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Has a lot of interests but does not have a “passion” for any one thing. Had no idea what to do with her life, and has just been studying whatever seemed interesting at the time simply because she COULD.
“Plays” the flute. Badly.
Trusts and believes in everyone. Has never found herself to dislike anyone up until her Stepmother, and even that she has a hard time swallowing and tries to find reasoning or excuses for.
The only bad thing to happen in her life was the death of her mother, and she was too young at the time to remember much.
Can find the joy and bright-side in just about anything.
Has never worked a job a day in her life.
Never learned how to drive. Always walked, biked, or had a driver.
Never quits, gives up, or gets discouraged. If she’s bad at something, she’ll keep trying and practicing until she gets it right. Sometimes even when it really is hopeless.
An emotion bottler. She doesn’t want to upset people or have people worry. So she’ll keep it to herself. Doesn’t matter if she is annoyed, sad, angry, disappointed, etc. She’ll always say it’s fine and try to work around it herself without having to inconvenience the other person.
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