Title: A New World (pt3.4)
Number: 282
Date: Oct 18, 2008 at 5:05 AM
Divinatas – Oct 18, 2008 at 5:05 AM
[bg=#0e1938][padding=10px][so=#67708c][bg=#202d54]NEW AMSTERDAM: A NEW WORLD[/bg][/so][/padding][/bg]
[bg=#2d2623][do=#283762][imga=right]http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=1825[/imga][b][i]Cheyanne Fowler[/i][/b]
“So, you got lost in town and stayed the night somewhere, but you don’t know where that somewhere is?” Jacob said, having a bit of a Sherlock Holmes expression on his face as he eyed Cheyanne. Several of them were sitting peacefully at a table outside enjoying an early lunch.
Mrs. Keane was more suspicious than Jacob. “Sounds like a secret affair! Wouldn’t you at least know the name of the people there, girl?”
Cheyanne knew she should have just told them she ran in to a friend! “Why on earth would I take Peter with me on a secret affair! I don’t even know anyone!” she complained, dropping a couple squares of sugar in to her tea. Mrs. Keane wasn’t quite [i]so[/i] hard on her anymore, but she was still always dreaming up evil stories! And Jacob wasn’t helping at all.
“She does know Mr. Daupre.” there he went not helping, “He’s not with us, so who’s to say they didn’t plan a romantic dinner and wanted a little privacy?”
Cheyanne was about to throw a fork at Jacob, but maybe that would look even more suspicious. It was bad enough her face was red again. This was happening all too often and was getting to be ridiculous![/do][/bg]
Azul Morag – Oct 18, 2008 at 5:32 AM
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=12&pictureid=166][b]Little Peter[/b]
Little Peter swallowed his bite of apple and eyed Jacob – anyone’s stare when well-placed made Jacob nervous after all.
“Are you suggesting the Master is a sneaky fellow that would follow us all this way to do sneaky things?” Peter asked. After all, how would any of them know where the Master lives? Peter was emboldened by the fact the Master himself had told him not to tell the place of his mother’s house – and Peter intended to do well keeping that secret!
Divinatas – Oct 18, 2008 at 6:08 AM
[bg=#2d2623][do=#283762][imga=right]http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=1825[/imga][b][i]Cheyanne Fowler[/i][/b]
“Mr. Daupre would never run off on secret meetings with women, for sure.” added Mrs. Keane giving Jacob her own dark stare now! “He is a man of class with a reputation to uphold!”
Jacob sputtered, choking a bit on his drink. “I surely didn’t mean it like that, madam Keane! You know, even an upstanding man might want to keep his relationship private! After all, you women gossip like fiends.”
“Aren’t you the one that started this whole conversation?” said Cheyanne, now matching the wicked look both Peter and Mrs. Keane were shooting at Jacob. “Maybe you should mind your own business and not be making up stories about Mr. Daupre!”
Sighing, Jacob shrugged his shoulders. He was outnumbered and bullied yet again! He was going to have to learn how to keep his mouth shut![/do][/bg]
Azul Morag – Oct 18, 2008 at 6:24 AM
Marie affectionately patted Peter’s head and put a piece of fresh bread in his plate.
“Regardless, you had us worried – I was worried,” Marie said. “You ought to be more careful! I hardly slept last night.”
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=12&pictureid=166][b]Little Peter[/b]
Little Peter got started on his new fresh piece of bread.
“I’m sorry,” he said with his own sort of dignity. “I should have led her back, but I lost the way, too.”
Divinatas – Oct 21, 2008 at 10:59 AM
[bg=#2d2623][do=#283762][imga=right]http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=1825[/imga][b][i]Cheyanne Fowler[/i][/b]
Jacob was now sulking as he ate, and Cheyanne thought he deserved it well! She sipped her tea, shrugging her shoulders in a mild embarrassment. “I’m sorry Marie. We might have sent a note if we had thought about it. I supposed I’m not really used to having people waiting up for me.”
Mrs. Keane snorted as she buttered a tart. “I still stay living alone and unmarried is shameless. A woman at your age should have found a decent husband, or be living with a wiser aged chaperon and out of trouble! We ought to try a dating service and take care of it before you start wrinkling and can’t have any children.”
[i]Cough![/i] Cheyanne sputtered so hard she was choking on her tea! Cough! Cough! Hack![/do][/bg]
Azul Morag – Oct 23, 2008 at 5:48 AM
Marie patted Cheyanne on the back somewhat forcefully – she seemed to need it! Marie worried. Yet she was aware of course that Cheyanne loathed all the hovering and prodding she had been getting from her sister and family in order to marry her off, plus all those stories of horribly spineless men… Cheyanne wasn’t too young anymore and dating services were not cheap!
“Mrs. Keane,” said Marie. “Perhaps it would be better to leave such matters to miss Fowler’s parents.”
[dashed=http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=12&pictureid=166][b]Little Peter[/b]
Little Peter’s eyes opened wide, but he kept on nibbling on his piece of bread – for now!
Divinatas – Sep 17, 2009 at 6:35 AM
[bg=#2d2623][do=#283762][imga=right]http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=1825[/imga][b][i]Cheyanne Fowler[/i][/b]
“If Miss Fowler’s parents were of any use, she would not have ended up with us at all.” replied Mrs. Keane sternly. “I suppose it is up to us now to handle it. Mind you, there won’t be any dowry but there are many eligible men in the city.”
“I’ll marry you, Cheyanne!” announced Jacob, suddenly shaking off his sullen expression to cast a wide grin.
Cheyanne managed to get her coughing under control and sat stiffly in her seat. “You’re about ten years too young! Besides, a girl doesn’t [i]have[/i] to get married. It’d be a lot of unnecessary trouble.” What was worse was that she couldn’t seem to picture any decent sort of man from this time period or her own! And when she did, it always ended up being Mr. Daupre with his sketchbook of wedding dresses. The wedding commission really had been wild!
“Preposterous.” snorted Mrs. Keane. “You might be strange, child, but I have seen much more mad women find husbands.”
Cheyanne rose slowly from her chair after taking a final sip from her cup. “If that’s the case I better go run outside and get all my crazy out before I find myself betrothed.” She stuck her tongue out at Mrs. Keane (who responded with another snort) and fetched her shawl and parasol. “I’m going for a walk on the beach. If you do find me a husband while I’m out, make sure he has all of his teeth! I could never marry a man without all of his teeth.”