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Character Name: Moriah “Stop fucking calling me Moe.” Savage
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Human
Age: 25
Occupation: Hunter
General Appearance: Long dark brown hair, brown eyes. 5’7″ with average build and strong body. Favors wearing jeans and tshirts cause they’re easier to run around in. Has a secret looooove for cutsie girly dresses.
Current Goal/Purpose:
General Personality: Great at talking to people and actually dislikes conflict. If she can avoid having to beat the shit out of something or kill someone, she will. But when she has to and knows it needs to be done, it will GET done without a second doubt. Tends to be reserved and in control of most situations. Stubbornly refuses to take anyone else’s advice once she’s convinced she’s right. Over-protective of her brother to the point of being a bossy busy-body. When she gets involved in something, be it a mission, or anything else, she goes all in, whole-heartedly with everything she’s got. Moriah doesn’t halfass anything, jobs or feelings. If she loves something she LOVES IT UNCONDITIONALLY, if she hates something she LOATHES IT TO PIECES. She doesn’t make decisions recklessly.
Inner Personality: Moriah is very much “what you see is what you get” for the most part, but is a bit squishy on the inside. She hates the life of a hunter and if she could be doing anything else, she would. however, she knows she can’t and will dutifully keep on going. When she can get away with it, Moriah likes to spend time appreciating the finer and beautiful things in life. She loves good food, striking places, art, music, pretty pretty dresses.
Secret: She likes pretty pretty dresses and girly girly things, but that is not practical for a badass hunter and NO ONE CAN EVER KNOW cause no one respects and hunter in a dress. >:[
General History:
Present Life:
Special Historic Notes:
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