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Character Name: Cicily Charbonneau
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Human
Age: 24
Birthplace/World: Grew up in Maine, spent her teen years in France
Occupation/School/Grade: Student of Anthropology, Antique Jewelry Dealer
General Appearance:
Strengths: She is energetic!
Weaknesses: Cicily has the physical strength of a nine year old girl.
Current Goal/Purpose: Become a Professor of Ancient Occult & Supernatural Mythology, with a little saving the world on the side.
Talents: Cicily is a fountain of useful knowledge.
Inabilities: Where scary things are fascinating, they are not so great to deal with in reality.
Fears: Lets just say Cicily is a little paranoid after discovering the mysteries of life!
General Personality: Cicily tends to adapt her behavior to suit the group of people she’s with, thus if you ask anyone what Cicily is like, they are all going to have different sort of answers. At school she is studious and focused, perhaps shy, quiet and reserved. Cicily is hyper focused on her studies and research. When at work, she turns on this bubbly charm. Chatting with ease, being warm and friendly. Take her out to a bar or a party and she will be excitable and bouncy. Take her on a stake out to hunt a scary monster, and she’ll try to act as tough and badass as possible.
Inner Personality: Cicily wants to be everyone’s friend, and this occasionally has her acting really stupid in order to fit in or prove that she is “one of the gang”. Being an only child and with the rest of her family off traveling and being douchey rich people, she’s desperate to connect with people and find that place where she belongs. When she stops trying too hard, she is relaxed (if a little silly), enjoys chatting with people just as much as she loves quiet peaceful moments. She’s very passionate about her field of study, even more so when she discovered the monsters of mythology were REAL.
Secret: She is trying to build a collection of artifacts, particularly ones that are potentially magical. She figures they will come in handy to Hunters one day and maaaybe give her a second chance of meeting her crush once again.
General History: Cicily Charbonneau was born to a ridiculously rich family. Crazy, ridiculous rich. She has never wanted for anything, and has lived in this perfect fantasy lifestyle that most people can only dream of. Where most young rich girls turn to parties, acting out, and trashing around to gain the attention of their absent parents – Cicily chose to focus on studies. She was always very interested in the the background stories of the antiques around her family home. While in France, it was the story of the Loup Garou that really captured muse and ultimately lead her to her passion for monster mythology.
She got in to a bit of trouble when her Professor turned out to be a maniac trying to summon and control a beast. This was how she met Moriah and her brother Abe. Moriah was this amazing gunslinging femme fatale, and Cicily wanted to BE that! Abe was mind-swimmingly handsome, and Cicily knew she didn’t have a snowballs chance in hell catching his attention, especially considering for the first time EVER Cicily could not seem to speak like an intelligent human being around him. By the end of it, she watched two of her classmates get eaten and was about to be the third when the big rescue went down. Her heroes walked off in to the sunset, and Cicily has regretted not doing something daring, like kissing the guy or asking for a phone number.
Present Life: Cicily is still a student, going for all her necessary degrees to become a PROFESSOR. On the sly, she has been digging and doing research in to the REALITY of Hunters. Trying to make connections and “get in to the biz”. She loves that she can put her knowledge to good use. Secretly she’s hoping that one day she’ll run in to her crush again, and that this time she’ll be smooth, sexy, badass, and IMPRESS him.
Special Historic Notes:
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