Title: Witches Pox!
Number: 143
Date: Aug 6, 2008 at 12:23 AM
Ocha – Aug 6, 2008 at 12:23 AM
“And then we were home,” ended Sasha as she sat on her bed looking at the translucent form of her deceased brother-in-law. He seemed much more at eased then when they’d first come home, after all Kendal had been gone for days and the specter had been unable to find her anywhere on the island. “I haven’t gotten a chance to give her a bad time about using magic yet, but I will. All that talent and she lets it go to waste most the time. Why hash an old topic with you though. I think that her and Skipster might be coming around finally. The trip might have been good for them all in all. Don’t give me that look. We’re not discussing me. Now I want to get down to breakfast before the ads are over.”
Nevermind if the ghost though that was an admission of anything, Sasha continued on her morning routine like she did most mornings and eventually made it to her shop to open it. The only real difference than most mornings was she was already on her second pot of tea before lunch and three people had asked her if she was alright. Of course she was, why wouldn’t she be?
Divinatas – Aug 19, 2008 at 6:21 PM
After several days away from work, being the Chief Editor of the most popular wild news zine in town, one would think the place would be falling apart. Not at The Chronicle. Things always got done with or without Kendal there, which led her to suspect that they only called her Chief Editor so other employees wouldn’t be jealous of her hefty paycheck. Everyone knew she spent little time in the office, and most of her hours out hunting down good stories for the paper.
Today shouldn’t have been any different. And yet, instead of taking a swing by the warehouse district to figure out why the mob was making deals with northern Silkies, Kendal was dropping by to see her sister at her shop. Just in time for the second half of the morning radio show.
[i]”Gooood morning, Elswen! This is your favorite morning host DJ Tali with her super sexy cohost, Aidan Mac bringing you the station’s weekly contest update!”[/i] The cheerful voice was bright and teasing. The usual upbeat Natalia Davenport was a fan favorite, and much to Kendal’s amusement, the mastermind of getting Aidan in to all sorts of interesting trouble.
Aidan finally chimed in over the radio, [i]”This week’s contest is going to be a charity ball event, where you can make a bid on the eligible singles in town. The feature prize being a date with DJ Tali or Aidan Ma- Wait, what?! I didn’t agree to-“[/i]
[i]”A date with Aidan Mac or myself! That’s a pretty sweet prize, if I do say so myself. But remember, you need to be at the charity ball and make the winning bid! So get those checkbooks ready, and stayed tuned to ELSWN Radio for updates!”[/i]
Loud laughter echoed through the shop, as Kendal plucked one of the books from the shelf. “I didn’t know it was time for the charity ball already. Do you think they’ll accept credit cards?” A wicked grin she gave, as she peeked around one of the shelves at Sasha.
Ocha – Aug 24, 2008 at 9:32 PM
“Credit card? What, you want a date with Tali now?” Sasha didn’t even hide the contempt in her voice. The younger sister glared at the older for a moment, then sighed. Kendal could bait her too easily at times.
Sasha turned around and grabbed two cups and then came around the counter. “But seriously, are you going to go to the ba–.” Suddenly Sasha let go of both cups, them crashing to the ground and her waving her now red hands. The liquid from the now shattered ceramic cups was boiling violently on the floor.
Divinatas – Oct 6, 2008 at 11:23 PM
Kendal laughed as she put the book back on the shelf and crossed the store. Stopping at the spill, she wave a hand over the mess. The tea zoomed itself back in to the cups as the reformed and hopped themselves as good as new in Kendal’s hands. Reversing an accident was no big deal for a natural witch… but the fact [i]Kendal[/i] did it without thinking twice, was entirely too strange.
She set Sasha’s cup on the counter. “I was thinking more about Aidan, not that [i]I[/i] want a date with him. I was actually planning on volunteering to be one of the auctions. A dinner with some old geezer couldn’t be all that bad.”
Ocha – Oct 13, 2008 at 8:24 PM
Sasha took a sip of her tea while looking at Kendal. What was she doing? Sasha was fairly sure that the trip to Germany hadn’t cured her sister of her reluctancy to use her magic. On the other hand, what she did was so natural and absent minded that perhaps Kendal didn’t even realize what she did. Which was just as odd!
“Could use him to clean the gutters at the mansion,” Sasha muttered into her cup at the idea of Kendal actually winning Aidan at auction. “Would you really want to be put up for auction yourself? It could turn into a boring horrible night.”
The youngest sister then figured she might as well turn down the radio while they were talking and made a gesture to do so while having to walk over. Instead however she was now in the lobby of the radio station. “What the…?”
Divinatas – Oct 14, 2008 at 6:37 AM
[dash][b]Natalia Davenport[/b]
“Oh, hey Sasha!” blinked a dark haired girl with a wild purple dye-job on her hair. She was wearing a tiny little shirt, showing off a pieced bellybutton, and low hip hugging jeans. Drop dead gorgeous is what she liked to think of herself, and being the most popular radio host in Elswen didn’t help her ego any. DJ Tali greeted Sasha with a smile!
“I didn’t expect to see you in today! You usually wait until Saturdays to come in for a visit.” a smirk was across her face as she leaned in close to elbow at Sasha. “You don’t have a lunch date with Aidan, do you? He was pitching a real temper tantrum about the auction this morning.”
Ocha – Oct 14, 2008 at 6:44 AM
Sasha looked at Tali in great surprise. How did she get from trying to turn off the radio in her shop to being in the radio studio. Had someone put a charm in her shop? No, that didn’t seem right, the spirits in the building would have nullified any sort of transportation charm there, and besides, what would be the point. Was it Kendal? That was even more absurd.
“Aidan?” Sasha shook her head. “No, Aidan wasn’t expecting me.” Though she had to admit she was curious to see how he was reacting to the whole thing. She was sure his co-DJ had it close to right. He didn’t sound very happy at all on the air.
Divinatas – Oct 15, 2008 at 1:47 AM
“He’ll be pleasantly surprised then!” said Natalia with a grin! One of these days, she really expected Sasha to come in here and just flat out sock her in the nose. Of course, Sasha didn’t seem to get it, but [i]everyone[/i] at the station knew Aidan had a thing for a the woman. They were practically dating. And no girl wants to see her man go through the sorts of things Tali put Aidan through.
Natalia just [i]loved[/i] being a villain!
“Speaking of which, he’s up in the offices trying to find some way out of it. Haha, jokes on him, I made him signed the contract last week. Slipped it in to his usual paperwork.”
Ocha – Oct 15, 2008 at 1:59 AM
It was tempting. Just one little spell. It wouldn’t be anything serious. Maybe a rash of some sort, or even better no voice for a week! It was petty though and Sasha figured it wasn’t worth the trouble.
“I guess I might as well go see him. It really wasn’t a very nice thing you did. He might have agreed if you had just given him fair warning.” Sasha thought about his fan base and figured that might have been a lie.
As she started to walk to the elevator she paused and looked over at the female DJ. “Your voice sounds a bit scratching. Hope you’re not coming down with something.” Okay so maybe it was worth the trouble! And into the elevator Sasha went.
Divinatas – Oct 15, 2008 at 12:55 PM
As Sasha went up the elevator a loud SNEEZE was heard! Scratchy throat indeed!
Upstairs in the offices, Aidan was sitting at his desk with his hands in his hair. It seemed he had did a lot of that this morning, because now his hair was sticking up in every direction for a more permanent look. Under his breath he was muttering all sorts of wicked things to do to Natalia – not that he’d ever do them. Time and time again he might plot up some sort of revenge, but when it came down to it, he just couldn’t go through with it. He had to shake that nice-guy conscience!
Finally Aidan just balled up a few of the papers and took a rimshot for the trashcan!
Ocha – Oct 15, 2008 at 11:42 PM
That didn’t sound quite right!
Upon reaching the correct floor Sasha walked down the hall to Aidan’s office. Inside she saw the DJ look stressed. Worse his hair was showing the extent of the damage Tali had caused Aidan and Sasha found her fingers itching to fix the haystack.
Brushing that idea aside for a moment she smirked.
“Two points,” Sasha said as she walked in and looked at him. “Not one of your better days, hm? Mind if I sit?” It was still very early in the day, but Sasha felt like she just pulled an all nighter.
Divinatas – Oct 16, 2008 at 7:14 AM
Aidan looked surprised to see Sasha today, but easily motioned a hand over towards the chair for her to sit down. He leaned back in his own seat, looking about ready to pass out, if not also wanting to heave a big sigh.
“Boy, she’s got a noose around my neck tighter than a rat to cheese.” he muttered. “Not that I don’t love doing stuff for charity, but [i]last[/i] year’s auction was a real nightmare and I vowed never again.” his smile was grim, but it was genuine. “Guess she made a liar out of me.”
Aidan paused for a moment, looking over Sasha curiously. “You look a little tired. Did you get any sleep last night?”
Ocha – Oct 28, 2008 at 5:20 PM
Sasha was grateful to sit, and quietly listened to Aidan rant for a few moments. At least he could smile about the whole thing.
“Sleep? Of course I did,” she said in a very Sashaish tone she used with him whenever stating what she saw was the obvious around him. Her baravo didn’t last long however, and she allowed herself the luxury of just being relaxed with Aidan “I’m just having an off morning I think.”
Not one to linger long on her own problems, Sasha quickly changed the subject. “You’re pretty much trapped so there’s no use in dwelling on it. Kendal might join in too, so you can at least have good company on stage. What you need to do now is get out of this building.”
Divinatas – Nov 8, 2008 at 3:07 PM
“That’s the best idea I’ve heard all morning.” Admitted Aidan wearily. Running his hands through his hair again, he straightened up the paperwork on his desk and signed a few things before he stood. He stretched his arms over his head and rounded the desk to the hat rack where he took his coat and shrugged it over his shoulders.
Aidan motioned his head towards the door. “Let’s go grab a bit for lunch. Fun City Pizza is having an all you can eat buffet special today.”
Ocha – Nov 10, 2008 at 3:42 AM
Part of her really didn’t want to get back up. She was comfortable sitting. Not as comfortable perhaps as if she was at home, curled up on the couch perhaps, but it was nice to sit. However, she was the one that suggested leaving so Sasha stood up.
“At least that won’t be wasted on you, and if I recall correctly they have that bottomless soda,” she said with a weak smile. Sasha was thinking that a bowl of soup was all she really wanted. As she started walking out the door she felt her head, maybe she was coming down with something.
She wouldn’t say anything though as they headed down the elevator and out of the building.
Divinatas – Nov 11, 2008 at 10:36 PM
The weather outside was pleasant and the walk quiet as they strolled down the sidewalk. There weren’t a lot of people out, except for the few dashing for a lunch break or enjoying a day off. The air had that nice crisp scent that always came with the change of seasons.
Of course, Sasha didn’t seem to be noticing any of this, which Aidan found pretty curious. Sasha always enjoyed these sorts of days, but she was looking pretty wilted to him. If she thought he hadn’t noticed, well… she was mistaken!
Aidan didn’t bring it up however. He just led them down the walk, but instead of turning the corner to head for Fun City Pizza, he walked on down until they stopped at a small little cafe. It was one of those family run businesses, that didn’t get a lot of hustle-bustle. Quiet and peaceful.
“I know I said Fun City Pizza, but today is chowder day and I don’t think I could pass it up.” he grinned.
Ocha – Nov 12, 2008 at 2:53 AM
Looking at Aidan in surprise, Sasha then looked over at the cafe. She didn’t even realize they hadn’t gotten on the right street to go the the pizza parlor she’d just followed Aidan. Boy was she out of it!
“You’re fickle,” she told him with a wane smile. Aidan was trying to be sneaky, and the worse part was it worked. How could she not appreciate him seeing that she wasn’t herself and changing plans accordingly. Sasha wasn’t completely heartless after all.
They walked inside the cafe, a door chime letting the owners know that customers had come in. “Please take any seat,” a busty middle aged woman told them in a pleasant voice. Sasha nodded her thanks to the woman and followed Aidan to a window seat.
The red head witch was a bit lost in thought. This didn’t seem like a normal cold. After all she hadn’t screwed up a spell like that, well she couldn’t recall. Sure she’d done some odd things when learning and even still if she tried something she’d never done before she only had a vague idea what the results would be. But for a spell to just backfire and not even a real spell but simple magic! Then there was Kendal, what was that all about using her powers all of the sudden and it not being life and death? Kendal hadn’t even noticed she’d done it too if Sasha was half right. All these thoughts were chasing themselves in her head instead of her picking up her menu.
Divinatas – Dec 2, 2008 at 11:17 PM
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=14][b]Aidan Mac[/b]
Sitting down and getting comfortable at the table, Aidan plucked out a couple of the paper napkins while Sasha was lost in thought. He folded the napkins in a few shapes and came out with a couple of origami creatures. …They didn’t look very pretty, but at least you could tell what he was going for. Aidan set them up in the center of the table.
“Hey there, cuties! Here’s your menus. Today’s special is the Clam Chowder or the Brocolli and Cheese Chowder. What can I get you sweeties to drink?” said the waitress most cheerfully, handing them both a menu before pulling out her pad.
Aidan smiled back! “You know, I think I’ll have that Clam Chowder and a Coke.” he nudged Sasha’s leg gently with his foot from under the table to catch her attention. She really was spaced out today!
Ocha – Dec 3, 2008 at 11:04 PM
Sasha looked at Aidan startled, then noticed the waitress. Did she say something about chowder? She shouldn’t duadle. “I’ll… I’ll get what he’s getting. And tea, that would be nice.”
Before the waitress could make more commentary, a group of women walked into the cafe. “Look it’s Aidan!”
“Aidan we listened to your show!”
“We listen everyday.”
“And we’ll all be at the benefit.”
Sasha leaned over and whispered to Aidan, “Don’t you wish your annoying fangirls would just disappear for one day?” She sorta felt better saying it. Like a weight was lifted off her heart. Then the next moment she had a wave of exhaustion. It reminded her of when she had just done a complex spellcasting.
The three women were gone, and they were not the only ones in town.
Divinatas – Dec 7, 2008 at 10:50 PM
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=14][b]Aidan Mac[/b]
Aidan was smiling his usual ‘Radio DJ’ smile as he leaned to reply to Sasha. “Some… times?” His reply trailed off as the ladies just seemed to… vanish! Well, that was one way to take care of unwanted interruptions!
Now, Aidan, he pretended not to see a lot, but there were just some cases where he was more than a little bit concerned. Sasha could do some pretty nifty things, but she was usually [i]aware[/i] when she did them. This most certainly was not on purpose!
With the waitress gone to get their orders, Aidan reached across the table to take one of Sasha’s hands. “Alright now, fess up. You’re not exactly yourself today. Are you sure you’re okay?”
Ocha – Dec 8, 2008 at 1:42 AM
There wasn’t any reason to even pretend. Sasha knew she had screwed up, and badly, worse yet was she couldn’t even fathom how! “I… I don’t know. I’ve been feeling a bit off all day, but…”
The redhead looked up at Aidan, then looked down at their hands. “I wish Blair was still around. She was really good at this sort of thing. Best way to fix something was to know how it could fall apart. That’s what she would say. She learned the hard way sometimes but she was good. Real good.” Sasha rarely brought of Blair to anyone, the death of her eldest sister was still a sore spot and it still wasn’t all that long ago that it happened.
“I can’t call Mom, she never got past the basics. Grandma and Grandpa are no where that I can reach them easily.” There were ways, but Sasha was thinking it unwise to use those more extraordinary ways of communication.
“Kendal, I should call Kendal.” If not to find an answer at least to warn her sister.[/dashed]
Divinatas – Jan 22, 2009 at 7:50 PM
Aidan nodded, listening to her explain. She rambled a bit, which was all the more evidence that she wasn’t quite herself. Rubbing her hands (they were cold!) he gave it a little thought.
“Call Kendal and lets eat first. Some food in your stomach might do you some good. Then I can take you home and we’ll see what we can do.” he replied. It was good sensible logic. Aidan was concerned, but aside from a few odd spells and not looking so good it seemed a lot like cold symptoms. Colds could be relieved!
Ocha – Jan 22, 2009 at 8:56 PM
With a nod of her head, Sasha took back her hand. She didn’t have her jacket with her, and she was realizing she didn’t even have her purse. It was all at the shop. Granted if she asked Aidan wasn’t going to say no to paying. She half expected he would be happy about it. So it was once more that she didn’t have her cell phone. This was actually starting to become an annoying habit.
She quickly mentioned the lack of purse and phone, but not about paying for lunch, so that Aidan would let her use his phone. Calling her sisters actually cell number, it was a miracle she remembered it, she waited for Kendal to pick up. “Uh, hey sis. How you feeling?”
Divinatas – Jan 22, 2009 at 9:31 PM
“Hey gorgeous!” It might have taken a moment to double check that the number dialed was the correct one. Kendal’s voice was far too cheerful and there was the loud booming of fast music in the background. “I’m doing great! Ever since this morning, it’s just been my day!” There was a bit of laughter from Kendal followed by some soft talking as she moved the phone away from from her mouth.
“Did you know that vampires like nightclubs so much, they’ve even got some underground? Literally. Underground. Oh, hey… Is something wrong?”
Ocha – Jan 22, 2009 at 9:40 PM
Indeed Sasha did move the phone away for a moment and looked at it in utter disbelief. Not only was Kendal going to be useless in helping her, but she was obviously suffering some sort of problem. It had to be related to all the problems Sasha was having with magic, but she couldn’t even begin to imagine how.
“Just a little off today,” Sasha finally responded putting the phone back to her ear. “Kendal, do me a favor. When you’re done there come back to the manor, okay? I’m eating with Aidan and then he’s taking me back. If you need me, call his phone. You got that?”
One thing was sure, Sasha wasn’t in much condition to rescue her sister if the need arose, but if Kendal could just come home on her own, maybe Sasha could keep an eye on her till this was figured out.
Divinatas – Feb 1, 2009 at 4:57 AM
“Right, home. No problem! I’m just going to slay some vampires and I’ll swing by, okay?” There was the sounds of Kendal’s voice softer as she hung up the phone “Oh c’mon guys, it was just a joke!” BLEEP~!
Aidan didn’t mean to listen in on the conversation, but it was hard not to hear that chipper tone of Kendal’s. It was out of character, and Sasha seemed to be feeling the same when she passed his phone back to him with a slightly weirded out expression.
“Ah… Don’t worry too much. Kendal can take care of herself. But, if you like we can call someone up to go check on her…”
Ocha – Feb 1, 2009 at 3:13 PM
Aidan was a genius! Okay so it was sort of obvious, but Sasha was really grateful he was here right now to point out those obvious suggestions. The waitress had returned with their chowder and drinks and Sasha took her cup of tea in both hands and sipped it. Heaven.
“I think I’ll just text Dane, that way we can enjoy lunch.” In fact, Sasha really didn’t want to talk to another person right now. If she called him, there was a chance that Skipster he’d want to know what was wrong with her. She rather he just concentrated on Kendal.
With a text sent to her favorite cop on the island, Sasha could concentrate on her lunch, which was tasty, but most importantly was warm. After lunch she’d have to have Aidan swing her by the store to pick up her things, then she could go home.[/dashed]