleeding.
“Did you drive today or should I call us a car?”
If it could have been achieved with less of a potential headache upon return, he would have offered. Immediately to suggest they climb aboard any mode of transportation she desired to simply get this arrangement cleared and out of the way. Just he knew that when they returned, there would certainly be a variety of folks on various scales of problems that would assure they had hell to pay. Something he had to grunt about and sigh shortly next. “Perhaps I ought to consider myself lucky that I do not have such things to worry about.” Due to the fact that his parental figures were long since dead. Though he doubted if this had been an normal arrangement and they were still upon the earth in an upright position; that his two parents would have been problematic.
It warranted no deeper thought though. Busying his attention to scour the spaces of narrow existence and corners to deem whether or not David might be nearby trying some new in ways to get a reaction. Not about to chalk it up to a one time thing!
At least until they got into the elevator and he felt her hand slip into his. Offering a lightened squeeze as her question rose. “Drove. I am not a fan of letting other’s toddle me about.” He chuckled then, “There’s something wholly unnerving about having a taxi or an uber take you about when they might not give a metric crap about your safety.” Maybe more than was needed to be said, but he wasn’t fibbing on this one. The idea of letting some nob drive was too much for him to handle. He did like to be in control. “Where is this adventure of culinary fests to be at?”
At that she laughed, finally easing out the last of her nerves, to simply be amused with the obvious. Of course he’d be the type that needed to be behind the wheel.
“That is one aspect in which we differ,” she mused out loud. “There are too many things on my mind, I cannot deal with the extra added stress of trying to pay attention to every idiot on the road just to get where I’m going. It seems you will have to drive me everywhere should my usual driver fall ill.”
Juliette squeezed his hand with her gentle tease, casually leaning against his arm as the second floor passed them by.
“We’ll be meeting the caterer downtown at a place called Apostolis. Really, choosing the menu will be a breeze. It’s the wedding venue itself I am having difficulties with! I rather loved the idea of being out at sea surrounded by water, but then I remembered we would be trapped on a ship with all of those guests with no easy escape. I can make it through the ceremony and the reception, but after that I want to be gone! As far away as we can get for a honeymoon, I care not where!”
He shuddered and it wasn’t just for effect to hear that she preferred others to drive her about. The very idea of putting his life into some maniac’s grasp was even too much for him to bare. Thinking of plenty of ways that it could go wrong, so he’d much rather be the one in control of his own vehicle. Regardless if it would or would not pan out, it brought a sense of comfort. Though he wasn’t above some people driving him about, but they went through a very specific selection process. It was possibly amusing that driving was one of the few things he was that absolutely critical about. Still recalling aptly enough when the first horseless carriages were made and just how much he hated the idea back then! Funny it had never really changed, just veered away from the contraption to those who decided to get behind it to pull at the yoke!
Yet, he smirked in spite of himself. Grateful that she was easing out of her tense state, “You tease but I am not saying I would be against it. Instead of driving Ms. Daisy, I’d have to change it to driving Mrs. Juliette around.” Articulating the honorific in a very obvious way.
The floors scrolled by as he glanced once out the door, lending back attention where she expressed they were to go. Rolling the name through his thoughts as to search if he knew it or not, which didn’t seem to come to an answer. At least visually on that of visage. Shortly chuckling at her expressing that she originally thought of the venue to be on a ship –which he was not against- “Well, no easy escape if you give up so swiftly. There are large enough yachts now that have smaller ones that can be used as getaway transport.” He left that for her to play with.
Still brows lifted at the expression of not caring where they spent their honeymoon. “I suppose we have some thoughts to make about that.” He would think on it but there was no immediate idea in his thoughts. Though he suspected she would like to go somewhere with a lot of sun, which would be… troubling. “Dubai is always intriguing.” He offered swiftly like he had just forgotten he wasn’t thinking about this. But he also knew the place lived in the nightlife, so it was always an option. Better than say Los Cabos or something.
Mrs. Juliette. How amusing! Would she remain Juliette Byron, though, or take the leap to be Mrs. Juliette Harrow? She had to admit, as much as she took pride in claiming ownership of the family business, she cared very little for the name and it’s legacy itself. Juliette could claim a new identity along with her new life. That begged the question… would they only be married for a few short years, or would they be married for a lifetime?
Once the elevator hit the main floor and they’d exited the warehouse, it was Jordan’s turn to take the lead to his car, for which she was happy enough to let him do. Now that he’d offered the suggestion of a get away boat, having their ceremony on the sea seemed better and better. Why shouldn’t she get to have something about the wedding that was for her own enjoyment?
“Dubai sounds lovely,” she admitted with some thought. “I suppose we could take our get away boat all along the Pacific. Up towards Alaska and then across the sea. Or follow south along the coast. It’d certainly make us hard to catch up with,” Juliette mused.
With hands within another to aid with the intention of leading her through the last bit of warehouse –idly checking to see if good ol’ rejected Mother Gothel was nearby to flip him off again- the mention of two things appeared to have left their mark upon her mind. Potentially to be stewed over till it seemed that the idea of Dubai had been approved.
Good, then if everything went to plan he could feign any interest in the outside world besides little peeks when the sun was decidedly attempting to bake the land and himself in favour of seeing the world at night. Surely not about to raise any suspicion, at least if he played his cards right. Which fairly wouldn’t be for some time, so it had plenty of opportunities for a proper plan to be created.
Holding open the door for their proper exit with no new surprises, a generalize motion of the free limb was made towards the vehicle laying in parked stasis. “We could certainly accomplish that, without hopefully any stowaways.” He smirked leaving it open for whatever interpretation she liked. With keys soon taken from pocket to imprint the fob for door release, perhaps he was being too gentlemanly. Assisting by the passenger side to open said portal for the dame to take roost upon internal leather. Even as he leaned across the top of the door curiously, “I suppose while we are entertaining run away dreams and wedding venues, I ought to ask the obvious question since I haven’t. What date are you intending for this affair to happen?” With the book he seen her have about the wedding details, he surmised she already had a date selected. “Figured I ought to know. Less you wish me to show up days late.”
“Hmm. Tomorrow,” she stated flatly, before easing into a laugh. Juliette paused at opposite side of the door, griping her hands at the top as she cast him a wide grin. “A month from now, I think, would give ample time for preparations. There is still the flowers to arrange, a dress to get fitted… one last bachelor’s party should you want a wild night on the town.”
At that she stole the opportunity to rise up on her toes and steal a quick kiss, following it up with another mischievous smile before she settled down into the passenger’s seat of his vehicle. Fine leather in an expensive car always has a particularly pleasant smell, and she had no issue settling in and buckling her seatbelt. Juliette quite liked the idea of letting Jordan drive her around town for whatever errands she needed to attend to. Obviously not when either of them needed to be at work or other appointments, but these afternoons with him were a sort of relaxed that she had never expected.
“And if anyone has a fuss about such a short engagement, they can promptly throw themselves into the ocean,” she continued. “That’d be one less guest to worry about.”
“Well eloping then would be our best intent!” Swiftly his mouth uttered the reply to the idea that she sought even in jest for tomorrow. Knowing there was no way in all the measures of hell, fairy god mothers and demon contracts that the very thing would be orchestrated in an actual wedding. But to hear her laugh with the grin lifting the corners of lips wonderfully, he just might have been inclined to try. And fail, but it was the attempt that mattered right. However before she slipped inside, his thoughts pondered on her last bit.
Furrowing his brows, “I don’t think what you and I consider a wild night would be even in the same room of thought.” He didn’t particularly have friends, besides maybe Myra and Felix. But they were also subordinates and he truly had no desire to go out in a wild night of drink, debauchery or whatever the hell it was mortal men did! If the option arose truly, he’d either find a fresh morsel of a neck to chew upon and read the rest of the evening.
Blinking once as she slipped down into the horsepower machine with the door being urged shut for him to naturally gravitate to the driver’s side. To rest butt into place and sunglasses to be taken from their former placement to cover eyes. Mentally already hating the fact that he didn’t put them immediately back on upon their original departure. At this rate, he was going to be looking for that bloodbag a little sooner than he might have originally wanted.
With car given life by push button and seats belted into place, the movement of vehicle contraption was given freedom. Mentally arranging the streets of swiftest pursuit for the location she uttered formally and him to smirk at her suggestion of throwing unruly guests overboard. “Sounding more like a pirate than before, Juliette. Shall I expect you to dawn the getup soon with cutlass at one hip and flintlock pistol on the other?”
“I’d make a fine pirate,” Juliette agreed. “I am quite good with a pistol.”
She said it with such a straight face and confidence that it might very well be true, then dared to give him that genuine minx smile that wouldn’t give it away either way.
“I am curious as to what you would call a wild night, if it is not the usual strip clubs and heavy champagne of the typical bachelor. You know… that leaves so much up to the imagination! Drag racing at midnight, perhaps? Drinking bourbon out of the bones of your hunted enemies?”
Truthfully, she suspected his interests were less salacious than his reputation suggested, if her getting to know him better had any indication. Even she herself had no interest in any sort of torrid bachelorette party, where some greased up beefcake would gyrate away too close to her face. The one true friend she intended to invite to the wedding and be her maid of honor, thankfully, wouldn’t be comfortable at such a night either!
“We can do what modern couples are doing and go out for an evening together,” she suggested with a sly grin. “We might be able to get to the wedding on time.”
Eyes glanced over while they could to find that little impish smirk that foretold him absolutely nothing in place upon cupid’s lips. Having to narrow an eye to prove he was running her commentary over his mind searching for the answer in its depths and failing. “Well now I am just curious to see you wielding one. Have yet to decide if it is something of sex appeal or horror.” And admittedly maybe finding out if she could shoot one properly might be in his benefit. Just in case. Safety reasons.
He was immortal until his heart was pierced, then he was dust! Which in all fairness seemed like a viable reason he wanted to see whether his future wife could land a direct hit on such a stupidly vital organ.
With vision forwards as it ought to be, her wonderment at the idea of what he would do in such a night had him smirking at first. Then nearly cackling at the last one. “I could do that one. Maybe I have.” Not that he could recall, but there were patches of his memory that may be missing. Maybe when he was just a peon leech, maybe he used a head of someone he killed for their living nectar. It seemed like it had a crazy high chance! Not that he would actually admit it! “I am sure you might find it surprising that I have no urge to go and gawp at young women and single mothers shaking themselves for bills while the hoots and honks of idiots cry out at the fact that they are trying to make a living off their idiocy.” Fingers curled upon his chest, “I might have a reputation but even it is tasteful by comparison.”
What a load of horsesh—
“When you asked what I would do, my mind gave me the scene of a drink in hand and a book in the other.” If he was about to be embarrassed for his lacklustre excitement, it didn’t show. Yet in turn, she gave an idea. “Hmm.” Came the thought then shortly a smirk. Perhaps devious, perhaps not. “Perhaps that may not be such a terrible idea. I do have to make a better impression than my first one at the restaurant originally.” He gave her a side look, “If the lady will allow it, that is… though I can’t promise the latter part. If all goes well, one might be fashionably late.”
“Oh, but I was hoping we might make up for that several times before then.” she hinted without even an ounce of hesitation at sounding suggestive.
Now that Juilette was in a small safe space, it was so much easier to let go of her worries about work, or reputation, or Davids, and just enjoy the ridiculous rapport Jordan had to offer when he too seemed much more relaxed.
Though maybe not entirely relaxed. That entire thing with David might’ve shaken him up more than it did her. As she watched his face, she couldn’t help but notice the tightness in his eyes and the way he’d tilt ever so slightly to avoid a sharp sunglare. Juliette quickly recalled him mentioning a few times that he wasn’t too keen on the sun.
Reaching out gently to secure his sunglasses for him, she also stole the chance to lightly straighten his hair just a bit.
“You might have mentioned a sun allergy a little more seriously. I can start arranging plans to be later evening, you know. We can have a moonlight wedding. That’d actually be quite lovely.”
There it was. That ease that she could implement with a surprising amount of sass and infliction while being suggestively serious, “Careful, you may goad my weak heart into being properly twitterpatted. I’m a simple man with a healthy desire to correct wrongs.” Choosing the words with every intent of sounding like he was simply doing the right thing rather than being happily lead on to matters that could be innocent or not.
Formulating a slight curse under tongue as he watched another vehicle prove to be just another dumb bastard that seemed to forget where the hell a turn signal was, it left him temporarily unaware of her motions. Rising brows and perhaps a unusual innocence that dared tilt his gaze through the corner of shaded spectacles at the gentlest motions of something that he didn’t know if she did on purpose or meant it to be as gingerly as it was.
Giving him a chance to look towards her. An open expression with no other hidden suggestions unspoken, before he gave a airy chuckle. Sounding this time embarrassed. “It feels as though it is a cop out. Most people don’t particularly believe it when it is said, at least in my experience. So I tend not to say anything.” Sun allergy. He honestly didn’t think she would buy that but apparently it seemed realistic enough that she didn’t seem to disfavour it. “It sounds pathetic to be a mogul of such a big business empire to express that I have a strong aversion to the sun for rash related reasons and dislike blood. Not exactly the sort of tyrant you’d expect.” Laughing at himself and to invoke a sort of methodology that he might keep her from trying to seek into him too much.
Still he wasn’t above lending over a hand to locate her own. “I wouldn’t suggest such a thing. Call it corny or what have you but a radiant woman should be seen in the sunlight, not the moonlight.”
“Flattery isn’t necessary Mr. Harrow, you already have me,” she murmured softly with such a wide cheeky smile it couldn’t help but melt into another laugh.
“Besides, a business mogul allergic to the sun is no less unbelievable than a shipping heiress that can’t swim,” she retorted. Were he not driving, she might have kept his hand, but as it were, she simply interlaced her fingers with his for a quick squeeze before allowing him to retract it when he needed to. There could be plenty of touching affection once the were safely parked at the venue. Having to pretend she was infatuated with her soon to be husband was no longer an issue, as there was absolutely no pretending left to be involved. What did he say; twitterpated? If only that were true! At least she wasn’t so daft to believe the man had so quickly fallen in love with her, even if she herself was getting carried away.
“I am serious, though. There’s no reason to suffer direct sunlight if it’s not necessary. I can set our wedding date on a full moon and it will be perfectly atmospheric and romantic. Our guests will drone on and on about it being moody, and we’ll certainly set a standard for anyone eyeing out wedding for what’s en vogue,” Juliette insisted.
“Of course, you’ll have to stay tucked safe away in your cabin and miss my bikini beachwear in Dubai, but I think I would rather have you well rested than burned to a crisp.”
“Flattery doesn’t just come when I want something, peristéri. You may have to get accustomed to the fact that I say such things even without needing or wanting from it. But that I might mean it.” Though he did like the way she gave him a wide grin. Maybe that was enough reason to tempt his hand with such flattery. Even if it was slightly bullshit and he was leaning on the idea of not making her change things so heavily to accommodate his fake allergy. Well, fake, quote unquote.
Though she did have a point. In which he gave a quiet consideration about, “Suppose. Though I don’t think you broadcast the fact you need some swimming lessons.” the squeeze to fingers was well received before laying palm back to wheel so it might lazily rest at the lower half. Not really helping but not hindering either, so vision could scroll fittingly across the lanes of roadway.
Mildly surprising him that the topic wasn’t brushed aside. Rather that she continued upon it to mention that she could set it for a full moon and use it to set it as a standard of en vogue. “A trendsetter then?” Mouth curled into a pleasing arch, even if it promptly turned into a open balk at the following commentary. “I may suffer burning for such a view. Seems like it might be worth it.” Well not really but he could playfully suggest it. “I’ll just have to carry a large sun umbrella about myself. Though… my aversion is never enough to keep me from such water like activities.” Truth be told, it was why he had a pool. The bird cage helped but he was still a fish to the water even after so long. It was just large bodies of water that vampires couldn’t entirely cross. But this was the modern age with plenty of ways of getting across such things.
A few minutes further and they were dipping into the downtown core of the fair city. Where his features fell away to concentration, “Whatever you wish to do Juliette, I will not complain. Though if we do a full moon, people may think we have welcomed occultism into our lives.” Well—never mind
“Unless, you are a believer of such things already.”
“I feel you have asked me something similar before,” she mused, crossing one arm over her waist and then tapping her chin with her nails as she tried to recall the conversation. “Oh! But it was about vampires then and my favorite books!”
Juliette laughed easily again, as of course he wasn’t asking seriously. Unless there was some new rumor she’d not yet heard about, no one had ever accused her of being a witch or otherwise. Even Jordan’s torrid reputation hadn’t veered towards anything other than him being a playboy shark. Though she supposed the mention of her haunted apartment, might’ve helped inspire the comment.
“I suppose in the greater context of the world… perhaps? It seems like much too much of a secret to have to keep with the entire world watching. Though, there were plenty enough strange things happening in my former apartment that it does make it harder to ignore the possibility entirely.” she answered simply with a shrug of her shoulders.
“If they want to believe we’re up to mysticism and magics, why not. I’ll make a fine Queen of the Night, they might be afraid to cross me and turn down deals.”
Now wasn’t this an enlightening moment. True he may have phrased things previously about near occultism and the unnatural world that most people either believed in their budding teenage years to be edgy, or oddball men and women alike trying to see into realms that might not be as extensively broad as they made it seem. Still he nodded when she came to the conclusion of what he had been questioning previously.
Which seemed to stew just long enough that the answer that bid from her was one of potential acceptance. Not entirely sure, not entirely saying it was impossible. If perhaps prompted by the fact that she apparently had some unusual happenstances in which had been formally mentioned as house haunting. A part of him wanted to laugh at it, the more prominent half knew better. That there were obviously a lot of things that the mortal realm wrote off as boogeymen rather than the reality of it being, things were in fact real. Just it wasn’t exactly a causal topic someone could bring up with kosher results.
So he smirked a little at the shrug of her shoulders, “Now I am curious to what sort of happenings they were.” But of course leave it to Juliette then and there. To colour him surprised.
And laugh about it shortly. “I am sure you might make a very good Queen of the Night.” A little on the nose, was it not? Though she had no idea just how close to that reality she was sitting beside. About to be! “Perhaps we could use that to an advantage. Forget the idea of an ice queen, but something more… substantial. Even in jest.” He gave her a strangely roguish grin before it fell away, “What side of the road should I be looking for this venue, left or right?”
Oh, that was a wicked, delightful, dangerous look that almost turned her stomach upside down. What business did he having making a grin like that over such a ridiculous conversation! Juliette was starting to think Jordan rather liked the idea of having an entire empire himself, perhaps even a literal one to rule.
Well. At least it was fun to dream about, even if farfetched nonsense.
“To the left, there should be parking out front,” she gestured with a hand, casting the most amused of side-eyes.
“Seems fair, with us being married we’d be forced to retire our old reputations to build something new. No more playboy or ice queen for them to gossip about. Why not something intimidating and wicked and magical. They’re already such a gossip over the details. If they don’t want to believe we’re madly in love, they might believe I’ve cast a spell on you!”
Ridiculous? Yes, absolutely. But far closer to the truth, well that part she wouldn’t know. If he played his cards correctly, she’d never know. Or if he had to put down the hand, he wanted to assure the arrangement of information that she could take in was deep in understandable evidence that she might not swiftly turn tail to flee for the hills. As he would hate to say it, such a thing would warrant her in the stasis of disposable. Surprisingly the very thought in its vagueness brought him a measure of displeasure. Disliking the very idea that she could be rendered as someone that needed to find a permanent end to maintain the secretive status of a realm that was better left to fairytales.
Rather than allow himself to be sucked down into more of the dour thought, he asked which side of the road ought to be their destination. No sooner witnessing the arrangement of signage that declared boldly its existence and the parking lot that was plenty welcoming amongst being seemingly medium occupancy. Leaving him time to move upon the lane that would give freedom to turning whilst the damsel beside spoke up once more about shedding their former reputations.
Ones given by others and ruled by themselves.
“On me?” Jordan dared a look from the corner of sunglasses, “Would it be so unreasonable to believe the other way? That perhaps I have finally charmed the Bryon heiress?” Mouth smirked in a suggestively chaste and devious way. A talent really, while the vehicle lifted itself into the predetermined lot so he might search for a space to rest the mechanized carriage.
To favour as far away from other cars as possible for now, it was a seamless transition. From moving to stationary. Daring to lean slightly forward to peer through the shield of front glass towards the venue. Sure he had not been here but that shouldn’t be surprising either to himself. Having favoured his nights out to be in places that were less robust and perhaps a bit seedy. It made hunting easier.
Another thought to push aside.
Running fingers through the state of raven’s down as buckle released its grasp from its latch, “Well my figurative night queen, shall we?” Jordan eventually acquiesced to her, “I hope you don’t expect much from me for cake selections, I am not a sweet style person.” Deciding that while he couldn’t outright tell her that his tastebuds were typically set for blood and blood alone while being bland on everything else, he could suggest that his ability to enjoy the confectionary items would be lacklustre.
All this selective dancing about, it was a wonder he had even had a promiscuous reputation at all!
“Cake is the worst of all the sweet things, but you can leave the confectionary choices to me. I’ve hosted enough dinner parties to know what pleases the palettes of wealthy businessmen and their lovely companions.” she agreed.
Juliette unbuckled her seatbelt, but before leaving the car, she twist in her seat towards him, the very picture of confidence mixed with a faeish smile. The sparkle in her eyes certainly meant trouble, yet the tone of her voice was nothing but innocent sweetness.
“And yes, on you. For I am perfectly immune to the wiles of any mortal man. Though you are more than welcome to give it a try.”
Juliette flashed him a toothy grin, then refuse to allow him the chance for an immediately reply, by swiftly exiting the car and closing the door behind her. Her immediately laughter follow as she straighten up her clothes (despite it being completely unnecessary), and she waited patiently for him to join her.
The door shut to seal the period to the end of her remarkable commentary. If only she knew that he was no mortal man. Yet, the smirk left behind on his face might have been just enough to imply the commentary that went freely within the landscape of his mind. At this rate, she might just prove strong enough to handle the truth.
With the silver chassis departed by that of himself, vision rolled unhindered behind the dark spots of shades. Considering their location paired with the notable downtown sounds reverberating between towering skyscrapers; feet made their short trek about towards her. Giving fob its few presses to sound off the claim of beeps and boops locking up in the internal vessel, such items were promptly slipped back into pocket. Alongside hand as to mindlessly gesture with the dominant of left towards the entry way that would big them into the placement of cuisine selection. Making maybe one or two longer strides as to approach the door so the madam would not have to bother herself with doing so, holding it open while nose already took notice of the various smells located within the vestibule of building. Dreading it suddenly all the more but assure that facial structure didn’t give way to his lack of thrill.
Rather, extending hand once released from door handle to offer to her. In a innocent extension as he would express soundlessly that he was to follow her lead. In turn taking dark aviators from face to dangle against collar of the sweater and dress-shirt combination.
Practically expecting some bubbly administrator of some sort to appear from somewhere to greet, exclaim and bid them the merriment of such an occasion. That was going to get old real quick, he decided. So he lent her an expectant look that simply said lead me where you wish. To be surprisingly agreeable and to streamline this process as much as possible.
As expected that bubbly administrator in the form of a surprisingly statuesque woman with the nametag of Barbara was quick to greet them upon recognizing Juliette.
“Ms. Byron, and of course Mr. Harrow, I presume. We’re so grateful that you’ve chosen Apostolis for your event! I understand time is valuable, so if you will just follow me…” she gestured, and led the way through the dining room.
Juliette entwined her fingers with Jordan’s once again, casting him a knowing glance that was all too amused with leading him around on her various escapades. Of course her original plan several weeks ago, had been to make him suffer though unbearable meetings with endless pointless choices until he cracked under the pressure and wanted nothing more to do with her. Now though? Well, she still enjoyed that soft weary dread he was trying to hide, but it was no long from petty spite. Juliette was simply pleased he was actually willing to spend the time with her despite it.
Their host lead them to a private enclosed room set up with a single booth and an extra wide table covered in a white cloth. No extra frills or nonsense, simply some soft ambient music and warm lightning. Juliette took her seat first, sliding into the booth and tugging Jordan to join her with the faintest of impish grins.
“According to your requests, Ms. Byron, we’ll bring out the appetizer selections first, followed by the dinner choices, and finally the cakes. This card here,” she presented a card that listed the name of all the items in each of their categories along with check boxes next to them. “Just mark your selections and any additional notes or requests!”
“Would either of you like a drink? Our pleasure, of course!”
There was only so much bubbly cheery people he could handle in a day. Always believing their uplifting attitude was a ruse for something much deeper that was hidden behind a mask of joviality. Truly a sense of distrust arose merely due to the fact he as a being appreciated candidness over whatever the hell this was. Whatever Barbara was doing, he was not a fan. Slapping a pasted on smile and somewhere in the space of skull, was already sure that this woman would be better used as a squeeze toy than a living entity.
Was he unaware of Juliette’s amusement? Slightly. There could be a thought somewhere that she was probably enjoying his controlled suffering but he wouldn’t lend too deep of a concentrative thought about it! Merely grateful when the woman took them to their little booth devoid of anything too bombastic and encourage sitting. Alongside the bride to be happily tugging him into place with lips curling into devious play. Causing his own to reply with a close too coquettish smirk back, just interrupted by the expression of how this was going to play out. Indicating the little card of feedback as he hummed to show he wasn’t simply a mute.
Just the mention of a drink did perk him a little. Which spurred the thought of to test just how gracious they might be with said beverage. Uncaring to how potentially early in the day it still could be –though truly it wasn’t that bad- before flicking a look at Juliette. Debating once but ultimately grinned, “Blood and Sand if you are feeling particularly adventurous.” Settling his finality with plucking up said card to give it a stronger view. Assessing it with each course selection to occur, slowly sliding a cobalt rim to the side to consider the dame beside. As if to invite her to either correct him or to follow suit.
The jovial Barbara did look a confused at the odd request, but seemed ready to tackle the challenge of something unfamiliar. She turned to Juliette, her expression waiting.
“Interesting,” Juliette murmured with a squint of her eyes at Jordan. The she nodded a gestured at their host. “Seems appropriate for pirate royalty, I’ll try that as well.”
Barbara did well not to make facial expressions or commentary about this strange statement. She merely excused herself and promised to return quickly with their drinks and first course.
“Do you have an affinity for old fashioned drinks, Jordan, or do you just like vexing people with strange requests for entertainment?” Juliette asked, finding nothing but humor in it. Him partaking of cocktails that likely hadn’t been popular since the 1930s seemed pretty on par for a man who also used language as if he belonged in another time. It was such a curious quirk!
Sometimes it was the little things that prove the utmost amusing. Be it the way the woman’s brow crumpled or lips dipped in their corners with the oddity of his asking, there was nothing quite the same as observing the dedicated soul look upon the lady of the wedding duo and found that she might have expected the wife to be, to discourage the husband to be from such requests. Alas, she found no salvation. Simply an agreement to try as well while he waited until the toddling bubble of joy disappeared in search of the drinks.
Waiting bare seconds till she was properly gone to lean back into the cushion of seat. Idly brushing finger and thumb across chin, as mouth went properly roguish once more. “A little of both.” Well, he was asking for such an obscure drink simply because he always found it amusing when something had blood in it. “Plus, I want to see just how dedicated to requests of the unusual she might be. What better way to test someone to assure they can handle on the spot asking than to give them a little bit of a challenge even in the drink department.” Brows lifted at her, “It’s too easy to just ask for something mainstream or even just water. I’m merely assuring that we can trust what you’ve picked through and through.”
He took a moment, pressing tongue into cheek literally. Before the sound of a chuckle escaped him, “Perhaps as well, I found her cheerleading excitement grating.”
Juliette herself leaned back as well, sitting close enough to have her arm nestled cozily against his, and took it that one step further to place a hand at the crook of his elbow for the sole purpose of feeling the soft fabric of his sweater (and of course stealing a chance for touching in general).
“You are going to be a bit of trouble aren’t you,” she mused out loud with a merry laugh of her own. “You’ll have to somehow temper your inclinations to torture cheerful little ladies. My one and single honored wedding guest to be my maid of honor, she is… a genuine soft soul! You’ll have to be kind to her for my sake.”
“The rest of the guests, though…” she left off, knowing he could easily fill in the gaps. Other than making sure business relationships remained intact, she really couldn’t care less of the rest of them. Including her own wretched family! One of the few good things about the whole extravagant affair was having an excuse to see her friend. The opportunities had been few and far between, especially with the nature of a former boyfriend who did not like to see her talking with others.
Without realizing it, she let a sigh slip out and couldn’t help but take a peak at the palm of her hand. The papercut was superficial at best, though still a bit swollen and uncomfortable. Juliette supposed she was glad it was just something this small and petty. As of late she was starting to worry what else he might do.
“Me?” Jordan feigned his shock at the idea of being a bit of trouble. Shaking his head slowly as though the very idea was unheard of! Unable to be digested till he couldn’t any further as air escaped in a chuckling cluck. “Only mildly.” Yeah, mildly. Granted as she continued and suggested his need to temper his potential annoyance with the upbeat plucky sort at the behest of her single honoured wedding guest, he arched a brow. Contemplating it truly as though weighing the options of pros and cons. “Luckily for you, that is not difficult to complete. If she is important than I shall be no more than an utmost gentleman.”
Jordan gave her that puckish grin no sooner, “Especially if you are giving me free reign with the other guests.” Surely that couldn’t be a problem at all.
So long as no one truly pressed the buttons on his true temper, then all would survive. But he had a feeling deep in the back of his head, that such things would be ludicrous. Someone was going to earn his fire and he doubted it would be anyone on Juliette’s guest list.
A thought came and passed however. Eyes similarly doing the same, beckoned by the exhale of a sigh from the woman beside him. Hooked by arms while it took him barely a moment to look down to where she was seemingly exposing the puffy state of inner palm. Instinctively checking it from afar to whether or not he had a moment of forgetfulness by presence of blood, thankfully not the case.
So with the lack of red seeping from paper edge cut, he moved his unhindered hand over. To press the heat of his upon her own. Even going so far as to turn and grace her temple by the flutter of lips. “It’ll be alright.” He wasn’t sure what the hell he was attempting to say would be fine, but he had an inkling it had something to do with Captain Douchecanoe.
No one needed that in their head! What a waste of thoughts.
How embarrassing to be caught in that melancholy moment, when their afternoon was going so swimmingly. More surprising still, his response didn’t come with that same tenseness and irritation he before. Instead it was the same comforting sweetness, wholly undeserved and making her want to tear up all over again – or worse crawl onto his lap at a public restaurant and make a complete spectacle of herself!
Maybe it truly was him doing all of the charming and spellcasting here!
Juliette did cave in to briefly hiding her face at his arm for a moment, before she finally tilted her head back to cast a soft, serious frown.
“I suppose we should talk about him. Or me. Or the grand scheme of things. You could ask me anything you wish, I am not in the habit of keeping secrets and I certainly don’t ever want you to end up on the receiving end of one of David’s scenes. He made a grand show of being friendly towards you, but he’s made a point of trying to interrupt me from seeing you and now that he’s met you, I half expect him to come armed to the teeth next time.”
Maybe he was missing the memo entirely that as a creature that belonged in the dark, he ought to be tall, dark and gruesome. At all points. While he was certainly not as he was when he called the mortal realm his own, he hadn’t shirked all his humanity. At least not yet. Portions of it that no longer fit into the needs of blending into the system of human behaviours but not so much that even in subtle moments such as this, he wouldn’t have responded.
Plus, he was still capable of compassion. Funny as that might be. Perhaps it was the way she had opened up to show that she wasn’t likely to stab him in the middle of the night that warmed him to expressing genuinity. Waiting breaths till she departed from hiding upon his arm to stare at another. Searching the fair features paired with the deep cocoa hued lenses, as she brought up the topic of the jackass. To mention that he could ask her anything while he thought about it. Deciding that he might want to know things, they weren’t particularly items that he would want to hear from Juliette. Leaving Emery and Augustus to do some digging instead.
So with favouring, he calmed any stray tension in visage. Reaching to tame some errant locks of chocolate back, at least till he snorted. “That was friendly?” Disbelief rose in an hollow laugh, “He must be wonderful at parties then. I’m not afraid to be on one of his receiving ends of his man-child tantrum’s, Juliette. If he wants to behave like he has a messy diaper, that is his choice. I can only control what I would do or say, though in all fairness, I doubt I would control any part of my mannerisms in a cordial matter.” He dared a look away as if expecting effervescent Barbara to materialize out of the floor with drinks in hand, brows furrowed upon another. “Let him come however he wishes. If he wants to spur some disfavour, he may. I won’t stoop to his level of stupidity. Most likely, I’d have to shed the majority of my braincells to even accomplish the task.” Grunting in favour of that, his vision slowly returned.
“Rather than having me ask things, tell me what you need to tell me about the myopic all-befouling manifestation of contraceptive personality.” Leaving her the chance to express how much or how little she wanted. Instead of needling her for details. It seems wiser in his mind to allow Juliette the comfort of telling him what she felt was necessary, as a sense of trust and a sense of accepting that he really wouldn’t pry into details that were depressing.
Juliette was certain she looked a dumb wide-eyed deer in the face of bright lights. Her expression mystified as he gave such a colorful, scathing description of David in every vicious, old world manner of way he could seem to think of. He’d talked to the man for less than five minutes, and his opinion was so wretched he’d very plainly suggested it was David that’d be in danger if he showed up again.
Any reply she might’ve made was halted as Barbara and a pair of dutiful waiters in white bustled in, quickly setting out the appetizer spread on the table for their perusal, and then with surprise the elegantly glassed Blood and Sand drinks as ordered. Barbara even looked quite pleased with herself about the presentation, but as a professional she could recognize when a conversation was being interrupted and thus quickly disappeared along with the waiters.
Juliette immediately burst into a round of delighted laughter and for a moment was certain she couldn’t breathe!
“..Jordan!” What was she even supposed to say when she couldn’t breathe! She had to cover her mouth for a moment and force herself to try and gain some composure. After a beat, she reached out to try the dark drink in it’s lovely glass, garnished with a slice of blood orange. She could taste the scotch and some cherry along with the orange and it did wonders for simmering down her giggling.
“That-” she took a deep breath. “That is an apt way to describe the man without using a single curse. I am impressed,” she chimed. “I might have just simply said he is a deranged ass.”
“I really don’t know where to start otherwise!” she admitted with a world weary sigh – though now it was far more joyful than the one prior. “It was never quiet moments of talking about books over dinner, or cozy evenings with a fire. Just… drama. Intense drama.”
The stare lingered for some time till pop, suddenly Barbara made her appearance with waiters in tow. Items promptly placed before either of them while the miss herself wore an accomplished look upon her features that he suspected was the result of the drink. No doubt having to search upon her mobile device to assure how to create a generally modestly simple drink. It pulled his focus for a bare breath, watching, waiting and witnessing the departure that was made just as swiftly.
Well they were organized, he would applaud that.
Where no sooner his name was splurted out with a ring of merry laughter, encouraging him to grin while fingers reached upon stem of the collin’s glass. Leaving her moments to collect herself at her own leisure as he sampled the drink. Mentally disappointed by the lack of one part of the name –though of course it would be-, the smell of the orange was at least aromatically welcoming. Licking any remains of drink from lip while she came to grasp control from her giggling.
“I mean he is that too.” The man affirmed that David was as well a deranged ass, amongst many many other things. Too many to list. “When you do business long enough, you learn ways of being frontally insulting without actually ever dropping a curse word.” Interrupted by another sip so glass could be replaced back to table. Visual peepers looking to the colours of appetizers. “Sometimes being clever with insults proves to cut deeper than simply calling someone the backside of a mule’s ass.” An ass ass! How winsome—
Smirking at his own internal amusement, promptly he dedicated attention back to her. “I could tell that much. I think it might have been more fitting for David to have appeared in a bright red suit with fake horns and a tail to prove that the man likes to have turmoil about himself.” Lids narrowed, “If I were to guess by his actual appearance, a brat that has suckled on the monetary tit of one or two parents.” Blacken brow lifted to confirm upon her if he was correct. “Let me guess, he appeared precisely at the right place at the wrong time for you two to be interwoven? Seemed like a good person but in truth, much akin to a festering vulture that needs. Just preying on you in ways that might not have been realized until it was too late?” He gave her a look, “I’ve certainly never chalked you up for being dumb, so I suspect it was just the timing that had presented itself as too good to be true.”
Lips momentarily pressed, “Why is it that he seems so gung-ho about you now?”
“It all seemed harmless at first,” she confessed with a wry shrug of her shoulders. “He’d turn up at parties and always come with a glass of wine and some lovely piece of gossip. I’m not fond of parties, but it does prove useful to lurk around the edges and listen in to conversations. We were just friends for the longest time, as I really had no interest in someone so obviously out and about to get in trouble. For awhile that was it, he was just a really good friend.”
Juliette was pleased to find that the presentation was simple enough for each of the tiny appetizers. Enough for a shared sampling along with a small notecard on each plate to explain what they were just incase it wasn’t obvious on sight. She plucked up a piece of pastry that seemed to be covered in a melted cheese and popped it into her mouth. It gave her a long enough moment to gather her thoughts.
“I am not sure when it became something more? I suppose he often ended up my date to things and we’d spend time afterwards. He certainly had no issue with encouraging me to make spiteful plans against my father or anyone really. All in good fun he’d say. But then suddenly it wasn’t just people who deserved the ire. He’d be furious when I’d make plans to go out without him. Me doing anything without him became a fight.”
She was still furious now even thinking about any one of those moments. He’d behaved like she belonged to him, and that he was in charge of where she’d go and who she would see. Juliette refused to be confined and controlled and at the mercy of someone else’s puppet strings! She reached for her drink to simmer her temper.
“…I don’t like someone trying to control me and so I chose to leave. Sometimes I think because it was my choice, his pride is wounded and he can’t stand it. Maybe he thinks he can bully me back? He did try that day we to meet for the ring fitting – thought he was going to hold me hostage in my own hotel room! I nearly stabbed the ass again, honestly! He’s been so much more unpredictable since finding out I’m engaged.”
It always started out harmless. If there was one thing he knew about men that used a lot of bravado while trying to cover their shoddy self esteem issues, it was how they slipped in under the wire to young men and women alike. Grasping on like a leech and hanging on till they could worm in further.
For now, rather than comment about it, he listened. For two reasons. One to give Juliette the chance to air her thoughts and secondly for him to hear any potential double edged commentary that might serve him better to know what he was going up against. Discreetly of course.
It gave him a chance to consider the appetizers with an internal grimace. Instead looking over them as if considering them like he was about to do a culinary test, the one she selected seemed like it had no winning or deplorable qualities. Just that his gaze shifted away to the mini beef tourtieres. Simple, easy and usually good enough to satisfy most palettes due to their basic arrangement. Rather he considered the Tuscan truffles instead, not so excited to try it but he couldn’t exactly sit there eating nothing.
So with some effort he made the motion to try the last one, disappointed as one could expect knowing what he was, but with her talking once more it at least presented him a chance to pretend like he was actually considering the thing. Eventually lending focus upon her once more when it appeared her temper was raising and the drink tempered it. Smirking a little when she expressed she did not like being controlled. Who did, really?
Once mouth was clear and he gave a few thoughtful attempts to look like he was contemplating the food, he let out a hum. “So he really is one that doesn’t like someone else having choices or the idea that you decided that things were no longer beneficial.” Jordan pondered a moment, “Suppose we will need to make sure things are safe for ourselves while the child is out running around like a lunatic. Evidently we do not have anything concrete that can put him into the law’s hands.” Which made him pause, “Does he have evidence of the event between you two that resulted in bloodshed?” Jordan asked then since there had to be a reason why Juliette didn’t take stronger measures to put a rift between herself and David.
“Hmm,” was her telling response, aided by the grim expression she cast and her reaching to pop another tiny confection in her mouth so she didn’t need to immediately reply.
Juliette wasn’t a stupid woman. She was always thoughtful about things and careful, and unfortunately that was one of those times where she wasn’t. They’d likely call it a crime of passion in court, or drunken insanity, or something else equally as awful. The truth was that she’d simply been terrified and had been ready to draw blood if it meant a faster escape.
At least she’d been completely enchanted with Tuscan truffles enough to take a second one before leaning back in her seat and actually responded to him proper.
“I made the mistake of feeling terrible for it and went with him to the hospital. And then I left… not thinking about the blood or the knife left behind. He’s tried to say he’ll talk to the police, but when I challenged him to do so he hadn’t dared… But it’s why I signed the apartment to him. I’m not going back anyway, so I don’t care what he does with it.”
With an idleness that came to rest the heel of palm upon table, tapping the fingertips to the surface with thought while she needed not give more than the bare hum to grasp that there of course had been evidence. It was not in his best interest to entirely default David into a complete and utter dimwit –even if he simply wanted too- it meant there had been some sort of hook that could be used against Juliette. Of course no one thought entirely clearly when they felt the need to get away or fight. There was always a slight haze over the mind that obtusely focused on getting out.
So he stole seconds by looking once more over the variety of appetizers again. Staring but not considering. Waiting till the sound of her coming forth to express herself was noted.
“You’re human like everyone else. It’s natural to feel bad for something even if you might have had to do it for your own skin.” Another drum tap of fingers as he was actually trying to figure out a way he could either use this for their benefit should it need to be done or something else. Yet his brow lifted when she stated she had challenged David to go to the police. Only for him to back down.
Wasn’t that curious.
“Of course.” Jordan smiled next, “Just… I am sure you are on the same page as myself. We will need to be proactive and think ahead in ways that we can assure that your ex learns that you will not be pushed into a corner, nor without allies.” He didn’t say he was going to take control, this was hers to rule. But he wasn’t going to be shamed aside to merely watch from afar. He would help her, “I’ll follow your lead in this but just trust that I won’t leave you out to dry, peristéri.”
Juliette laughed softly.
“I suppose I am grateful you’re not the sort to quietly order someone murdered to solve a problem,” she teased. As much as she herself often thought of doing so for any number of good reasons, Juliette had never truly wanted to see someone dead. Though, damned if David wasn’t doing his best to push it lately!
Strangely, it was a bit of a relief to have told Jordan the sordid details of her affair with the tumultuous Mister Gates. And moreso still that he didn’t seem the slightest bit phased or overly concerned about it. It didn’t quite stop her from being concerned about what sort of dangerous nonsense that David might drag Jordan into, but as he was promising her… she would not leave Jordan unprotected, even if that meant quite literally burying David.
Perhaps she should consider carrying a pistol around after all!
Trying the rest of the dishes on the table was an easy feat, for once she wasn’t busy talking or brooding about the subject, Juliette breezed through having a taste of what was left. Then as promised, she made the executive decision on which plates she chose, though she did pass Jordan the card incase he wanted to add or adjust. Finishing off her cocktail in a few quick swallows, because honestly…! The topic of David would make anyone want to drink!
“I would be equally as happy to defend your honor from any lurking former lovers or clawed enemies,” she finally mentioned, giving him that wicked smile and tilt of her head. “Do you have anyone waiting in the wings that I should worry about?”
Of course, leave it to Barbara and her crew to know the worst time for interruption! But just as quick as before, they bustled in to exchange plates for a dinner service, all in tiny little bite-sized portions instead of a full meal. If she had any curiosity of the conversation at hand, she wisely kept her mouth shut!
Well… that she knew of. Then again, if he was really going to bother murdering someone, he’d just do it himself. There was no reason for him to bother with someone else’s hands because really, what was the point. Still in this moment, he chuckled airily accepting the idea that he wasn’t so monstrous. At least known.
As the card was pushed over so he might at least pretend like he was giving it an all mighty good attentive look before simply accepting what was selected as good enough; it was a near double take at the mention of defending his honour from jaded lovers or enemies. Blinking once, twice and slowly raising a lopsided corner of mouth like she had just told him an unbelievably good joke.
Temporarily paused by Barbara’s reappearance- she ought to star in a magician’s show from being able to pop and go like that! She’d make a killing. Especially with the waiters following suit that if you hadn’t paid attention, you might have missed them completely. Just one blink and they came and went.
So he could pick up the collin’s glass once more and take a deep drink to practically finish it off. Considering it’s edges like some polished gem, “Enemies, perhaps. Jilted lovers? No. I’ve never made it a point to busy myself with relationships in the idea that someone would ever want to be attached. At least not in anything good, my reputation for being a playboy in that manner is correct.” Jordan wrinkled his nose some as he put the glass down. “It was too much work to pretend I gave a damn when truly most were just pretty faces and a easy mark. No need to get attached when there was no substance there.” Gaze flickered onto her, “The… ditzy type rarely extend much problems. Or interest.”
As perfectly delightful as the the appetizer selection had been, the dinner portion smelled so much varied and lovely, enough so that Juliette took a deep breath and was rewarded with savory aromas. It didn’t bother her in the slightest that Jordan wasn’t so focused on the menu – some people were foodie people, and some people simply were not! The act of getting to know these sorts of little details about him was more than worth the effort.
Also not at all a surprise was his lack of a serious relationship or jilted love affair. Granted, she was certain at least one or two of those damsels he’d left behind likely was in tears and regret that it was over before it even began. Curious, though, that he did not mention anyone he himself might’ve been in love with. …then again that wasn’t the question she had asked, was it!
This time taking a small plate, Juliette gathered herself a selection of different things for her tasting that seemed most interesting. Particularly seeking what would be her personal favorite, as the rest would be a matter of what a guest thought to RSVP.
“What would you have done, Jordan, if I had turned out to be one of those halfwit debutants?” she asked with some amusement. “Completely enchanted with your handsome face and hoards of money, more than happy to marry herself away at your beckoning?”
With vibrant colours and okay smells, he had to mentally scrape over his list of potential damsels. Coming up properly short. There was nothing substantial in any of them that might have even temporarily given him pause to consider them. Not even through the ages of his extended life could he genuinely say he found a lady companion that had been enthralling enough to overlook the tedium boredom that arrived eventually. The same boring conversations and the need for the pretty little doe’s to be gifted immediate attention day in and day out.
It wasn’t like this arrangement before them of food. He did what he wanted and made sure previously to flirt, bed and feed off those who were for a lack of a better word, were stupid. So focused on their own selves, their own pleasure that once he felt they were no longer a viable option –and wanted to avoid them becoming anaemic- the strings were cut!
Skimming the foods visually for a long moment like it had become the most important thing on his mind, features slide to the profile view. To hear what she had to ask with the bemusement resting on the petals of lips. “You want the honest answer?” He dared already figuring that he could just give her some mundane reply but it most likely wouldn’t have scratched the itch of knowledge she wanted. “If you had revealed to be just another airhead woman that was frivolous and cared more about what shoes went with what handbag while matching your lipstick, simply looking for a sugar daddy to fund her expenses; I’d have used you.” Stealing a look across his shoulder, “Fucked you a few times just because I’m going to get my worth out of pretending I give a crap, then start making plans that interfere with any you wanted to do with myself. Eventually putting a wedge between because I’m bored of having to be one mind between two people, and if possible or necessary, pawned you off on some desperate other man or woman in a bar scene while I disappeared at the right moment.”
A brow lifted once more, “Thankfully, you aren’t. And I doubt you would have liked to have some man grovelling at your feet offering to lick your shoes anyways. If you wanted that, you’d have gotten a dog.”
That sort of blunt, stating the facts likely would have made any other woman balk, Juliette was sure. Even she met his side-eye with a pointed perusal and examination of his features to make it clear that she was hearing the warning about his character and was aptly putting it to consideration. In the end she merely smiled, the mysterious confident way she so often did when she was more than certain she had his number.
“Duly noted, Mr. Harrow. I’ll be sure to continue to keep things interesting, lest you wander off,” she responded with a laugh. Maybe she should be concerned that he’d already slept with her, and perhaps it was only a matter of time before he decided her was done with their entire arrangement. At least she’d been more than prepared to come into their relationship knowing it was tit for tat! Juliette had every intention of getting everything she wanted from him, just as much as he intended to use her.
Still, there was that tiny part of her now that was perhaps enjoying the life of a newly engaged woman and the possibility that their future could be real a bit too much. It’d be wise to remember her place and his as well.
“In general, yes. I don’t have time for that sort of man,” she agreed. Then leaned back, putting on the air that’d he’d given her something serious to think about, and quite enjoying the tease. “But! If you had been one of those men, arranging a marriage would have been so easy! I’d imagine I’d have you so wrapped around my finger, that you’d nary have an ill thing to say about me. I could once or twice a year spend a torrid night in your bed, before going back to my own private penthouse where I could work in peace. Really, it might’ve been a delight!”
There it came. Deep, broad and full of life. Barking a laugh at the idea of wandering off. Letting it inflate and deflate from lungs till he was sure the ease of breathing softened. Greeting her with perhaps a rare but genuinely large grin of pearls, “Thankfully, I have no intention of wandering off.” There was no effort made to droop and let his gaze make a display of viewing her, slowly inclining chin upwards. Stroking fingers across chin for emphasis, “I’ve already been hooked like a fish to find you beyond interesting. And I am sure you’ll keep me on my toes for many months, many more beyond that too.” At least until things had to come to an end had she not figured it out what he was, or he didn’t tell her. Which would require a cut to the matrimony arrangement. Less she begin to see that the years didn’t do anything to turn him older and grayer.
He stole a moment to daringly sample something that seemed to be red meat protein of some variety, while she came to look the part of the statuesque thinker. Unfolding her teasing quips no sooner, “Would you have really wanted such a life? You are starting to sound as though you might have envied Rapunzel within her tower in such a way.” Then he gave a cheeky devilish grin, “I’d make it a point not to have you in a penthouse one way or another. Surely more than once or twice a year for a torrid night is alone worth it?”
“Lucky then you are not a grovelling puppy and I am not a twit?” she responded with a soft, genuinely delighted smile.
Sampling dinner menus had now become completely forgotten, in favor of Jordan at his best. All open smiles and laughter, without a hint of that holding back, where she was certain he’d be thinking about some thing in the back of his mind and unable to just sit in the present. This was the one she was so dangerously at risk of being captivated by. …if he was the one to do all of the charming, in any case!
“See. I did warn you, I am the enchantress,” she teased, full of nothing bug smug amusement that their prior conversation had come back around. She leaned in and reach up to give a gentle tug to that devilish goatee of his, unconcerned in the slightest that they were using up Barbara’s valuable time.
“If I were going to go for more than once or twice a torrid night, it would certainly have to be worth it. How might you, someone who is certainly not a dull puppy, going to make it worth it? Can you enchant an enchantress?”
She pulled another laugh out of him, “That is a good thing. We’d make quite the pathetic circus act if we were.” Pausing a moment he thought about that, mulling it over before a finger sliced through the air. “Actually scratch that, I think that would make you a valley girl with a barky mutt, merely missing the little doggy purse.” God, what a dreadful idea or sight that would be!
Promptly shuddering that thought into the depths of hell in which it belonged, suppose they ought to be actually doing what they came here for. Selecting meal supplements for the guests at said eventual wedding. But, what fun would it be to be efficient!
Especially when she seemed to enjoy the ability to reach over and pull upon the groomed state of goatee, “You did. Apparently I didn’t listen.” Leaving her to feel like she was just that. The true enchantress that had managed to put a perfect spell on someone that ought to be resistant to it. There was no need to burst such a bubble, was there? Though she was making it difficult when she was so easily willing to lean into suggestive commentary like they weren’t sitting in broad public.
Rolling the question through his mind with due effort of expression. Not about to blurt out anything like he already had it all figured out.
Rather, “I think I might. But why would I tell you, isn’t half the fun being lead on and seeing such things yourself. If I talk about it, I could just be trying to blow smoke. Instead, I believe witnessing such acts sells it better than being all masculine bravado.” So he stole a moment to bend and flirt a flutter of lips across the tip of her nose rather than her own lips. Suddenly turning to gesture to the food, “You’ll just have to wait and see! Now, food? I doubt you want to sit here all day.”
“Jordan, that is so rude,” she admonished him with a blink of wide surprised eyes. A dirty trick indeed to feign leaning in for a real kiss only for a tease. Juliette couldn’t help but laugh in return, as wasn’t he right? It wouldn’t be fun at all if it were so easy. If they were going to play a game of who could enchant whom, she was more than up for the challenge.
Yes, a boring husband was not for her. This was far more entertaining!
He was also correct about resuming this nonsense of a tasting, so dutifully Juliette turned back to her plate and plucked up her fork. Still laughing softly even when she had a bite of some sort of chicken divan.
“Well, I am thankful for it regardless. It is a rare treat to spend time with someone I actually enjoy having a silly conversation with at a dinner table. I don’t believe I would ever trade you in for someone else.”
At her claim that he was rude, in reply he gave her that impish twist of a grin. Delighted and winsomely dark. Not a inch or measure of remorse anywhere to be found that would seek to correct his jesting error. Instead taking her exclaim as the perfect response that would seek to motion to the arrangement of bitesize meals for them to sample. Less she wanted to continue to sit here gabbling, testing how long Barbara’s patience would hold on before she grew annoyed enough to either politely tell them to hurry up or declared it with a snapping hiss!
The breathy chuckles leaving him at least with enough knowledge that she wasn’t actually upset, though he seemed to stare at the selection after she picked it with a curious eye. Dissecting it visually till she spoke up. “I’d be hard to replace,” Jordan dared, “One of a kind and certainly with plenty of other qualities that have yet to be discovered.” A playful side-eye was leant to her while he dared only then to live under the cover that he was still human. Sampling some what appeared to be like some shrimp cake slider. Warranting a bit of a longer look even as he dared sample it with the same blasé internal acceptance. But seemed to go on a ledge to nudge as indication that she might not be upset by this idea of food either. Lending him moments to finish what was in mouth.
“I am starting to get a vague picture that you have not been properly wined and dined, Juliette. If it is a rare treat to enjoy your moments of cheery silliness at even a dinner table.” A blue ring was positioned on her, “One didn’t say our marriage would have to be lacklustre and tedious, after all.”
“I get out and about often enough, but it is generally for business and almost never for pleasure,” she admitted. A bite of some sort of eggplant parmesan followed, and while it was fine it certainly wasn’t noteworthy. Much like her social life.
A lot of that could’ve been attributed to her time with David, but she was quite done with the topic of him for now!
“Curious, however, what hidden qualities of one Jordan Harrow I have yet to see!” she laughed again, resting her elbow on the table and her chin on her hand just to lean in his direction again with a wide smile.
“All teasing aside, I am glad for that?” she openly exclaimed whole-heartedly. “Of course, I was fully prepared to launch directly into my work plans and see you rarely, at events at best. Mind You, I am going to still be working and away often… but it’s honestly quite nice knowing I might come home to something pleasant instead and that we might actually do things together.”
Tucking that little tidbit of information away into the utmost front of his head to know that most of her outings were generally for business, he knew that was a sure-fire way to assure Juliette that things weren’t to be merely that. Business. While he had a very specific reason for wanting to have her shipping business, he also wasn’t about to prove to be a tyrant! “Hmm, suppose I’ll have to rectify such things.” He mused outloud as though he hadn’t intended too but with the way mouth quirked, it spoke the direct opposite.
Where in turn she of course queried him on the idea of what hidden things she still had yet to see. “Now don’t go trying to figure them all out immediately.” Shutting eyes with an adjustment of facial cues adopting that of stoicism, Jordan snatched the menu card once more. Making a show of reading it. “Let me have an air of some mystery that you can unpack slowly. Makes it more enjoyable that way.”
A toothy grin cut through and he shortened it to express genuine fondness for now. Listening as she pointed out that she had been prepared to make this arrangement as distant related as possible. “Of course, there are times I won’t be around either. But that will make coming back together that much more rewarding.” Jordan hummed then looked around them, “I might even go as far to flex some culinary skills myself then for you when you return home those evenings.” Just because he couldn’t taste things worth a damn, didn’t mean he lacked abilities. You live for so long, you tended to dabble in everything.
No matter how bloody useless.
Now there was something interesting to learn about the mysterious Mister Harrow! That one who seemed to have such little interest in food could in fact put together a fine meal. That at least wasn’t so strange, for she’d known more than one chef who was so fussy about the meals they ate, that they refused to eat anything if they hadn’t made it themselves. Jordan for certain, was the sort of man that seemed to like things particularly and specifically his way.
Which made it all the more delightful he was spending so much time doing things for her.
“For the best that all of the cooking is done by you and dear Emily then. If I try to cook for us, I may as well accidentally kill us both,” she confessed with a wry shrug of her shoulders. Juliette was talented at many things, unfortunately culinary skills was not one of them. She simply did not seem to have the patience to stand there and make it all happen, and her mind just tended to wander off to more important things!
At for now, in her search for just the rich dish she’d finally found a bite of something that made her stop and make an audible sound of approval. Drawing her to reach forward to find it’s little plate card so she could make sure Beef Paupiettes was one of the dinner selections. None too soon, as she managed to spot the peeping head of one lurking Barbara checking to see if they were ready for the final course.
Juliette was almost tempted to draw it all out to be difficult! Instead, while the menu card was in Jordan’s hand, she reached over to mark off the best dishes.
He gave a soft chuckle, “Well now all the more reason to introduce you to Elisa, so you might remember put a face to the proper name.” Playfully teasing her for the accidental slip of name that didn’t belong to the singular party of the homestead. But then again, she had been out the door long before he could properly bid the housekeeper to meet the eventual lady of the manor. “Though I will keep that in mind for your cooking, should we want someone to come down with an accidental case of stomach troubles.” Of course that would be torture. One they would have to work to a science to avoid them being in the large home!
It seemed however that Juliette had discovered something properly suitable and passable to be selected as required on the card. Reaching over to mark it down as though he needed a reason to side glimpse to realize their bubbly little tart of a hostess had peeped in to gauge if they were ready for the last course.
So far she hadn’t arranged an line of waiters this time, but he wasn’t interested in partaking much longer anyways. Offering the card now to Juliette as if that was clue enough that he in particular was finished. Leaning into the cushion of chair, “Dare I ask what is after this arrangement of culinary tastes?” Suspecting that she might have jammed as much as possible into one afternoon since it was unlikely they could get together in such ways continually. Regardless of a wedding or not.
“Elisa,” Juliette corrected, making a mental note to be sure to get that right! She’d certainly heard him say the name before, and supposed perhaps she’d momentarily mixed her up with an Emily that worked in her childhood home. Hopefully once she did meet her, it would be so much easier to put a name to face!
“I’m afraid this will be the last of our joint endeavors into wedding planning,” Juliette confessed, taking the opportunity to mark off the rest of the dinner selection to be sure their gests had a fair amount of choices for their meal before hopefully all sinking into the ocean.
Oh, she didn’t really want to lose all of those clients, but it was nice to think about be rid of a good portion!
Barbara had taken her cue the moment Juliette set the card aside, singling her team of swift servers. They swooped in to clear away the plates, and this time instead of a wide array of options there was a clearly directed selection of five different cake slices. All dark chocolate based, but with unique flavored filling and frosting for each. Juliette and definitely known exactly what she wanted for a wedding cake.
“I will take care of ordering flowers,” she continued once the room emptied. “You can handle the venue of a ship – and get away ship. I doubt you’ll need me for a suit fitting, I assume? And I certainly can’t let you see my dress before the wedding, that’s bad luck!”
Lips pulled into a easy smirk at the verbal correction though lingered perhaps in thought when there appeared to be no additional moves that would require them to gallivant across the great city in search of god only knew what next! A mental thought believed there was still more to put both of their opinions into but if this was it, he wouldn’t complain. Not with the arrangement of thoughts now that would require him to pay some deeper attention too.
Namely the David issue that had been too close in sniffing something out which he would have to venture to the coven’s lair to assure that the two leaders were doing their parts. So he gave a nod to agree he understood this was the last ticket on their agenda today, for eyes to cast sideways in locating Barbara a little better.
As she brought out her orchestra of bodies that promptly cleansed away the items that were deemed inferior as of now, then arranged out a grouping of dark cake varieties that seemed to share the dark chocolate influence. Which prompted him to point at one, “A favourite?” He queried suspecting that this had been already requested. All fine and dandy since he wasn’t about to start suggesting he liked sweet things!
Once the space had been devoid of nosy others and excitable hostess’s, she mentioned flowers. And the arrangement of the venue that was dallied over to him. “Certainly. I can make suitable arrangements for it all.” One declare with ease, as if this wasn’t at all a new occurrence to him. Well half and half. New for what style of organized event but not the allocation of the items themselves.
Just for him to give that devilish side grin, “You believe in bad luck?” He asked surely not so convinced that she believed such a wife’s tale.
Juliette gave a sound, nod, and completely unapologetic smile of agreement at his assessment of chocolate being her favorite. She’d already taken a fork to cut a piece of the first slice and popped it into her mouth, and was duly rewarded with rich dark chocolate and what she was guessing was a raspberry jam.
With that devilish grin of his though, and the disbelief on his face about luck… Juliette laughed! Really, with him asking about the supernatural more than once, she didn’t understand why her potential belief in luck would be so far fetched.
“You don’t, Jordan?” she questioned curiously, still with that wide smile. “I would think some old inherited family contract falling into your lap would be luck indeed. Luckier still that it didn’t turn out to be an entire disaster for either of us. Unless of course, rather than luck it is actually karma. For I suppose one of us must’ve built up quite a bit of good karma.”
He opened his mouth to say something but paused. Closing it slowly due to the fact, if he really thought about it; bad luck was truly a thing. At least he had experienced more than his fair share to merely shrug it off as nothing when in reality, wouldn’t someone call what he was just that. A colossal case of bad luck? By no means would he address this immortal life as karma.
“Perhaps you are right. Though I can’t say whether it is luck or karma, just that it certainly has proven to be possibly a little more than either of us might have ever considered.” Though the whole contract part falling into his lap was a whole other lie. Having been there when the original king had drafted the agreement with the ancestors of her own, he’d known about it. Thought nothing of it until he properly cannibalized the dear ol’ bastard till the moment applied itself that her family’s history of male dominance had eventually given way to her. So perhaps that part was good karma, but he couldn’t entirely say either. Since he had brought it out from the dusty corner for use in hopes to finalize control that was spread from continent to continent.
Tapping finger to cheek a moment, it was in his wise choice to leave that very topic undecided. Favouring the spread of confectionary goods before that had seemed by the first bite to be appreciative by the wife to be. “After this is all said and done, would you want me to return you to the house? I’ve got to stop by for a meeting with one of subordinates to assure one of our closing deals are finalized. Otherwise I’d have invited you to come with me to my little seclusion of a bookstore. But that will have to be another day.”
Juliette had caught him up in something in the world of luck and karma that actually gave him pause to stop and think, which in itself was quite curious as well. Another two samples of cake disappeared – one with a peanut butter frosting she was not a fan of, and one with a salted caramel that was far better.
To his comment about it, Juliette also couldn’t be sure if their arrangement was born of luck or karma. She wasn’t sure she could claim that she’d built of life of good deeds and now she was being rewarded – after all, sometimes she hadn’t been so good at all! But she couldn’t claim it all to be luck either, as she worked so very hard to be where she was.
At least up until now. This entire ordeal with Jordan was luck for certain.
“Yes, back to the house would be best. I do need to make my acquaintance with Elisa formally so that we might plan how best to arrange and put away my things once I have them pulled from storage. If we’re going to have a Book Date some other day, it’s prudent we get my office setup for my library. We’ll see whose collection rivals whose.”
“Considering she lives also within the manor as to elevate the need for travel, I am sure you will have plenty of time to redecorate the very place with what you have and more so.” Surely Elisa had been rather in awe that he had expressed that the very homestead was to soon have a some feminine influence. Knowing the older housekeeper had often commented that the place was even missing the idea of him being a young man, fitting more so in the idea that he was an elder man rather.
If only they knew.
Yet, as she continued, his mouth quirked up into a easy grin. Chuckling sweetly, if he wasn’t worried about what she could think before he had a chance to truly feel out every avenue, he might have shown her the basement area that even Elisa didn’t know about. How it was practically an gothic library but he couldn’t exactly show such an area or expose the fact that there was a ghoulish keeping area that had blood in bags for consumption. “I suppose we will, though that seems like a challenge for me to simply keep going.” Jordan mused curling fingers under his chin. “But another day.” One acquiesced as he looked over the array of sweets, “Have you made a decision?”
“I look forward to the Battle of the Libraries. We’ll make quite a collection,” she mused with a grin.
As for the official cake for their wedding… the last two pieces were something that should’ve been named a Death by Chocolate and Underwhelming Almond. Leaving the first one she tried still by far the best. Dark chocolate and red raspberry seemed rather fitting of a combination.
Juliette checked off her choice and neatly scrawled her instructions for the cake’s style and color. Formal and elegant with oceanic blues and seafoam greens, with an underlined demand that she wanted to see mockups for design approval.
“It almost seems nonsensical to even care about the cake when there is such a high chance we’ll be escaping before dinner is even served,” she teased merrily.
On that note, though, she called out for Barbara, who was, as expected, lurking in the doorway waiting for her chance to come blustering in.
“Excellent, I see we have the menu all planned out?” Barbara asked without needing a reply. She happily accepted the notecard of selections, beaming with pride at the pair. “Thank you so much for choosing Apostolis. We’ll be sure your wedding’s dinner service will be unparallell.”
Lightly he chuckled, finding that out of any battles he might partake in, the one of libraries was proving to be the most interesting. Or it was the way she grinned about it. Settling for a half and half conclusion on the choice. Wouldn’t she be amazed to learn the lower portion of home hidden behind a singular shelf of laundry and cleaning supplies would lead into a large Victorian styled athenaeum. With plenty of books from across the ages –most likely more than a few that would fetch a decent sum- and others that were written in languages seemingly dead.
It brought him a internal amusement while she finalized the selection of sweets that suited her taste. Leaving him a temporarily second to hear her musing about not being able to potentially have the chocolate death dessert due to the idea that they might escape before then. “I am sure you can arrange it that you will have a piece at least set aside for yourself.” He glanced at the note she held only once while her beckon for the woman summoned her like some jester in a court.
Merely missing the bright colours and bells, she gave her finalized merriment of acceptance that cued them to vamoose out of the very place. Lending himself to slip from seat firstly, arranging hand to beckon her up with an assisting grace, he barely lent Barbara a secondary look. Already beginning to arrange the method of transport back to the large estate and the fact that he would simply be dropping off the young dame with housekeeper and cat alike. Having to invest is afternoon to evening upon the idea of figuring out David and of course to corral his idiotic troops into an organize mess. Knowing he was not likely to escape without having a few of them appear upon the wedding boat, though he loathed the idea!
Lips momentarily pressed even against his own choice, promptly shooed and once Juliette was stable upon feet, he would have to retrieve his phone. Deciding it was in his wisest of interests then and there to invoke assistance in both Felix and Myra. Promptly addressing a text to them each. Not about to address all this just as his iron gripped title, but to enlist human help.
With it swiftly accomplished and tucked the device back away, arm was lent to her in a gentlemanly fashion. “Back to the carriage then? I am sure Elisa is ready to implode by having to wait to properly meet you.” Jordan choice to focus on that rather than lend voice to anything else.
“I honestly didn’t mean to run out so quickly this morning,” admitted Juliette with a laugh. Giving Barbara a nod of goodbye, she gracefully accepted his arm and gave him a wry sort of smile.
“Although, I admit I wasn’t sure how I’d greet the woman either after spending an impromptu night in your bed. Seemed a bit rude to just appear first thing in the morning announcing myself as the new fiancé.”
In fact Juliette wasn’t sure how it was going to go over at all. The last time she’d had household staff, she was a child living in her parents home! There was a very different sort of relationship with long term staff that lived with you. The entire thing was so very European.
Elisa was not someone she wanted to make a bad first impression with, regardless.
“I suppose bringing home women is not something you usually do,” she asked curiously.
There was a easy shrug made at the suggestion that she didn’t want to seem rude in front of Elisa after a night of debauchery in his own home. More likely the elder woman would be baffled it had happened at all, since he hadn’t made it a habit to bring home any stray female from the street. Usually keeping such fraternizing behaviours elsewhere. Truly he couldn’t guess which way the housekeeper would take it.
Would she frown and cluck her tongue like a upset mother that liked to think sex didn’t exist? Or, would she have been strangely amused to barely keep a smirk from lips?
He couldn’t say.
Nor would be bothered to even attempt too. “She knows I’ve set myself up for marriage, that part wouldn’t come as a surprise. If anything, maybe that you exist.” He lifted his brows up playfully, “She may think I have been bluffing about such an event, only to be shocked that you are not a figment of my imagination.” Leaving it to her to take however which way she wanted while they were thankfully vacating this bolshie building! Rather to lend in turn a sly smirk upon the darling dot.
“You are the first and only, Juliette. I’m a private man, surprisingly. And my home is not somewhere I roll about with anyone. It is pristinely to be merely touched as a first by yourself. Which may only prompt Elisa to staring in a gobsmacked manner that it happened at all. But I am sure if you need added convincing, she will tell you about the lack of ladies trailing up and down that of the staircase to bedroom.” He dared a glimpse towards wrist then, “Not that I wish to tamper down our company, but I should hasten you back to the manor so I may go and ruin someone else’s day with my irritability.”
Juliette supposed if he never brought home women, then it really would be something skeptical indeed for the housekeeper to even believe he’d managed to get engaged at all! Especially so quickly too! At least she took solace in the fact the woman would have to at least believe it to be true after he’d thrown an entire engagement party.
She laughed easily, not making comment until they made it safely back to his car, where once she’d settled into her seat and buckled up, she pulled out her own phone to thumb out a text to her secretary to clear her schedule for the rest of the day and to stand by in case she needed things sent to the house.
A home office was going to be fantastic, even if she were still wary about setting herself up long term in Jordan’s home.
“It’s good then, that I won’t have to compete with former mistresses and run the risk of earning Madam Elisa’s ire because I erased some former favorite’s mark on the house.” she admitted. Juliette had no silly insecurities nagging her about past women, but it certainly would’ve made things difficult if there had been ones the housekeeper liked better!
“Quickly home then, lover. I hope whoever’s day you’re about to ruin with such enthusiasm righteously deserves it,” she mused with another laugh, casting him second curious glance.
Lowly there was simply one chuckle. Dark, perhaps a little misplaced at the suggestion that she hoped whomever was the worst part of his mood had been deserving of it. Well, by proxy perhaps. Yet there was next to no need in expressing verbally that his whole intention was to use the network of leeches to scope down that of her ex that should have potentially stared in the Streetcar Named Desire, rather than his own everyday life.
Silence would be her answer. Only offering over conversation on other topics whilst they made haste back towards the grandeur that was a villa on a semi manicured lot. Through gates up to slow in pause to allowed departure of the woman. Where he would pause a moment, “Code on the door. One zero three one.” He pointed so she could help herself inside without needing to fumble around like a brainless twit, “Elisa should be within. If you need anything, merely ask. I shall be back after dinner.” Much to his own appreciation as he would like to actively avoid the meal time at this point! “I am sure Thiex is awaiting your return anyways, so you ought to be wonderfully distracted by purring mews.”
“Don’t work too late, Jordan. It’d be a shame if a cat stole your fiancé,” she softly teased, leaning over the center console to brush a quick kiss to his cheek. Without any added ceremony, she exited the car and quickly made her way up the front steps to let herself inside the manor home.