Title: Trouble’s Legacy: Troubled Florist!
Number: 277
Date: Oct 15, 2008 at 12:38 PM
Divinatas – Oct 15, 2008 at 12:38 PM
[i]Generic Star Wars RPG. There is no timeline. Star Wars Universe, somewhere! This is not strict cannon and anyone is welcome to jump in. Someone save that poor florist.[/i]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
[i]:::Message Transmission Begin:::
This is Siann Acai, and I’m just a florist. A few days ago I bought a used ship, and much to my dismay it turns out the thing was stolen. I was picked up by government officials, who then proceeded to bully me in to some crazy undercover mission to find the previous owner of said used ship. Only, it was a trap, it backfired, and now I’m sitting in a prison cell.
Can someone please, please, please get me out of here before they decide to sell me off to gangsters or pull my legs off like they did to the Admiral? Please? Anybody?
:::Message Transmission End:::[/i]
That was it. But with her luck, there wasn’t going to be a person in the galaxy that cared to rescue a florist from gangsters! Siann tried to get use to the idea of being sold to slavery or dieing a gruesome painful death.
Zack Strike – Oct 16, 2008 at 1:32 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins [/U]
Lance was just doing his usual routine in his repair shop. The 5’10 blond hair mechanic wore a dirty white tank top and a pair of greased covered cargo pants. He was in the middle of fixing a ‘salvaged’ short ranged scanner that he picked out of some speeder. He usually got away with picking expensive stuff off of rich and thugs alike, he was crafty like that. he was trying to tune the blasted thing when his mind started to wonder to the flower girl that owned a shop across from his. She had no idea that he existed, but he would admire her everyday as she tended to her flowers. It wasn’t like he was obsessed or stalking her he just thought she was as lovely as the flowers she tended too. He started to wonder where she had gone because she usually never left her shop unattended for too long.
Just then the scanner he was working on picked up a weak transmission that was breaking up:
[I]”……Siann Acai, and I’m…….florist. A few……I bought a used ship,……my dismay…….turns out…….stolen. I was…….by government officials, who…..bully me……to some crazy……cover mission to find…..previous owner…..ship. Only, …….trap, it backfired, and……..sitting in a prison cell.
Can someone please, please, ……me out of here………decide to sell me…….gangsters or pull my legs…..did to the Admiral? Please? Any?…….”
Then static. At this point Lance was already on his feet at the first mention of her name.
“Siann what have you got yourself into.” Lance said to himself as he tried to boost power to the device, but to no anvil the signal was gone. Lance knew that the signal was weak but she had to be close by. So without thinking anything through he grabbed his olive drab colored jacket and scanner and headed to the first placed that he could think of looking for help. The local cantina. He knew a guy with a decent ship that he worked on who was ex-smuggler and who just might be crazy enough to help, but he never stayed planet side for too long. Lance vowed to find someone to help even if it meant to give up the shop to save her he swore he would.
Divinatas – Oct 16, 2008 at 6:03 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Meanwhile on a planet in that very same solar system…
Gorren Tohrek was sitting up in his high chair smoking an extra thick rolled death stick as he admired his latest acquired booty. The body of some fancy pants admiral made for a pretty good ransom, and now Gorren had quite a bit of money to fund his fleet of ‘traders’. But now that he was on the radar of big bad important people, it was about time for Gorren to packup and move to another location.
Now all he had to deal with was that nice little civilian prisoner he had stashed down in one of those cells. Sell her off to the slavers? Ransom her to her family? Of course, having a nice girl around for a personal servant wasn’t never a bad idea! Gorren Tohrek took some time to think about it, while he worked on his [i]next[/i] plans.
Ocha – Nov 7, 2008 at 2:07 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Adam’s broach looked very odd on her dark skin tight jump suit. Sure she had the half cloak attached to her belt, but the broach was very ornate and goddy. Everything else about the smoky eyed woman was neat and precise. The way Adam liked his booty. Now it was hers, and it let anyone that knew the former smuggler that if they were looking for him, she was now who they wished to speak.
The cantina was not the place that Eva would normally go, but there had been some business she needed to finish and the seedy dive had served her purpose. Now that was over and she was finishing her drink. No, if Eva had her way she wouldn’t see the inside of another place like this for a long while.
Zack Strike – Nov 7, 2008 at 12:34 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Lance walked through the cantina with the look of a mission on his face. He didn’t really know what to look for but Adam was his first thought. First glance he didn’t see any trace of him.
A little discourage Lance was just about to approach the bar counter when he noticed something of Adam’s, a broach he was so proud of that he’d show off to anyone. When Lance noticed who it was attached to his first thought was, [I]’Aww crap!'[/I] Lance knew it was going to be hard to convince Adam to help for little to nothing, but someone that had bested him, and a woman no doubt, was going to be impossible.
Lance went to the bar and ordered a shot of a light alcoholic beverage and barely managed it down (He’s a total feather weight). Lance recovered and took a deep breath and approached the intimidating smuggler with what confidence he could muster and worked his magic.
“Well you have the look of a season spacer, and you seem to have known Adam. How would you like in on a big job.”
Ocha – Nov 7, 2008 at 2:27 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
All but ready to leave now that her drink was finished, all that Eva could think about was to clean the smoke out of her hair and change cloths. Wasn’t it ironic that now someone would eye her, or rather what she wore, and want her to take a job. Eva wore the broach on purpose though, and it would do her no good to roll her eyes or sigh about her fate. The force guide her!
“I guess it would depend on the job,” Eva said in a soft spoken voice, though it was without much emotion. The smokey eyed woman looked in the man’s eyes, her face was heart shape, and her dark hair, the color hard to discern in the filtered lighting of the cantina, was up in a tight bun. Her lips were puckered ever so slightly in a thoughtful manner.
In a fluid motion she then stood, the half cape wavering in the motion, though the lightsaber on her belt stayed in it’s spot. “I do not think this is the type of place we want to discuss this. You don’t belong here.” Eva then started outside. If he followed he was serious in his need. If he tried to bluff or become defensive she knew he would take his job to anyone.[/dash]
Zack Strike – Nov 8, 2008 at 12:17 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
The woman look lance right in the eyes with such a lack of emotion that it threw him off. She sure looked like a spacer, but lance dealt with plenty of smugglers in his day always with some kind of pride or serious about them. Her eyes however, Lance couldn’t figure it out. Then his train of thought came to a crashing halt,
[I]”I do not think this is the type of place we want to discuss this. You don’t belong here.”[/I]
Lance could feel his eye twitch. No one really took him seriously because of the way he looked and the fact that he was just a mechanic, but when this woman said that too him, [I]’You don’t belong here'[/I], Lance couldn’t help himself. He chased the woman outside and cut her off,
“Look! My belonging here has nothing to do with this. You must be friends with Adam to be wearing that pendant or bested him in some way. This isn’t your average job. See…..there’s this girl, that belongs to a very wealthy family, and I know that they will pay very well to see her home safe. So you want in or what?”
Lance couldn’t offer anything concrete, so he did what he knew best and lied while appealing to ever spacers and smugglers weakness, greed.
Ocha – Nov 8, 2008 at 12:53 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Eva’s eyebrow shot up. “And you are what, their representative?” Then a smirk touched her lips. “Tell you what. You come with me to the ship. You tell me the truth and we’ll go from there. You tell me what you think I want to hear and you can talk to one of them.”
Then she looked down at her arm, and picked off a long hair. “Damn Wookies. I swear he was trying to break my ribs,” she muttered, then she gave him one more look before turning and walking in the direction of the space port.
Adam’s ship, which was indeed what Eva was walking to, was a Naboo skimmer with several Corillian modifications. It was Adam’s standard operation. He liked the elegance and style of the Naboo craft, but in the end he wanted the better made Corillian parts. In fact it could be said the ship was more Corillian than Naboo.
Zack Strike – Nov 8, 2008 at 1:15 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Lance couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had let his anger get the best of him, but even though she knew that he was full of it she didn’t blow him off or try to take advantage. Dumbfounded Lance stood there for a second as he watched the woman head towards the spaceport. Not knowing who or what this person was he found himself following her back to her ship.
As they entered the hanger that her ship was housed in Lance recognized it as Adam’s ship. He knew it because the SOB stilled owed him for most of the mods and repairs.
“Ok, how ’bout I start over. My name’s Lance Hawkins and I need a ship to find a….friend. I can’t offer much, but I have a salvage shop and I can fix almost anything. I’m the best and cheapest damn mechanic in town and that’s a fact, because I’m the only one around that knows what he’s doing. So what do you do and how do you know Adam?”
Lance was going for broke and was hoping that some how his person would be different than most of the scum on this planet.
Ocha – Nov 8, 2008 at 1:30 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“Hawkins? Pleased to meet you.” She then touched the keypad and the ramp onto the ship came down. Walking inside, the overly ornate protocol droid sang a greeting to them in some alien language. Eva ignored it, leading Lance further into the ship to a place to sit down.
“Adam, I saved his life,” Eva explained simply. “In return, he retired.” She then sat back into her seat. “But don’t think I go looking for people to rescue all the time. That is not only unprofitable, but in the end more dangerous then smuggling.”
Reaching over she held out her hand. “Eva Starflare. Tell me everything that happened.”[/dash]
Zack Strike – Nov 8, 2008 at 3:06 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Lance held out his hand in return and said,
“Hey don’t get me wrong I will find a way to pay you I always make good on my dues. But to be honest this job is probably going to get a little life threatening.”
Lance took a step and leaned against the hull. He couldn’t think of anyway to sugar coat the truth, so he just told it like it was,
“Well you see, I think my friend might have been captured my slavers.”
At that point Lance half expected Eva to laugh out loud and throw him off the ship. Lance couldn’t put his finger on it but he knew something was different about this person. So maybe by some miracle she would help save the Troubled Florist.
Ocha – Nov 8, 2008 at 3:13 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“Might have been? That doesn’t sound promising.” She crossed her arms. “If that’s all you know, then it will be next to impossible to find her. I don’t think you’re that naive. You have a sector to start off with I hope.”
Eva stood up. “This is a life debt you’ll owe me though. Think long and hard if this is something you want to have hanging over you before you give me your answer.” She looked at him like she was looking at his soul.
In the back ground near the now closed entrance ramp of the ship, the protocol droid was still singing. It was a haunting tune, but lined with hope. Electronic irony to be sure.[/dash]
Zack Strike – Nov 9, 2008 at 7:10 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[I]’A life debt?'[/I] Lance thought to himself. What did he look like a wookie in distress? Lance thought about it long and hard of the price he would have to pay. He thought she would make him do repairs on her ship for life or make him sell his shop. Lance uncrossed him arms and made his decision,
“Alright I’ll do it. I’m willing to pay any price to save her. As for destination I did receive a weak transmission in my shop a few hours ago. Adam used to tell me stories about smugglers and other sorts of thugs and scum, no offense, that do their business around the local moon. I thought we could stop there and check it out, after I get us some fire power first, if that’s alright. I used to hide some of his shipments when he was planet side sometimes and he would forget so I would sell them on the black market.”
Ocha – Nov 10, 2008 at 5:39 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Eva stood and nodded. “That’s fine, you have two hours to gather up what you need.” The dark hair woman then escorted him down to the ships ramp, giving an annoyed look to the droid who was still singing. “I will leave in two hours one way or another. And only a suggestion, but don’t tell anyone what you’re up to. Don’t lie, just let people make their own conclusions.”
Waving him gone, Eva brought the ramp back up once Lance was off ship. “Do anything? He really didn’t belong in the cantina.” With a bit of a sigh, Eva walked up to the cockpit to start on her pre-flight checks. She wasn’t interested in staying planet side a moment long then she had to once Lance was aboard.
Sitting in the flight seat she looked down at the broach. “You old space dog did not ever once forget your cargo. So why were you helping him?” Eva thought about that as she did her checks.[/dash]
Divinatas – Nov 13, 2008 at 10:08 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[i]’Local System News Update; Two Days ago the body of Admiral Had was found in a cargo container en route shipment to the government military fleet. It’s rumored the Admiral was on a covert undercover mission with the aid of a civilian and was captured. There has been no evidence found of a civilian body, but the Fleet refuses to comment. Sources say slave-trader and smuggler Gorren Tohrek sent the body as a warning for the Fleet. Admiral Had was a-‘[/i]
Siann accidentally groaned out loud as she leaned over a desk pouring some wretched looking hot liquid in to a mug and slid it over to the man she was now calling ‘Master Tohrek Sir’. That blasted Fleet! She wouldn’t have been in this mess if that Admiral weren’t completely insane and forced her in to it! Now he was deader than dead and she was serving meals and playing house with a [i]real[/i] villain. Siann had tried to escape when they explained the whole deal to her, but that ended quickly with the little collar latched and locked neatly around her neck. One wrong move and ZAP! Instant pain!
Master Tohrek Sir seemed to have heard her groan at the little news blurb and cast her a dreadfully snarky grin. Could she get away with it, Siann would have splashed hot goop in his face! Luckily he was too busy chatting with someone through a com-link to throw his normal bragging at her. Fussing with the items on the table, she couldn’t help but peek at his map screen. They were headed for some moon out of her home system. Sigh… there went any hope of finding a way out and going home. Looks like the moon Hrel is going to be her home from now on!
Zack Strike – Nov 14, 2008 at 3:50 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Lance was hurrying back to his shop when he happened to over hear a news break.
[I]’-Civilian and was captured. There has been no evidence found of a civilian body, but the Fleet refuses to comment. Sources say slave-trader and smuggler Gorren Tohrek…'[/I]
[I]’Gorren Tohrek!'[/I] Lance felt a very cold chill run up and down his spine at the mention of the name. He remembered Adam telling his story of that monster. Lance had a very good feeling that he was the one that capture the flower girl and if he was holding her it was going to be one hell of a rescue. Lance quickened his pace to his shop.
As Lance arrived at his shop he opened a secret hatch the lead to a safe under his shop, it took a whole year for him to install it, and opened the walk-in size safe. There was a rack of high end blaster pistols and a light repeater rifle on one end and the other a shelf of grenades and combat vest all to military specifications. He grabbed a vest and filled four holsters with pistols and concealed them with his jacket. He stuffed a few grenades in his pockets and stared and thought about taking the Repeater, but after a few minutes he decided otherwise and closed the safe and hatch and hurried back to Eva’s hangar.
joey – Nov 19, 2008 at 5:45 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[B]Elsa Moon[/B]
It was all over with a single hand shake before Elsa Moon knew what exactly had happened. One of the men stood laughing as another tossed her the keys to the colar she wore around her neck. It was all over. At least thats the way they wanted it to look.
Slowly the man paid his tab and left leaving a very confused and her pasted out owner crumbled on the table. Lance had just left the place about an hour before. Tired and out of sorts Elsa could only watch the exchange between the two strangers. Some handsome man and a woman with dark eyes. So many odd people in this world she took notice of the only two that looked somewhat normal right away. She had seen him leave, going after the woman with dark eyes after a quick exchange. Her heart longed to follow him. It mattered not where he was going or where that woman might have lead him. It only mattered that she distance herself from the sick bastard before he knew what he had just done.
The deal was sealed and her freedom was a complete fluke. This was her one and only chance to escape. She had no money, no family or friends to speak of. Her hands worked on the colar and chains and before they had completely fell to the floor she was out the door and into the crowd. Dodging back and forth she ran blind into the street. Her heart thundering in her ears as she tried to think of her next move. *Dont get caught… dont get caught* was all she kept telling herself as she moved.
Images of Tohrek kept popping up on the faces of people she past by. Some of them shouted at her, only adding to her panic as she ran. Her once neat and clean jump suite was stained with blood. Torn and ripped in places. She looked nothing like she did months before. Before life changed and before the man she thought would never leave her was killed. She thought she could save him and rescue him, but had been tricked and for that she paid a heavy price. Getting back at Tohrek would be her only goal.. that and staying alive. As Elsa rounded the corner she her mind was flashing to the violent nights with the slavers.. She had not seen Lance and before she knew it.. She crashed right into him. Knocking him down and sending herself falling hard to the patched earth.
Zack Strike – Nov 20, 2008 at 12:31 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
As Lance was rushing back to Eva for fear that he had taken too long he wasn’t really paying attention to where he was going and before he knew it he slammed right in to someone. Living around here a accident like bumping into someone can be dangerous, so expecting a fight Lance jumped to his feet with the best of his ability after recovering form the crashed and started to reach for one of his pistols,
“You don’t want any of this tough guy…..”
But to much of Lance’s surprise it was a girl he ran into an injured girl at that. Shocked and worried at the same time Lance took his hand off his pistol and knelt down beside her to make sure she wasn’t dying.
“Hey are you ok? Your not dying are you? Come on you can’t die here!”
joey – Nov 21, 2008 at 1:49 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[B][U]Elsa Moon[/U][/B]
Coughing a little from the dust and the wind being knocked out of her Elsa blinked and looked up at the man. He was talking to her and it took her a moment to get her barrings. It wouldnt be long before her drunk bastard owner would be looking for her she had to act fast.. She quickly got to her feet and looked around.
With his words still hanging in the air between them she tried to look composed and steady. “Im okay.. Im fine..” her eyes dodged back and forth. She had to think quickly before anyone knew she was missing.. Taking a huge risk she just came right out with it..
“Look I have to hide, they cant find me, do you want a slave? I will do whatever you want, I can work, I can clean.. I’ll do anything I even have some information on slavers..I can tell you anything, just please.. if anyone asks say you own me okay”
Hoping and praying that her sudden confession of being a slave and then begging to be in his possesion wouldnt get her shot right her on the spot. He might even report her or turn her in for some money. Why did she say so much.. She felt so naked and stupid standing there as others walked by them muttering. In the distance some men came out of the cantina and pointed toward her general direction. Shaking Elsa stood there waiting…
Zack Strike – Nov 21, 2008 at 11:46 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
The poor girl took a pretty hard fall and tried to convince Lance that she was alright, but the blood on her jump suit didn’t get there by itself. She seemed really scared and like she was run form something then she dropped the whole story on him,
[I]”Look I have to hide, they cant find me, do you want a slave? I will do whatever you want, I can work, I can clean.. I’ll do anything I even have some information on slavers..I can tell you anything, just please.. if anyone asks say you own me okay”[/I]
Lance didn’t detect any dishonesty in her voice just fear. She was a runaway…great. If Lance decided to help her out there was going to be a whole mess of trouble. He was already going to start a small war with one of the biggest baddest criminals in the system and now was to risk his life for a slave he hardly knew…then again that’s what he was doing in the first place so….
As Lance was just about to offer her help he noticed that she reminded Lance of himself when Adam discovered him on his ship, Adam helped him then and now he was going to help this girl. Lance reached out his hand,
“Come on lets go back to my shop and get you out of those clothes…Wait! I didn’t mean it like that! Aw, lets just get you safe for now.”
As they arrived at his shop he handed her a clean jumpsuit unfortunately it was the only thing clean that he had lying around, he directed her to the back room to change which just happened to be his bedroom as well. As she was changing he thought it might be a good idea to call Eva. Lance pulled out the transmitter and dialed into Adam’s old ship frequency with any luck Eva had the same frequency,
“Eva can you read this? It’s Lance, I’m using Adam’s old frequency pick up if you can hear this.”
Ocha – Nov 21, 2008 at 11:22 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
A chime sounded and a light came to light. Someone was using Adam’s planet side frequency. Eva frowned, it was not exactly a secure line as far as she was concerned. Switching it on, there was Lance.
“Boy,” Eva was not by any means old enough to refer to Lance as a mere boy. “You have fifteen minutes to get here, so you best not be wasting time talking.” Truth was she was already to go, the hatch was the only thing unsecure now.[/dash]
Zack Strike – Nov 22, 2008 at 2:04 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
As Lance heard Eva’s voice crackle through the transmitter he could tell she was in a good mood.
“[I]Boy[/I]? Anyway I think I might have some information on my friend the only problem it that it might come at a dangerous price and by that I mean big guys with guns. I appreciate your patience with me and I didn’t want to drag you into this…..but I think I might have by calling you on this frequency. You might want to leave…now, but thanks for your help.”
Not sure what he just said or to stop and think about it Lance switched off the transmitter and started to lock down his shop. He moved some of his equipment in front of the entrance to obscure the line of sight to the back of the shop hopefully to give him the advantage if it came down to a fire fight. With his mind racing with thought he began to check his pistols and equipment to make sure if was ready for a battle, and patiently waited for the young slave girl to change so he could ask her some questions.
Ocha – Nov 23, 2008 at 12:55 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Ever so slightly dumbfounded, Eva wondered what sort of trouble Lance got himself in two hours, and couldn’t have gotten himself on ship and of planet. Crossing her arms, Eva thought about things for a moment.
Securing the hatch, Eva took off from the space port. If trouble was coming, she wasn’t going to be around if her held was unneeded. As she made it out of the planet’s atmosphere Eva pulled up the star charts on her computer system.
“Admiral Had? Gorren Tohrek?” Eva thought about the news report she had heard in the background earlier while she was setting up to head back out into space. “If his friend was the one that was captured.” Eva sighed. “The force be with us all!” She muttered to herself before talking more clearly. “Okay C-6P9 secure yourself and let’s be out of here, we’re going to Ebas system to check up on some people.”[/dash]
joey – Nov 24, 2008 at 1:15 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[B]Elsa moon[B]
The room was small but well lit and Elsa made quick work of getting out of the blood stained jump suit and into the new one. It was a bit long so she just rolled up the pant legs a bit and laced up her boots. Doing what she could with some soap and water she came out looking better but still tired. As she dressed she could hear him moving abount and in the back of her mind she wondered if she had been seen or not. Shaking her head she walked out of the room and went looking for him. He was bound to want answers and it would only be fair she tell him everything.. besides she wasnt able to lie.. That had long since been beaten out of her.
Crossing the living area she looked for Lance and soon found him just shy of the work area. Everything was neat and clean. She noticed that some boxes and crates had been moved infront of the exits and that made her worry. They had been seen after all. They were trapped like rats. How could she be so stupid. Letting out a soft moan she paced back and forth both scared and worried.
She wanted to just go and let this guy be done with her but where was so to go? Elsa had no money, no transport, nothing.. Looking up as her uneven bangs fell into her eyes she tried to say something but words failed her..
“I.. I mean.. Im…” Looking away she wasnt sure she could even speak.[/B][/B]
Zack Strike – Nov 24, 2008 at 12:40 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance was too preoccupied in thought to noticed that the slave girl was all changed and cleaned up until she spoke. She seemed to be at a lost for words and he couldn’t imagine what she went through,
“Hey it’s alright you don’t have to explain now. Just go ahead and get some rest. I’ve got this covered.” He gestured to her with a rather convincing smile.
Of course Lance wanted to get an idea of what he would be up against, but the poor girl just seemed so beaten and tired. Hopeful if anyone did see him take her back here they would underestimate him and only send a few lightly armed thugs, the only time Lance would be glad that he looked like a little punk.
joey – Nov 25, 2008 at 11:06 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[B]Elsa Moon[/B]
“wait, I dont just want to sleep there is someone out there that needs my help and its all my fault in the first place..” letting out a sigh Elsa’s voice trailed off as she knew all to well how most men where and she got the hint that she should just leave him alone. It might be for the best after all. He did have rule over her no matter what, if he wanted her to rest, then she would do as she was told.
Looking down and away her moment of suddenly bravery left her as her shoulders dropped and she walked away toward the back room. Her soft auburn hair fell into her eyes as her right fingers traced the counter top she was passing.
In the street some shouts came and a few crude jokes all in referance to her. Some shots ran out as two fat guys walked up the street toward the shop. One called for the girl and banged on a few doors as they got closer. The other filty looking monster took a drink from some grayish looking bottle. “She aint here man, some wack job said she went that way and someone else said she just got on transported.. hell I dont know and I dont care.. ” ready to give up the two started to tussle over the gray bottle. “Come on give me some, that ass hole didnt pay me enough to take another step, if he wants that slave chick he can find her himself, hand over the bottle…” “Nodding in drunken agreement the other man kept the bottle and laughed.. “get your own”. The agrument went on down the street followed by two more shots and laughter..
A terrified Elsa remained huddled under a shop counter top. Not sure of what was going on, she only knew to take cover as soon as she heard the first shot.
Ocha – Nov 27, 2008 at 12:35 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Claxi was the second planet past the asteroid belt around the red giant of the Ebas System. It had at one time a lush, wet planet. Nowadays it was not best for one to spend much time outside for the air was both hot and acidic.
In a very low cut purple dress, with leg slits very high on the long gown, Eva walked into one of the higher end casinos on the lesser continent of the east. Her hair was down on one side in cascading tendrils with jeweled ornaments, her lips the same purple as her dress. Her droid was following a half step behind to her left.
As she walked, she smiled and nodded at the various people. Gamblers, businessmen, criminals and those looking for particular amusements. Though she seemed to walk in a slow casual pace, she was in fact looking for an individual.
Eker Dl’mk was a grey skinned alien with ram like horns and stood as tall as a wookie. He was dressed in a shimmering gold sequence dress, his talons painted a bright red and even though his kind had no visible lips, he wore lipstick of the same bright red and make up that was almost horrific but somehow was fantastic. “Why if it isn’t little Evening Star,” the usually harsh spoken voice of the species said with a musical softness. “This is a surprise.”
The alien drag queen motioned for Eva to sit with him at his table. “I’m afraid I don’t plan to stay long,” Eva told him as she sat down.
“Long enough for dinner, surely.”
Eva agreed and what followed was a light salad with soup and a discussion on Gorren Tohrek. Dl’mk was not pleased when Eva said she wished to do business with the criminal. Especially with the Fleet after him, but Eva insisted that just made the pay much better if she ran a shipment for him.
By the end of the night, Eva had what she needed. “Now darling, if you need anything, you just let Big Sister know.”
“Thank you, but I wouldn’t want to impose,” Eva told the big ladyboy. He tried to protest, but Eva reminded him they were even. Dl’mk didn’t think so, but would let the discussion rest till next they met. Turning none too few heads, she headed out of the casino and back to her ship.
Once in more comfortable cloths Eva looked at a bottle of Hemlir Purple. A rare wine even at the best of time, now with the embargo, it was almost impossible to get. What a shame that it was one of Tohrek favorites.[/dash]
Zack Strike – Nov 29, 2008 at 5:26 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
The girl’s outburst seem to be out of frustration and gilt, but those emotions soon left her as she seem to just submit to Lance’s request.
“Wait! What happened to you…”, but just as he finished his question there was a commotion that caught his attention outside his shop followed by blaster fire. Instinctively Lance ducked down behind his work bench. He looked for the girl and saw she was hiding as well. Lance crawled over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder,
“Hey just sit tight and keep your head down.”
Lance reached for his pistols, but forgot that he left them on the work bench. The two started to fight over a bottle one was carrying and continued down the street, hopefully they wouldn’t come back. Lance focused back on the girl,
“I think they’re moving on, but really I think we should go.”
Lance offered his hand to help her up and said,
“Tell me about this person that needs your help.”
Ocha – Nov 30, 2008 at 5:21 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
[i]Dark brown eyes looked at her and Eva knew that he was trying to reassure her. Not that it helped much. There was a fair even chance once they went through those doors one or both of them would be dead, but they had little choice now.
Eva stretched out a hand and put it on his brown bearded face. “I want you to know,” she started to say but he placed a finger on her lips.
“I know,” he said with regret in his voice. Why wouldn’t he at least let her say it? Why![/i]
“Adam?” Startled by the sound, Eva looked at the screen, she must have nodded off in the dull trip between Claxi and one of the larger moons of the gas giant Mimber, Hrel. It was a fairly uninteresting looking planetary moon. There was nothing about it that one would pick it out as an ideal location. It was habitable though, and that was all that was really needed. She had to give the scum credit for finding such an ordinary place to call home.
Eva made sure that her landing was very obvious after all, they’d be less likely to shoot her down if she didn’t seem to have anything to hide. Not that Eva went down without any worries. She had full shields up and guns powered up incase they were not interested in any discussion.
“Unidentified ship, what is your purpose here?” A rough neutral voice called out on an open frequency.
“I’m a trader and have come to trade,” Eva said as she finished her landing approach, if they were going to shoot her out of the sky, they’d missed that window of opportunity. She was all together unsurprised that she had a welcoming party waiting for her as she came out of her ship. “Now now, it’s just me and my droid. You can calm down.”
“What are you doing here?” One of the armed men asked. He was a bit cleaner looking then most of these men and obviously felt he was in charge.
“As I said before, I’m a trader. I have in my mind the thought of seeing if Hemlir Purple is in demand here.”
The guy in charge looked at her ship his eyes narrowed. Eva laughed. “I’m not that stupid, I brought only samples. You can try to take my ship, but how many of you will be alive to enjoy such a meager prize?” Eva crossed her arms. “I want to talk to someone that would be more incline to talk business.
“Right, business. That would be our boss.” The guy in charge sounded less sure of himself.
Eva grinned. “That’s right, your boss. I’d love to meet him.” With only her droid as a friend, Eva was surrounded and lead into a backside of a mountain. At first Eva thought that Gorren Tohrek lived in some sort of rustic hideout, but she soon learned this was only a secure entrance to an mansion that was almost a palace!
Dirty outdoor guards were replaced with indoor servants of a much cleaner and polite being. Eva was finally handed over to some sort of numbers man. He did not like the idea of unscheduled appointments. Eva persuaded him to let her meet his boss though and she was finally lead into the office of one of the biggest slave traders in the galaxy.
There was something that caught Eva’s attention and she only gave a brief glance to the man at the desk before looking past him. Dark brown hair and eyes. Eyes that reminded Eva so much of…[/dash]
joey – Nov 30, 2008 at 11:21 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Timid at first Elsa slowly took his hand and once on her feet before him she let go and backed away. She was not ready to make eye contact with him in an effort as to not challenge him. The last thing she wanted now was to give this man any reason at all to strike her. Elsa knew she had to say something but there was so much and it was all like a huge nightmare she wasnt sure where to start.
“I guess I should start with my name. Im Elsa Moon, Im a slave. I have been my whole life. Bought and sold, traded for goods or services. Its all I have ever known. At least that was until a few days ago.
“See I met someone, someone so kind and ever so sweet that I just knew that there was no way she was ever a slave. But there she was in the holding cells with all the others. I came and went doing as I was told but when I took her food there was something about her.”
As Elsa spoke her eyes seemed far away as she stared at her hands and let out a sigh. A tear slipped down her face as she went on.
“At one point we became friends, well I’d like to think so.. but then all hell broke lose and the man that I was with escaped from the ship taking me and one other girl with him. His plan was to sell us. And he did, once he got here, but that girl was left behind and I have no idea what happened to her.”
Shaking her head Elsa tried to stop crying. Covering her face only for a moment she fought hard to keep it together.
“Look I have to get back to that ship and I have to find her. I owe her that much. She cant be a slave, she just cant. I mean all she ever talked about was flowers. I thought it odd since I stopped noticing them a long time ago.”
Elsa’s voice trailed off as she wiped a tear off her face and tried to look brave. Taking a deep breath all she could do was wait to see what he might say. He might tell her it was oh so sad and turn around and sell her. It was only a matter of time before she was captured anyway. Rubbing her wrist Elsa was reminded of her cuff and the tag they had placed inside her. Some chip that marked her for the rest of her life as property.
Divinatas – Dec 1, 2008 at 12:32 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
(Data check! Relating Elsa & Siann together is great, but the info is a little wrong! XD Check the first post in this thread. Siann bought a ship that turned out to be stolen, was picked up by a government guy, forced in to a “secret mission” and the mission failed so they were captured (By Gorren Tohrek). The admiral guy was used for a ransom and killed, but Siann was kept as a slave… So you’ll need to edit that post a little bit! So they prolly met in one of the holding cells before Elsa was sold away and then escaped?)
Zack Strike – Dec 1, 2008 at 1:10 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Elsa, The name of the girl Lance was helping, told her story of her terrible life as a slave and how she came to be in his care. It must have been so horrible being treated like property. Then she mentioned her friend that wasn’t a slave and talked about flowers,
“Flowers?! Did you happen to ask her name? Was her name Siann Acai?!”
It would be an amazing coincidence if they were both looking for the same person. Like killing two mynock with one plaster bolt.
joey – Dec 1, 2008 at 9:09 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Nodding slowly she was able to confirm that it was in fact the same person. It felt so strange to just be so out right with her life but she had no choice. He wanted to know everything and now that he did, it might turn against her.
“Im sorry to have troubled you so much, Im sure you dont need my services, it looks like you dont even hava a droid or two. Im less than a droid and but I do work hard, you can fetch a good sum for me if you go early to the auction.”
Elsa felt worthless and lost as she stood there. Maybe she was better off with that junker that hit her. At least with him she knew where she stood. Feeling uncomfortable Elsa backed up and away from the man. Slowly she lowered to the floor near the wall where she sat down and waited.
Zack Strike – Dec 2, 2008 at 2:18 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
It was too good to be true Elsa knew the last know location of Siann. Now He just need to figure a way to help her off this planet, kill Tohrek and save Siann all with four little blasters and no ship….At lease he had luck on his side. As all this was racing though his mind Elsa said something that bothered Lance,
[I]”I’m sorry to have troubled you so much, I’m sure you don’t need my services, it looks like you don’t even have a droid or two. I’m less than a droid and but I do work hard, you can fetch a good sum for me if you go early to the auction.” [/I]
She then just sat on the floor like there was no hope for her. Like He was no better than the man he was going after to save Siann. Lance walked over to where Elsa was sitting and knelt down in front of her,
“Listen what ever person you think I am, I’m not that guy. If I wanted to turn you in for money I would have as soon as I meet you. Now I’m not going to pretend to know or understand what you went through, but your a person damnit! A living being not to be treated as someones property, and I promise you that I am going to save Siann and ensure you freedom.”
After his little speech Lance stood up and once again held out his hand,
“Now how ’bout you tell me about the last scumbag that tried to sell you. Lets start with what kind of ship you arrived on.”
Divinatas – Dec 2, 2008 at 8:20 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Darn brown hair and brown eyes blinked back at Eva, looking confused at the woman’s expression. Siann was standing just behind Tohrek waiting for another ridiculous order as she had her arms crossed and tapping her fingers.
“I don’t like unannounced guests.” said the man with a deep rough sounding voice, sitting at his desk. He was by no means handsome, covered in scars, hair and looking pretty brutal. In one hand was a thick deathstick roll. The other hand rest on his desk. He didn’t appear to have a weapon on him, but it was pretty obvious that it’d only take a second to find one.
“But I admit a weakness for Hemlir Purple.” he continued, “Perhaps we can make up an arrangement for your shipment. Credits, goods, bodies…”
Ocha – Dec 2, 2008 at 11:04 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Snapping her attention back at the villain before her, Eva grinned. “An arrangement was what I was hoping for.” She then sat down and motioned her droid to come over with one of the bottles. She sat it down on his desk. “Want you to know that I’m going to import the real stuff and not some imitation.”
This was going to be a delicate operation. It would have worked much better if she had another person working with her on this, but there was little Eva could do about that. The force seemed to be on her side, the slave was obviously Lance’s friend. The level of contempt in her eyes indicated a spirit not yet broken.
The doors to the office came open and the numbers man came in. “Sorry to interrupt boss, but there’s a situation.” The man looked at Eva, who was casually lounging in her chair and the slavegirl, then back to Gorren. “The Fleet has brought the ShadowStars here.”
Eva sat up straight. The ShadowStars was black ops. It shouldn’t have even existed. The type of jobs they were sent to do were of the permanent nature.[/dash]
Divinatas – Dec 2, 2008 at 11:25 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Gorren Tohrek was just reaching out for that bottle of wine when one of his men entered. [i]”Sorry to interrupt boss, but there’s a situation. The Fleet has brought the ShadowStars here.”[/i]
Only for the briefest of seconds did a look of annoyance cross Tohrek’s face. Clearing his throat and putting out his cigar, he stood from his seat. “My, I am popular this evening. Excuse me for a moment while I handle this… situation. I’ll be sure to try this wine.” flashing a toothy grin, Tohrek took the bottle with him as he exited the room. There was a soft click of the door behind him, followed by a [i]CHINK[/i]! He locked Eva and his slave girl in the room!
Waiting a second after Tohrek had closed the door, Siann finally dropped her hands and kicked his chair. “That jerk…!” Suddenly seeming to realize that she might have another opportunity to escape, she moved quickly to the desk to see if maybe there was a spare collar key in there..!
“You have got to get me out of here!” she said as she opened up a drawer. “He’s absolutely wretched and.. oh botheration, I can’t find any collar keys..!”
joey – Dec 3, 2008 at 3:44 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
His words meant a lot to her since no one had ever spoken to her like that. It was odd, but nice just the same. Smiling softly her eyes finially locked on his. Taking a deep breath she smiled and offered her left hand to him. Slowly she turned it so he could see the marking that started at the cuff of her long sleeve jumper.
“You can scan this and find out everything you want to know about me. Like the information on my last or um.. present owner. I think I was scanned before he took me to the bar. It should show you everything.”
Hoping it would help get some answers and offer him a place to start it was all she could think of. She was never given names of ships she was on or where she was being taken. It was out of the question for her to ask her masters anything. If they didnt offer up the information, it was not important enough for her to know it. The mans expression made her nearly giggle.
“Look its no big deal, they have tracked me ever since the implant or chip thing was given to me. That way they know how to use me, what might be wrong with me and whatever else. Its rather handy I think. See Im not all human anymore, a part of me is droid. Im not sure how much but it means that I can understand almost any lanugage that way I can serve any master. It was an upgrade accroding to my first master, he thought it would make my life better.”
Giving off a small shrug she smiled and blinked at him. It was like talking about her life as property didnt bother her. She had been altered to think so, at least for now.
Ocha – Dec 3, 2008 at 11:20 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“What makes you think I’d help you escape?” Eva stood up, “After all I just came here to make a business arrangement with your captor.” Perhaps the young woman assumed that because she was also female she’d be sympathetic. Eva had seen women sell out their own sisters before and knew that truly nothing was sacred with those of the lowest morals in the universe.
Eva looked around. “However the idea of staying here and waiting for the Fleet’s ShadowStar is not in my plans.” Quickly drawing her pistol Eva shot out the five cameras in the room. “C-6, get that collar off her. We’re going into the air system.”
With a grin, Eva turned to the other woman. “Lance sent me.” She had thought that would be reassuring.[/dashed]
Zack Strike – Dec 4, 2008 at 12:48 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
“Achoo! *Sniff*”
Lance scanned Elsa mark as she insisted on his shops computer. He pulled up info on one Fitz Nexus not much information was displayed however. He probably had most of his info unlisted, but if Lance need info on a customer he had a way of getting it. He fired up a hacking program he traded with a customer for services, and in no time he had everything he needed on Fitz. Where he lived, what his hobby was, where he liked to hang out, even his favorite color.
Elsa’s tag was efficient and useful, but there was no excuse for what they took from her.
“Alright lets go and pay this bastard a visit. Here you should probably put these on.” Lance handed Elsa a bandana and some welding gogles to hide her appearance. “We’re going to get your freeedon one way or another.”
Lance said with a wicked smile as he opened his secret hach and went down to grab some ‘tools’.
joey – Dec 4, 2008 at 3:40 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Once Lance handed her the goggles and bandana she wasted no time putting them on. She watched him vanish into a small hatch to get whatever it was that he needed. It was rather odd but nice that he was helping her. It made her smile and that was something new. It was fun to smile. It made her laugh.
Elsa also wanted to know what she looked like with all this stuff on her head so she went back into the bedroom and soon found a full lenght mirror. Her small features where hidden well behind the bulky bandana and goggles. She struck a few funny poses as she waited for Lance to return or to call for her. Behind this get up she felt brave. She felt as if she was someone she had never been before. This surprised and scared her as she stood there looking into her own eyes behind the dark plastic of the goggles.
Jumping back from the mirror she ripped everything off. Her heart was racing. What was she thinking, they were sure to capture her and beat her back into submission. Shaking too her core her fingers turned to ice and the mask and goggles slipped from her hands. Panic was setting in on her as she could almost feel the heavy colar around her neck all over again. Rubbing her neck in idle thought Elsa lost track of time.
She could hear him yelling and calling her names. Elsa scanned the room back and forth as she drew a ragged breath. Nearly panting she felt sick. Holding her stomach she tried to steady herself as the room spun. There was more shouting.. Who was shouting? Elsa blinked but all she could see was the steam of the cooking pots. There was steam and hissing as the food started to boil over.
“ELSA!!” “Answer me, where are you? !!… What the hell are you doing?”
It was him, it was his voice… covering her ears she lowered to the floor..”No.. no.. dont hit me please dont hit me.. Im sorry..” Her flash back sucked the life right out of her. Panting and in a daze Elsa hid in lances bedroom forgetting that she was no longer with that bastard, but rather free and safe, with Lance.
Zack Strike – Dec 4, 2008 at 4:51 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance grabbed a satchel and filled it with tools: a plasma cutter, wrenches and ratchets, pliers, screw drivers, and a hammer. He opened the vault and decided to bring the light repeater with him this time. Even if he could he never used it it was still intimidating. As he was getting everything ready he heard Elsa screaming up top and a chill ran up his spine, [I]’Oh no!'[/I] He had the big weapon in hand and ran up top. When he got there he didn’t see anyone, but heard the screams coming from his bedroom. Lance ran as fast as he could and kicked in the door ready to blow away the first guy he saw, but there was no one except for Elsa kneeling on the floor. She was really shook up.
“Elsa, Elsa what’s wrong!” Lance threw aside the weapon and knelt beside her.
“Are you alright? Snap out of it!” Lance yelled as he grabbed her shoulders and faced her towards him.
Divinatas – Dec 4, 2008 at 10:39 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Siann was going to say she didn’t really expect anyone to help her for free (she just didn’t seem to be that lucky!) but the woman shot out the cameras, then turned back to her.
[i]”Lance sent me.”[/i] she said with a grin.
Blinking in confusion for a moment, Siann was trying to remember who Lance was. …no one seemed to come to mind? “Lance?” she said, leaning so the droid could take that collar off her. There was a wince from Siann when it accidentally triggered a mild jolt, but when the collar feel free, it was such a relief!
“I’m not sure who Lance is, but boy he’s got my gratitude now!” Siann said, moving towards Eva and the airduct… but then she paused! There was no way she could leave without sticking it to that jerk and making sure there was lots of evidence to get him arrested and in jail forever! Siann dashed back to Tohrek’s desk snatched up a little laptop style computer and tucked it under her arm.
“Okay, lets get out of here!”
Ocha – Dec 4, 2008 at 11:08 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“You don’t even know who he is?” Eva was, well stunned. She shrugged it off though as the young woman ran to get something from Tohrek’s desk.
“There arn’t any other civilians captured that were able to send out a distress call recently is there?” Eva hoped she wasn’t going to have to go back to her original plan and this was the wrong girl. Not that she’d just leave this one here!
Eva looked up at the air duct vent. Standing on the back of a chair she noticed it didn’t seem to be screwed in tightly at all. “I don’t think this is the first time someone has used this.”
The dark hair woman boosted her droid up into the duct, thankful that Adam did not get the other protocol droid. There was no way it would have been able to move in the small space. Eva hoisted herself up and then offered her hand to the other woman. “Have a name?” [/dashed]
Divinatas – Dec 4, 2008 at 11:20 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
“I guess the name sort of sounds familiar! But I meet so many people at the shop!” Siann replied, accepting the woman’s hand to be pulled in the airduct. It was a little difficult climbing in there with the computer in her hands, but there was no way she’d leave without it!
“My name is Siann. I did manage to send out a distress signal.. I didn’t think anyone would have received it! This whole week has just been one horrible disaster after another!” Of course, Siann wasn’t going to count herself rescued until they were good and off this planet!
Ocha – Dec 4, 2008 at 11:31 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“He was a mechanic of some sort. Kinda,” Eva paused in talking as she heard something echoing from beyond the duct. It was laser fire. Did the ShadowStar already break into this place? Eva was sure she didn’t want to wait around and find out.
Navigating within a system of ducts was not by any chance easy. There were several times were Eva didn’t even try to figure out where she was going, but listening for those slight pulls in one direction or another. They’d end up where they needed to be, Eva just hoped as she kicked out a vent into a quiet section of the layer that they needed to escape beyond anything else.
“Look out the window and tell me you see a ship outside and it hasn’t be blown up yet.”
joey – Dec 5, 2008 at 2:12 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Once Lance took hold of her Elsa was yanked back into reality. Panting and scared she looked at him.
“Im sorry, I dont know what came over me, I just.. ”
Her voice trailed off as she tried to look as compossed as possible. Taking a deep breath Elsa calmed down. She got to her feet and looked around. Picking up the bandana and goggles she slipped them on again and looked at Lance. Now she was ready, ready to stand up and fight. She had too, so much of her had been taken away it was pay back time.
“Im ready.. I wasnt sure I could do this but I have too.. I have to for me and for that girl. He knows where she is. I know he does. He is a sneaking lair, I know he is up to something. We have to stop him.”
Shaking a little from her sudden courage Elsa gave Lance a nod. She was sure this time. Her break down made her angry that so much had happened. So much was to blame on those monsters and now they had someone new. God only knew what they might be trying to get away with. Ready to take any order Lance gave her she stood ready. Looking around the room Elsa spotted a small bat. She picked it up and looked it over. This would make a nice weapon she thought.
Zack Strike – Dec 6, 2008 at 12:51 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance looked Elsa over and was convinced that she was good to go. She went over to the corner and grab an old bat the Lance had forgotten about.
“You can’t scare people with something like that, Here.” Lance reached for one of his plasters and handed it too her. “Take this instead. It’s simple just point and shoot.”
Lance walked over to the Repeater and found an oily cloth to wrap it up in, tied both ends together with rope, and slung it over his head on his right shoulder.
“Right! Lets pay mister Fitz a house visit.”
As they started out the shop’s front doors Lance looked back one last time, and pushed on towards their target.
joey – Dec 6, 2008 at 2:25 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Once given the plasters Elsa knew that this time she might have to really kill someone. She followed Lance out into the busy street. Merchants called out from their floating stalls. Kids ran out in front of them laughing and shooting small taser like guns. It was strange how you seem to notice things more while your hoping no one will notice you.
Elsa adjusted her goggles and made sure that the wind wouldnt take her bandana off suddenly. The last thing she wanted was to be seen. She kept a close tail on Lance since he knew where they were going. By now her number was registered as either a runaway or illegal. In either case it was bad news if she was caught. She didnt belong to anyone and until Lance got her off this rock she was stuck.
As they moved Elsa felt her stomach jolt as they drew near. It wasnt far from the spaceport and from the side street she could just make out the tail of that bastards ship. It was a nice one, and fast too. Elsa crept up to Lance and tugged on his shirt, whispering to him as they drew near the gate.
“There is a service entrance on the side, I bet the code still works, if you want to try that…” She tried to smile but it was covered. She gave a nod toward the small entrance on the side and waited.
Zack Strike – Dec 7, 2008 at 3:20 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
As Lance and Elsa were walking through the busy streets, Lance was too lost in thought to notice what was going on around him. He was forming a plan of attack as they drew closer ans closer to the compound, but Elsa offer a better plan. She whispered in Lance’s ear,
[I]”There is a service entrance on the side, I bet the code still works, if you want to try that…”[/I]
[I]’Crafty'[/I], Lance liked crafty,
“You know the codes? Nice, using the side entrance. Lets go!”
Lance crept up to the service entrance and checked to see if anyone was guarding it. Luckily it was clear,
“Come on I don’t think any guards should be around. Their probably still looking us.”
Just as Lance checked if there was anyone around the corner he heard a voice shout, [I]”Hey just what are you doing here!?”[/I] Lance jumped as the voice startled him and quickly thought of something as he grabbed Elsa,
“Uhhh…I’ve caught the slave girl.”
Praying to all unseen forces in the universe Lance hoped that this ploy would work and that Elsa would play along long enough to get the drop on this guy.
Divinatas – Dec 7, 2008 at 11:29 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Siann didn’t know any mechanics, unless… maybe someone from that place across the street? Why would a stranger care to rescue her! Glancing over at Eva, maybe being helped by strangers wasn’t so odd after all. At least there were [i]some[/i] decent people left in the Galaxy!
Siann looked out… there was a ship out there for sure. There were a few! It looked like utter chaos, and she even saw some of the Federation ships outside. Siann looked away quickly to avert her eyes. People were [i]dying[/i]! This was practically a war field!
“I do see a ship, but there’s just… a mess! I don’t know if we can make it at all.”
joey – Dec 8, 2008 at 1:04 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
As Lance grabbed her arm and yanked her before the guard surprise and shock where the only things going through her mind. The gaurd took one look at them and laughed..
“You service people are all the same, you know your suppose to be at the spaceport, thats where they are waiting for you to fix the lift gate and modulator, you better go now or its my ass..”
The fat guard pointed toward the semi open gateway leading to the fueling decks and service entrances.
“Hurry up! your late!” Another voice called from the gateway.
A younger man armed to the teeth waved them over.
“Come on, and you better have all the right tools this time, he’s tired of waiting.”
The young man looked over at Elsa and huffed..
“You werent suppose to bring anyone else here, didnt you listen the first time.. what is with you people.. you dont understand a simple order.” He turned on Elsa and gradded her arm.
“Your gonna have to wait here, only one can go in at a time” His grip was firm and his gloved hand was growing tighter on her arm as she wiggled..
No saying a word Elsa gave Lance a nod that she would be okay, for now.
“Go on and fix it right this time, we have to get going soon, rumor has it that their is a battle going on and we are missing it!” The armed guy glared at Lance over his dark sunglasses.
Zack Strike – Dec 8, 2008 at 1:11 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
“Right, I’m on it.” Lance reassured the guard and gave Elsa a wink. He worked his way over to the ship’s hangar and saw it. It was an older model craft that had been completely overhauled. It was a cross between a passenger ship and cargo freighter with plenty of firepower. Lance was too awe struck on the ship to notice a man standing to his right.
“What’s the point of paying you pathetic excuses…Never mind just fix the blasted thing you fool. Wait, where’s Carth?” It was then that Lance realized that the man was Fitz himself.
“Uh, um…He couldn’t make it. Yea nasty accident, his hand got stuck in a…well anyway I’m his replacement. His uh, apprentice.”
Fitz raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms,
“I wasn’t aware that Carth had an apprentice.”
“Yea he doesn’t really like to mention me do to the fact-”
“Can you do the job or not?” Fitz interrupted impatiently not wanting to hear a lengthy excuse due to a shortage of time.
The nervousness left Lance and new found confidence filled him.
“Yea I’ll get it done right away.” When it came to ship repair no one could take apart and fix a ship better than Lance. He was borne with a power tool in his hands.
“Good I’ve already wasted enough time listening to your senseless rambling.”
With that Fitz left Lance to do his business. With him left one of two guards that were standing by the entrance that Lance did not notice when he entered. Lance got started on his ‘assigned’ tasked. The lift was simple, but the modulator was a little tricky. It took him a good half hour to figure out the problem and fix it; however, Lance didn’t let on that he was done instead he called to the guard standing by the entrance,
“Hey buddy can you get that Slave girl I brought in, I need an extra set of hands. I would ask you but I don’t you would like to have your arm amputated.”
The guard didn’t say anything back he seem confused at first but in the end he poked out into the hall to find the younger gunslinger.
Ocha – Dec 8, 2008 at 7:06 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“Damn the Fleet! Surely they know you’re here, why would they risk open fighting,” Eva had been looking around the room, it seemed to be some sort of makeshift storage room. She peeked under a cloth and smirked, it was a speeder. That would work she hoped.
“Siann wasn’t it? Here, take my pistol.” Placing it in the other woman’s hand before she could say anything, Eva went over and took off the panel of the droid’s leg and pulled out a lightsaber. She turned it on and spun it once in each hand then shut it back down. The people outside wouldn’t know what was going on when they made for a ship. Eva would be aiming for her own, but she wasn’t going to be picky on getting out of here. She hoped that the lightsaber would not only be an effective weapon, which is always was, but make people hesitate. After all they wouldn’t be sure if there was a Jedi involved or a Jedi Killer.
With a quick motion Eva undraped the speeder and motioned to Siann. “Hop on behind C-6 there. This is going to be just a tad risky.”
joey – Dec 8, 2008 at 11:58 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
While Lance was off working on the ship Elsa was stuck with the loud mouth gaurd. All he kept saying was how he was missing all the fighting with the Republic and possible Jedi. Some other men came around and jabbered about the battle and all the reason for it. Someone said a name she thought she remembered and it hit a nerve in her.
“..Well yeah once they make the trade that Siann chick is done for. I hope I get a chance with her. I think they are working on something as we speak. Its all under the table you know..”
The mans voice trailed off as he looked at Elsa and walked over to her for a closer inspection.
“Who’s this..?” he eyed her with contempt.
“Some rat the mechanic brought with him..” the younger guard tried to explain but was cut off as the man from the ship came up to them.
“She’s needed back at the ship, so hands off.. you bastard..” he yanked up Elsa and started toward the ship with her. He was so rough that Elsa was nearly in tears as he pulled her by her hair making the banada come off..
The other man saw this and tried to stop them. “Hey!.. its her!”
But his voice was drowned out by a landing ship near by. He tried to get to his feet but tripped over the leg of the table and fell forward knocking over the table and two chairs.
“Stop her!”
“Get inside you rat.. your master is calling you” he man shoved Elsa into the ship hard. He hadnt noticed that her banada come off and he didnt even care as she scrabbled to pick it up and cover her face. As she stood up she could see in the distance the men coming toward the ship so just as the fat guard stepped off the ship, she hit the button to close the door.
She scrabbled up to the next deck and closed that door too. Elsa worked the buttons fast and put in an override that locked the men out.
“Lance! we have to go.. Lance.. please where are you.. we have to take off, they saw me..Lance?”
Elsa called for him as she got into the co-pilots chair and started to flip some switches and push some red buttons. “Come on start up you hunk of junk..”
Zack Strike – Dec 9, 2008 at 12:12 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance’s mind was racing. He was worried for leaving Elsa alone with these thugs by herself. Just as he was about to rush out and get her himself she came sprawling through the shipyard gate. She started to lock all entrances and exits and shouting something by Lance couldn’t hear due to a near by ship landing. Lance figured it was time to go, so he started to close the modulator panel when he got a painful shock from it knocking him back almost off the ship. He jumped down as fast as he could and started up the ships ramp when the hangar doors exploded. Guards and mercs came pouring in.
Lance climbed into the ship dogging blaster fire as best as he could and shut the entrance ramp. He threw his stuff down and jumped into the pilot seat.
“Those guys are really angry!” Lance fired up the engines and engaged the auto-defense turrets. “Hang on this is going to get bumpy.”
Lance lifted off and put engines to max as they shot sky-ward. The ship handled like a dream and in moments they were out of the planets gravitational pull. With a sigh of relief Lance turned to Elsa,
“Well that was fun! Lets never do it again.” He said as he laugh out loud. “Your ok right?”
joey – Dec 10, 2008 at 12:53 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
“yeah Im fine.. I think.. Im not really sure.. yeah.. yeas is that what I should say.”
Elsa waited for him to nod as an uneasy feeling settled in on her.
Shaking and still looking terrified her mind shifted back to the girl. They had to find her and quick, those bastards wanted something from her and they would stop at nothing to get it.
“We have to get back to that girl, I think they said they programmed the ship or something to dock their.. I mean but they were all talking so fast and Im not sure if we can even get that close.. I mean there is a war going on and we could get blown to bits oh my god I think Im gonna be sick..”
Elsa had never really sat down and then she suddenly stood up and was pacing back and forth in the small cockpit. She stopped only when her ice cold hands took hold of the head rest of her seat and she took a deep breath..
“Lance we have to save her from those animals, God only knows what they are planning on doing, they know she is rich or comes from some rich family.. I mean what if they try to hold her for ransom but never really let her go and then they do things to her body and oh my god I have seen what they do when they are really mad and now that Im gone and we have his ship..”
Elsa was on full overload as her mind raced in all different directions with so many possible out comes it was hard for even her to understand. Her hands were flying this way and then back as she spoke to a very confused looking Lance that was trying to fly the ship.
All the lights and colors of the control panel suddenly caught her attention and she stopped talking.
“what are those dots on that screen? Is that radar or something cuz if it is we have someone coming after us and they are gonna shoot us down oh my god I hate fire.. Lance I dont want to die like this.”
Elsa’s nails dug into the head rest of Lances pilot chair as she stared at the blinking dots on the blue and yellow screen.
Zack Strike – Dec 10, 2008 at 6:10 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Lance wanted to try and clam Elsa down, but piloting a ship like this with no co-pilot was a hand full. While he was trying to figure out how to put the damn thing on auto-pilot Elsa was having a minor meltdown. He was just about to say something to her when she pointed something out,
[I]”what are those dots on that screen? Is that radar or something cuz if it is we have someone coming after us and they are gonna shoot us down oh my god I hate fire.. Lance I dont want to die like this.”[/I]
The radar was an incoming fighter. Lance knew this lone fighter had to be sent by Fitz but a voice over comm channel proved him wrong,
[I]”you insignificant pest! I’ll kill you and that useless piece of filth! Even if I have to blow up my own ship.”[/I]
It was Fitz himself. Lance knew they were in trouble. He knew how to pilot a ship simple, but maneuvers and evasive action was something else, besides he didn’t know the limitations of the ship, so he could endanger their lives just by trying to save them. Lance switched all shields to max and armed the auto-turrets. He went to Elsa that was still having a mini freak out,
“Listen Elsa, I need you to man the rear guns. Take deep breaths and collect yourself I’m going to need your help to take him down.” Just as he finished the ship rocked hard from direct hits. With no time at all Lance jumped on the front mounted guns and opened fire on the fighter, but with no experience Lance was missing horrible. He was correcting his shots with each one of Fitz’s pass, but each time Fitz passed he would score a direct hit and the shields could only take so much. Lance struggling to drive him away, but Fitz was too good a pilot.
Divinatas – Dec 10, 2008 at 6:18 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
A pistol was thrust in to Siann’s hands and she blinked down at it with surprise! Of course she knew how to use one, what smart girl doesn’t, but they were going to run out in the middle of a huge fight. This was suicidal!
…Not that Siann wanted to find out what happens to long-term slave girls either. Siann stepped behind the little droid and took in a deep breath. If they lived, she was going to be so grateful!
Meanwhile, the Fleet was destroying the hell out of Gorren Tohrek’s personal home base. Yet… Tohrek didn’t seem to be anywhere. His building was on fire, and now the Fleet was trying to destroy all on ground ships to try and cutoff escape from the planet!
joey – Dec 12, 2008 at 9:19 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Lances voice echoed in her head as she moved as if on auto pilot toward the rear guns. Once her hands took hold of the joy stick things were different. Her aim was pefect in two passes she had disabled his ship so much that he either turned back or was gonna be shot out of the sky.
As Lance kept the ship from being torn apart Elsa took one last shot at him and his whole fighter went up in a blast of red and yellow flames. Blinking Elsa sat in her gunners seat staring out the back window. The fight with Fitz’s was over but the one over
Gorren Tohrek was just begining. On the far horizon ships blasting each other could be seen. They were heading right into the thick of it.
Elsa’s voice was a strange mix of tired and farway.
“Lance I think we have to put everything we have into the shields and get down there.. I know thats where they kept the girl, we have to save her”
Elsa’s voice went silent as shock waves from the battle ahead rocked the ship
Zack Strike – Dec 12, 2008 at 5:24 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
[I]’That was impressive!'[/I] he thought to himself as he jumped into the pilot seat once again. But the field of battle greeted them as they approached their destination. It was only then he realized the full extent of the damaged done to the ship.
“Ahhh…that’s going to be a problem. Shields are just about gone, but I could divert power to strengthen shields. Also I think one of the engines is about to give. If we land we’re dead! Crap what the hell do we do!?” Lance exclaimed as he slammed his fist against the console.
He just wish he had a sign that Eva and Siann were still there or to to somehow contact them. Then it hit him he flipped the transmitter switch and searched for a list frequencies that might be in tune to Tohrek’s base,
“Hello, Hello! Can anyone read this. This is…ah, Lance. Repeat….”
joey – Dec 15, 2008 at 1:13 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Elsa could only watch as Lance took hold of the radio and did his best to reach someone. He just had to get someone or they were done for. The ship was being rocked back and forth from the other ships missing the real target.
“Lance we cant take much more of this, maybe their is a pod we can get into, an escape pod..”
Elsa quickly sat down at one of the controls and franticly typed in override codes she didnt even know that she knew. Her fingers were flying over the keys as slowly some of the sheilds came back online and the lights in the ship stopped flickering.
The left engine came back online just a little to give them more navigation speed helping Lance guide the ship.
As they waited for a reply Elsa worked the controls as best as she could setting up power to the shields by taking power from one area of the ship and redirecting it to where it was needed most. Elsa’s hands where shaking as she typed. Slowly her fingers came to a stop, her breathing was very fast as she turned to Lance and tried to smile. Her eyes were very small as her lips trembled.
“Lance..?” Her voice just barely above a whisper.. “Im tired..” As her last words fell from her lips Elsa slumpped over in her chair.
Zack Strike – Dec 15, 2008 at 12:50 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance kept trying the transponder to try and reach Eva or Siann to know if they were ok, but the longer he waited the closer the ship was getting to the battle. Lance didn’t even notice Elsa sit beside him until he noticed the shields powering back up and left engine coming back online,
“Wha-!” was all Lance could say. Elsa stopped doing what ever it was that she was doing and turned to Lance and barely managed a smile and whispered,
[I]”Lance..? I’m tired..”[/I]
was all she said as she passed out in the co-pilot’s chair.
“Elsa! Hey, hey!” He got out of his seat to check for her pulse. She seemed to be just sleeping, but Lance wasn’t sure. He didn’t know what happened or what she was doing. Lance pick Elsa up and set her in the crew quarters on a bed. He prayed that she was only resting, but he couldn’t stay and make sure he need to pilot the ship and wait for a response for Eva or Siann, granted they were still ok. Lance jumped back into the pilot’s chair and continued trying to raise the base.
Ocha – Dec 15, 2008 at 1:57 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dash] “Signals are getting through and out of the system. I want all communication jammed. ALL! Now get on it you slime. We do not need the media reporting this, we’ve got them shut up about the civilian!” Indeed the report from the Fleet was that they never use civilians and that the lost of the Admiral was tragic, but he was with a trained undercover operative. Now it was the matter of destroying all evidence, including ships coming into the moon’s space.[/dash]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
As Eva drove the speeder out of the equipment room she did notice a nice feature on their borrowed vehicle. A low power shield. She set it for full front shields and hoped the thing didn’t get overloaded before they got to a ship. Preferably her own ship, but Eva wasn’t going to be picky.
The Fleet’s ShadowStar was doing a good deal of damage to everything in the place. It also seemed like they didn’t even care about taking over the place. Tohrek’s men were not exactly helpless and were doing their best to take out the agents. This resulted in a field of laser fire coming from all directions.
Eva drove the speeder with one arm, which was not ideal in the least, it made her reaction time slower. She dared not replace the lightsaber into her belt however. She was reflecting shots and taking out anyone that tried to stop her be they smugglers or military since there were a few fools from both camps that actually tried to stop her.
The speeder started making a good deal of noise and her fears were starting to be realized. The shields were taking a lot more then they were designed to and the shield generator was overheating. On a ship this would be inconvenient, but on a modded speeder this was going to be bad. Very bad.
“Time to get off!” Eva pushed back, letting go of the steering handle. She felt a bit bad for Siann since she was in the back of the speeder and the first to hit grown with a droid falling on top of her. Eva didn’t exactly get a graceful landing either, but she wasn’t concerned about her landing as much as directing the speeder in a heavy pocket of fighting. The explosion would distract the fighters more without causing too much damage.
Standing, Eva looked at the two men near her ship. Each had lost their blaster and had pulled out knives to take on each other. “Get out of here, or you can fight me.” She swung the lightsaber for emphasis. The men got the message and quickly found other things to do. “Get on the ship. We’re sitting ducks here!” [/dashed]
Divinatas – Dec 15, 2008 at 4:20 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
OMPH! Siann was unceremoniously crushed by the droid, but there was little time to complain with all the excitement! Between laser fire and her rescuer swinging around a light saber, it was all utter chaos!
“[i]Get on the ship. We’re sitting ducks here![/i]” Eva shouted.
There was no need to tell Siann twice. She was up an on the ship, navigating her way to the control deck and plopping in to the co-pilots seat. This was one of those moments she was so very glad that she took Pop’s advice for piloting lessons! Tuning in to Eva’s ship took only a few moments, but Siann was getting things geared up and ready to go!
Signals were trying to buzz through the radio comlinks, but most of it kept coming in through as static. Eva’s ship had a very impressive radar system, but Siann hadn’t any time to put thought in to it.
[i]’he–lo… re- th—is… Lance… repeat…'[/i]
[i]’want..communication… jammed… …shut up… civilian… destroy… no survivors wanted….'[/i]
[i]’…Eva… where ar-… did you ge– into… it’s Adam…'[/i]
“Miss Eva…!” Siann called, hoping the woman could hear her! “Eva, they’re jamming up the signals! I think they’re going to destroy the whole planet! Please hurry!”
[soli]Action so Far: (It’s getting intense! This is just so we don’t get confused! XD) The Fleet has given orders to destroy everything on the moon and make sure no one escapes. That even includes the ‘civilian’ that was captured. They’re trying to cover up their mistake. Gorren has escaped. Siann and Eva have made it to Eva’s ship and are about to take off. Lance and Elsa are in a severely damaged ship (due to being chased down by Fitz) near the moon, and are about to run in to The Fleet and be targeted simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Elsa has mysteriously passed out! Siann is hearing the help signal from Lance’s ship (though garbled), along with the signals from the Fleet giving kill-orders, and a signal from the mysterious Adam trying to contact Eva! (P.S. I’m going to play Adam as a character so no one npc him! Muahaha!)[/soli]
Ocha – Dec 15, 2008 at 9:01 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Covering their rear as it were, Eva backed up into the ramp and then secured the hatch. As she turned to get her bearing in her ship once more she heard Siann yelling at her. Eva ran to the cockpit and was amazed to see everything was ready to go.
“Hope you’re not a big fan of the laws of gravity,” Eva said as she dropped into the pilot seat and started to take them off the surface of the moon. Barely out of the atmosphere and she was already making hairpin turns. She could tell there was a lot of static coming from the com systems and for the moment Eva just concentrated on staying alive. Which was not easy. Siann had to evade not just other ships, but there was a dark shadow above them. “You got a last name, Siann?”
joey – Dec 16, 2008 at 11:58 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
The bit of rest that Elsa got was just enough for her. She sat up suddenly to see she had been moved. Looking around she knew that Lance was doing his best to pilot the damaged ship. They still had to escape somehow. Their had to be an escape pod.
Rolling out of her bunk Elsa found a small control panal and she dialed into it. Knowing that her internal cord could reach the panal, she let out a soft whimper as from her left wrist a patch of her skin opened and a usb like cord popped out. Tugging at it with her right hand Elsa connected to the ships communications and started to send out a signal.
“….Abandoning ship… civilian.. Lance single human.. resuce pod.. from..”
The ship was shaking badly now it was about to crash as it took hit after hit from the battle.
“..Resue Siann.. Lance… humans… in danger… transmission over”
Elsa fell over on her side as the ship bounced hard from left to right.. She had to get Lance off this doomed ship. She struggled to get to her feet.. Once on the main deck she found the escape pod door and with one press of the panel the two silver doors opened.. Staggering back she went to the cock-pit and grabbed Lance.
Without a word she pulled him to the pod and shoved him inside it. The cord to her communications never went back into her wrist it dangled like a broken guitar string. As the doors closed on Lance it clipped the cord, yanking it from Elsa’s wrist… ripping up her arm in a sharp violent motion.. the part of her that was machine was exposed… she blinked.. and fell back..
“Go… save her… they come.. they come..” Falling back from the doors just as they closed red lights and warnings started to blare from the ship..
“..Warning.. self distruct in 3 seconds…. warning….warning..”
As soon as the doors closed… the pod was lauched with only Lance inside… Elsa watched it sail away as the doomed shipped started to exploded.. Her eyes closed as an explosion ripped up the main deck and in seconds the ship was only fragments in the sky.
Zack Strike – Dec 16, 2008 at 9:04 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
They got to the point were the military saw the ship coming and opened fire even though it was clearly damaged.
“What the hell! Their shooting at us?” Lance shouted mostly to himself since Elsa passed out. He was thinking of putting the ship into a dive and crash land on the surface, but was distracted by the cock-pit doors opening. It was Elsa and before Lance could say a work she grabbed him up and tossed him into a escape pod. As Lance was going to ask Elsa what the big deal was a chunk of her skin was ripped off and instead of blood and muscle there was only circuits and wires. Elsa just fell back and said,
[I]”Go… save her… they come.. they come..”[/I] Those were her last words as the escape pod doors shut and launched. Lance was thrown against the view port and the last thing he saw before he blacked out was a explosion where the ship used to be.
Divinatas – Dec 17, 2008 at 3:06 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
“Oh, I’m Siann Acai.” Siann replied.
~ ~ ~ ~
[i]Dodging The Fleet’s ships was no easy task but Eva’s ship managed to evade. The real shocker was finding the escape pod amongst a destroyed ship’s debris. It would have been missed if not for the garbled distress signals and the familiar name. Lance. The man that started this crazy rescue mission. Picking up the escape pod with an unconscious Lance inside, along with much of the ships’ debris to sell for scraps, they flew off in to space. In the debris they found a robot/cyborg body shell! The remains of Elsa Moon. She was severely damaged, but with a little care she might be repaired…
Returning back to the home planet right away was not an option. For some reason Siann Acai was wanted by the Fleet! Eva, took the ship to a small obscure planet. A good place to rest, hide out, and regroup.
A conspiracy has begun…[/i]
Siann was grateful to be free, but freedom seemed to come with a weird price. There were a lot of things going on that she didn’t understand, and it seemed she couldn’t go back home yet. Eva said it was dangerous. Thinking of Eva, since that rescue day Eva was acting very strange around her. Siann wondered is perhaps she said something awkward, but she didn’t have much time to dwell on it. They found Lance in an escape pod and (what she assumed) was his cyborg partner in the debris… and Siann was rather surprised to find out she had seen that girl before. One of Gorren Tohrek’s slaves. It was good to know someone else escaped, but the girl was so damaged Siann was worried that she may not be repairable. Meanwhile, Lance had yet to wake up from his injuries.
For the moment, with Lance sleeping, a droid working on Elsa, and Eva mysteriously busy, Siann was going through the little laptop style computer she managed to steal out of Gorren Tohrek’s office. There were many things in here. Money Books, smuggling deals, slave trades… but what caught her attention the most was a connection to The Fleet. This was an extraordinary discovery… she really needed to take it to the authorities!
Zack Strike – Dec 17, 2008 at 5:26 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance could feel the heat of the explosion and watched in horror as Elsa blew up along with the ship.
“ELSA!” Lance shouted as he jumped out of his bed and land on his side. He managed to get up to to one knee as he was greeted with a sharp pain in his chest and a splitting head ache. He looked around the room and tried to reached for one of his pistols, but realized that he had bandages on where his vest should be.. It was then he noticed that a girl sitting at a table startled at his sudden out burst. Still groggy from the pain and something else he had no idea where he could be.
“Where am I? Where’s Sainn and Eva!” Lance exclaimed as he tried to stand but fell back wards against the bed. He just stared at the floor as tears started to well up in his eyes,
“What happened to Them? And Elsa!?”
Ocha – Dec 18, 2008 at 11:29 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Family had always been an abstract concept or sometimes an artificial construction. Not that this was a bad thing, but when Siann Acai came into the picture all that changed.
Eva had sold the scrap not that it amounted to much, but it hadn’t been the reason she’d gone to the destroyed ship. The money though would justify helping out Lance and his slave girl. Lance didn’t seem the type to buy a slave, so she’d wait till he woke to make judgements.
Taking a deep breath, Eva turn on the comm system. “Why do you assume that there’s a firefight somewhere in the galaxy I’m in the middle of it,” Eva said in greeting to the man who she was contacting. Eva smiled to herself.
Divinatas – Dec 19, 2008 at 3:47 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Startled by the sudden screaming, Siann blinked a moment before she moved over the bed with a nice cold drink. “I’M Siann!” she replied quickly, pulling up his legs to tuck him back in.
“If Elsa is your robot-girl, I’m not sure if she’s okay. Eva’s unit it working on her but, well, it’s no mechanic. Are you Lance? I wanted to thank you for sending Eva to come and get me. I really thought I was going to be a goner!” Siann chattered on. After tucking him back in she returned to her chair at the table, pointing a finger over at the corner of the room where the unit was working on what was left of Elsa’s frame. “Eva picked up some scraps and sold them to get new pieces for Elsa, but I don’t know if it’s enough…”
[soli]Over the comlink in response to Eva came a rich male voice. He was amused but it was obvious there was a worried tint to it.
[i]’Can you blame me…? There are odd disturbances lately. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.'[/i] A chuckle. [i]’But I can see you are in fine form, sweetheart. Gave some people hell, did you?'[/i]
Ocha – Dec 19, 2008 at 11:23 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“Not enough this time. Was pulling too many people out of it.” Eva paused for a moment. “I’m coming over soon, and I might be bringing a few visitors. One I know you know.” Eva looked behind her at the door. “This Lance Hawkins guy is a bit scatter brained, but I get the impression he thinks you owe him money but otherwise considers Adam Longshot a friend. Has he always owned a modified slave girl?” For the moment, Eva was going to avoid mentioning Siann. Her situation was just very unexpected.
Zack Strike – Dec 20, 2008 at 2:49 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Sainn reassured Lance that everyone was ok for the most part and they were safe for now.
“I’m glad Eva found you. I’m sorry I couldn’t have been there myself, but…”
Lance trailed off as he looked to the corner of the room where the droid was working with the remains of Elsa. Lance grunted as he sat up right and readied himself to walk. He managed to limp over to the droid and pushed it out of the way as he examined what was left of his fallen comrade Elsa. He noticed that other than a few burns and dents the ‘head’ wasn’t too damaged.
“I can save her memory if her brain is still intact, The rest however might need to be replaced.” Lance now focusing on fixing maybe the only friend he had in the galaxy ignored his pain and started reaching for nearby tools and went to work. Lance in a trance like state didn’t even notice himself whisper,
“Don’t worry Elsa, you saved my life now I’m going to save yours.”
Divinatas – Dec 20, 2008 at 7:08 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[soli][i]’Visitors, eh?'[/i] His voice sounded curious. It was obvious he was picking something up from Eva’s tone, but wasn’t mentioning it. He simply reponded to her questions. [i]’That mechanic kid? Not a chance. I’ll wager he got himself mixed up in some damsel’s distress.'[/i][/soli]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Considering she didn’t really know him, he had nothing to be sorry for. Her shrug went unnoticed as he moved to the cyborg girl. Siann felt immensely sorry for him. And Elsa too. They had come out of their way to get her out of trouble, and earned a whole lot of injuries and heartbreak for it. Well, Siann wouldn’t let their good deeds go unrewarded, or let those jerkfaces get away with what they were doing. That included Gorren Tohrek’s slave rings AND the Fleets horrible tactics!
Getting up silently from her chair, Siann left the room so Lance could be alone with Elsa. She stepped in to the cockpit where Eva was chatting with someone over one of the comlinks.
“Miss Eva, I looked at the files on the computer I grabbed. There’s a lot of very [i]wrong[/i] things on there. Even about the Fleet. I think we have to take it to the authorities. …If we can find any that aren’t corrupt!”
joey – Dec 20, 2008 at 12:03 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
As Lance worked on Elsa his trance like state kept him from noticing the tiny eye movements. Elsa was in bad shape but over all her insides where fine. She was built for this sort of abuse and it wasnt long before her celluar regeneration kicked in.
A soft click echoced near Lances left arm as he worked followed by a timid but growing humm. The lights in the room lowered and flickered for a brief moment and then stopped. A soft green glow started to encase Elsa and soon grew so thick that Lance wasnt able to touch her. It covered her like a cocoon sealing her inside.
Though Elsa’s lips were cracked she spoke softly.
“…Ants… back kommin… I..I……”
It was hard to understand as her vocal abilities were heavily damaged. But it was clear that in sort of self preservation, Elsa was fixing herself. It was strange but not unheard of as the driod that was working on her nodded and walked away muttering..
“Had I been informed of that techincal modification that model could have been up and running days ago.”
It left the room as the soft glow that covered Elsa grew into a thick shell and sealed up. Making it impossible to see what was going on inside the cocoon. It was only a matter of time now until Elsa would rewaken repaired by her full body regeneration.
Zack Strike – Dec 23, 2008 at 12:46 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance was just about to take a look inside Elsa’s head when he noticed that all of her parts started to turn green. He backed up a few inches surprised and startled then she spoke,
[I]”…Ants… back kommin… I..I……”[/I]
Lance couldn’t understand her gibberish, but he figured it was a reassuring statement. Soon the green glow encased Elsa in a harden shell Lance wanted to touch it, but feared he might interfere with Elsa’s recovery process. Instead he leaned close to the shell and whispered,
“Glad to have you back!” With that he turned and limped his way to the next room where Siann went and hovered close to the door to hear what they were talking about.
joey – Dec 23, 2008 at 1:54 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Hours passed and still the green cocoon like matter covered Elsa from head to toe. Once Lance had gone the room as fell silent. A soft humm came from her general area and that was the only sound. It was a complete unknown as to how long it would take for her organs and tissue to regrow. It was a complicated inner working of technogly not yet seen by most humans.
A near by computer started to recieve a signal but its origin was unknown. The screen came to life with riddles of code. Line after line of codes. Numbers inner mixed with symbols all of which had never been seen before. This strange download continued for hours before anyone knew what was going on. A passing driod noticed it and stopped and tried to read some of it, but it fried out its computing skills leaving standing in one place with a blank stare.
Ocha – Dec 25, 2008 at 3:02 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“I’ll talk to you later Adam,” Eva said and cut the signal and turned to look at Siann. “I think I have your uncorrupt authority. The most uncorrupt that we can get.”
Thus began their flight off of Planet Kherb 9. Knowing that Lance was up and awake was encouraging, but the slave girls condition was more than a bit disturbing. She didn’t mention to her passengers who they were going to see, but she did mention at one point to Lance that he was going to be responsible for Elsa.
Normally Eva would have been very troubled when her ship started getting odd signals from outside sources, but the only thing that really bothered her was her droid seemed to be now out of order. Lance was not responsible for that too if Elsa came back online and her droid wasn’t back to it’s self.
“Okay kids, we’re coming up on our destination. Be on your best behavior.”
Divinatas – Dec 27, 2008 at 1:45 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
There he was. Waiting at the dock port, running his hands through his hair. Of all things he’s done in his life, from fighting in wars, going in undercover missions (of which he’s going to have quite a lot to explain to that boy Lance), to personal missions…
Seeing Eva again, [i]in person[/i], was down right unsettling.
So when her ship had landed and off she stepped from the ramp, Adam was swallowing hard before grinning and walking up to greet them all. He met Eva’s eyes with that smile, grinned an apologetic smirk at Lance (he DID owe that boy some money, didn’t he?), and then looked on a bit confused at Elsa. …But it was Siann he seemed the most curious about. …There was something familiar about that girl…
“Nice to see you again, Eva. And Lance, of course. It’s been a long time.”
Ocha – Dec 28, 2008 at 1:42 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Eva smiled back at Adam, and if her eyes didn’t smile, it was because there was a challenge in them. She didn’t expect him to except the challenge. After all isn’t that how she ended up with his ship and only after everything was said and done realized that he’d won when she was trying to get him to share some of his trouble? Granted, everyone now was starting to hear that ‘Longshot’ had finally taken an early retirement. It didn’t hurt his reputation and did hers good in the places most sane honest people didn’t want to tread.
“You already know Lance of course. This is his companion Elsa.” Saying anything else would have been unfair to Lance. Eva then put an arm around Siann’s shoulder. “This smart girl has a bit of information we’ll want to look at soon. Her name is Siann… Acai. Why don’t we finish up these introductions at your place though Adam.”
joey – Dec 28, 2008 at 11:12 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
The body regeneration had taken just over a day to complete and Elsa emerged from the odd shell like cocoon looking much as she had before. Her eyes seemed a bit smaller and her over all apperance seemed to be stronger. She didnt say very much at to anyone. The only one she seemed to want to interact with at all was the droid she now cared for like a child.
All her attention went into the repair of the driod that was once working on her. She said nothing to Lance or anyone else for days. Silence had over taken her and much of her emotions seemed to be dead or ignored. The once human like nature she carried out so well had vanished. Something cold and almost mean seemed to be hidding behind her eyes. She never let anyone near the other driod that she now kept locked up in one of the cargo bays she took over when no one was looking. She had the code and was the only one that could get in or out.
Just before landing she had stepped out of the cargo bay and locked it up. The shuttle door opened and she stepped out with the other others to meet some stranger. Her eyes were cold and empty as she stood next to Lance. She had no expression, no warmth no sign she had ever been even remotely human. Silently she followed Lance and the others. For now she kept up with Lance as a service droid and nothing else.
Zack Strike – Dec 28, 2008 at 2:14 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance had mostly been lying around the ship during the trip. His injuries were better but he had never broken any bones before so the experience was new to him. When they arrived at the dock Lance stepped off the ramp at a semi-limping pace behind Eva and it appeared that Adam was there to greet. It had been so long since Lance had last seen him and all the memories of the stories he used to tell him and fun they had came rushing back. Lance never told Adam, but if it weren’t for his frequent business Lance would have had to close his shop.
As Eva and Adam greeted each other Adam threw a friendly smile his way as well. It had been a long time since Lance got to talk to Adam and he looked up to the guy so much that he didn’t know what to say. All that managed to come out his mouth was,
After Eva introduced Siann it was then that Lance noticed Elsa at his side.
“Elsa, you know you’ve a ghost lately. Are you feeling ok?”
Divinatas – Dec 29, 2008 at 6:55 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
“Acai..?” There was an unreadable look on Adam’s face. “Yes, yes. We have a long to talk about. …Follow me.” he led the way, now seeming deep in thought.
Siann had smiled at Adam, but looked confused as he whirled around and started walking. She looked up at Eva shrugging her shoulders before following. The past few days had been… strange to say the least. Elsa was acting [i]really[/i] weird. Nothing like the nice girl she met while they were both being held captive by Gorren. Siann didn’t try to press the issue, though. Even for a cyborg, getting blown up in space had to be traumatizing.
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
Adam remained pretty silent himself. The walk wasn’t too far, he had a place right in the middle of the “town”. Mostly so he could step out and grab himself a bite to eat or pickup on latest news when he needed to. No sense living out in the wastelands. Opening up a door, he led them inside a modest apartment. There wasn’t much in the way of furniture or personal effects.
“Here we are. Make yourselves at home. How about I whip up some cider while Eva tells me about your adventure?”[/dashed]
Ocha – Dec 30, 2008 at 2:22 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Eva seemed like someone that was perfectly at home. Despite spending more time on the ship, the little place that Adam had made a home for himself was much more to her liking. It wasn’t cluttered with the dust from the corners of the galaxy. Granted some of that clutter had proven to be useful at one time or another, but it was all more or less window decorations.
She followed him into the kitchen, giving a wink to Siann before disappearing. If Siann didn’t understand, well, Eva didn’t understand why the girl-droid of Lance’s so it was all fair.
Eva jumped up and sat on the kitchen counter. “Let’s see, I left Corbalous with enough illegal junk to hide the fact I was there for data. That Senator better be grateful for what had to happen to get him the information. Which is of course how I ended up in the worse cantina on Lance’s home planet.”
“See little miss Siann had gotten herself kidnapped, by first the Fleet and that stupid Admiral Had. I guess I suppose I should say late as well, then he got them both captured by Gorren Tohrek. Lance had the wild idea of hiring help to save her.” Eva smirked and touched the broach. “He got me instead, but then he ended up getting into a little trouble himself when he found Elsa.”
“I left, and had this lovely plan for finding the silly girl, who’s name I didn’t know.” Eva wanted to make that point at least clear to Adam so he didn’t ask why she didn’t contact him sooner. “But the Fleet choose that point to go try to bomb Tohrek to atoms. Which I don’t think worked.”
“I believe that was about the time you tried contacting me,” Eva said putting a hand on his arm.[/dashed]
joey – Dec 31, 2008 at 11:32 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
While everyone went off to talk to their new friends Elsa made her way around the Adams home and when no one was looking she got into what looked like a small control room. There were computers running and different screens that seemed to be monitoring both inside the house and outside.
Cameras were pointed in each room as well as the front door and back. Sitting down to one of the monitors Elsa wasted no time pulling up what information she was looking for. An evil smirk crept into place as she started to download a virus into the system. Slowly all the operations of the house started to go offline. The lights dimmed once as they flickered and tried to stay on.
Realizing that someone had spotted a camera Elsa quickly stopped typing and withdrew from the room. She had done enough for now. It was only a matter of time before it would all be within her control. Creeping back into the main hallway she hoped to avoid Lance and all his questions.
Zack Strike – Jan 4, 2009 at 9:14 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance didn’t realize at first, but this was the first time he actually ‘socialized’ with another living being, besides Adam, that didn’t end in him running for his life. For once in his life he felt needed, it felt…nice. Eva and Adam went into the other room which left Lance and Siann in the room together. Lance attempted to start up some small talk,
“So,um, Siann what did you find out on Tohrek’s anyways?” Lance didn’t what to say, but he couldn’t stand the silence. After he stated the question however he noticed that Elsa was no where to be seen.
joey – Jan 6, 2009 at 9:29 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
As the others chatted away in the other rooms Elsa was just leaving the computer room she was in when a small alert system kicked on. Clearly the virus she had put in place was working. Smirking she left the room and stepped out in the hallway before they had time to miss her.
None one had any clue or even an idea that something might be wrong with the person or andriod they all knew as Elsa. Truth of that matter they were all being fooled but not for long. Since the activation of the new and suppose improved Elsa a tiny signal went out of her presence and that in turn sent out a system wide alert.
Making her way back to sit next to Lance Elsa felt a sudden jolt from within her and she knew it was time to attack. Without warning she grabbed Lances side arm and wrapped her arms around his neck forcing him to stand up and become a total body sheild. She was a lot stronger then before and her grip on him nearly choking him was making him gasp and gag for air. Backing out of the room Elsa’s eyes had gone soild black. Something the likes of gills stuck out the sides of her neck as she glared at the others. Siann was going to be next if she was not stopped.
“back you earthly scum..” She hissed at them. Her voice had changed everything about her was changing right before their eyes. Her skin tone was even changing to a sick green and brown. She was no longer robotic looking she looked alien.
Holding Lance hotage she licked the side of his head and he fell to the floor knocked out by the nasty green slim that was now working its way to cover his whole body. With her sights set on Siann she stepped forward and hissed.. Something had taken over what was once Elsa and its next meal was Siann.
Divinatas – Jan 10, 2009 at 5:09 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
Adam was rubbing his head as he watched Eva and listened to her story. It was a grand coincidence. Then again, Adam didn’t believe in coincidences. Things were often guided by the force, and now it seemed they were in for an adventure. But with this news… that means miss Siann Acai was..
“…my sister.” Adam said out loud. He rest his hand over Eva’s that was lain on his arm. “Didn’t think the old man had it in him. He must have really wanted someone to run the shop. Guess trouble runs in the Acai blood, eh, sweets?” He went silent for a moment before speaking again. “Gorren Tohrek has been a major concern for awhile now. But this does make it a bit personal.”
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Siann was looking around the small apartment, and had picked up some unusual looking item from a shelf when Lance spoke.
[i]”So,um, Siann what did you find out on Tohrek’s anyways?”[/i]
“Oh, well, it’s all pretty scary actually. Tohrek is obviously a bad guy, but on the computer I stole it looks like he has lots of contacts and the Fleet. I really didn’t get a good impression of them when they picked me and my ship up and dragged me on that crazy mission, but now it looks like there is an entire conspiracy behind it too!” Siann rattled on unaware of Elsa leaving the room, and then returning just as quickly.
Setting the item she was looking at back on the shelf, Siann turned around just in time to see Elsa grabbing Lance! “ELSA!”
[i]”Back you earthly scum..”[/i] Elsa’s entire appearance seemed to be shifted, as she held on to Lance, licking the side of his face. He was slowly being covered in a weird slime as he dropped to the floor!
Siann was stepping backwards as she screamed!
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
A sudden scream interrupted his conversation with Eva. Not missing a beat, Adam dashed out the kitchen door with Eva close behind. His hand flicked, that object from the shelf flying in to his hands. Immediately the bright blue beam of a lightsaber flicked on as he put himself between Siann and Elsa, the saber positioned defensively in front of him.
“Alright now. What are you up to.” he asked, rather calmly, giving the situation.
joey – Jan 11, 2009 at 3:41 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Laughing and hissing at the sametime this thing that was once Elsa stepped over Lance and eyed Adam with utter contempt.
“You fools.. thinking that you could just collect randon bits of information without risks.. your droids have been most useful and your bodies will be too.”
Circling the room it hissed and stared at Saiann.
“I was there all along my pet… and that stupid droid never even knew what lie waiting inside her worthless shell..”
Hissing its eyes flickered as the gills on the sides of its neck opened and closed.
“Long dead my race has been ruled by that worthless troll Tohrek..” coughing and gasping spitting up some nasty green slim.
Just then their was a small explosion at the entrance to Adams house. As the dust settled Elsa and Eva’s droid marched in holding their own weapons. It was an instant all out battle that sadly was trashing Adams house as Elsa fell into battle with the thing that looked just like her. Flashing of green and red showerd the room as Eva’s droid took a hit and spun around falling over Siann in its attempt to protect her. Seeing Lance made the real Elsa even more angry as she took on the beast thing that robbed her of everything she ever had.
The gills on the beast rattled as it took one of Elsa’s arms off. Her arm went falling to the floor as she went falling backwards.
“KILL IT!!!” she screamed to Adam and Eva..
Holding the spot that once held her arm shot out small sparks of yellow and red. Inching over toward Lance her hands started to pell off the layer of jell that was about to kill him.
Checking Lance for his vitals she started to give him CPR and hoped that she wasnt to late. Her small frame pumped his heart and her human like lip pressed to his as she tried to get him to breath. Shaking to her core parts of her rattled as must of her was exposed as a very small and crued CP unit. Mush like Eva’s droid parts of each were missing expossing much of their inner workings. Both looked like they had escaped a junk yard both droids seemed to care for their humans much more than ever before.
Divinatas – Jan 21, 2009 at 3:45 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
His lodging had erupted in to utter chaos in an instant. Adam’s first priority was protecting the innocent life, which was made more complicated with looming thoughts that it was his [i]sister[/i] he was deflecting stray glops of goo.
With Eva’s droid dashing out to shield Siann, enough was enough. Pointing a finger for Eva to circle around the other side of the struggling Elsa and the alien, Adam moved in to attack position. As Elsa’s arm was ripped out her socket and she went flying backwards screaming [i]KILL IT[/i], Adam was already on the move.
FWOOM! FWOOM! Like lighting he swung his lightsaber, slicing off the arms of the alien. A final FWOOM and there went the alien’s head rolling on the floor.
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Siann was hurting from being tackled by a droid, but she was alive and that was something. Slowly, she rose up to her feet, dusting off her robes, looking rather wary at the dead alien on the floor.
“I… I’m a little confused. What just happened…?”
Everyone looked at Elsa!
joey – Jan 21, 2009 at 10:54 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Elsa Moon
Slowly Elsa sat up and looked around. Lowering her eyes to the group. A few sparks flew from where her arm was and she started to look for it. Finding it near the sofa she picked it up and looked at Siann.
“Im glad your not hurt.. Im sorry about all this” than turning to everyone she spoke again as her voice crackled in out.
“I was infected and did not know it. Im sorry. I will try to rebuild your home master Adam. I failed to protect the one that saved me and for that I am deeply sorry.”
Elsa looked at Lance and than away.
“I will be on the ship if anyone needs me, there is much I need to clean up. That [I]thing[/I] stole more than my orgainic matter and I must replace many parts.”
With a slight limp Elsa made her way over the ruble that was once the front door and slowly back to the ship.
Zack Strike – Jan 21, 2009 at 8:18 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Lance regained awareness just in time to witness the creature beheading. A little nauseous from the green goo he slumped to his feet and looked around to find everyone in good health, excluding Elsa. With the danger avoided he walked over to the aliens’ head and put a plaster bolt right between its eyes,
“I’ll dispose of this.” He said in a plain tone and grabbed it up by its ‘hair’ and followed Elsa out. Lance made a makeshift fire pit and tossed it in.
After Lance went to the ship to check up on Elsa to see the extent of her damages. As he walked in to the main compartment he saw Elsa in the corner trying to put herself back together again Lance grabbed a bag of tools and walked up next to her,
“Hey let me take a look at.” Lance said as he knelt down beside Elsa and examined her damaged arm.
Ocha – Jan 22, 2009 at 4:31 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
Deactivating her light saber, Eva nodded to Lance as he took the alien head out. He was one of the good ones, going to go check on the robot girl. Then her glance shifted and she tilted her head. “Master Adam? Not very often I hear that.” It was easy to let oneself forget that even though he played the part of a common mercenary, that was all but a cover. She wondered when Lance would come back with questions to his old friend. No one in this part of the galaxy knew the truth, no one but her.
The place was a wreck and while things could be explained, Eva felt it was time that Adam left this place. She wasn’t going to say it right now. “We seem to have more and more to take care of. Perhaps though you should deal with your more personal business before anything or anyone else comes along.”
joey – Jan 22, 2009 at 11:54 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
Hearing Lances voice made Elsa jump as he came closer to her with his tools.
“I have failed you..master and for that Im sorry. I have failed to complete my directive.” Her tone was very mechcanical and distant as her eyes flickered in small clicks.
All of her organic matter had been eaten away and what remained looked tired and sad. Her silvery body with it most of her internal components were exposed. She looked far from the whole unit that she use to be. Her machine like form was exposed now. Feeling like she was no longer useful to Lance she turned away from him holding her arm in her hand.
“It will not go back into place. I have become defective after being contaminated by the foreign material.” As she spoke her body gave off a small shake and she dropped her arm.
“Thats been happening a lot, and Im am unable to find the source, I have run test but all of them come back incomplete.”
Shifting in place she blinked and her eyes flickered again as she tried to look at Lance. “I think its best if you sell me for scrap”
Divinatas – Jan 22, 2009 at 7:21 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
Adam didn’t say a word as Elsa ran off, or when Lance woke up and followed Elsa. Scratching his beard as he glanced around at the damage across the room, he was having much the same thoughts as Eva. It was time to leave this place. There was a more important mission at hand.
…but for the moment, there was a much more personal matter to deal with.
Looking at the very confused Siann, he gave a heavy sigh. “I think I should start by telling you my name. …My [i]real[/i] name.” he said slowly. “Adam Acai, son of Alderon Acai and Silva Na’dr.”
Siann blinked blankly, before a slow look of disbelief crossed her face. She crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s [i]my[/i] parents. You would have to be my bro-… Oh.” It seemed something occurred to her as she started to frown, seemingly giving some bit of information some thought. “It sort of makes sense considering things Fa said but… it’s rather odd to suddenly meet you. How do I know this isn’t a trick!”
Adam grinned at that. A healthy suspicion instead of accepting words as fact. “The universe is a series of coincidences and destiny. You may have ended up in Gorren Tohrek’s hands by chance and Lance coming across Eva by coincidence. But you made a very clever move in taking his computer. Thanks to this, we have one very important piece to a complicated plot.”
Siann glanced over at Eva, still looking unsure and confused about the whole thing, but seemed to be bolstered by the look on the woman’s face. “You’re welcome. …I think. Does this mean I can go home now?”
Adam shook his head sadly. “I am afraid not. The fleet is looking for you as well as Tohrek. You will be safer to remain with us until this problem has been solved.” Running his hands through his hair, he was quickly formulating a plan in his head. “Obviously it’s time to pickup and move. Lance is going to be a great help if he agrees. If we send him and his droid for recon missions and gathering data, you and I can freely pay a few people a visit.” he said to Eva.
Ocha – Jan 22, 2009 at 7:28 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
All and all, Eva though Siann had taken the information about her brother rather well. It was a good thing though. Perhaps actually meeting the little sister he never met might ground Adam a bit. Eva doubted it, but there was always room for hope.
Right now there was a plan being started by Adam, and Eva wanted to quickly implement any action they were going to take and get off planet. “Sounds like you have a start of something Adam. However if he’s going to be going into dangerous situation he’s going to need a good ship. Where are you going to find that.”
Then it dawned on her where a good ship could be had, one that Lance already knew better then almost anyone. Adam was going to owe her big!
Divinatas – Jan 22, 2009 at 7:42 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
Sheepishly, Adam grinned at Eva. “He will need the best ship we can give him. I know you don’t want to let it go, Eva, but… He knows it in and out. It’s also far too recognizable for us to be in. I want to keep Siann as far away from danger as possible.”
Siann was shuffling her feet along with tapping her fingers on her arm. She felt a bit like dead weight being dragged around on yet another crazy ride. …But at least THIS time people were concerned about trying to keep her [i]out[/i] of trouble instead of walking her right into it. That was the only thing that kept her from complaining.
“So that means we are going to split up? What will Lance and Elsa do? Isn’t it going to be dangerous? Elsa is in such bad shape already…” Siann interjected.
Adam nodded slowly. “We have to split up. More will be accomplished. I believe Lance is talented enough to take care of Elsa, however. There won’t be any need to worry. …For now, we need to clean out this place and get moving as quickly as possible. Things won’t remain quiet for long and I need to speak with Lance.”
Ocha – Jan 22, 2009 at 7:50 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“Don’t worry Adam, this just means you owe me something in compensation for the ship.” It was an act really, but she was very use to acting the part of the mercenary and if the truth was known there was something she wanted from Adam.
Placing her hands on her hips, Eva smirked then. “Go talk to Lance. Most of this you can leave behind, and I know what you’ll be wanting to take. Siann and I can have things ready by the time everyone is ready to leave.” There were a few things from her own ship Eva would have been happier not to leave behind in fact, but most of it she could live without.
Zack Strike – Jan 22, 2009 at 9:11 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
Again Lance felt the anger well up inside him as Elsa treated herself as nothing more than a worthless slave,
“Don’t say stupid crap like that!” Lance said as he griped the tool bag ’till it hurt. “Your not a slave to anyone Elsa. Your outward appearance does not show who you are. You may feel like a droid, but you saved my life for the second time at the risk of your own and that’s more than anyone has ever done for me.”
Lance picked up the lifeless arm and walked over to Elsa and held it up to her.
“Now come on let figure this out and get you fixed.” He said as a caring smile came across his face.
Divinatas – Jan 22, 2009 at 11:50 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
Adam didn’t want to think of what Eva had in mind for payback. He was already out the door, back to the ship to talk to Lance. It took him only a few moments to get there, step inside and find him speaking with the Elsa-droid.
“Lance…” Adam said, scratching his beard again. “I’ve got a wee favor to ask you, if you’re up to it. Fully paid… hell, I’ll answer any questions you have. I heh, ” he gave a sheepish grin, “I haven’t exactly been the most honest with you. But, I have an important mission for you if you think you can handle it.”
[dotted=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=182][b]Siann Acai[/b]
Meanwhile, Siann was helping Eva gather up everything of importance from Adam’s apartment. There really wasn’t a lot of personal things. But, she did figure out (even if it wasn’t already painfully obvious) that he was a Jedi, not just some mercenary with a stolen lightsaber. It was just the way he lived. That was a comfort to know, as she was starting to wonder if she’d be in real trouble traveling around with an outlaw for a brother.
As if she weren’t in enough trouble already!
“…I hope the shop will be okay without me. There are droids to help run the business, but for how long could everything go without me? I wonder if anyone will even notice I’m missing! Oh… but Lance did, and I didn’t even know him.” Siann was voicing all of her thoughts out loud, regardless if Eva was listening or not.
Zack Strike – Jan 23, 2009 at 1:19 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
“A mission huh.” Lance placed Elsa’s arm by her feet and put his hands on the back of his head.
“Well first you can tell me what your doing with a lightsaber. Are you the ‘space pirate’ in those stories you used to tell me or is that all lies.”
Lance wasn’t as angry as he was shocked and confused. He looked up to Adam as someone he wanted to be like. Lance didn’t have any friends when Adam came along, so to find out that he kept such a big secret he was beginning to wonder if Adam was only using him.
“Just tell me who the hell are you?”
[B][U]Vantius (Van-tee-us) Thrall[/U][/B]
After receiving the contract from Tohrek it didn’t take Vantius long to track down the ship that fled the battle on the smuggler’s moon that was once Tohrek’s base of operations. The bounty hunter was in heavy battle dress with armor plates, pouches for ammo, the works, and carried a compact battle rifle. He wore a all-purpose visor that was heat and night vision equipped and a re-breather mask over his mouth. Ready for anything even for the rumor that a Jedi was involved.
The shaved head bounty hunter approached the house that the locals said belonged to the man that meet the owner of the ship. He walked right up to where the front door should be, and noticed sighs of battle in the main room. He started searching for clues for where his target could have gone with disregard for personal belongings.
Ocha – Jan 23, 2009 at 1:55 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
It was a bit sad to see that Adam’s life could so easily be packed up, but that was who he was. Everything else could eventually be replaced in one fashion or another if he wanted to. Siann and Eva were both in the back room when she heard something near the front of the house. Quickly she knew it wasn’t Adam and more over she knew it was trouble.
Placing a finger to her lips she pointed to the window, which quietly opened. She took the bag from Siann and waited for the other girl to climb down, not easy since they were not exactly on the ground floor, then softly, step by step she went to the window backwards. Waiting for Siann to be on the ground, Eva judged it and jumped down, landing in a roll.
Before Siann could ask any questions Eva motioned Siann to follow and was jogging off to the ship.[/dashed]
joey – Jan 24, 2009 at 1:36 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[B]Elsa Moon[/B]
Elsa blinked as Lance set her Arm at her feet. Not sure why he did this she picked it up and turned around and back to trying to fix the fingers on it.
Small sparks flew out as she worked with it. She tired not to listen as the two men talked behind her. It was odd but with most of her organic matter gone she had never seen her insides like this before. She caught her reflection in the large glass window that seperated the cargo bay from an office area.
Stepping toward her reflection she looked into her own eyes and blinked. She could skin and machine. Her inner workings blinked and flickered with mechanical life. Touching her face with her silver finger tips it was like she was seeing herself for the first time.
Stepping back from the mirror her head went to one side and than the other. Blinking she did this for a while as the men spoke.
Zack Strike – Jan 24, 2009 at 1:53 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[B][U]Vantius Thrall[/U][/B]
As Vantius was searching through the main room he thought he heard something out front. He switched his visor to thermal imaging and slowly walked out front with his rifle at the ready. Looking around he saw nothing just the remains of what looked like a dying fire. As he looked closer he noticed a large thermal imprint on the ground and a set of foot prints leading away form the house.
These people obviously heard him and fled the building. Assuming that the target was one of the sets of foot prints he decided to follow them at a hurried walk, but ready for anything.
Divinatas – Feb 1, 2009 at 2:39 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
Adam hesitated a moment. “I am… heh. A Jedi, but I think that’s become transparent.” He scratched his beard while he tried to put it in to quick words. “This mercenary business is just a cover so I can get around this side of the galaxy with ease. You’ll not spill the beans, I’m sure.” Adam trusted Lance. He knew a good guy when he met one.
“I would love to explain more about myself, but time has become an issue. Siann was clever to steal Gorren Tohrek’s computer, but she’s made herself a target for both the Fleet and Tohrek. That damned slaver seems to have his hands reaching all the way in to the government itself. I need you and Elsa to take my ship here. You’ll likely be followed, but I know you can out fly anything out there. Once you get to safety, it’s imperative that you two do a little spying on some of Tohrek’s businesses. We need to know who he deals with and where.”
Adam paused, a frown crossing his face as something occurred to him. “About Elsa… She is a bit off for an android. I think… you might want to dig for information about her as well. Eva told me that she was with Siann as one of Tohrek’s slaves before she escaped. Perhaps you can find out where she originally came from.”
Ocha – Feb 1, 2009 at 2:49 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
The girls had jogged from Adam’s apartment and went down a few city streets, slowing down to not attract trouble as they headed for the space port. Once they were there, though Eva was very much on alert she made a beeline to her ship, one eye always on Siann.
Once they were outside her ship, Eva called out. “Longshot!” She didn’t need to say anything else. Adam should know her tone well enough to know it was trouble. Eva made sure that both of them were in the shadow of her ship in case the intruder came to the ship. It would be impossible for him or her to know that they hadn’t just walked on board.
Divinatas – Feb 1, 2009 at 2:58 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=954][b]Adam Longshot[/b]
“[i]Longshot[/i]!” Eva’s voice. That warning sound.
“Someone is already following us. Quick!” Adam passed Lance what looked like a palm pilot. It was a datalink with information about the ship, and everything Adam knew about Gorren Tohrek so far. “You’ll be able to contact me when you need to and send me information through this. Now, get out of here as fast as possible. I don’t know if there’s ships waiting to shoot you down or not.”
Adam moved quick to the hatch peering outside to see if anyone was there. No one in sight yet. He turned for a moment back at Lance. “Be careful!” Adam jumped out of the ship, quickly rolling in to the shadows of the under belly where Eva and Siann were hiding.
On his feet he dusted himself off. “This isn’t boding well…” he said to Eva. Taking Siann by the arm and keeping a watch around them, Adam kept them in the shadows of the ship as he led Eva and Siann away towards the docking warehouses. As long as they remained unseen until Lance and Elsa took off, they should be good!
(This is where Lance & Elsa separate to get information on Gorren and perhaps discover more on Elsa’s past! After you guys “take off” you should start a new thread for Lance and Elsa! Adam, Eva & Siann will start a new thread once they leave the planet too. >>; )
Ocha – Feb 1, 2009 at 3:16 AM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=743][b]Eva Starflare[/b]
“Well there goes my ship,” Eva muttered as she followed behind Adam and Siann away from the ship. She had a lot of good memories with it and while she didn’t think it was the last she’d see it, it was a bit like leaving home for the last time. It was a sad feeling of future nostalgia.
Taking one last glance, Eva set her sights on the future. The three of them were unnoticed by the few people that were in the space port and shortly there after they had reached the warehouses. There was large overhang above and it was easy to sink into the large doorway on the side. No one would be able to see them unless they wanted to be seen.
“We need to get off the planet too. Even if whoever came into your apartment loses track of us or actually follows Lance, we still have a lot to do.” That was the closest that Adam was going to get for an explanation for the moment. Not that there was much more to tell. She didn’t risk seeing who it was after all with Siann with her.
Zack Strike – Feb 1, 2009 at 5:51 PM
[b]Re: Troubled Florist![/b]
[U]Lance Hawkins[/U]
As Adam hurriedly passed Lance the hand held, he only hesitated for a second. Quickly he turned around and walked to the cockpit in Elsa’s direction,
“Come on, We’re leaving! Everyone’s going to be counting on us.”
Lance said as he rushed to the pilot’s seat and fired up the engines. He looked at the hand held computer once more before he took the ship into orbit.
[dot][U][B]Vantius Thrall[/B][/U]
As Vantius drew closer to the space port his infrared visors became useless. He switched it off and used normal light scanning look for traces of the unknown threats that fled the targets house. He quicken his pace to the space port assuming that they were going to escape on their ship, and just as he came in view of the ship he saw it just taking off. Luckily Vantius placed a tracking beacon on the ship when he arrived and sprinted to his own ship. He was hoping that this job was going to be simple snatch ‘n’ grab, but now it turned into a chase.[/dot]