024 Araminta’s Aria

When the sun cracked through the window to be a general nuisance, Araminta was not even the slightest bit surprised to find that she was alone. Being truly spoiled indeed on those rare days he was actually there in bed to wake up with. Supposing that it would always be this way, that even on days she awoke with the dawn and the chirping of birds, that Theon was always already going to be out and about.

At least when she rolled out of bed and made the slow means of getting dressed she felt a few increments better than she had the day prior. Nothing was going to help the cluster of thoughts in her mind and the weight of the world, nor the nervousness about the day… but at least she’d slept well and had the energy to tackle it. That was several steps up from where she’d been months ago.

Knowing that she’d be redressed, hair brush, and all manner of painted by the ladies at the Sable Fawn, Araminta didn’t bother with much beyond her simple clothes and twisting her hair up off her shoulders. First sitting down at the little desk in the room to write out a few hastily scribbled lines of music that she’d be able to give to Rose so that the woman would be able to play along with her if she didn’t feel confident enough in freeplaying.

Once she had several sheets written and her stomach was protesting her continued ignoring of it’s growling, she folded up the papers to tuck into her pocket and scooted off to see if she could at least spend some time with Theon before needing to go.

With a few remaining eggs and plenty of flour and some of the means of raw sugar, the construction of something fluffy and light was relatively easy. Such a construction of such a product it was truly an item that was easily put together for a quick but still decidedly swift meal. So long as it was mixed up to a good consistency that it wasn’t too runny or too thick. While having learnt that the means of keeping it just fluffy enough that it didn’t turn to be a dry puff in that of mouth. Taking out all the natural moisture at the same time.

He’d observed someone making the creations before in a small village outside of the twelve kingdoms. Or rather, had been outside. Now unwilling part.

Naturally at the time he had been very curious about it. Watching and taking notes of what was being constructed. Till it was battered out onto a hot griddle or flat pan over a low heat to start forming brown little circles that needed to be flipped. Then whomever bought it decorated it with something as simple as a syrup or butter. Sometimes with fruit and the fluffy sweet whip that he wasn’t too sure of even still.

Regardless, he recalled well enough how popular the item was with children and thought that he might as well try to see if the three here would like them.

He could hear the little’s in the house being roused to reality in their own leisurely way, but the sound of door opening, he suspected it was Bo or Adra. Getting ready for their own days and to use him as a nanny for however much longer they could. At least it would prove to be a distraction for himself, making sure to mix up the batter to try and avoid any flour lumps amongst it!

Araminta’s new favorite thing in the entire world were these little moments where Theon was so wrapped up in what he was doing that he didn’t notice her approaching. Rare and near impossible when they were out on their own, as Theon tended to be hyper vigilant to all potential dangers, even when it was just the two of them at the hut.

Here, though, he’d grown used to the noise and chatter and stomping little feets of the children. He’d grown comfortable enough to feel safe inside the space of the house to just exist as Theon and whatever task he’d be getting up to. How she wished he could have this sense of calm all the time! To be freely focused on something as simple as making a morning meal without having to be weighted down with the world.

Or with herself for that matter, but they’d already had that discussion and Araminta would have to work on not feeling like a burden to him.

Thus she stayed there in the crook of the threshold for as long as she was able, curiously watching as she fervently stirred whatever concoction he was making to spoon out batter onto a pan. Griddle cakes of some sort, from the looks of it. A curious thing indeed to see a prince making in a homely kitchen.

“Good morning, Theon,” she decided to announce her presence after awhile longer, despite the fact she likely could’ve stood there watching all morning and been happy for it. “It smells like a bakery here this morning!”

There was a pause at hearing a greeting and that of his name attached to it. Slowing the means of mixing the batter to glance over his shoulder with a particular wonder. Having not registered that it was Araminta leaving that of the room while he had been expecting one of the parents instead, before growing a little more surprised that she was still present at all. While he had only a few of the things on the hot surface cooking on the low burning heat of the fire, he had expected her to grab something and run out.

The idea that she had time at all to greet him was not something he had expected.

Though he shouldn’t be too quick either as she declared it smelt like a bakery in the kitchen. Checking the batter with the wired item to check if there was anything chunky dropping from its hold, before setting it aside so he could grab the little paddle to flip over the few that were busy cooking. “It is the last day before returning to the trials. I just thought it would be something nice for the children, Bo and Adra to have.” Theon expressed with a shrug.

But then motioned that he would have the first ones up for her to have, “They will be easy to take with you so do not need to linger any longer than necessary.” He had intended to have a few more ready before anyone had really come down to get their first meal of the day, but he may have been lost in thought about getting the measurements just right.

Theon truly did love this quiet domestic life, which gave her a small pang of regret that here she was about to run off to entertain a crowd with her beloved music knowing that afterwards she’d be pulling him away from the one moment of his life that he’d been able to live peacefully. Araminta leaned against the doorframe almost feeling like an intruder into his safe quiet space, especially since he seemed to be ready to usher her out the door as quickly as possible.

“Are you certain that you don’t wish to stay here?” she asked, one more time. Just in case! “To keep house and look after children? No one would fault you if you did. It would be a lovely life.”

There was a noticeable slow down after she wanted to ask him once more if this was where he wished to stay. Tracing over the verbal statement with a unseen finger, feeling it out and sort of truly giving it a ponder. Not in the way she may be thinking but some other line of consideration. Was this her way of telling him politely that she had grown bored already with him. That he was more of a hindrance rather than boon but she was attempting to be kind about it. In the idea that bringing it up once more was to silently suggest that his presence was that of a lingering blackened cloud.

Wondering if it was because there was so much innately wrong with him that she would be far better off without his presence. Something he did understand. If she wanted to continue the trials and start the process of gathering allies, then he was more of a burden than aid.

Suppose he ought to be grateful that she wasn’t trying to tell him to kick rocks elsewhere. But he had to speak up a little bit even if she grew to hate that he said something at all. Flipping over a disc to make sure both sides had evenly browned to a suitable state, “I suppose for a day or so I had temporarily considered such a domestic home with yourself.” He’d been foolish to let even one wandering thought entertain a empty future as such. After all, he was not that sort of material anyways. “But it seems it has settled on your mind to be asked again, so if this is what you wish then I will remain as not to be in your way, Araminta.” Theon nodded suitably accepting that he was to read between lines.

Being asked again seemed to be a notable way for him to catch on to what wasn’t being said and he’d rather not upset her. Picking up the two flat cakes to put on the plate. Then plate to the table so she could take it at her leisure.

He’d have to do a lot more work and assure that both Adra and Bo were not irritated by his existence.

Theon seemed to have a need to think about it, pondering hard… to which for a moment Araminta was terrified he was indeed about tell her that he was ready to let go out the wild and troublesome life she led to settle her in this town. Waiting with baited breath to hear that simple I want to stay.

She was surprised instead to hear that he’d been considering making a domestic life with her. Something that was so delightfully wonderful it almost sent her head spinning and a bloom of warmth in her tummy. Almost, for just as quickly he was pulling nonsense again, quick enough to give her whiplash.

“No! No. Nonono, we are not spinning out in circles again!” she declared, marching into the kitchen with arms straight at her sides until she could claim and steal everything out of his hands to set aside.

If griddlecakes burned, it’d be his own damned fault!

Araminta made the very bold attempt of grabbing his arm to get him standing still then following suit to claim that sawdust filled head of his to tug downwards to give him a quick, adoring but very frustrated kiss. Exasperated sigh and all.

“I only asked because it’s been so good for you here and you seem to be happy. I don’t want to take you away from it if it’s where you want to stay. But if you wish to make a domestic home with me, Theon, I would love nothing more than that!”

His natural understanding was to know that there was little worth to him. Unless he was doing something of actual use or had been expressively told that his current services were of good standing, it wouldn’t have been so unusual for thoughts to accept that the means of being cast aside. Nor did he or would he hold hard feelings towards Araminta if she any of these things. Accepting them as gospel. Tempering away the thoughts that he might be foolish to have any sort of future. Only now really hanging on the decision that he would like to see the lands away from here across the ocean. That had been a newer thought that had bloomed pleasantly and he would try to do so in the future.

The thoughts of domestication with Araminta had been a fleeting consideration that fluttered over his mind previously. However, the asking again if he wanted to say here seemed to be that indication that she was not in that headspace. A totally respectable thing to have, as there was a lot on her shoulders anyways.

So if this was her way of expressing that desire and need to be separate so she could do as she needed, then he was willing and unbothered. Not about to raise any sort of stink about it. Accepting the statement as fact even if internally he may have found it worrying on the empty chest.

There was no way he had been expecting her to step in and take that of the items from his hand. Putting it all aside while adjusting the means of sight to rest upon her while she pointed out spinning in circles. Warranting a blink at the selection of phrase. Of course he only had a few seconds of that as she indicated his need to stand up, and finding himself gingerly latched close with tender grasp and a momentarily press that expressed likely more than he thought possible.

Leaving lips tingling and blinking in a bewildered fashion as he didn’t really know for a delayed moment or three how to reply. Letting her words filter into thoughts first so he could construct a proper response. “I would like to be with you, but I do not insist or demand to put that pressure upon you either.” He didn’t want to state outloud that he was well accustomed to being pushed aside or cast away when the moment was befitting it. Nor pointing out any further that the means of singular existence was not lost on him. He’d not enforce or demand any sort of expectation from her. He was practically best friends with the emotion of loneliness, so he wasn’t even sure he could call it that any further.

Quietly he hummed and considered her then, “If it is alright, then I would still like to accompany you.”

“Remember that I want a life with you, any question I ask is because I want you to be happy with me. Nothing more. Nothing sneaky.” she clarified. Chances were he’d been busy making assumptions again, and while it was incredibly frustrating, at least Araminta understood he came from a life where one couldn’t trust the weaselly words of those around him. Everything his mother said was shrouded in double meanings and lies between the lines. Araminta wished he could trust her a little faster, but she couldn’t fault him for it. It wasn’t easy.

Even she was still battling those worries and insecurities.

For good measure she tugged him for another kiss, this time lingering long enough to be sure he knew she meant it. Not something to placate or silence him, only simple smiling affection to carry him through the day without her. Maybe lingering a bit longer than she had actually meant to as when she pulled away there was that flush to her features again and a need to softly clear her throat.

“I appreciate breakfast,” she finally said, all breathless and higher pitched. Full of all kinds of regrets that she had to eat and leave at all.

Easily he softened under a reminder, “Suppose it’s hard to believe that you would want that.” Indicating the idea that she wanted a life with him of all people, was still one of those hard to believe situations. Knowing well enough that between the two of them, Araminta was a catch. A stunning person inside and out, to think herself wishing to make an existence with him outside of just being unlikely friends, was so bewildering. It was almost truly impossible to think but in the end, he wasn’t about to question her motives. They were hers to have and he had no right to tell her how to feel or act in the end.

Yet she seemed to lean in or rather tugged him down to invite a new press of affection that lingered in ways that sent a shuddering shiver up spine with a wicked delight. Finding hand coming out to hold to that of counter in a means of bracing self, even as she withdrew; heat bloomed deep in that of belly.

Practically loathing the idea that she was retracting at all paired with a heightened want to chase and incite the action all over again, but knew that wasn’t at all appropriate. She had plenty of things to do, never mind that he wished to be near. Instead pulling the means of lower lip through teeth at the statement that she appreciated the breakfast. Humming as the means of words seemed to be lost on him, sideglancing to where the prepared ones had been ready to take and then feuding with himself not to just give into boyish whims of action. Settling to cup palm to the back of feminine elbow. Offering a light squeeze and a renewed nod. “It is the least I can do.”

Sometimes the man was positively magnetic. Nothing but softly handsome charm that surely must’ve been a tinge of fae magic, as Araminta was finding it ever increasingly hard to pull away. Lingering there just that little bit longer until she finally gave a soft hum and sigh of her own and broke away to sit down at the table where he’d placed a plate for her.

“I am actually looking forward to seeing how our home grows as we grow,” she declared, because he obviously needed to hear it to know and understand he was a part of those plans and dreams. Taking one of the griddlecakes to roll up before having a testing bite. Light and fluffy, subtly sweet. Good! Araminta doubted Theon could even make a bad meal at this point. She did, however, get a little bit of butter from the small dish on the table to add to it. Seemingly in no rush at all to be out the door.

If he wasn’t careful, he was going to start complaining in that of low audible sounds that expressed a surprisingly strong dislike for them creating distance currently. Needing additional moments to realize that his affections towards Araminta were likely a lot stronger than he had originally believed. Feeling certainly the pull of both a want to be just physically present in the room alongside being close to touching. Yet still shutting down that figurative door over anything that might spawn something more involved as it was far too soon and he didn’t wish to be that bold! Regardless of his own being acting as if it had suddenly become so parched that it was only able to be saved by that of the young woman before him.

Separating wisely as he was shortly given a motion to collect back the flat paddle and batter to start checking the cooking griddles. Finding they weren’t nearly as golden as the first but not blackened either. A good start, while she spoke up about how she was looking forward to how the hut would grow as they did.

Noting her direct selection of statement of we, Theon thought about that. Surely feeling the absent of heart beating in a lilted expression, “It will be new to see. Different. Hopefully well.”

“Yes. As long as you do not cook my chickens,” she teased with a bright laugh. Certainly not having forgotten that quip of his from last night!

The trouble with griddlecakes that actually tasted good, was that they disappeared easily in a few short bites. Araminta surely could’ve eaten more if she dared, but an over-full stomach didn’t help at all when you were going to have an active day. So to draw her time out longer in the kitchen she fetched herself a small cup of milk to wash it all down. That too didn’t last as long as she’d wanted it to. Taking to cleaning up her dishes to set aside on the drying rack, so there wouldn’t be anything in the way of the waking family’s own breakfast.

Finally having to just admit to herself it was time to go – without Theon – and there was little else that could be done about it.

“I have to go,” she admitted, voice full of regret. Even now trying to think up some excuse to leave a little later! Huffing a bit when nothing come to mind. “Hopefully you’ll have good company with Padma, I don’t think she is too comfortable with the Sable Fawn.”

Mouth parted about to point out that when hens stopped laying eggs, they might as well have made themselves into something to eat. But stopped long before his tongue proved to be a bit darker than Araminta wanted to hear. Knowing in his head that even if said nonexistent chickens stopped laying eggs, Araminta would keep them as a pet. Liable to make them plump with overfeeding and loving them. Finding the prospect a bit dumb but knew she was too soft to eat something that was liable to be named anyways. So he didn’t say a word. Just hummed in his way to express he would not cook her chickens.

Somewhere in the mental space of skull putting it together that a large coop was going to be necessary. For all forty some of her chickens.

Allowing himself to work on the means of food a while longer till the young woman declared that her ability to stay any longer had been sapped. Now she needed to go and he wasn’t about to stop her from doing to. Keeping the sadder part of his thoughts private as not to put any weight upon her, “Okay.” Settling new fluffy brown cakes onto a plate with a bit of a shrug on his part about Padma. “Perhaps. Though she may not wish to be responsible for her mentor as well.” Reeves ought to be grateful, he’d keep his ears for the night. “Enjoy your day, Araminta.” He considered a few ways of bidding farewell but decided none of them would help him from allowing her to depart. So it was best to speak rather than act. “Take the time needed for your event to be exactly what you want. Do not rush, enjoy it.”

“As you wish,” she answered with that soft cheeky grin. Doing so for Theon’s sake at least helped her get out the front door without looking for anymore further excuses. Once he was no longer within her line of sight to dredge up all those reluctant feelings of leaving, the sense of responsibility took over to carry her the rest of the way. For Jasa who went through a lot of trouble to allow her a chance to play, and all of the ladies that were going to be working very hard to take advantage of this opportunity for the extra coin.

On reaching the Sable Fawn she’d reported first to Madam Jasa so the woman could dictate the whole of her day. Though most of the morning and early afternoon would be spent working with the wonderful Rose that was sweet enough to join Araminta for a performance. Providing the woman with her sheet music and happy to chat with her about how she wanted it all to go.

When it was almost noon Padma found her for a brief conversation, the paladin asking a few curious questions about the Sable Fawn, Madam Jasa, and the event as well. Softly pointing out that if Araminta needed any help, Reeves would be there for the entire day. Looking a bit annoyed about what he would be doing there all day, but otherwise in good humor. Bidding the princess good luck with her show and a pleasant goodbye.

High Noon, with the sun blazing in the sky, barely making the brisk windy day any warmer, was when Padma knocked firmly on the abode of the Clothier and Cobbler’s home. Dressed in her casual wear once again, though very obviously till in the colors and style of her temple. No weapons upon her person beyond a knife she kept hidden in her boot and the magic that ran through her blood.

Praying to the Lady of Light that it wouldn’t be a child that answered the door! With their sticky little fingers and snot covered faces!

Adra and Bo had naturally left after they had been surprised by the morning breakfast and children far too busy with mouths full of the fluffy items to properly greet outside a wave or a stuffed snort. Appreciating the fact that they were able to stave off the need to clap their hands in hasty indication to get their little ones in order. Instead relieved of such duties so they could get themselves fed and suited for that of work for the day. Taking advantage of it as long as the chance was present with the former prince acting as dutiful guardian once more. Much to the trio’s own delight as they were still rather unaware that Araminta and himself would be leaving eventually.

What a temporary goodbye that would be. Even to the point he found himself miserable thinking about it. Unable to find in his thoughts any sort of sticking point to being sad to leave any place or any person.

After the parents had left and the kitchen had been sorted back into a workable state without any stray bits of food or dishes remaining, they had gathered into the living room. The idea of drawing had been something of interest this day, where the three of them were currently showing off their differences in abilities as he was once more contemplating the means of a lunch item for them to eat. Particularly Philip stating he was bordering the line of hunger to where the offer of thickened stew seemed to bring them each interest. Something that would proverbially stick to their bones and let them go for a while till parents returned and the last meal of the day could be prepared.

The knocking at the door had warranted a bit of curiosity of course though his hands were knuckle deep in cutting off meat from the bone of lamb that Adra had suggested needed to be used up; unfortunately for said knocker, it would be answered by that of a child. In particular, the eldest.

With Sophia’s hair pulled back into braided pigtails, she eyed the door slowly as it opened. Only to stop and throw it back further with new interest, “Padma. Hello.” Tipping to foot to lean around her, “Where’s Grandpa Reeves?” Of course there had been some belief that the two of them were attached by the hip, the girl shortly found her own answer with no obvious sign of the elder man. “You should come in, it’s cold out today.” Sidestepping with the invite to come indoors, the other two were noisily declaring their own pictures to another. Needing no reason to be involved with greeting guests. “Ghost is making lunch, are you staying for lunch too?”

How unfortunate. A child. A faintly disgruntled twist of her nose and mouth would be what greeted Sophia first, from the dusky skinned woman. At least until she asked where Grandpa Reeves was located – then Padma bloomed into an amused wide smile.

Maybe she liked this one.

“He is busy with other activities. I intend to spend the day having discussions with Ghost – so yes. I will stay for lunch.” she answered, following the young girl’s bidding to step inside and out of the chill air. Warily eyeing the two nearby on the floor as if she were worried that any moment they were going to leap up off the rug and come charging at her. Children always seemed to have the same attitude as cats, in that they just adored launching themselves at those that wanted them the least!

“You are the hostess of the home today, yes? Lead me to the Ghost,” Padma instructed. Not too comfortable of just strolling through this humble home at her own leisure, especially full of little ones that happened to have a guardian today with a reputation that was bloody. Goddess forbid she spooked the man and ended up stabbed in front of babies!

Sophia raised the dark brown eyes to that of Padma with the statement that grandpa Reeves had other things to attend too. “Oh, boring adult things. I get you.” Declaring that such things were no longer of any interest and whatever the deemed grandfather was doing was of no purpose to her. Even if it was, it was hardly suitable for her anyways. Add on that Padma had come to talk to Ghost and she was slowly pushing the door closed with two hands. Ensuring it was sealed away so the heat from inside wouldn’t escape and then there would be complaining.

“Good. Ghost said he is guna make stew so it should be good. But we haven’t had something bad yet, so maybe that’s not something I can say about the food.” Slender shoulders shrugged while backstepping to look at the elder woman.

Blinking comically a time or two at the suggestion of being the host, seemingly accepting and approving of this choice of wording before pointing forward. Using it as the motion to lead her forward through the archway into the warm kitchen. Smelling the fragment onions and other various spices she had no idea about, “Ghost!” His head was already aimed towards them between putting one of the bones to boil into the heated cauldron, “Padma is here.” Like he was blind, “Do you need help?” Gravitating over to peer over the counter at the state of meal prep. “I can help?”

Lightly the sound of gentle mirth exited from the elder man, wiping hand clean to pat the top of her crown. “Keep an eye on your siblings. That would help.” Lower lip made a dramatic puff at the suggestion, not so pleased to be regulated to sibling duty but knowing that it wouldn’t seemingly make much of a difference when it came to potentially arguing. She’d tried times before and Ghost didn’t seem to change his mind very easily. Not without valuable reasons that made perfect sense. Something she had yet to figure out entirely.

Of course she wouldn’t go without a minor declaration of her displeasure. “Fiiiine.” Turning about face to shuffle in the slowest motion possible out from the kitchen, as he considered Padma a moment. Lightly bowing head in a formal greeting.

“If you would like something to drink, please ask now. As my hands are still clean and able to do that for you.”

“I am surprised that one has not attempted to bury Araminta in the yard,” remarked Padma once the child was out of earshot. Clearly the young girl had taken a shining to the Imperial Prince, once that was easily recognizable as well. Padma was a woman herself, one could tell. And that little one had a cheeky little glint in her eyes that meant she’d be up to no good if she could get away with it.

Finally turning to said Imperial Prince himself only to shake her head at he offer of refreshments. “I will wait until the full meal is provided.”

On that note, her hands clasped behind her back and Padma set to doing a small stroll through the kitchen, eyeing every knick-knack and bauble she could get her dark eyes on. Seemingly studying what the humble abode of a healthy family actually looked like in reality and having no issues whatsoever with prolonged silences.

Until she came to a full stop near a window to set those sights to the garden and deemed herself ready to speak.

“Where do you think you would be right now had you killed Araminta?” she asked, point blank! Bluntly! Incredibly curious, as she turned to peer in his direction, those eyes wide with wonder. “How different was your life before?”

There came a look at Padma’s statement. Even peering out towards the window for said backyard and a very absent mound. Slowly correcting the silver line of eyes to the paladin student with a deeming desire not to ask. Not sure he wanted to know what the comment was about in any regard towards Sophia or Araminta. Having to remind himself that Padma was a woman of very straight statements. Even if they could be a bit cruel, they were often made because of honest intentions and feelings.

With the decline of a drink for now, he returned to that of severing meat from bone and bone into broth to seep the flavours into the base of the stew. Listening to the telling steps of the young woman moving about the simple space while he waited for whatever it was she had to ask.

Had anyone else asked him such a straightforward and raw question, he might have given them a rather lengthy scholarly look. Searching for the reason of their question. Just with Padma, he knew this was her personality. And found it not so strange anyways considering their history thus far. It was already peculiar that she wanted to talk to him at all without Reeves or Araminta or any other body nearby in the adult form.

“Likely serving the Imperial Queen still with the same expectation that I am expendable when she grows tired of myself.” Theon replied back earnestly. “If you are looking for a broader scope to perhaps see if I know what the Imperial Queen’s next move would be, I cannot say. I was not debriefed on what it was I was to do. Just told to do and I complied.”

With the meat removed fully, he began to cube the pieces into bitesize portions. Intermingling carrots and onion bits to start being put into the stew. It would take a while to cook and he figured after a bit of thought originally that it would work well as a supper for the parents as well. Stew kept well and could feed plenty after all.

Just that Theon stopped then and looked at the ward of the temple due to her second question. Rolling it around in his mind. “You will need to be more specific. Unless you think I grew up with a golden spoon in my mouth, then I can tell you comfortably that I was not raised as such. I wasn’t raised, I was expected to survive. If not, then death was a perfectly acceptable result of failure to do so.”

Padma listened with due intent, surprisingly without any sort of judgement or condescension crossing those curious features. Merely watching him prepare the day’s meal as if standing there in a kitchen watching a prince cook food was something a paladin of light did every day.

“I ask because I desire to get to know you beyond your reputation as the Imperial Prince. And beyond your growing new reputation as Araminta’s guardian,” she explained, inching a bit closer to see exactly what else was going into this prepared meal.

There she finally scrunched up her nose with a thoughtful consideration, not that elaboration was needed but it felt helpful in this case.

“The princess bares her soul for all to see. It takes about five minutes of talking to her to know what she’s all about. Who she is and what she stands for. An innocent that is naive and transparent in every possible way.”

Padma lifted a hand to gesture towards Theon.

“You’re opaque. A face that’s stoic and unreadable. It took your actions with Araminta for me to understand that you are someone that can be trusted. That doesn’t really tell me who you are, though. Taking on the Imperial Queen will be… historical? Nigh impossible, to be honest, I’m still kind of baffled either of you are still alive. But your cause is just and I would like to help you be the best person you can be.”

“If it helps I can tell you about myself,” the young paladin offered.

As she drew closer whilst speaking, peeking to see how he was going about preparing the means of the meal, he slightly sidestepped. Allowing an easier chance for her to see exactly what he was doing. Carefully removing the particularly fatty pieces of the lamb but not entirely removing every bit as it would lessen the flavour over all. Just working on cubing the pieces into morsels that wouldn’t risk being choking hazards if slurped too quickly. All the while replying the statement of how she wanted to learn who he was outside of his bloody reputation as a murderous prince and the ghostly guardian that followed Araminta with deep loyalty.

Just her question was enough to make him mentally pause. As he said before and countless times now, he didn’t really have an answer to that outside of I don’t know.

Instead it seemed that she was about to expand upon her thoughts. Giving an example of Araminta and how she was easy to read and in turn easy to feel the authenticity about herself in a manner of minutes. Something he originally thought was just proof of her peculiarity and naivety. When in actuality, it was a feat of strength. To reveal yourself at point blank made it hard for people to drum up falsities. They still could but it wasn’t just so easy as a snap of fingers.

Still to hear it put so plainly, he gave a very hint of a crooked smile at it. Endeared in his own way. Letting it wilt away as he began to set aside the cubed meat, to eventually be rubbed down with salt and sit in it to assure it seasoned for a deeper flavour.

Listening to how Padma detailed him as someone who was hard to read and stoic. Things that had kept him alive in the service of his mother and removed from the terrible actions he committed. At least outwardly. Nodding to agree with her that he also believed that going against the Imperial Queen was going to be pretty impossible. “You can speak if you wish about yourself, I would not insist. Sometimes it is not easy opening up when one doesn’t need too.” Theon spoke to point out that he had no predetermined expectation that she had to do so. “However, you wish to know who I am. Would it be so unreasonable to state that I do not know any more than you do? I simply know that I am a very broken and frustrating individual due to my lack of understanding. Outside of being easily compliant and willing to do whatever without a singular complaint.”

The ex prince shrugged, “I am learning who I am. It is not a enjoyable process. And I am certain it is maddening and wearisome to bare witness too. I would not have any reservations to those who found it so infuriating that they gave up trying. It is a reasonable response to have.”

I don’t know is a fair answer. Especially during a time of great change,” came her simple reply. Where Araminta might’ve attempted to sample anything that wasn’t raw meat, Padma kept her hands clasped neatly behind her pack. Content to simply watch how things were done with passive interest. Occasionally darting her eyes up to take a glance at him when something he said seemed particularly interesting, but not attempting to interrupt him or speak over him.

“I was orphaned to the streets when I was very young. Too young to remember much about my parents, really.” she offered up freely, without hints of sadness or regret. Just that matter-of-fact way she always spoke. “About as young as those tiny things in there when a priest from a temple of light saw me using magic for thievery. They raised me into a young woman the best they could. …then they died when the temple was destroyed. Collateral damage from the Imperial Queen’s advances.”

The way Padma told the story it was as if it was about someone else entirely. Just simple facts being recited even though it was all about people she should’ve cared for and bonded with. After a beat, she did seem to realize this with a soft frown.

“I suspect for many, when one suffers through great tragedies they learn to survive by whatever means they can. I turned to Truth. Reeves likes to talk fancy and call it candor, but it’s just Truth. Truth is what it is, even when it’s brutal. Once you’re able to accept it, you’re able to deal with it and move forward.”

With a tilt of her head, she examined him again, a little more carefully this time. Digesting his words and doing what she herself seemed to do best. Seek the truth of Theon.

“I have learned so far that you are one who has been denied Truth your entire life, told lies for so long that you cannot always recognize Truth when you see it. I suspect that you saw Truth in Araminta and for the very first time you were able to see it in yourself. The same way I recognized that my path lie as a Paladin for the Lady of Light the day my temple home fell.”

Pausing at her acceptance and affirmation that I don’t know was an acceptable answer. Maybe a little shocked that it was allowed to be without any need to poke or prod for further explanation. Though he found her lack of needling was highly appreciated. Seeing as no amount of pushing would ascertain an incredibly eureka moment of identity. In turn, she spoke in depth of her orphan status. Being so small and learning likely as swift as she could to find the best way to survive in hostile environments. Something he might had familiarity with even if it was within gilded walls with murderous children that were doing whatever they also had too in means of survival. Scraping and feuding with an unlocking to feral drives that would do whatever necessary to kill for themselves to live.

He found comfort knowing that Padma had been discovered however. Young and gifted though the way she talked about it, she might as well been an audience member to her own life. Himself internally frowning and flinching at the statement of how the Imperial Queen railroaded that of the temple. That history was well known and he felt bad about it at every second. Doubly now that he knew how vital the temple’s had been in the past to those who were able to wield magic.

However he found no need to interject. Listening acutely whilst working. Scrapping off the cutting board sliced carrot and celery and onion into the pot to start boiling along the bones. Ensuring the broth would have taste rather than just being bone flavoured.

Humming audibly as he now was being told what candour meant and Reeves embellishment was simply that. A fancy way of saying truth. Actually approving of Padma’s way of explaining it. It was easy to digest. Recognizable.

Easily enough agreeing with her statement that he had no ability to determine what was truth and what was lies in the same way others would. Having been fed both in twisted forms to make the Imperial Queen’s truth the only reality. A warped view that was not held the same way as Araminta had. “Perhaps that is it. Araminta has a way of being quite the eye-opener. Though I had made no attempt at first to see her live after the second bog witch had taken her under the waters.” He admitted placidly. “Although I do not know if I am able to see truth in myself even yet. There is plenty inside me that is a loud screaking violence that is more akin to a metallic noose that allows doubt, worry, loneliness and black acceptance to rule. Though there may be truth far below.”

Theon tossed aside the bits of meat into a small salt bowl. Rolling around the bits before wiping hands to start cutting the dried up parsley, “All one can do is attempt to try.” The broadness of shoulders shrugged nonchalantly before considering Padma. “Do you believe the same way Reeves believes in things then? As a paladin ward?” Deciding to ask and gauge what he could about her commitment while scaling it to her eccentric master. To see if she felt the same in her own way about Araminta, her goals and such.

“I do,” she admitted without hesitation. “…Reeves makes it sound a lot more fanciful and storybook than it actually is. He’s dramatic. It’s honestly just about making the world a better place. To stand for what is right in this world, protecting and caring for those that are unable to do so for themselves.”

That statement came with her usual world weary sigh, though at least now she was relaxing her body a little more as the conversation progressed and no wild children were running around with their sticky hands to set her back on edge. Tilting her head a bit as she spoke and shifting out of his way we he needed to get around.

“It is a misnomer that light is good and darkness is bad,” she stated then. “To kill is not an evil deed in itself, as animals and people kill to eat, survive, and protect. Our Lady of Light teaches us that light doesn’t destroy darkness, it’s merely illuminating truths. Evil isn’t born from darkness, because it can come from anywhere, even the light. Ill intentions and malicious actions is where evil lies.”

His question on Araminta specifically though, that drew out a wry grin. Knowing very well Reeves’ flowery words and opinion on not just the Princess but the Imperial Prince as well.

“Araminta has an interesting ability to shed light in places where Truth needs to be seen. It pisses off those that like to live under a shield of lies, which makes her incredibly dangerous. The Queen likely knew this the moment she met the princess and why she ordered for her to be slain. Reeves believes you are both avatars of the Lady, ones that can bring about a violent shift of sudden change. I didn’t really believe it at first… but she just won’t die, will she! Makes it hard to refute after all you have both been through.”

Her swift conviction on her mentor’s beliefs and teachings was assuring. Though he did appreciate her ability not to cover her words in a dramatic flowery sort of effort. This was one reason he didn’t overly find Padma’s original hostility so terrible. She was just showing her emotions without all that candied coating that liked to lie to people or lure them into false ideals. Yet, Reeves own ability to be so enigmatic also worked in ways to draw souls in and keep them fastened. Both ways had merit, that could not be denied.

There was a gentle surveying to see how she was relaxing in the moment. Unlike their first encounter, Padma wasn’t so tense that she was ready to fly across the room to use her own bare hands to strike him down if necessary. It was an improvement.

Yet her detailing of how light and dark, good and evil were not so black and white, warranted clear interest on his part. Likely because such an explanation had not been made to him. From his point of view, such things were as she said. Light was good. Dark was evil. There was no in-between. However, the statement of how wickedness was born of ill intentions and malicious actions, he hummed. Showcasing his comprehension finding it was very fascinating to think about. Far broader than he would have originally ever thought.

Still, as she continued and detailed thoughts about both Araminta being the discoverer of truths and being a mighty reason why the Imperial Queen found her particularly infuriating, he found himself easily agreeing. Honestly, he had never understood why the order for Araminta’s head had been made. Outside the fact that originally the mountain princess had insulted the heinous witch of a Queen because she did not bend to the offering. Tarnishing reputation and looking down on help when it wasn’t help at all. Now with Padma pointing out such things, it made a lot more sense. Although he found it laughable to even think of himself in any shape or form of an avatar, the strength of shoulders shrugged once more.

Letting such things roll off his back like water on a duck’s. Turning in place to give the little bowl another shake, and then grabbed long handled ladle to give broth a good stir. Watching contents float in a lazy spiral. “Araminta is a very special person. Perfectly mortal, perfectly human and perfectly adept at creating changes in ways she likely doesn’t realize.” Theon glanced at Padma, holding the look a moment. “It would be a terrible loss if she ever did perish. In many ways that I am unable to articulate. Just a loss that would be earth-shattering.”

Retraction of ladle so meats could be sprinkled in carefully, the redhead stared at the watery concoctions for a long moment. “I believe Araminta will make many grand changes that will benefit many. And now, the temple in the ways that will see the correction of wrongs made by cruelty and greed. That, should be inspiring for the Temple, I would hope.”

Padma was finding that this man was a shell of what he could be. Not an open book to be read in the same way as Araminta, instead he was one with a blank covering and a lock. Once you managed to pick your way past that lock to start browsing through the pages, then one could see the depths of truth that lied within.

Frustrating to her that Reeves had an ability to see inside people so quickly. He’d known from the start that this Imperial Prince was someone of great merit. Padma might’ve had a good sense of others intentions and was fast to figure them out, but it didn’t come near as instantaneously or natural the way it did for her dunderheaded mentor.

“You don’t really understand your value do you,” she stated rather than asking. He sure didn’t need to be asked, this was obvious. “You speak about her as if she’s the only one creating this great change, and while that’s true in parts, if it were her alone she’d not be successful.”

Glancing around the small kitchen Padma sought out something to help give example to the point she wanted to make. Unfortunately there wasn’t much here but kitchen utensils, vegetables, and furniture! Forced to keep in using words instead, taking on that appearance of being deep in thought on exactly how to speak truth in her usual blunt way.

“If Araminta is light, you are the shadow. You are important. She is tender of heart and one that can help things grow and flourish… but there are things she can’t do. I can’t even see her taking up arms to protect herself, let alone fight the evils that the Queen has fostered during her rule. Your ability to kill is not something to be ashamed of or feared. The woman that bore you used your abilities for ill gain – and now you get to use them to protect someone that is precious. That is special. That is something to take pride in and what I myself find inspiring.”

The tone of voice and the way it was uttered declared that it wasn’t something that she was looking for an answer to. A rhetorical query that bid focus to turn and watch while Padma seemed to want to give reason for her overarching statement. Pointing out the clarity on how he high and mighty he considered Araminta. Deeming much of every action only completed because she was the spearhead and the finality to each task. So no, he didn’t have value to himself. Not sure there was any even if he was to start making an earnest effort to look.

With it being just a piece of commentary with no need to have a means of conversation back and forth, he’d follow her path of looking about the place for a moment or two. Eventually giving up as he wasn’t sure what she was looking for to even offer a direction of where to begin searching.

In an effort to perhaps reason out what was useful about him, Padma gave her own insight. Using the previously mentioned attribute of light and shadow to apply to Ara and himself. Funnily enough, even if he had been insulted by the way she worded it all there would have been no counter to it. No rebuttal. Or refusal. Finding that deeming him the means of a shadowy figure was likely the best description thus far about him that wasn’t based in talking about his bloodied hands or fealty to a monster.

Letting it all sink in for a good moment even after Padma stopped talking. Showing he was hearing rather than just bobbling his head along in hopes to avoid confrontation, but giving it a good deep think. “Suppose that is one way to look upon it.” Theon accepted it then. Knowing that while he wasn’t liable to come to accept much in positivity towards himself; he did however, agree that his ability to be impartial to the means of slaughter a good thing. If it kept Araminta safe and without her hands ever touching such gory efforts, then he would not offer a second look. It was a easy thing to accept. Yet, “If possible, if such things could be avoided, I would not be heartbroken about it.” The man decided to tag on.

Was it an effort to prove that he wasn’t a blood starved vulture always looking for his next victim? One couldn’t be too sure, just that after an additional moment he was putting the metal lid on the brewing meal to let it simmer for now. Wiping hands off with a meticulous care. “Did all this provide any further insight or help to you, Padma? I wouldn’t wish for you to feel as if the time spent here had been wasteful.”

Padma opened up into the broadest of warm smiles, something that likely hadn’t been seen by any of them yet and belied a gentle soul of her own somewhere deep under that gruff and blunt surface of hers.

“The fact that you do not seek violence, but prefer avenues that avoid it is why you have earned my respect and fealty. You are not a monster of your mother’s making, Theon. It will be a pleasure to see who you grow into during your journey as you learn and discover what sort of man you wish to be.”

For a long moment it seemed like Padma was more than content to let all conversation drop, to enjoy silent companionship without the need for any back and forth. Perhaps even have a nice day without having to worry about keeping tabs on her wily mentor. Except it wasn’t long before she had that look on her face – the appearance of an unasked question and a curiosity. Until she finally dared to speak.

“…why are you not going to see Araminta play, if I might ask?”

He hadn’t expected her to break out in a grin though he found it truly pleasant and soft. An action that smoothed the rough edges of the strong paladin woman to a point that he suspected then and there, her outer exterior was a buffer. To keep herself protected from those who might try to use her gentleness to their advantage.

Rather than outwardly state she looked lovely or something equally soft and embarrassing, he found her stating that his willingness not to brandish blade as a first or second reaction, something to approve of. Truly he had grown tired of lifting sword with threat uttered from lips. Cracking its slice to tear flesh open and limbs apart. “I can only hope that what becomes of myself is worthy of the continued approval.” He replied easily and set himself to start cleaning up the means of mess he had made whilst cooking, chopping and seasoning. Accepting the quiet as comfortable.

Save that Padma had come to find a new question in which put his cleaning motions to an immediate halt. Staring at the wall a moment like it had been the one to ask such a thing before peering over shoulder at her. Seeing that she was innocently asking the question rather than trying to dig for something that might bring her amusement. “Madam Jasa does not wish for me to be present as she also knows who I am. And believes my presence will be problematic while I am not the most sociable. I suspect that she worries that someone in the event will see who I am and then cause trouble for her establishment, her employees and herself.” He wanted to shrug at this but didn’t find the means to do so. “This is something for Araminta to do as she enjoys her music and is a very good musician. She has been hard at work with many things and carrying more around on her shoulders that I would rather see her enjoy the evening without any potential problems and keep the Madam happy that in the future, Araminta could return and play more if she wished.” The man internally sighed, “That is the reason. One that is valid. Though if that is the question, your reasoning for not being present would be? If you wish to answer.”

His answer seemed to give her even more to consider, though with more of a concerned expression than she had with their conversation previously – which was a feat since before she was feeling out whether or not he was a person to be a trusted ally!

“I find the environment there awkward,” she answered his question first and foremost. Giving her own shrug of shoulders. “While I’d enjoy seeing Araminta play, I’ve got no interest in the flirtatious nonsense, all the gratuitous touching, and general horniness of brothels. Men or women. I do not care about sexual or romantic matters and being surrounded by people fraternizing makes me uncomfortable.”

That would explain Padma’s exasperation with her overtly flirty mentor as well as all of her wrinkle up looks every time Araminta was physically affectionate. Not a judgement on their actions, or a prudish belief that it was inappropriate, but rather a simple lack of understanding why anyone liked such a thing at all. Padma just didn’t like it and wanted nothing to do with it!

However, it was clear by her expression that there was more on her mind and she was trying to ponder the best ways to say it.

“I don’t want to overstep, especially if you hold trust and respect for Madam Jasa…” she started slowly, seeming to decide she was going to overstep regardless. “But do you realize that she is manipulating and breaking down Araminta?”

It was a bold statement to make and Padma waited a moment to see his reaction before continuing.

“Jasa is a business woman first and foremost – a excellent one at that, by the shape of her business. Araminta is a golden goose for her, a talented innocent is valuable and hard to get. The Madam herself has never told you to stay away, has she? She’s made Araminta tell you that you’re unwanted to create a rift between you. That woman isn’t afraid of anything, nor is she stupid. If she truly thought you or the princess were a danger to her establishment she would have boldly told you so.”

Now that she had momentum and the conviction to know what she said was truth, Padma continued on with that serious frown.

“Jasa has made all that she is doing seem generous so that Araminta might stay and make her a great deal of money. To make her feel guilty and obligated to make up for the trouble she’s caused. Which is not problematic by itself if Araminta were to only play music. Except that one day someone is going to offer Jasa an irresistible amount of coin to spend a night with one who is so innocent and pure. You know Araminta – if Jasa were to tell her that it’d hurt her business if Araminta refused, what do you think she would do?”

Suddenly a lot made sense then and there. Hearing Padma express that she just found the means of mortal actions in the way of intimate of nature, be it friendly or more; she was not a fan of it. To him, it wasn’t a terrible thing. It was curious rather. As someone who went the majority of their life only being given that of violent attention or cruel punishments, the means of gentle affection was like a pleasant reward. Always leaving him feeling particularly greedy towards it while reminding himself not to be so needy either. Realizing that there was so much in the way of different people that to hear and learn about them, was vastly interesting.

“Understandable.” He stated easily. Expressing to Padma that he didn’t judge her for such a choice though he suspected it made her all the more annoyed with Reeves got into his dramatic flare.

Wiping down the countertop as she suggested she didn’t want to say something in the means of overstepping any unseen boundaries, Theon paused. Looking at her seemingly knowing that her statement was practically null because it seemed like she had something vital to say. In which had come out in a blunt statement that encompassed pointing out Madam Jasa was manipulating that of Araminta. At first, he wasn’t sure he was following –being easily exposed and controlled had a way of making it hard to see in general- but Padma was good about explaining further. Giving validity to her claim.

Something that the longer he listened, the more annoyed he actually god. Because the thing was, Padma wasn’t just pulling these things out of her bum, she was stating facts.

Till cleaning was entirely forgotten and well, frowning now. “I would like to believe Araminta wouldn’t be swayed as such.” He truly did, but he also knew she was sweet and giving. Literally to a point that the shirt off her back would never be that much of a problem even if it was the dead of winter and she was freezing as well. “However, her nature would try to do anything possible to assure that she wouldn’t disappoint someone.” That was a large pill to swallow, “Then with this educational statement, I assume you have something further to express on the matter?” Indicating he was guessing that she had some sort of plan that was meant to befuddle this use and abuse attitude.

Visibly Padma was relieved that she didn’t overstep boundaries or insult someone that he might’ve had respect for. While she preferred truth, even when it was unpleasant, Padma also had no intentions of being a pain in anyone’s ass. Merely to give help where it was needed. On his asking if she had a plan, though, all she could do was shake her head.

“In all honesty, I don’t believe Jasa means to do any actual harm. Still, I believe Jasa is clever enough to know how to use Araminta’s nature for her own benefit. This event of hers will go well, in fact I bet it will go so well that she’d be able to point out just how happy Araminta could be if she stayed. Even when she leaves with you, Jasa will have planted that seed for Araminta to return.”

What to do about it, then? Padma herself was pondering, outwardly thinking it over and considering what was best. Truthfully Araminta was more than safe – Jasa wouldn’t dare let something happen to a commodity that could be worth a fortune of gold. Reeves was there as well, even if something did. The event itself wasn’t actually the problem.

“Jasa needs to know that while Araminta is gentle of heart, you are not so easily manipulated or severed from her. If her claim that she is concerned about the dangers is true – go in secret. Participate in the masquerade and respect those potential fears. Should I be wrong about her intentions, then you’ll not have done any harm and she’ll understand that you’re looking after someone important to you. But if I am right… you’ll see the signs she’s been hiding by keeping you separated.”

Setting the rag down in the basin as now he wanted to use his arms to cross over another with the means of heeding any and all advice from Padma. While he had travelled often and far, he was not worldly by any means. He had a hard time identifying potential tricks that weren’t so bluntly apparent. If they were sly and he had no history with it or rather a very long history, he’d like assume it was normal. Barely questioning it till someone else did, much like this case.

So to hear Padma painting out the thoughts in a clear and concise manner, he was diligently following along. Knowing that Jasa likely had already put the seed of thought into Araminta’s mind. It wasn’t a terrible thing of course, but blatant boundaries needed to be enforced so Jasa wasn’t looking at the mountain princess as a cash cow.

Worrying lower lip through that of teeth, he hummed and then gave Padma one of his looks that was usually made at Araminta. Confusion, “Masquerade?” He heard it stated already a few times and still was lacking just what it was at all. Something about a mask, obviously. “I would go with this sort of insight but I’m afraid, I don’t really know what a masquerade is. Or its purpose.”

The fact he had no idea what a masquerade was did surprise Padma a little and it was clearly seen in the way she gave a dark wide-eyed blink back at him. Just as quickly and without any shaming of him for not knowing something that was common knowledge, she was ready to explain.

“It is… a sort of party. The obvious part is that it involves a mask of some kind. They’re an interesting tradition made popular by royal courts – a chance for nobility to make a play at anonymity and pretending to be someone else for an evening of mystery. It lends itself well to a place like the brothels where the patrons can play into fantasies, both about themselves and those they have flirtations with.”

“Personally, I find the fact Jasa made it a masquerade and still convinced Araminta not to let you join is telling,” she pointed out with a firm scowl of distaste. “Likely a test to see how strong her hold is on the princess.”

This was liable to make Padma mad now, as well! Both on Theon’s behalf whose own nature to do anything Araminta asked was taken advantage of, as well as the mountain princess who kept putting the needs and desires of others over her own safety. They were lucky Madam Jasa was just a cunning business woman and not some sort of slave trader, or Araminta would’ve been shipped off in a crate to some other country by now!

Truly, how did this girl live so long!

“Your hair would be a give away – there are few ginger people in these lands, especially of such burning auburn. You’ll need a hood, full headed mask, or to color your hair somehow. Otherwise you simply need to keep to yourself. The mystery and schadenfreude will be to your advantage and you could go the entire evening without revealing you were there at all, if you were clever about it.”

A party that people dressed up beneath a mask with the means of being a mystery. It sounded truly like a fair way to be harmed if he was about to be honest. Where someone would not know one form another because they were hiding their features away like a thief in the night. Never mind Padma’s owlish blinking at him –he’d already stated he did not grow up like a royal- this was surely one of those very things. Granted, he didn’t think the Imperial Queen bothered with such events anyways, so why would have needed to know something that could be considered relatively useless.

Yet by the minute that Padma was describing the reasoning for such a selection at the Sable Fawn, he was getting a clear enough picture to feel a sense of uncomfortable dread in his belly. Not so much because he believed Jasa would do something untoward or malicious to Araminta, but she would seemingly guilt Araminta out of giving up her own grandmother if the ploy was strong enough.

As if Padma knew what he was thinking, she was pointing out the vibrancy of his hair colour. Something he knew identified him as that of the bastard prince. “This would be a moment that my fae heritage would have been useful then.” The mention of how he would need to be under guise would have been a lot easier if he could shift that of his appearance like the nokken could. Alas, it would be a lot stranger to have a horse in the place than himself, surely. “I do not think finding a mask of such a length would be easy, and the only cloak I have is the ashy gray one that most would know by now. At least Madam Jasa would.” So it may be somehow colouring his hair. Which he knew people did but the question was of how.

Or could he not just go to the brothel and point out that he didn’t much care for Jasa’s rules when as Padma pointed out, they were a bit more baseless than originally thought. “Being a ghost is something I am rather gifted at. That part at least I have some history with. I suppose I will need to ponder and come up with a plan to make any of this work without putting strain elsewhere. Thank you Padma, for being insightful and helpful when you did not need to be.”

Padma wrapped an arm around her waist, resting her elbow on that arm and tapping her chin with her fingers in a way that belied just how much time she had spent under Reeves’ tutelage to have picked up one of his thinking habits. Heaven forbid anyone ever point it out to her, she would be mortified to know she’d been so influenced by her vexing teacher!

“Your friends: the married couple. They seem the sort to enjoy harmless mischief making. The clothier especially, may have something suitable for a proper disguise and I imagine the woman would know just how to do the rest. They might even enjoy an evening out to aid with the endeavors.”

Of course, this statement led to her wrinkling up her nose and casting the doorway a dark look.

“…though someone would have to watch the children. I guess I could take on that task without losing one. They can’t possibly be more trouble than Reeves in a brothel.”

Finally to his thanks she gave a winsome smile. Whole hearted and genuinely glad to hear such a thing.

“You are most welcome. It feels good to do what a paladin is meant to do. I hope to be of service for years to come.”

He was sure Adra was more of the imp in poor disguise. Certain that if he said one singular word about this new plot, she would have three new ideas in a manner of seconds. The ins and outs and how to make it all come together with a frightening fluidity. While Bo would certainly make use of hiding anything that might seem too Theon in the means of clothing. Almost a bit frightened at this realization that the two adults of the house could be nearly as terrible and troublesome as young children with wild abandon. “I am sure they would be… riled by the idea. To create their own brand of havoc.” Suppose that meant he would have to talk to each of them.

Which then meant the children and apparently the exact moment Padma was making her face pucker into obvious displeasure. “Sophia, Philip and Chloe are all generally very well behaved. So long as you engage them and treat them as people, rather than anything less.” Theon pointed out softly before sort of thinking at the whole mention of Reeves in the brothel. “They are less trouble. By leagues. And certainly less witty in ways that may make you want to disappear.”

It was the revealing grin once more than caught him offguard more than her tiptapping previously to that of chin. Add on the means that she felt much empowered by the fact she was doing something with her skills and attaching the means of approval to hope for the future with more such things. “I would hope such future tasks are more towards your innate gifts and aid, but they are all invaluable regardless of the reasoning.”

He supposed he would have to put together everything sooner than later. The show would be in the evening so there was still time to properly feed the little’s and ensure that the stew had time to simmer properly. “After the meal, I will seek Bo and Adra. For aid, though whether or not they wish to partake in such antics later will be up for anyone’s debate.” And he glanced a bit longer to Padma, “And you are certain Reeves will be alright this evening?”

Padma appeared to be dubious about the children being people, as well… children were scary and wild little unpredictable things! Especially when there was three of them to incite each other into a frenzy, liable to take advantage of any weakness Padma might display. At least his agreement that they were less trouble than Reeves had her giving a scoffing laugh.

Speaking of Reeves, though, and whether or not he’d be alright… that was where she sighed once again with a heavy roll of her eyes.

“The man loves a steamy bath almost as much as he loves good company. If he’s not casting holy blessings on the waters, I imagine he’s probably got every woman and man that works for Jasa enraptured in some form or another. I suppose I can’t be too mad about it, this will be our only rest for a good long while if things proceed as planned. I’m sure if you find him in the tavern and let him in on the ploy, he’ll take delight in being a distracting center of attention should anything go awry.”

Truly he was about to give her a pep talk about if she could handle Reeves, then the three children would be considerably a breeze. They just liked to be treated like humans rather than little tots that needed to be told the if’s ands or buts about things. If one just talked to them like they were as normal as anyone else –within reason of course, they were kids- they’d be just fine. And if Padma could made friends with Sophia, then the other two would align to follow the attitude of elder sister.

Surely she would be able to figure that all out. Reeves was a whole other being that was quick witted, enigmatic and bold. Never sure to what might happen at all!

Which only prompted him to ask whether or not it was a good idea to leave the lord paladin in the bathhouse. Apparently it would be the perfect place for the elder man, for as Padma suggested he would likely be looping people around his fingers easily. Giving them a tale and whatever have you. That part he didn’t need details about.

“I will just hope nothing goes awry. As much as I am bordering on caution, this evening I would still like to be for Araminta. She has worked hard for this and deserves the chance to just enjoy it.” Theon echoed as if he was trying to convince Padma. Doubtful it was ever needed, but for now they could rest easy while waiting for the stew to be decent enough to eat. Meaning the effort of conversation didn’t have to be had seeing as silent was just as comfortable for himself. Now busy trying to think of ways he could be that wandering ghost that had earned the name at all. To drift into the Sable Fawn with the desire to keep Madam Jasa in check and too of course, watch Araminta play. Something she had been very adamant about when he was still probably the least likely of audience members to ever have. Still, he would try his best to be laser focused. Knowing he would appreciate the music in his own way but not the same means of a musician would.

For now, it was the means of plotting silently.

The inn was bustling as it typically would. However it was a different sort of mood considering all the women that were employed had taken a special interest in the evening. Decorating themselves up like fantastical peacocks with matching masks, to keep a hint of subtle mystery to them each. Lending a seductive challenge and allure to it all.

Eyes had been curiously glimpsing around as the tavern had certainly not been this busy for some time. Leaving Rose to be a bit speechless when she slipped back a few steps as Clover was hovering to fluff and preen at Araminta expectantly. She had already been dressed in a lighter colour of glassy silver as to compliment Araminta’s purple gown. Accenting but not capturing, as it ought to be. “I don’t think Edgar would be pleased to know the house is far more sold out than he has done for some time.” Softly she spoke being a mousy soul, her pinned raven locks giving a slight waiver with the shake of her head. “I don’t know how you did it Araminta but boy am I going to have an earful later.” Rose smiled sincerely, amused by this all.

“That old bat needs a good swat off his self proclaimed pedestal.” Clover practically hissed as she dusted off the end of a make up brush, “If he want to sell out more often, perhaps he needs a personality check. Flies and honey and all that nonsense, you know.”

The violinist let out an airy giggle. Believing Clover with no need to rebuttal but rather directing her line of sight to that of the lead musician tonight. “How do you feel Araminta? Nervous? Thirsty?”

For being an emotional and dramatic creature, Araminta at least knew how to compartmentalize and set aside her personal feelings in order to get things done when she needed to. Likely a skill that helped her survive so many horrors, and today coming in handy when all of these preparations were for something grand that she wasn’t going to be able to share with the one person she wanted to share it with.

All the activity at the Sable Fawn was reminiscent of ball events in her castle home. When her parents would be hosting something spectacularly large, meant to be filled with food, music, entertainment and more. Being both a wonderful reminder of times that were joyful and exciting while still shedding a sort of inner gloom about moments Araminta was never going to experience again with her family. Feelings she had to keep to herself so she wouldn’t put a damper on anyone else’s bright mood.

“I imagine if he tried the makeup and beautiful gowns he might draw in more curious spectators as well,” Araminta suggested at Edgar’s expense. Thinking it was an act she’d like to see herself, really! Shaking her head towards Rose about needing anything to drink. Her stomach was already twisted up in knots for a multitude of reasons, even the thought of food was making her feel queasy.

“This gown weighs as much as I do, I think,” she replied in terms of how she felt. The iris purple silk and satin was stunning in ways Araminta never expected. Though, she should have! Most of the gowns in Madam Jasa’s arsenal were works of art in their own rights. Pieces likely worth more than Araminta herself and certainly better worn by the women who could do it justice with their natural charms and graceful movements.

Nervous was an accurate word in he moment, however. All of the Sable Fawn had gone through quite a lot of trouble to put together such an event at the very last minute. All focused on Araminta, who was suddenly so afraid that she’d forget her own song, or slip her fingers on the harp, or trip over her own feet.

If she couldn’t handle something as simple as playing music to a crowd, there was no way she could live up to the expectations of liberating a kingdom from demons, dethroning and evil queen, and somehow bringing together battered nations under peaceful alliance. Araminta would have to weather her nervousness and use this as practice for the moments that would truly be much harder.

“As long as I don’t suddenly become a delicate miss and faint dead away on stage, it should be fine,” Araminta declared with that determined confidence. “You’re going to be a wonderful companion, Rose. I can’t wait to hear the pieces come together!”

“I don’t think we want whatever crowd he pulled in.” Clover decided to chime in as she was deciding the next colour to compliment that of Araminta’s lovely features. Wearing a scowl so tight it could be aptly described as mimicking a cat’s butthole. Not about to have any sort of event with Edgar in a dress or buck ass naked to win over any votes. “I’m sure they’d be just as puckered up and sour that any mood would be ruined.”

Easily Rose chuckled. Maybe she shouldn’t since she was part of the ensemble that Edgar had employed though she had made it plenty known that she wasn’t the largest fan of his showboating anyways. Just waiting for her chance to separate into something solo or with other people that had intentions of good hearts. Which was why she offered her help tonight to Araminta. Regardless of the caterwauling that Edgar did, Araminta was talented. And it seemed so petty not to offer some help. Something she didn’t want to sit by about considering they were all musicians. Ones who ought to support and lift another rather than poo-pooing them while giggling behind their backs.

She likely was going to have to start looking for a new place to play anyways after this, sure that Edgar was going to have quite the fussy fit. Whether he fired her was not the problem, it was whether or not she wanted to say to listen to his complaints!

“You’re a petite little shapely lady, just stay away from any deep lakes and you’ll be fine.” Clover patted Araminta’s arm at the statement of how heavy the dress was, “Regardless you look absolutely stunning. I am sure you will be the bell of the ball tonight, even if you weren’t the main entertainment.”

Lips on Rose pulled apart, “My beau is certainly curious about this tonight, as he said he had to witness the musical styling of the one who managed to get me to separate from the other two.” She couldn’t help but feel immense pride for Araminta and well herself. Before giggling at the leaking confidence of the other. “I’m appreciative that you were willing to let me help. We’ve practiced well together and I know it will all come together beautifully. It’s a bit of a shame though that you won’t be playing after this here.”

“It’s a shame she isn’t staying at all. You have no idea the amount of gentleman callers that are now very very interested in the young lady that plays harp and glitters like the ocean dawn.” Raising her brows with a flirtatious indication, “Plus, no one else gets this excited to be dolled up, I’ve been having too much fun with you Araminta. There’s surely got to be a way to convince you to stay for a while longer, you know.”

Araminta too giggled about Clover’s displeasure with Edgar, having to contain it at least some so she didn’t make a mess of Clover’s work and too because, well… maybe Araminta sometimes felt bad laughing at his expense, even if he did deserve it. One day surely he’d realized his own attitude was at fault for his lack of fame and fortune and he’d start treating those in his ensemble a little better.

Taking Clover and Rose’s compliments with a bit of embarrassed grace.

“As much as I have enjoyed playing the part of a mysertious performer, there is a life I must get back to. An inevitable return back to reality.” Surprisingly this wasn’t such a bittersweet or terrible thing, said with a little more of a hopefull lit in tone instead of regret. Araminta enjoyed her time playing at the Sable Fawn for certain, and her time with Bo’s family to exist for awhile as part of it… but she was also glad to get back to it being just her and Theon. To continue her quest on the trials, especially now that there were people on her side and goals to reach for.

“Besides, now that Rose is finally getting tonight to shine, perhaps Madam Jasa will finally see and appreciate what you are capable of doing yourself! You’re an accomplished player in your own right, you should be getting a chance to do your own solo work without a grumpy old codger trying to push you into the shadows behind him.”

They were kekeing as much as they could of course. A way to relieve maybe some nerves that were settling in place while of course the mood switched towards that of indicating that Araminta was such a talented artist that it was a shame to see her leave so soon. Making her somewhat regretful considering she didn’t have much of a chance to interact with Araminta prior. Sure they had played together and originally she wasn’t sure what Madam Jasa was thinking, but the girl proved night after night that she was no slouch.

Now, she was leaving and of course she was going to be sad about it. “Well the mysterious performer had better come back now that she has made an impression on customers and employees alike.” Clover’s eyes were pinned upon Araminta in that way that declared she wasn’t about to hear anything other than yes to this statement. “In that meantime of your absence, I’ll find more gowns to dress you up as!”

Lightly Rose chuckled as the sound of people beyond the common dressing area, seemed to be getting a little more involved with their arrangements. It was likely to be a very profitable night with a theme of masked mystery. “Perhaps, but I may not stick around here either after. I mean I’ve been playing here for a few years, it might be nice to go somewhere else. Somewhere new and try my luck, if I can convince my beau to do so. The whole package deal slightly makes it necessary to travel together.”

Someone rattled nearby about how they were to finish their preparations as soon the venue would be ready to host the musical show, passing by them to cluck at Clover to hasten her means of finishing that of work. “Do I look like I have more than two arms. She’s gotta look perfect even if she is wearing a mask.” Clover hissed after the tavern crier, sighing no sooner. “Rose can you grab the mask’s for you and Araminta?” In a mere second, Rose turned to take few steps to collect the wired gold and silver masks. Indicating the silver was to stay with that of Rose but the gold was to accent on Araminta, favouring the brassy tones of eye shadow with a bold purple lip. “This should be light enough and still allow you to see so you aren’t blind sitting up there Araminta.”

They make Rose’s mask a little more consuming to indicate she was the helper but cut with an irregular shape to assure it wouldn’t be lost in a sense of faeish enchantment.

“Well, it looks like you have like five minutes maybe. Just be prepared and you know how this all works, I doubt I need to repeat it for you both.” Giggling at her own almost spiel, Clover sighed dreamily. “Just remember to have fun out there, and smile. Lots of gentlemen and gentleladies are going to be certainly oogling you both.”

“I am certain to return if some beast doesn’t eat me on the road,” laughed Araminta. Not entirely a fib, something was bound to attempt to eat her somewhere. It’d just be on the trials themselves rather than long and winding roads. Theon’s speedy steed saved her from a lot of trouble in dealing with street coyotes and road bandits.

“Someone has recently told me that a traveling musician can make quite an impact in the world. I hope you do convince your beau, I bet you’ll find great success.” Araminta believed it to be true, in any case. Rose was lovely and sweet, there would be places she could play the violin and move the hearts of people that needed a little beautiful music in their lives. As much as it was fun to play in a place like the Sable Fawn, Araminta felt the music often felt on deaf ears that were far more interested in admiring beautiful ladies than the full atmosphere that was provided.

Oh, but that tavern crier announcing them to hurry up… Araminta was starting to feel those twist of nerves for real now. How different it was going to be as the focal point! Sliding from her chair she checked her hands, just in case some twist of fate had stolen a finger or something. Taking the beautiful golden mask to put on and then quickly reaching up to help Rose with hers since it was a little more awkwardly shaped.

Araminta did not much care for the distracting thing on her face, but when she stepped over to the full length mirror to see how she looked… well! That was an unexpected stunning look, wasn’t it! A fairy princess straight out of a spring garden.

“Oh dear…! We best get settle before I suddenly lose my nerve and Jasa has to send someone chasing me down the street!”

There was a soft squeak to express the idea of being a travelling musician. Excitement bundling and a slow earnest grin that coloured her features in a honest innocence. Only needing to rotate back and forth on her heels to look the part of properly embarrassed but pleased little girl. Hopefully she could make such a thing happen. Of course if she was about to start gushing about the idea, they were being told to quit lollygagging. Appreciating the help that Araminta gave with her own mask seeing as it was a certainly a bit more of a complicated piece but no less pretty.

Settling it in place after a few adjustments to make sure the strings sat over ears correctly, eyes followed after Araminta getting a look at herself in the mirror. Smiling gingerly at first but stepping up to loop an arm through her own, “Come on now, don’t freak yourself out. We’ve done this before, just now with two less people. We can do this Araminta. You’ll be amazing. We’ll be amazing, right!” Giving her own little pump up before there was audible clapping to indicate they were to get into their positions so they could go out on stage as the sound of Jasa’s voice carried to bid her plenty of guests welcome.

Expressing that the night was young, the entertainment was bold and the music was to whisk them all away to that enchanted land that was made of everything sweet and perfectly salacious. Heavily laying that implication before her voice drifted to bid introduction to them each. “Well, guess that’s our cue.” Rose smiled once more before making the motion to float herself after Araminta.

Where the crowd was truly adorned in their fashion best and hidden behind that of various luxurious masks. No two seemingly the same, though surely Araminta would be able to still spot the particular table where two familiar faces sat. Woman having forgone the need for a mask while Bo seemed to be just sort of watching around the area. Being diligent of attention but thus far, there wasn’t seemingly anything out of place. Exactly as a ghost would like it to be.

“Yes, amazing. We will be amazing!” Araminta chimed in response to Rose’s excitement. Who wouldn’t feel cheered and encouraged by such a sweet declaration? At the very least Araminta needed to play well so Rose could shine as well and start her illustrious career as a traveling bard!

Madam Jasa’s introduction felt appropriate for the beautiful evening she’d provided. Araminta didn’t want to dare look out at the crowd, a little afraid that she was going to spook herself as it was certainly a lot more crowded than most nights. But what a gorgeous and magical sight it was! Locals and visitors alike had taken to this idea of a masquerade to heart, dressing well in their finest of fanciful nonsense to go along with masks that matched their attire or the simple ones provided by the elder woman herself.

It was like looking into a smokey room full of fae creatures. Araminta could play to a room of fae creatures as if it were just another day in the forest.

Naturally when she did catch a recognizable face, that bolstered her bravado all the more. Theon must’ve convinced them that they could have an evening out, and while she wished it was Theon himself she could play to, having someone familiar there… family there gave Araminta someone special to play to.

As she slid onto her bench and prepared her hands there was a loud HERE, HERE! bellowed from somewhere in the crowd – unmistakably Reeves’ rich baritone. Araminta didn’t quite need that much encouragement, going a bit pink in the cheeks, but it was appreciated too all the same.

With a soft plucking of strings, Araminta began her first song. Something light an airy with a gentle bounce. A gentle and excited start to a journey, as there were several hours to play and one could not start off too hard or too slow. And without having to worry about Edgar’s silly ego or stealing the spotlight from other players, Araminta could play with all the enthusiasm she had in her tiny little body!

With a gentle sliding into place to accompany that of the lead of this night, Rose held herself straight. Shoulders level and instrument raised to follow the plucked melody with a soft following, plucky and bouncing with a gentle wafting that made the bow sing in soft accompaniment to that of the elegant harp. Creating a magical flare that truly could have brought the entirety of tavern, guests and employees into the enchanted forest so many miles away.

Doing well not to upstage but not drift away into the background. Softening the violin’s sound to act as a backup, not the lead. Laying eyes from behind the silver mask across the crowd with a genteel puckish flare. Unbothered by the sight after so many years though finding she was appreciating the view in ways she had not previously. As if worried to take any limelight away from Edgar or Alice. Knowing they each could be perfectly prudish.

Instead feeling each string pressed upon the fingerboard, vibrating from the strum of bow unaware similarly to Araminta that the woman’s guest list was one extra than was seen. Quietly floating around to eventually settle himself down in a place that was thankfully not overburdened by others. Though the means of the music still wasn’t seemingly resonating the same way with him as it was others –slightly blaming the fact that it had to be due to the absence of a beating organ- he noticed Adra glancing towards him once. Silently smiling but thus far, Madam Jasa and her employees were none the wiser.

It was easy to know when Araminta was fully comfortable, for she was in it. At first listening astutely to the weave and swipe of Rose’s violin strings, catching sight of the other woman taking up a much bolder style of playing than she had with Edgar. Immediately launching into a thrilled smile, as this was what playing music was supposed to be! Something fun, theatrical and exhilarating! It might have been Araminta’s showcase, but what a wonderful delight to see the soft spoken women be able to light up and play with free abandon.

And thus Araminta was gone. Weaving the first song into a second. Tapping a barefoot on the stage floor along with the beat, as who was going to care or see if she was wearing shoes anyway under all of those silken skirts. Jasa wanted something vibrant to incite the beating hearts and get the blood moving, a lively bit of entertainment to inspire moods of good cheer.

Araminta couldn’t be sure if anyone was as thrilled as she, nor did she care to pay attention to even see. Biting into her lip during moments she needed to pluck a complicated and quick string of notes. Almost seeming to murmur the notes or hum along at some moments. Playing through several songs just like this until she caught that signal from the corner of her eye that she needed to stop for a forced break.

The princess could have just played straight the entire night like this, but Rose herself likely needed a moment of rest and a good drink. Ceasing her song with a soft tapering, it was a giddy smile she beamed to the other woman before Araminta was gathering up her skirts to do the second part of her evening’s task. Madam Jasa wanted her to be a mysterious little social butterfly – something to charm guests so they’d linger in the tavern longer, paying for drinks and the attentions of girls. Easy enough done. Araminta did love to chatter!

Though she wished she could take this blasted mask off!

The crowd was certainly being entertained in two forms. Those who had come to listen to the construction of music without the sort of posh snotty air floating around to insist that the crowd was too beneath them, was gone. Instead replaced by the two women duo that left the room feeling light. Fun. Enthralling and surely inviting the crowd of others that had come to play the part of mysterious guest looking for an equally charming companion.

Meeting the mesh of both items with the means of bar was being given a chance to run their stock steadily with the turn of coin. And a jar set aside that was gingerly climbing in clattering coin to be later given to both Rose and Araminta for their dedicated effort. While Jasa was exactly that of a business woman, she would not stick her hand into such a thing.

Figuring that it would be a good add on for the two women that had made the tavern overfill with eager guests.

Though there was a need for a break so people wouldn’t shake off the means of musical enchantment, Jasa was nearby keeping an eye on things. Like a proud mother hawk, she wasn’t about to let much have potential to go astray. Trying to use this night as an idea of how they could repeat it every so often. Not too commonly as the appeal of it would slip away and then it would just be another overdone routine that would start to lose interest till there was absolutely none. With both patron and employee, it was an unwise move to repeat its success in liberal motions.

Rose agreed that she needed a few minutes to collect and get a drink. To check in with that of her beau who had made himself apparent when the music had stopped for a recess. Bouncing on feet from one to the other with a delight of thrill, looking like that excited boy that had been properly lovestruck, promptly gathering Rose into arms when she was close enough to do so. Earning a tittering giggle before pardoning to go to bar for that drink. Rose stating that she would be back shortly when Araminta was ready.

It was a quiet watching as the sound of the tavern lifted to numerous voices all talking at once. Loathing that sound still even after they had certainly started to frequent such places in the travels. Finding it a dull droning buzz as he shifted steps to note where Jasa was –thankfully now with the intermission, she was turning attention to guests. Striking up conversation so she wasn’t as dutiful in watching currently. Likely still was but didn’t have the same lurking presence.

Allowing him to gravitate out of the niche of a corner he had located to naturally follow the flow of crowd. Moving ever closer till he was near enough to easily brush palm over the lady’s hip in a gentle motion but retracted politely, taking a quick look under the heavy dark brown hood and made sure he wasn’t interrupting, “You’re songs have been amazing, Ara.” Quietly speaking in a low tone as not to alert attention too much.

Araminta was delighted to see that Rose’s beau had come to see her, betting that now that he’d see Rose on stage being a beautiful gem in her own right, he might more easily be convinced to travel with the girl as a performer. It’d be an encouraging move for her to get out of Edgar’s stifling shadow, though potentially an issue for Jasa who would need to work with the grumpy man on increasing the size of his ensemble.

Absently wondering what had happened to their original harp player, too. Hopefully nothing terrible.

For now, Araminta was bolstering herself up to do a bit of that socializing. Guessing she could easily start with paying a visit to Reeves or to Bo and Adra, where she would have a comfortable and natural launching point to begin a walk about the tavern. Only to pause suddenly when someone touch her, ready to do a clever bit of inching way until the familiar voice spoke the shortened form of her name.

“You’re here!” The way she softened in an instant and drew both hands up – one to his shoulder and the other into the fabric of his attire – hinted that she was so enthralled that Theon was about to get an excited kiss of a greeting… only for her to quickly realize that was going to be a dead give-away to this sneaky entrance! Having to retract her hands almost immediately.

That broad smile of hers wasn’t going anywhere, though.

“Do you really like them? It’s so different, isn’t it! A full sized harp and a room where the sound resonates off the walls. And Rose’s accompaniment has given it such a beautiful warm layer! What is this you are wearing…” she chattered so brightly, only pausing to reach out and pluck at his clothes. Unable to resist that means of physicality when he was actually here. Any thoughts about socializing with the patrons was completely out the window, in favor of Theon himself. Which may very well have been one of the many reasons Jasa hadn’t wanted him there!

He wasn’t entirely sure how to vocalize the means of his thoughts on the fact she was able to construct the melodies that were echoed by that of the other woman. However, he had been properly enamoured with it all. Finding it made him speechless in a good way. Add on how she seemed to be so in her element and part of it all, well all of this was worth it then. Being able to bare witness to Araminta’s joy and skill and how the room acted like that of the fae’s by being enthralled by the music –outside those that had companions of the establishment- it had just said loudly that this was exactly the reason he had been very much on board and wanting to see Araminta enjoy herself.

Still, he wanted to make her at least aware he was present. Feeling a flutter of winged imagined insects in his stomach when she turned and exclaimed with hands reaching outwards to be sure that he was not living up to his alias. Humming to express he was before watching how her hands removed –likely because of eyes- but kept the beaming grin ever present. Echoing just how much all of this meant. It didn’t seem to matter that he didn’t know the terminology or the means of how to construct any of this, it was the fact that she was getting to share her talent.

“I didn’t know the difference could be that varied between your lyre and the harp.” He repeated the instrument name she had just called, and figuring out that the woman was Rose that had played the violin in group with Araminta. Warming mutely under the cowl with a corner pressed muted beam himself. Just getting to see her so excited was truly worth every bit of the evening.

While she might not be so much reaching out beside feeling at that of the clothing that had been selected by Bo and Adra, he didn’t mind as terribly. Brushing the side of hand over hip or lightly moving pinkie to indicate gentle affections, realizing after a delay that she had asked a question. “Bo and Adra. Nothing too wild but the cloak is just a loaner since mine is too obvious.” He tilted his head a little to allow her to peek under the cowl, “And charcoal through that of hair and beard to darken the colour. Just in case. I know this evening was important to you and Padma suggested that I ought to come with some help from the others. I wanted to be present for you.”

Naturally her hands went to charcoaled beard next, softly giggling all the while. Araminta may as well have been floating on air at this point, as he’d gotten to see the start of her show and now would get the full second half too where she’d get to play melodies that were adventurous, soft and romantic.

“You almost look like a wild mountain man,” she mused, still the sound of giggling in her voice. “It’s a very good disguise! I would not have thought to color your hair.”

Araminta, of course, preferred that auburn red, but ho perfect it was that they’d all come up with such a good disguise! She never would have recognized him in the crowd herself even if she’d been looking for him. Now there was this burning, overwhelming desire to tug him down for a kiss… but that would surely give up the ghost! The very thought drawing out a small laugh at her own internal little joke.

“I am so glad you’re here,” she sincerely proclaimed, hands back to herself where they belonged before she got them both in trouble. “Oh! Maybe I could borrow Rose’s violin and show you how easy it is to walk about a crowd and play! Or oh, the cello also is wonderful and deep beautifully moody. All of the best parts are in the second half and– Did everyone leave Padma with the children, then?”

Right in the middle of her enthusiastic nattering she stopped to inquire about the paladin woman, as Araminta had been so certain she’d looked at those children as if they’d start biting at her ankles at any moment. Only to immediately start laughing again, as perhaps she’d had enough practice with the troublesome and charming Sir Reeves to manage three bored little ones.

“We’ll have to thank her somehow with something special. What a wonderful gift to give.”

He’d like to actually be a little more frontal and personal with her but he also knew that it was risky action to take. It just wouldn’t diminish when she was looking as pretty as she was. Granted, he thought that anyways, even daring to reach up after a moment to feel at the wired corner of her mask as she seemed to do the same to the beard that had been dusted to look like a muddy brownish red over bright auburn. Listening to the sound of her giggling, “I’d fit in better at your mountain kingdom then.” Theon spoke in an honest attempt at a joke rather than those accidental ones he made. Nodding no sooner to agree with the means of the colour and how it came to be. “Adra came up with it. Quickly.” Which had been a little baffling, having not expected her to do so that fast!

But it worked and he was here. Under guise to keep Jasa from getting all huffy puffy and to avoid anyone actually knowing who he was. As Padma said, his hair colour stood out the most. Most people actually had no idea what he looked like outside being a redhead. Few knew out of descriptions that were apt but over all, this was perfect.

Pulling his grasp a moment back though he made an effort after feeling the mask to brush the back of index to blushed coated cheek, when she declared she was pleased he was here. Warming him further to know this had worked. He’d talk to her later about Padma’s thoughts about how Jasa was using her as a cash cow and all the manipulation. As he did intend to confront the madam later when the venue wasn’t bustling. Following her enthused means of talking about how the violin could easily be walked about and played, leaving him curious. “I would love to see whatever you wish or are doing tonight, Ara. I came because of you.” Theon softened under the cover of cowl, “It’s been good to see you in your element. You’ve always been stunning but this is wonderful.” Offering freely before nodding at the fact that Padma did have the children.

He just hoped she made an ally with Sophia, as that would help her immensely. “I’ve been trying to think of ways to do just that.” Lightly hand moved to lightly press against her elbow, looking up and seeing how others were mingling. Keeping his wits about himself before brushing softly, “I do not want to linger or take up your time though. If you must keep wandering and interacting, do not pause on my behalf. I just wanted to catch you before you were too busy.”

Araminta might’ve abandoned this showcase in a heartbeat just to take his hand and pull him to a quiet private hall somewhere. Practically leaning forward on the pads of her feet in some magnetic, irresistible pull towards Theon. Alas, her sense of obligation was too strong even in the wake of stolen touches and soft barely-there smile he had lingering at the corners of his mouth.

“It wouldn’t have been the same without you,” she confessed. Wanted to say so much more than that too! On how much it truly meant to show him the very essence of who she was through the music she played. Things that were impossible to convey with only simple words. While she was a multifaceted woman of varying talents, her entire heart and soul was in music – it made all of the world worth living in! It connected people and cultures and creatures!

And he was right, she could not just stand there smiling up at him like some infatuated twit. Araminta had a job to do!

“We can walk home together, yes?” she questioned before pulling away. “After when all is done?”

Such a statement and he felt like it could have been false in some sense. However, it was Araminta saying such things. A means that at this point he felt like the trust was there. Declaring that he wasn’t just an person that was there at the time but rather she was sincere in her commentary. Leaving him to be a little melted in the chest with the idea that apparently he was worth enough to leave such a mark. A foreign, nice feeling that urged him to take a look around once more.

Seeing whom was around, who was looking before she was smiling at him and asking if they could walk back after. Lingering on that question as he dared to use the moment that seemed to be most attention distracted to lean down.

Laying an gentle and fleeting steal of a kiss to that of herself, “Yes.” Theon hummed lowly before retracting away, “I’ll be ready to go when you are, Ara.” Once more reaching out to lightly grasp at her hip in a squeezing promise before slipping back. Stealing a look back before he blended back in the crowd so he could gravitate at least nearby to that of Bo and Adra.

Close enough to hear them talking but not to be so deeply associated just in case someone could put them all together to figure them out. Particularly Jasa, whom seemed to have wriggled herself away from former guests to move after Rose, talking to her at least for the moment.

A stolen kiss and a promise was such a powerful thing that Araminta now had such a thrilling, light, airy boost of confidence that started as fluttering butterflies in her stomach that bloomed into such a wide, mystical smile and filled her with this mischievous delight. Having not truly felt her role of the night as this charming fairy princess until that moment.

And what a dangerously charming fairy princess she could be.

A princess – even one who was only a third born – was trained in every possible social dynamic one might find in a rowdy party. A princess who was equal parts clever and charming now bolstered by a daring secret, sweet feelings, and her favorite passion was irresistible.

Araminta moved through the crowd with a natural grace, interjecting herself into conversations not missing a single beat. She did not play a flirting game, or give anyone undue flattery – somehow genuinely being enthused about whatever topic they’d bring up, while managing to decline lascivious offers without given anyone an offense. Once or twice an elder gentleman would try to grab or touch where he shouldn’t and she’d somehow slip away from those grabby fingers while giving them that physical contact they’d crave with a gentle squeeze to their arm or shoulder. Being sure it came across in a matronly way and not the sort of flirty touches the ladies of the Sable Fawn would give with softness.

She’d learned quite a bit in her time playing at the Sable Fawn.

At one point she did have to head towards the bar to request a drink, as all of that talking could dry a lady to the bone. Happy to find Sir Reeves there refreshing himself as well as getting to hear his thoughts on her music, the ambience of the place, and far too many silly compliments than she actually deserved.

Still wondering herself if the paladin really had propositioned her and Theon!

Yet is was time to get back to the stage and Araminta was already pondering if she should continue with the harp or make a sudden last minute change of instrument. Decided quickly enough that she didn’t want to take anything away from Rose, as the other young woman was having such a wonderful night herself.

He’d keep an eye on things while doing well to eventually be shooed away when Adra seemed to think he need to play the part of intermingling guest. Even if it was just to slip somewhere else to avoid the means of conversation, he wasn’t so excused from that of the women wandering in their frocks and masks that were employed here. Finding that they seemed to know whom to flutter towards for that of potential gain. Only that those who were a little more curious to his refusals seemed to slip nearer. Till some other patron pulled more focus and they were gliding away once more.

Recognizing a few of the young women but nothing so telling that he could say with confidence. At least till one in particular had finally located him when it seemed the next set was to start once more. Seeing Araminta gravitating over with the rushing company of her violinist friend. Bouncing with energy, that he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief knowing that they were both enjoying themselves.

It had been a sublime moment for the other to catch him certainly. Realizing after a second that the madam had approached with her arms neatly crossed over another. Standing comfortably beside and smiling as she was looking out amongst the busy hall. “Enjoying the show?” An dark eye was positioned to its corner, a sort of bemused glint there. “I can appreciate that you’ve selected discretion, Ghost. Though I’m sure that I’ve expressed a few expectations of lack of company.”

Theon hummed some, “It is good to see her enjoying herself.” Replying with gentle indifference at this moment, “And your business seems to be benefiting well from such things.” Indicating with a bare hand motioning around them. “Seems there is plenty of company to behold with no one seemingly left out or pushed aside as others had been.”

That seemed to stir Jasa into a low chuckle.

“I didn’t know you could be bold.”

Easily that of shoulders shrugged, “I didn’t know you could be rude.” Seemingly not about to allow this to go in the favour of her pushing or insisting departure. When there had been no show of him being potentially threatening or dangerous by others knowing whom he was. “A masquerade from my understanding whole point is anonymity. Odd that you’d select something and put a limitation on that of Araminta for a person that you know well that has been with her for a while.”

For a moment they shared a silence. Seemingly about to leave it as is before Jasa turned to face him a little more. “You do recall that this is my place of business? I don’t know if it is entirely necessary to deem what I think fair and what is not.”

“No, perhaps you are right. But I do take offense and start to question your methods of business when it comes down to the means of deeming whom can just be a simple spectator for someone that they care about and want to support. Rather than thinking that my very presence is somehow going to raze the lands when if that was truly a concern of yours, the moment you knew who I was, you’d have asked us to leave. So while I can respect your business and your practices, I will take problem when they are flawed and using someone’s compassionate nature like that of a milk prize.” Theon mirrored the action of turning to face Jasa. Moving the cowl enough that his features could be seen. “Let’s just agree to disagree in this moment. And in the future, remind yourself that while Araminta is the better part of the two of us, I am not above standing my ground to avoid her being taken advantage of being the sound of coin is far more enthralling to your ears than the means of human decency and respect. For someone who works literally in the business of getting fucked, I would appreciate if you didn’t attempt it to those who aren’t paying for the service.”

It was a split second of shock before Jasa grinned. A slightly warped thing, “Business is business, Ghost.”

“It can be. But not at the expense of someone I love. I can be docile, Jasa. But if you do anything in any means to hurt Araminta or drive her gentle nature for your benefit, I have no problem showing exactly why I am the person with a reputation as black as it is. Respect her to treat her as a person, not as a naïve soul. Because she’s doing more for you than you may deserve.”

“Are you threatening me, Ghost?”

“No, merely a promise that can be currently empty. Or filled depending on how you wish to go about this. Now unless I have started a riot of wailing screams and terrified patrons, I don’t think you ought to pay me any further mind, should you? You’ve got a full house, Madam Jasa. They will need your attention more than myself.”

It might have been the first time he had seen her glare at anything, though he would rather have her doing so at him than someone else. Feeling the stare lingering as though it was about to find something further to talk about but ultimately let out a heavy sigh. Dropping arms and plastering on the customer service smile, “At least buy a drink, don’t look so brooding back here.”

“Thank you for your hospitality, Madam Jasa.” Earning a mild hum, she glanced him up and down once more before sliding away. Seemingly about to return to the business of her place, much to his own appreciation. He’d come to see Araminta, not to fight but he wasn’t about to just be stepped on or Araminta to be taken advantage of further if he could help it. Not ideal the way it happened but it would serve its purpose.

Araminta could not be any happier and it showed in the way she moved, smiled, and overall beamed with everyone she interacted with. Apparently unable to keep a harmless secret when she was so delighted, as on returning to the stage with Rose the very thing she did was giggling and whisper that her Ghost had made it there after all in a secret disguise. Now they would need to play even more spectacular so he might fall in love with music and never wish to live without it again.

With the gusto of a woman who was absolutely showing off to a special someone in the crowd, Araminta began her second set with a song that was all joy and shining hope. One that she felt was so reflective of what Theon walked into her life and became.

All of her songs for this second half followed this theme, going from the adventurous first half of the night now to this softly romantic and sentimental aura. Perhaps not the perfect sound for a place that was meant to be sensual and sultry, full of yearning desires and burning passions. Yet it was perfectly Araminta, attuned to sweet treasured feelings and airy harmony. All love and warmth and a very different sort of passion for living in the moment.

Finding it all the more rewarding when her part of the evening was drawing to a close, to pluck the strings of her final song and feeling a great sense of accomplishment instead of bittersweet. For her evening could’ve gone the way of being much less satisfying had she not gotten to share it.

There was a part of him that would aptly claim he was not someone that could be moved by emotions or really impacted by them. The means of pride was a thing that was practically nonexistent and yet after facing that of Jasa, he felt the flicker of it. Casting a watchful eye after the departed owner when the task of conversation likely hadn’t gone the way she wanted. Though he could hope that out of it all, Jasa realized that while he was typically very docile and had no problem with letting people do what they wanted, if it came to Araminta and her gentle nature being soiled by greed and manipulation, he wasn’t going to stay idle.

Now he could only hope that Jasa knew this wasn’t just some momentarily bravado either.

It would be a waiting game but that could be just that. Waiting. Allowing himself to turn back to the means of the next set that seemed to have been given a new sense of life behind it. Almost aware that Araminta’s mood highly affected the way the music was played, but finding that it wasn’t landing quite that strongly yet. Only that he found himself naturally pulled in as those who had come for the songs. Taking a greater solace that this was something of a good way to end their stay at the town, and hopefully keep that means of steadfast confidence embedded with the princess when they began the trials once more. Knowing that it was not going to get any easier.

Perhaps one day he might be able to pick up on the meanings of such sounds outside of just that. Pleasant noise. To feel the deep lingering sensations that a properly written and played song could give. The emotions that could be pulled to the point that goosebumps would litter that of flesh simply because the song had moved the person in ways unexplained.

He took more merit in just getting to be present as Araminta wished for and seeing her delight in the accomplishment of the evening. As it winded down and away in the final plucked and strummed cord of the duo’s intertwined arrangement, the sound of applause seemed to be that strong indication of a finality. With Jasa climbing up to give proper credit to both that in which she claimed as musical sirens to The Sable Fawn. Lavishing the praise that they certainly deserved. Before bidding those to stay and have a few more drinks while the means of women that had managed to lure those of desire into their arms with a promise of a steamy end to their evening.

The shuffling of bodies was noted as people began to do their thing in the effort of milling about, no sooner finding a hand coming to grip about that of shoulder. “Quite the show.” Bo’s voice broke first and Adra was loudly giggling beside him. Her cheeks a deep flush that indicated not so much embarrassment or modesty but drink influence. Hanging hard on the husband as she dropped her chin to bicep.

“Ils ont vraiment fait un travail spectaculaire.” Adra lulled in her native tongue, smirking and humming no sooner whilst Bo gave his wife a gentle cupping of arm around her shoulders. Watching as a finger pointed forward to him, “Toi. Assurez-vous de la gâter… rave ! Traitez bien Araminta, chouchoutez-vous. Dorlote-toi, petit diable, toi.” Of course he had not a clue what was being said, though Bo evidently did.

“Make sure you be safe walking back. I’ve got to take this one home before she starts forgetting her own language.”

For effect, Adra began pinching Bo’s cheek, “Tu es mignon, je pourrais juste te manger.” Seeing how Bo’s features warmed somewhat, he suspected what was being said may be just private to the couple. Or just Bo being bashful.

“Of course. Please walk safe back.” He just hoped Padma hadn’t been too overwhelmed by the trio, though they ought to have climbed into bed by now. If they had listened.

“Oh, she is quite tipsy isn’t she,” murmured the familiar voice of Araminta close by. Right now she ought to have been going back to the dressing room to change into her own clothes again, but she couldn’t resist immediately seeking out Theon instead. Catching at least part of that goodbye, even I she didn’t understand the whole of what Adra was rambling. Araminta had picked up a few words here and there, but clearly not enough!

Araminta had removed her golden mask, having no longer been able to stand wearing it and there was the faint outline of where it uncomfortable sat upon nose and cheek. Still all soft smiles and buzzing from a performance well done. Reaching out to grasp his hand between both of hers, fearlessly for if Jasa saw him there now and decided to throw them both out, it wouldn’t matter any more! Araminta had already gotten everything she’d wanted in being able to play freely with abandon and to have Theon be a rapt audience. Anything else would merely be a cherry on top of the cake.

“What did you think!” she exclaimed brightly, bouncing soft on the balls of her feet. “It’s not as lively as the minstrels in Essurn, since it is along the lines of more classic style and there were only the two of us, but it was so lovely even without a full quartet and a vocalist! Imagine how grand and layered it would be to have a full seated symphonic orchestra!”

So excited to share, it didn’t register that he didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. Squeezing his hand to hold to her chest as she chattered on about the order of songs, how the violin gave a romantic flare to the delicate sounds of the harp. On how a piano would have been just as good, but wouldn’t have the little enchanting flow that’d feel like elegant flowing waters!

Bo hushed and tutted at Adra trying to guide her away rather than potentially stumbling around or knocking into some other guest, giving his best toodleloo after. Internally feeling the rise of easy amusement at their current predicament till his gaze shifted beneath that of cloth. Finding that the young damsel had come to find him once more without switching that of iris influenced gown. Just maskless as he noted the indents from where it had laid for so long. Certainly having no issue reaching out to brush that of thumb over cheek to feel it’s discomfort. Having no thrill at seeing it but knowing there was little to be done. Instead appreciating the means of getting to be present once more while she was evidently floating on the high of the night.

As she should.

The buzzing sounds of many other voices were akin to that of a humming hive. Though he did shuffle back that of cowl at this point to droop around that of shoulders. No longer needing to be the lurking shadow in the background. Sure that Jasa wasn’t about to appear from the beyond to shake a finger at them each. Not if she knew his words were on point.

With a welcome capture of hand to her own, eagerly she began to speak. Asking what he thought and expressing further about the means of her gift and her passion. Feeling chest tingle at her palpable excitement. Letting her certainly carry on with that flared exhilaration even if he understood so little. It didn’t matter. Her enthusiasm, her passion was what mattered and he was a rapt audience member once more merely listening to her explain much of how things would be.

“Ahem.” A voice cleared and he found his gaze veered to find that Jasa had still approached. Looking at Araminta, then him and back again. “I hope I am not interrupting anything.”

Oh no. Maybe her fearless bravado about incurring Jasa’s annoyance had been too soon. Prompting Araminta to freeze silent in the moment, running her potential responses through her mind quickly. Well, what was done, was done!

Without letting go of Theon’s hand she did shift to lower the clasped grasp, taking a small and subtle stance of standing in front of him and holding his hand behind her back. He could see right over her head, of course, but Araminta felt it important to shield him. Theon had come there for her, after all of her fussing and sulking about it. She wasn’t going to let him suffer the consequences if Madam Jasa were upset over it. This was Araminta’s fault, she would take the blame if necessary.

“I didn’t pay much mind to the crowd while I was playing, but it was a good performance, yes? Hopefully everything I promised that it could be?” she stated, not making the slightest acknowledgement that it was Theon behind her. Jasa wasn’t a fool, but Araminta wasn’t about to make a big deal about it either! “Rose was heaven sent! Worthy of having her own showcase here and there. All of the work everyone did to make this place look so magical truly did make it feel like a concert in the faerie wood. I imagine everyone will be speaking of your special masquerade for awhile yet!”

With how Ara moved their positions once Jasa had come back – little to the knowledge of the musician herself-, it was slightly comical to see how the madam’s gaze followed them. Astute but not so subtle that she was hiding the sense of mild muddled annoyance and amusement all at once. To where his hand was grasp, he offered a pulsating squeeze in hope it declared something to Araminta.

Just he wasn’t about to interrupt yet. Nor did it seem that Jasa was either. “It was very lucrative. More so than we could have thought as I wasn’t too sure if our tactic of selling and pushing would have been enough. But I am always welcome to be pleasantly surprised.” Those of dark eyes lifted to practically highlight the fact that another surprised had been him at all. Just this time Jasa seemed to note that with the hood down, his hair wasn’t currently all that vibrant. Instead there was a muddle of darkness in which seemed to be worth her attention. Eventually returning gaze to the young lady. “It should be quite the talk for some time. Though we may wish to repeat this in the future, if you and Rose would be willing to an encore. Perhaps we could talk and sign a contract for such things in the future.”

Another squeeze and he then insisted to stand beside the young mountain princess than behind. “But we can talk about that later. For now,” Absently he hadn’t noticed that the madam was holding a jar. In turn holding it out. “I’ve given Rose half of what was inside but this is your collection that isn’t taxed by myself. And for…” once more the woman looked to that of him, “With our previous discussion as well, perhaps I owe a bit of further gratitude. This night would not have been successful without you Araminta. So I am willing to offer the two of you a free night here and luxury services if you wish?”

Not a single cross word came from the elder woman which was such a visible relief for Araminta. Theon didn’t deserve any of her ire, especially when he’d taken every precaution to be sure he was as good as any unrecognizable ghost could be. Having a bit of pride in that too, as she had told Jasa it would be alright. But she guess if the evening as as successful as Jasa said, the woman was probably more pleased with the money earned than having her wishes ignored.

Araminta finally released his hand to accept the jar, almost beaming with that pleased pride about a job well done. She played many nights in order to cover the costs of things and the trouble they’d been, so it felt amazing to actually be getting paid this time! Even if playing music didn’t feel like a job in itself, it still took so much time and energy to do it well. All of the practice and the liveliness that had to be poured into it so it wasn’t just a dull plucking of notes that fell a little flat.

“Thank you so much for the opportunity! It could not have been better done and I am going to think fondly of it for ages and ages.” Her cheerful reply belied nothing more than her genuine thrill of getting to play for such a crowd. The fanfare and gowns and everything in between. Finally looking up to Theon with that questioning look and soft smile.

“Do you wish to stay the night? You never had a chance to try the bath house and it is lovely.”

He’d tell her later that words were already exchanged from himself and the madam. Needing not to worry Araminta right now or even have inkling of a chance to dampen her mood. This was her success and she deserved to revel in it. The added bit of coin that wasn’t coming to be half removed further by Jasa was just an added benefit for the princess. Hoping with her purse being heavier, she might be able to spend on things she needed and wanted instead of requiring herself to be frugal. It was about time she was rewarded fairly for her efforts.

Of course one the tin was given over, Jasa chuckled lightly. “It is still an opportunity that can do more. But as I said, we can talk about that later.” Her smirk seemed to know how she might word her ideas to Araminta in the future, leaving him with a minor sense of dread. Paired with Padma’s observations. It was going to have to be brought up so Araminta could make an educated decision instead of one pressed on her emotions.

In a second she turned to look up at him and asked the question to him. Which wasn’t something he expected. “It is your choice. Whatever you are the most comfortable with.” He figured Bo would relieve Padma of course and they’d like be going to bed since Adra had become rather acquainted with that of the liquor purchased. He would not insist on anything though; “If you would want one further night to enjoy the waters before we continue on that of your mission, it would be good to take the offering.” Theon suggested figuring it would be a bit after for Araminta to enjoy the waters. Or just hot water.

He hardly thought about himself in that moment, as per normal.

Araminta doubted there would be much time in her future for playing music again here at the Sable Fawn, though it was nice to know the door was open still for her. Having it as a viable option for a good night of work that’d come with a lucrative amount all in a single night was surely worth revisiting. Especially since they’d be returning to this town often for Bo and Adra’s services as well as for friendly visits. A good relationship with the Madam and her team of skilled employees was important.

As for the free night, Araminta’s gaze went over Theon as he deflected any choice making back at her. Noting that he did need to wash the coal from his hair and likely the last hot bath he’d had was while he was still covered in bandages. He could use an evening of being spoiled, even if he was likely to fuss and fight her about it all the way.

Perhaps he’d tire himself out on the fussing so when it came time to curl up in a fluffy soft bed he’d be too weary to refuse it!

“Hmn. We will stay the night, then! I imagine Bo and Adra will enjoy having an evening of tipsy frivolity without having to worry about us downstairs!”

In mere seconds the agreement had been made. “Glad to hear it. I’ll have one of the girls prep a room while perhaps then it can give you time to switch out of that gown and settle yourself into your previous attire.” Adjusting her glasses in time, Jasa considered her newest guests, “Perhaps an area or room that wouldn’t be sandwiched between other activities. Though the rooms are generally quiet for that reason. Don’t need everyone hearing each other’s business.” Such a commentary was probably unnecessary but he found when it came to the Sable Fawn owner, she would say what she wanted. Regardless of how it may have sounded.

“In the meantime, why don’t you come along with me Ghost? We’ll see what we have for your…” Jasa looked at his head in an obvious show that she figured that had to be removed. “Well cleansing needs. As it may be wise to do so before you enter any bath’s.”

Theon pondered a moment but didn’t think overly much about the expression. While Araminta had mentioned it as well, he still didn’t have any belief that he’d be doing anything of the sort. If anything, just washing up and leaving the young talented woman to enjoy the time while she could. “As for the remainder of the tally of coin you have earned Araminta, I will have that completed by the morning. As that part will need to be calculated after all sales and percentage to come back to the business. But I am sure you will have quite the tidy little profit that will be rather heavy for one’s purse. Not a terrible thing to have happen.” Giggling at her own commentary, Jasa nodded soon after. “With that, come along Ghost. The mistress of the harp will need to get all put back together. I’ll have one of the girls escort you to the room when you are finished, Araminta.”

Araminta hated to be separated again, but it was a necessary evil for her to get out of this beautiful but heavy gown. Doubting the ladies of the Sable Fawn would appreciate having Theon with her as she exchanged her clothes.

…then again with the looks he’d often receive, maybe they would be thrilled!

In the meantime, she reached out to gentle squeeze his forearm in an encouraging touch and full warmth of her smile. Murmuring that she’d see him soon. Thrilled even more that it wasn’t just this tin of coin as her wages, as it meant she could give Bo and Adra a good healthy portion for all of the clothing that needed to be made for her a Theon both. Truly it was a night beneficial for everyone!

So with only tiny regrets about leaving Theon for a few minutes, Araminta skittered off to the dressing room where those who were not going to be entertaining gentleman guests were already changing out of their gorgeous elaborate costumes. Chattering about all of the activities of the night and the grandness of it all. Having a small private bit of pride that she’d shaken up the place in a good way instead of just being a herald of grim tidings to come.

Thankfully while Jasa had encouraged their temporary separation, it wasn’t because she wanted to try picking a bone with him further more. Instead, she was being truthful by leading him along out of the tavern portion of the busy establishment, and back to the front. Starting to direct those who were waiting in line with a strong presence, issuing out rooms so swiftly that she made the stand in clerk practically look like a statue. Just leaving the means of signing each person in while she made off quickly –with a beckoning finger- to him that they were to go to a new room. Rather than taking the stairs, it was his turn to be lead amongst the internal pathways that interlinked the entirely of the place.

Actually being rather surprised at the intricacy of such pathways that had plenty of people present within. Some clothed, some… less so. Not naked but one good sneeze and they’d be there.

Granted he hadn’t stopped to stare at them anyways, promptly staying quick on Jasa’s heels till they climbed that of narrow stairs –hearing her comment about having to almost turn sideways as such pathways for made for more of the slinky feminine sort- they exited at the top portion of the inn. Finding that the pathways were more or less, not particularly hidden but they didn’t stand out as typical doors. Explaining why he didn’t notice them prior; “Here we are.” Jasa opened a door that unlike their previous one, was a double entrance. Two doors swinging inwards to show off likely one of the more exclusive suites. With a canopied bed dressed similarly in the reds and browns and golds of the Sable Fawn, just this one had soft accents accompanying that of gold. Showing off that the room housed a bed that was so enormous that it practically seemed to be even too lavish for royalty!

Yet she motioned for him to come in further, to where she made a turn with hands out. “I would think this ought to be suitable enough to express that my intentions with Araminta were business related.” Theon quickly narrowed an eye at the older woman, seeing how her lips were pulled into a sly grin. “And for added bonus, this suite through that door,” She pointed to the right to where he suspected the chamber for a tub would be, “Is a private hot bath. We usually use this room for esteemed guests and I think Araminta is the most esteemed we can get tonight, no?”

She was attempting to bait him, that much he knew. But he wasn’t about to play the game. Simply nodding much to Jasa’s mild exhalation. Promptly correctly and smoothing the curls from her face. “I’ll have one of the girls bring up some fancy soaps and fragrances with a good hair wash for yourself. There is a small basin as well over here, so wash up there before going into the bath.”

Theon considered her a moment before nodding. Not about to point out he wasn’t planning on using the overabundance of luxuries in the room anyways. “Other than that, well the room is yours till morning. Do try to enjoy it.”

“Thank you.” He turned to watch her leave before following to close the doors and sort of re-look around the space. Thinking such a suite was absurd. Still, he could make use of washing up or starting too.

Araminta felt a good fifty pounds lighter in shedding the beautiful iris silk, giving the piece a fond goodbye as it was something of a marvel all by itself. Sure to make whomever wore it next look like a lovely garden flower sparkling with morning dew. She pulled pins and sequined combs out of her ebony hair to let it finally fall loose and free into it’s usual mess of curls. Pleasantly listening to the girls as they gossiped about their evening so far and what they were going to get up to next, whether it was entertaining a patron alone in a room, or out in the baths.

Some of it, well, it burned her ears to hear. But there were several interest tidbits of information mingled in.

First and foremost, the night was so successful that just the tabs on the bar alone for food and drink had made Jasa a small fortune. Many of the ladies were thrilled as good profit meant more resources for the Inn itself, beyond even just their pay. It’d go back into making the suites sultry and grand, into the gowns they wore for special events, and apparently the costumes they wore for private sessions.

Sir Reeves was a popular patron to rave about – not the slut Padma claimed him to be so much as flirtatious tease who tipped far too well. Apparently despite his boisterous behavior and seeming to be a loud tipsy distraction, no one could remember serving him more than one or two drinks the entire night. Lending Araminta to believe he must’ve been playing up the ploy to be sure eyes were on him and not looking around too much to notice a sneaky Ghost amongst them. He’d made his intentions clear about being in the baths for when his ward returned and Araminta wasn’t if that was meant as a warning for Padma to stay away from them or to feel safe joining!

Once she’d finished getting dressed back in her own simple clothes, there was someone waiting for her to take her off to whatever room Jasa had assigned her and Theon for the night. Finding herself more and more curious with every staircase they had to take, as Araminta had never been up on the uppermost floors. Finding the shift of style very much hinted that those upper floors were meant for only the highest paying of special guests, likely to keep them secluded and private.

Araminta found herself all the more surprised to be let into a grand lavish room through double doors. Far better than should’ve been given to her for just a single night’s stay, even if her performance had been stellar!

The size of that bed was ridiculous and with a bright red flush of her features, Araminta had the idea it wasn’t meant for just two people to roll around. More likely for an entire five or more, getting up to the sorts of things she’d heard blatantly discussed downstairs in the dressing rooms. Betting it would be an entire baker’s dozen of girls trying to entertain some greedy, ravenous man!

The means of shedding that of cloak and attire that had been a little too fancy for his own liking; he could still hear Adra scoffing and huffing at him when he had originally pointed it out. Only to get an earful back whilst Bo settled on what was going to suit without being too outlandishly wild for the scene they were infiltrating. Hearing the mother point out that just because he was accustomed to looking like a ragamuffin, they would not allow him to continue. If there was an assumption that it had only been for a singular night, he was going to be a bit shocked come the morning when they went to retrieve their gear from the homestead. To find new tunics in hand and old now used as rags that Adra deemed only useable a few more times.

In this moment, he had only started to remove the items. Setting them aside so he could make use of basin in an attempt to wash out the smudged in charcoal.

Being bared from the torso up to avoid any splash back or grit of the charcoal from ruining the garment top that Bo had leant, he’d only been the second attempt to wash out the black from hair when the sound of doors were being flushed open. Retrieving dark towel to attempt to dry away the dripping rivers from spreading down neck and face, it had taken him a moment to step around the partition of the room, to locate the young lady that had made her way to the ostentatiously grand room. Dabbing at face with gaze lingering momentarily on Araminta but veering to the room once more. Noticing that her features were rather heated, he decided that it might be best to address what he could immediately.

Turning in spot to curb towel about shoulders in hopes to stave the drips from continuing downwards, Theon pointed towards the same door Jasa had previously. “There is a private bath beyond the doors. I have not looked but I would expect it to be overly grandiose as well.” He still didn’t really get the purpose of such a massive room, the idea of multiple bodies tumbling around with each other evidently not reaching his thoughts. “If you wish to make use of it, merely let me know. I will give you privacy.” As the room surely had enough space to do just that and then some. “As well as Jasa will be sending up another to bring a few items for that of accompanying the means of bathing.”

Theon shrugged indifferently, “You must be tired after all your success and excitement.” Mercurial eyes softened noticeably, a sense of pride for her resting there comfortably. “Be sure to enjoy your evening at your leisure. It may be some time before such things can be done again with less worry.”

A good thing her face was already covered with the bright flush of red, as Theon was already shirtless and damp. Something she’d had seen multiple times by now, so it wasn’t so strange or scandalous. Araminta supposed that sudden twist of butterflies and thump of her heart beat was because her imaginative little brain had already started cartwheeling in wild directions. She’d already confounded him once with a surprise first kiss out of nowhere – Araminta was never going to spring any more surprises to confuse the man again!

At least that’s what she’d told herself.

“Well then, let us have a look!” she chirped, curious to see what such a bourgeoise room would have for a bath, especially concerning the size of the bed!

Araminta took off her boots first, setting them neatly aside before doing a quickly shuffling dash over to the cojoined room. Pushing open the door to curiously peer in… and was not disappointed. Maybe even a little alarmed that such a thing existed!

Partially inlayed into the floor was a large bath of smooth stone, an incredible single piece carved out of what she could only assume was granite or marble. Big enough to fit at least three or four people – no surprise there with the size of the bed – and already filled with the same steaming water of a cloudy blue that was downstairs in the public bathhouses. Araminta could not fathom how difficult it must’ve been to get that stone here!

Then again, Araminta wasn’t sure how people managed to build such enormous stone castles either.

It truly made her think a little harder on exactly how much money Madam Jasa had to be making to create a place like this. The woman would have to be deceptively wealthy, enough to rival any noble house. A sort of wealth that held a lot more sway than anyone would assume. Something Araminta would need to think about.

For now, Theon was bidding her to enjoy her evening while she had the chance, drawing her to throw a smile over her shoulder before she abandoned her exploring altogether to approach him. Reaching up to touch that of beard, where he hadn’t quite gotten all of that coal out to return back to his natural fiery red.

“You’re going to need help getting all of this out, I think. Then we are going to take advantage of a bathhouse style bath. We both deserve a nice evening of calm.”

He wasn’t sure what to expect himself. Honestly this room alone felt like it was attempting to rival a room in the imperial palace. If it hadn’t already. Admittedly, he might have grown up there till he was at least till he was in the two digits of age, but he had never really looked around. Outside of places to hide when it was required and eventually making notes of the places that were incredibly dangerous to be caught in.

The only area he knew well was that of the throne room, council room and his mother’s study quarters. And that was barely a fraction of the massive place. Still, he couldn’t aptly recall seeing anything as grand as this room within the halls. But that wasn’t to say it didn’t exist. Maybe if he had been a real prince, he might have seen such places. Alas, they all knew he wasn’t.

Brushing the towel to dab away the moisture that was collecting in place, he knew it would be a great chance for Araminta to properly relax after a job well done this evening. To be pampered as much as she could be with hot water, an evil comfortable bed and hopefully less knots in ones spine because she had been able to rest properly. By no means was he about to infringe upon any of that, just merely glad she had wanted him nearby. There was nothing else that was required for himself.

Following her via that of sight towards the door once her feet were bared, he didn’t feel a need to go exploring. Intending to deal with another attempt at washing away the stubborn grit that wanted to cling to that of his head and facial hair. Announcing fairly that he thought and hoped she would dutifully enjoy this evening. After all, it wasn’t as though this sort of luxury extravagance was going to happen very often. If at all to the same degree. He’d want her to enjoy it to its full capacity especially now that it was given freely.

In his means to turn away so she could do as she pleased, he found her throwing that of a smile across that of shoulder. Shortly turning around to shorten that distance between that fingers not of his own were crossing and feeling at features, and he was instantly glancing to see whether her tips were black as coal. Dirty, certainly but not the colour of pitch. Where visage lifted no sooner at hearing her suggesting that he was going to need help and the idea that he was apparently to be included in any of her basking. “I didn’t do anything to warrant this reward. Nor would I want to impose upon your achievement.” Words leaving mouth with his gentle authenticity. “I am just grateful you wished for me to be allowed as a guest. That is enough. I can clean up here in the basin as I have been.” He wasn’t saying this to be humble, just an actual thought he possessed.

“You deserve to enjoy this, Araminta.”

“And I wish to enjoy this with you,” she responded with that instant cheeky smile, rubbing her fingers together before taking a look to see just how much of the blackened soot still needed to be washed out. The sort of smile that suggested Araminta already knew his refusal and protesting was going to happen and was already prepared to do battle.

Leaving him there for a moment, Araminta searched the room until she found a suitable stool and brought it over to the basic where she fussed him to sidestep before she set it down. It was high enough off the floor where he could sit comfortably, but low enough that she’d be able to reach his head without having to bend over awkwardly.

Pointing at the stool she gestured for him to sit.

“You won’t be able to see the back of your head to know if it’s all out, so sit and let me take care of it,” the princess instructed, already turning the counter of items to see what was going to be useful for her.

Such a simple request and statement. Paired with her smile that foretold he was likely not about to skirt out of this at all, it still truly baffled him. The idea of being cared about or cared for, was such a foreign concept that even as he was trying to make it sit in his mind logically, it felt like bouncing rocks off of a tree. Pinging off in every direction because it just couldn’t land.

There was trust for her yet the means of her trying to offer assistance made a registration in that of mind, that he was being a bit of a pain. Annoying. That it wasn’t necessary for her to waste her efforts –especially after being so involved this night that he suspected she was pretty tired- and left a sort of uneasiness that expressed that he had a hard time accepting.

So much time had been spent just handling himself. To have someone else helping felt alien. Then worrisome as surely his mind was helpful in pointing out that he was likely bothering her in some way. Even if he knew logically this wasn’t the case, it pressed. Watching as she found a stool and brought it back to indicate his butt was supposed to plant itself there.

Lips parted when she pointed out he wouldn’t be able to see the back of his head. True, he wouldn’t. But his mouth sealed up as there was a strict want not to complain or whine or say anything that may potentially disrupt Araminta’s mood. Accepting that while he didn’t know what to make of this and was running along the wavelength that he was certainly more of a pain in her ass than anything else, he complied. Sitting down as instructed and keeping every wanting word to point out that she didn’t have to do this. That he would handle it. She could go and relax and enjoy herself. All of it was silenced.

Leaving an palpable awkwardness that probably foretold he had a hard time accepting her genuine care when it was still that odd thing that had only started happening with her, when he was this old. Too many years spent doing things himself, weren’t about to be waylaid but the couple of months they had been near to another.

T… thank you.” Mumbled and putting hands together to dryly wring thumbs and fingers over another.

Oh! Such a tiny little thank you nearly broke her heart. This kind and brilliant man was overwhelmed and twisted up inside over something as simple as her just insisting to wash his hair for him. At best maybe some awkwardness about it being a little intimate would be natural, but Araminta knew it was something much deeper for Theon. In the same way he refused soft beds and didn’t want to let her be the one working for all of their money.

As she’d told him before, he was going to have to get used to her taking care of him. This was never going to stop. Especially now that she’d promised to not die, so that meant a whole lifetime of care at her hands.

“You are very welcome, Theon,” she responded, holding back both her mirth and her sadness for him. Not about to make him feel like a broken creature simple because care was something new for him. Instead she moved back to the basin, mixing up some of the soap in the palms of her hands until she had a good thick lather going. Since he’d already attempted to clean out his hair already, it was wet enough to immediately run her fingers through it with the thick lather of soap. While this could easily be done quickly, Araminta took her time about it. Being gentle and smooth with her hands, kneading fingers into his scalp to work the lather down and find all those bits of sooty coal.

“I think you looked nice and mysterious with darker hair, but I like the red much better,” she commented between the motions of stroking through the soap strands and rubbing her fingertips into his scalp.

There came a wonder if it was easier to just be unaware of the fact that he knew how his emotions behaved were highly illogical, or not. Was there a comfort in being unaware to such things. Where one could be properly indifferent to the fact that they may be doing something particularly questionable, if not entirely frustrating to another person, or if him being aware of his own fumbles and how his behaviour was really just a emotive response to actions of his history.

It was a curious thing but he didn’t really want to start bringing it up anyways. Just using that knowledge of his awareness as an action to try and do something else. Rather than insisting every step of the way that he was perfectly capable of doing everything as he had. Knowing that had this not been Araminta, he’d likely have put his heels in the proverbial mud. Becoming as stubborn as a mule, refusing to move because care could mean being vulnerable in the wrong hands. It was a means of letting one’s guard down to be attacked. Just insisting over and over and over till the other person got so fed up or just gave in that they weren’t about to make him do something at all.

Just it was Araminta. Someone who had proven that she had no ill intentions or feisty plans that could add a new scar to his amounting collection. She had ample chances in their travels to do away with him. Unless she was playing some crazy long con, he didn’t believe she’d harm him. It was now just this glaring reality that he had no idea how to really accept graciously that of her gentleness. Instead becoming a floundering fish on dry land that was confused by the action. Somewhat leery and just struggling with accepting anything about it while not kicking up a fuss.

Truthfully if asked, he’d admit that he was mostly just afraid of messing everything up and resulting in the sort of torture that was leaving him potentially far more empty than he was already.

Gooseflesh puckered practically immediately when she had lather and slow kneading fingers upon him. Flushing a bright rogue down his neck and upon ears because he was both embarrassed that she was doing this at all while needing to will himself to stay put.

He’d already known he had an draw towards her when she was gentle towards him, but this was a lot more handsy than prior. And the means of touch was still just as foreign as a unconditional care.

Worrying thumbs over another as she seemed to speak up about him. Leaving him to bloom impossibly further red, “You’d be the first.” Theon was more than aware that the red on his head made him stick out. It wasn’t the most flattering colour to have on one’s head but it wasn’t as though he knew he could change it prior this night. Though he couldn’t say he enjoyed the means of taking burned wood and smudging it into his hair and face. The smell alone was unpleasant but it meant being able to dull down the glaring hue, then so be it. “Though, you are likely the first to like anything about me genuinely anyways. So I shouldn’t be too surprised.

It seemed Theon was going to be meek and softspoken while she tortured him with this terrible, awful means of washing his hair. Bringing out this softly amused smile that such a man could even be trapped here beneath her finger tips. As if he hadn’t fought monsters and more, was perfectly capable of simply getting up, picking her up, and tossing her right out a window should the impulse strike him!

Not failing to miss he wash flushing too, almost drawing a giggle out of her.

“It makes you look uniquely handsome,” she stated truth easily, “especially when you’re standing in the sun. As it looks like you have strands of spun gold through it.”

The hair on his head was not the only spot that needed the lathering treatment. For a brief moment she’s stepped away back to the basin table to add a little more soap to her hands for lathering, and then she’d returned. Going from smoothing soap down sideburns to work the lather into his beard as well. Massaging into spots along the jaw and under the chin where he’d missed a few of the sooty places. Giving a gentle scritch with her nails here and there to be extra sure it was all coming out.

Well now she was just being silly. Spun gold. The very statement should have brought most people to a snorting laugh, though he wasn’t about to grow so heavily amused by the idea, but he did think she was being just outlandish now.

Actually, if he was going to be clear, she was being herself. Full of nonsense when it came to gushing about things that had no business being considered! Trying to find a way to express that it was complete slush falling from her lips now in such a way that it wasn’t critical or showing that he was trying to push her back from getting all gushy. Or making it sound like some striking fairytale of gibberish.

She’d step away and he was under the assumption that this was the end of the scrubbing. Shuffling the towel about shoulders to reach up and start wiping away the lathered bubbles, save that she was back promptly. Scritching nails and kneading fingertips upon jaw and chin and temple line, that he was liable to burst into pure flames with how much his face was burning. As if the complexion was attempting to challenge his hair colour to a duel. Just which part could be more crimson. Making skin feel like porcupine quills by how prickly the gooseflesh had gone.

Feeling the absent lub-a-dub of missing heartbeat going about its feeble motions and promptly seeking to avoid forward eye contact. Stealing shy peeks but losing any short lived gusto when there was clear sensations that had him switching between being all bashful, to contemplating forward actions. Waffling between the two and eventually letting gaze fall to the floor between feet. “I think… that’s enough. It’s more pampering than I need.

“Unless you have eyes in the back of your head, Theon – ones that are likely now soapy anyway – I will be the judge!” she shot back without missing a beat. More pampering than he needed! What balderdash! Then hadn’t been pampered or loved in his entire life, there were decades to make up for at this point. The act of washing out his hair wasn’t even going to scratch through the surface of what he actually needed.

Araminta was done with this means of scrubbing, though, and now it was time to reveal why she set the stool so close to the basin table. Pressing gently at his shoulder to have him lean backwards, with an added gesture of her hands to be sure he understood what she meant. Picking up one of the small cups sitting there amongst the various bottles and grooming things to scoop up some of the water.

“I have to rinse it all out, so you may want to close your eyes if you don’t want to be soap blinded.” she warned him, trying her best not to let her mouth curve up into that amused fox like smile. “Rest your neck on the basin and don’t wriggle about too much, else I’ll get water everywhere.”

It was evident in how swift she gave a reply that she was going to be prove to be the one who had her heels dug in. Unlikely to let him get away with scurrying back to whatever figurative hole he had wanted to climb back into! Though in all fairness, he might have eyes in the back of his head. One could never be sure, though that would be super uncomfortable. Regardless, she was clearly in command and unless he wanted to either shift into the horse form to escape her or find some other way to flee the scene, there was nowhere to go.

Just leaving him a burning blushing boy that blinked at her for a singular few seconds. Liable to have a visual drawing of his mouth turning into a squiggly line to represent that he was trying hard not to scamper away out of her grasp.

It was still bound to happen when it seemed that he had more to do! With a light pressure of hands insisting that he was to lean back so the suds could be rinsed away with hopefully most if not all the remains of charcoal, by all means he wanted to protest.

Casting her a plaintive pitiful look. Being greeted by that Cheshire cat grin that foretold her means of getting her way regardless of whatever sort of nonsensical rebuttal he had. How had it become her night to play and enjoy that of her own abilities while sharing them with a crowd of adoring people, to this? Where she was wasting efforts on him when she could have been enjoying her time relaxing! None of this made sense even as he eased back to her command to wriggle uncomfortably.

Where she shortly told him not too and it took quite a bit of mental force to do so. Having to will and talk himself through the efforts of closing eyes and just being tipped back in a weird anticipation before he would likely be free to scamper away so he could just try and arrange his thoughts. If this was what pampering was, he was starting to really feel like he wanted nothing to do with it!

“You are not being tormented,” she gently reassured him. Not that she felt he would listen if the look on his face was any indication! That red flush of embarrassment under his skin and that grim twist of his mouth. One would think she was scrubbing his head with slimes!

This part couldn’t be done any quicker either, as she starting pouring water on his hair and combing her fingers through it to help guide the soot filled lather out. having to go through the repeated process several times of scoop, pour, comb until all soapy bubbles were gone and his hair was back to it’s natural tint.

His beard required a little bit of extra doing, added with the towel around his neck. Pouring water where needed and being careful to tilt his head in ways where water wouldn’t go rushing up his nose. Dabbing damp skin with the towel to be sure stray streams didn’t go flowing all over the place. Once she was done she made a soft pulling at his shoulder to have him sitting upright again. Using the towel to dab out some of the moisture from his beard and now fiery once again red hair.

“There we are! Now you can get ready for the bath!” Araminta chirped, clearly not forgetting that was also on the agenda. They’d had this wonderful room all to themselves and Theon had not yet properly been able to enjoy how lovely the hot baths could be. Though she was a little worried that now he was going to try and scoot and run and jump himself right out a window just to avoid her, now that he’d been tortured so.

Maybe not tortured but entirely uncomfortable. It was just a lot of attention strictly focused on himself that it was drumming up all sorts of feelings that had no place to go! As much as he enjoyed her attention when it was able to be given freely at her own concession, this was so much more. It was so primarily given to him when he had no idea what was up or down currently, that every second might as well have been torture.

Settling for bouncing his foot when she started making the means of trying to tidy everything up. Being diligent in ways that prolonged it all. Feeling more and more guilty by the second that he was wasting her chance to go and do what she wanted to do. Screaking in the mindscape of being overbearing, too needy, too there! None of it made sense but it was loudly squawking that even as she was being attentive, he was very much ready for one slippery second to escape.

It felt like forever. Chasing the internal monologue of being that needy irritant that was somehow forcing her to do all this rather than its original intent of her trying to be sweet and kind. Knowing the actions were those intentions. It was a good thing he was keeping his mouth shut because he wasn’t sure anymore what sort of drivel might come out.

Just that when she started motioning that he could sit upright again, he was pretty much off that stool. Standing and using the towel to pat and dab and dry what he could. Before she tried, using his height this time to his advantage. Of course, if he thought he could escape, Araminta claimed that there was apparently the means of a bath now. Looking to her over the fluff of towel and stared. “I don’… t know if.. that’s a good idea.” Theon was already blushed to vermillion, “I think… I think I’ve imposed long enough, Ara. This is supposed to be for you.. about you. I… I don’t know. You’ve already went over and above. I don’t want to be a further irritant.

“You’re not even close to being an irritant,” she explained patiently, being in far too good of a mood to find any frustrations with their usual song and dance of dealing with the evil little weasels that lived in his brain. Araminta set her attention to draining out the water from that basic and tidying up the counter while he dried himself.

“Caring for you makes me happy, so there is no need to worry about my time,” Araminta stated first as a reminder that such a thing was not an inconvenience to her. On stepping a few paces away she gathered up a pair of clean dry towels, holding them out for him to take. “What I want tonight is to spend the evening in your company doing these silly relaxing things before we’re back in the wild and dangerous world again. So take these and go get in the bath, I’ll join you in a few moments. I promise I won’t do anymore fussing over you unless you ask me to.”

Araminta paused there, second guessing the statement.

“…except for bed. I am going to fuss you into bed.”

Doubt certainly had a lot to say in retaliation to the idea that he wasn’t an irritant. However the thing with learning how to do better, be better was acknowledging that Araminta wasn’t just talking for the sake of it. She meant it and currently she wasn’t waggling a finger at him to shame, shame, shame that mentality that was wedged deep within skull. She was seemingly in a fair mood still. Making him feel guilty all the more but a little relieved at the same time.

As she mentioned it was something she that made her happy, he didn’t really understand that. The purpose of it but he did know the feeling. He’d often feel a lot better knowing he had done something that she liked or enjoyed, so he supposed that was the similarity in that moment. But, there was likely something she didn’t really understand when it came to the means of sharing such a space.

There was a particular reason that the bath house was popular for both sexes after all. And he was not immune to feeling effects of those more wanton desires, especially now that she was saying these things and spurring a deeper curiosity that certainly had no problem reminding himself that there was an attraction there. However, Araminta was innocent still. A glaring reminder that made it very difficult to even bring up the things or ideas that might affect him, because he didn’t really want too. Preferring she stay innocent.

As he realized there was likely no escape from this either, he slowly took the towels from her. Hearing that she was finished making these claims till she paused, thought and doubled back because the bed was still apparently something she was going to try to enforce.

He wasn’t sure that was a good idea either! Just he didn’t think he was liable to win anything at this point. Having an internal frown that might as well have touched the floor, he just turned woodenly to the door that housed the steamy private bath that now that he got a look at it, was absurd as well. Letting an exhale leave that of nose, he didn’t bother stealing a look back at her. Merely went indoors and knew the procedure of how one attended these baths. At least there was a towel and with it being large enough, there ought to be enough space that they could stay separated.

So the last current security of attire was stripped away. Sheltered promptly behind that of cloth so he would comply with the statement that he was to get into the hot waters. Sure that the heat in his face was liable to boil the water’s all the more as he entered and found himself a position that had the door insight but kept his gaze pointed downwards. Watching the teal waters around as they rippled from his previous entry.

Innocent might not have been the correct description of Araminta in the moment but clueless was certainly true. Completely unaware that much of his flushing and fussing was something other than just his usual awkwardness with being cared for. Not once did it click in her head that getting into a private bath with the man in a room designed for lascivious activities wasn’t exactly appropriate for a young woman to be doing. Araminta was too comfortable with Theon to connect the dots, and too focused on how nice it was going to be to relax and spend time together after such a long time.

Giving him time to calm his frayed nerves, Araminta took to washing all the makeup off her face first and foremost and brushing through her hair. One of the ladies of the Inn brought up a lovely basket of goodies for the bath and she was happy to chirp with her for a moment about the evening before Araminta was left free for the night. It didn’t take much longer to exchange her clothes for a nice bath towel. Tucking and tying it easily for her own modesty. There wouldn’t be anything improper that Theon hadn’t already seen plenty enough before, so for the princess it wasn’t such a big deal at all.

With her basket in hand, an extra towel over her arm, and her usual cheery smile she entered the washing room without a care in the world as if it was the most natural thing. Nothing for Theon to be nervous about! Araminta set her basket and towel close enough to the edge of the stoned bath, leaning on her knees to peer at the waters before she shifted to make a careful step inside without slipping on the stone.

“Is not so bad, is it?” she asked, just in case. “It’s nice and warm!”

It was by no means a moment of calming for him. Though he was trying to snatch and work through thoughts at a tedious pace in hopes to deflate them from potentially being a glaringly huge balloon within. Taming them down with a belief that they could be manageable after a little bit of time. The prolonged moments that Araminta hadn’t come in, did in fact help.

Of course when she did finally enter, he was mutely watching. At least for a moment till it seemed that his attention was deviating a lot faster than intended. Surveying the bare of flesh that he had seen plenty of times before, just there was no deeper implication behind such things prior. Now? Well now was a whole new story and he wasn’t sure how to go about it.

“Hmm.” Deciding on a low hum to indicate he could at least agree with her about it being warm. It wasn’t terrible. It did feel nice but he wasn’t sure this was the most appropriate thing to do between them. They’d been good about having boundaries and he was very much the one that wanted to ensure she had all the privacy and personal space ever possible. “B… be careful when getting in. Over there.” He sort of indicated a spot for her that wasn’t beside him. “It is a bit slippery.”

Araminta did exactly as he wished, taking very careful steps before she glanced up to follow where his finger pointed. As far away from him as possible, it seemed, drawing a small amused smile from her. Likely thinking she was going to come after him with soap bars next to scrub the rest of him. Which was absolutely silly, she’d promised she was done with the fussing!

As she slinked over to her assigned position, settling down in the hot water until she had a comfortable seat… then those thoughts slowly sank in along with her. Where scrubbing his back for him didn’t seem so tough as he was all broad shoulders and long arms. There was a lot more to the man than torso, though. As her imagination started pinwheeling, Araminta took a quick fleeting glance towards Theon, downwards at the waterline and then remembered exactly was under all of the teal water a sopping wet bath towel!

She almost erupted into a sudden nervous laughter! Goodness! She was going to have to not think about this!

While the stone bath was large it wasn’t extremely so. If she wanted, she could’ve stretched out her legs fully to poke him with one of her feet. Instead, softly giggling under her breath and then finally having the decency to slide in far enough where she could sit with her back to him. Poor Theon, no wonder he looked ready to be boiled alive!

“Is this better for you, Theon?” she asked, still wanting to laugh and certain by now she was likely blushing herself as there was no way the water could be that warm. “I’ll keep my eyes on the wall, but you’ll have to ask when you want soap.”

There was a very large sense of relief that she was at least not about to climb in right beside him. Unable to even foresee his own reaction. As he truly did feel that he was respectful and appropriate in most, if not all cases, he wasn’t so stupid to think he wouldn’t be affected by their very surroundings.

Though if he was to think about such things, his thoughts were good at reminding him about his only other encounter with the fairer sex. How it had been simply an act to try and weasel her way into the graces of the murderous red queen by using his own insecurities and silly little desires of simple affection to her advantage. When it came down to it, it wouldn’t matter what he thought about Araminta or such actions because she was the innocent one between them. And if he was to take a good second to think, she showed no signs of even thinking of anyone in such ways. It was highly doubtful she would.

Leaving him to think about it further. Realizing that while he could be physical and found comfort in it, he was allowing his thoughts to mar the image of what their relationship was. It had never been that sort of physical nor did Araminta express or show anything that could have hinted she was interested. A fair and suitable reaction it was. Allowing him to calm some to know that between the two of them, there wouldn’t be anything like that. It would likely be better that way anyways.

She spoke up and asked if it was better for him, as her back faced that of himself. “It’s fine.” He replied lowly, “You don’t need to do such things. This is meant for you to enjoy as previously stated. I apologize for my behaviours regardless.”

“There is nothing to apologize for,” she chimed back. “But fair warning – don’t panic!”

That was the only ‘warning’ he got before she tilted all the way backwards with only the most minimal of splash until she was fully submerged under the water and letting out bubbles of breath. Araminta was done in an instant… although sitting back up straight with all of her hair in her face and trying to stay balanced on her rear was a little less graceful. She’d had to comb her hair back free from her face just so she could see again!

“Oh, that is s much better. The atmosphere of the tavern is was magical, but all of the smoking is wretched! I always feel like i’s getting trapped in my hair and is making me smell like a sooty old fireplace.”

Honestly he felt like he needed to apologize because of his wicked spiraling mind. It wasn’t Araminta’s fault or even her responsibility to deal with the very messy gray matter. It was his and his alone. So while she could wave away the apology, he would leave it verbally out there. Merely giving head a slight tip when she suggested he was not to panic.

Peeking towards her only till she was disappearing beneath the waters as if she was attempting to emulate that of a bog witch from their first encounter, before she popped back up. Moving hair from face and declaring that she wanted to try and remove the smoke from that of her hair.

He hadn’t even thought about the smell of the cigar’s and cigarette’s that others liked to puff on clinging to that of cloth and hair. “I’ve not noticed.” Which was true, it hadn’t even crossed his mind let alone did he pick it up via smell either. So that suggested she likely never carried the smell with her, but he could understand the desire to wash it away regardless. Wondering if that was a light suggestion that he was supposed to do something in regards to helping her as she had done with him, just pausing. And retracting. If he had felt mortified by her attention, he didn’t think it would be any better if the places were switched.

Still, “Do you need my assistance then?” he figured it was better to ask rather than simply assume further.

it was good to know that she never smelled of cigars whenever she left the tavern. Though is question did give her a moment of pause, gently tilting her head as she attempting to comb her hair smooth and gather it all together. With the way her phrased it, seemed as if he took her commentary is a hint to help, in that way he often assumed there was hidden requests in things.

Her first thought was to tell him no, to remind him that if she needed something she would ask directly so he wouldn’t have to play guessing games at trying to figure out what she wanted.

Then she considered that it might help him not feel so guilty about her taking care of him if he got to reciprocate. Allowing him to wash her hair would be a nice simple way of exchanging care without him later trying to do something that might get him into trouble!

Which finally led Araminta to remembering that this was a shared bath and quite a bit different from tilting him back into a basin. This was an intimate setting – far more so than they’d even been before. While Theon didn’t really know or understand how relationships progressed, Araminta couldn’t exactly claim she did either! None of this developed in ways she believed relationships were supposed to. Everything was new, unknown, and scary! There were no instructions on how to behave when you were a refugee princess that somehow fell head over heels for an escaped assassin prince!

However. There were some simple things Araminta felt were strongly true. That she trusted Theon without any shadow of doubt. That she most certainly was going to spend the rest of her life with him. That she wanted to be close to him in every possible way that she could.

Thus Araminta made the simple decision that acquiring such closeness was best done with little practice steps.

“I suppose it is easier when someone else washes my hair,” she suggested, feeling very much like a sneaky minx even though it was nothing salacious at all.

It likely helped that he had compartmentalized the things about them each at this point. Accepting their differences and now unifying that in his mind, there was little between them that needed to be questioned or rationalized. Labeling their relationship as courtly in ways of gentle pecks and knowing that would be it, helped him stop reacting in bashful or timid mannerisms.

Turning to ask then if she needed his assistance and waiting for her to choose yes or not. Finding that since he did this organization of thoughts, he was calmer. Easily able to slide back into a familiar seat that didn’t need to react or behave in any sort of action that wasn’t patient and his own brand of caring. Pushing emotions back out since it was more of an annoyance than help.

“Hmm.” If she wanted him to assist, then he would. “Please select the soap you wish then. I can do the rest.” Not sure if there was a variety of soaps that she may want to use for that of hair, he knew a little about the means of washing the fluff on one’s head. While his hair was vibrant and shorter now, it had been long at one point. Getting blood and muck out did prove he knew enough how to keep hair clean! “If you want to sit here, I will help.” Pointing to the spot beside him as he shifted over and would likely move to stand as to keep her from having to awkwardly bend in any way.

He was quick to task, lending Araminta to believe that this was the right way to go. Theon could more comfortably be himself while they shared an ever so slightly more intimate than usual moment of caring. A little step for the both of them.

Now completely pleased with herself for navigating a tricky situation without being silly about it, Aramina shifted without hesitation towards her basket of soaps, tinctures and oils. Opening up bottles to have a sniff and checking the scents of the soaps too, until she found one that was soft and flowery, without making her noise twitch or want to sneeze. With choice in hand it was a knee-shuffling wade across the stone bath to where he’d gestured for her to sit next to him.

“You’re not uncomfortable?” she asked, just in case. Tilting head to examine his face just in case he was trying to stuff and bury things again just to do something to please her. “You know that it is safe here with me?”

Once she had selected the item that she wished to use for cleansing, he made a motion of hand. Waiting for the transfer. Shifting his position to get up to stand in the water’s so the means of hair wouldn’t be flopped or dropped when she was settled. Waiting till she was perfectly suited in place and then asked her pair of questions. “No.” Authenticity ruled to express he wasn’t trying to bullshit her into believing something when it wasn’t the truth. This time he was earnest and no longer felt a wash of discomfort come over him.

Finding the green rings doing their examination in which he waited for her to find absolutely nothing wrong. “I know it’s safe.” Echoing that he knew this fact. Although he wasn’t sure why that was something to question.

Perhaps if they were out in the wilds, then it would be a different subject. But they were within an large establishment that had probably the strongest safety measures in place than any other place they’d been. So it was nothing to worry about.

With the item in hand, he’d lightly reach out to see if her hair had sufficiently soaked up enough water to be considered soaked. Finding it suitable and tilting placid features that thankfully were no longer hued in red, to see if she was ready. Once the okay was given, he went about scrubbing hands together with the soap in place to work a thickened start of a lather and set the item aside. Replacing hands with the tail end of hair to work the suds in a slow rise from tip to just a few inches from skull. It was useless to scrub the skull with the soaps as it would just oil the roots further when one’s hair naturally excreted that in means of protection. So it was better to work carefully on the length than the start.

With a new task at hand, silence returned comfortably to himself.

Araminta was so very pleased and proud of herself, simmering the situation down so Theon could feel comfortable again. Behaving like an appropriately worldly woman instead of a daffy, blushing princess that’d never had a truly dirty thought in her life. They were two adults that cared deeply for one another, and could easily spend an evening in the bath without it becoming an entire dramatic ordeal.

…then Theon decided to stand up to wash her hair. Naturally she tilted a bit to peer behind her and see why of it, only to immediately get a good look at what happened with heavy wet towels and angular male hips. Finding herself sucking in a quiet breath and setting her stare straight forward at the door beyond! Feeling that creeping flush under her skin again enough to make her shift and wriggle in her seat.

Why was this so different! She’d seen him like this before… perhaps not soaking wet, but well, she’d seen him shirtless and sweaty when he was chopping wood at Matilda’s! Araminta hadn’t suddenly felt so flustered then. Although, now that she was thinking about it, she had of course noticed he cut a handsome figure. …and now she was thinking even deeper about the way he moved, and how wonderfully striking that was.

Araminta had to bite into her lip. After all of the trouble to get him to feel comfortable, she couldn’t go ruin it now by acting like some sort of brazen, handsy, well… like one of the ladies here at the Sable Fawn! Theon hadn’t had good experiences before, and after she’d caught him off guard with a sudden kiss, it wouldn’t be good to make other sudden moves without warning.

Those thoughts needed to go back on the shelf for another day.

Being dutiful with cleansing the ebon locks with gentle meticulous care, he would assure that the suds would sit for a moment longer before dipping the length back beneath the warm waters. Lightly spreading strands apart so each could be properly rinsed without a substance or a slick remaining behind. Finding the means of task was good at keeping him plenty focused as not to be suddenly interrupted or observing Araminta’s behaviours.

Rather than asking her to bend back and dunk herself beneath the waters, he would cup and lightly rinse the higher up suds. Working it all the way out of long tresses before seemingly finding there was no hidden bubbles clinging any further.

Only then humming in his own way to indicate he had finished that process but sidestepped to reach forward to the basket she had brought. Searching for the means of the oil that would be good to work from now roots to mids of her hair, to be conditioned properly. Finding a small cloth that he brought out and offered it to Araminta. Paired with a bar of lye soap, “If you wish to cleanse your comely features and neck while I do this. Then I will leave and let you relax and cleanse further if you feel the need too.” Declaring he would not impose further, taking the bottle of oil to open.

With a crack of its top he immediately could pick up the lilac fragrance. Strong with a flower appreciation that wasn’t so sickly that it could faint someone across the room. Pleasant certainly, “I will not be long.” As he went to pulling the locks up to gingerly wring from excess water. Before beginning the tender process of kneading in with slow motions of fingertips across scalp to work a massaging motion with light pressure. Working from roots out so he could be sure not a spot was missed. “Please tell me if it is too much pressure.”

Putting her thoughts on a shelf was easier said than done. Araminta might’ve been a practical girl, but she was also dramatic and emotional by her very nature. One who felt things deeply and allowed herself to go through the motions to feel those feelings. All of her thoughts were now running their courses, trying to settle somewhere safely appropriate, to resist making another mistake of acting on impulses and creating fresh new problems for herself and Theon when they’d finally settled into a comfortable space again.

Now it was her, sitting there with skin flushed to a crimson red, only masked due to the heat of the bath waters. Accepting the wash cloth and soap with a demureness that was completely out of character for a princess who tended to do most things with confidence and enthusiasm.

It was a new thing for Araminta to be entertaining thoughts that bordered on the torrid! Her youth had been filled with thoughts of romanticism and of course like any young lady she’d daydream of sweet meetings and innocent kisses. Having met plenty of handsome gentleman that should’ve sent her heart fluttering, only to find that none of them ever piqued her interest. When she’d grown to marrying age, her mother had sat her down to have honest conversations about physical intimacies and desires to be sure that Araminta was prepared and never found herself charmed or tricked into a situation she was not ready for. Still, she never felt any sort of way about anyone, even when her parents were growing concerned that their third child ought to have already married!

Araminta certainly felt a type of way now. A hard to describe sudden interest in everything that was Theon. Beyond quiet conversations and held in folded arms, she wanted to trace her fingers over every scar, let him kiss her again in that breath taking way, and see what it took to draw out that rare faint smile of his.

All of which was far too easy to imagine – the princess hadn’t even began an attempt at washing herself. Letting her eyes fall closed at the gentle massaging of oils into her hair with a soft melting sigh.

Surely it wouldn’t hurt if she pursued him a little.

“I would like it if you stayed?” she finally dared to say softly. Unsure of exactly what she wanted to do next, but at least knowing she wanted him to be there!

Having his attention properly attuned to washing and tending as she had requested and he was happy enough to comply too. Doling out deep focus to ensure the newest task was given the utmost and dedicated attention to assure the job was completed with the means of flying colours. Already moving thoughts well ahead to consider what he ought to prepare for the morning though had to remind himself that neither of them actually had any of their gear present.

This all had been a spur of the moment agreement. So it meant putting his attention out further. In which meant seeing what sort of finished articles of attire that Bo had completed for them to travel with. Having heard plenty enough this evening in his midst of being disguised by the two adults, that the gear that had been finalized for himself and Araminta was apparently suitable for one of their statures. Not entirely sure what that meant but not about to find a reason to qualm over it either.

Still, he knew they would need to temporarily stop before they left entirely to gather fresh supplies such as rations, waterskins and the like. Especially with it cooling down so heavily, he suspected that they were going to have to be wiser about where they stayed. Camping in the winter was obviously dangerous for a multitude of reasons. He’d likely spend more time using his travel form to assure they could return to the hut for at least shelter.

As he was leaving his thoughts to go drifting through the routine of what to do come the morrow; he had finalized the means of wet locks. Washing his own hands off in the waters to rid of the feeling, where it seemed Araminta was expressing no sooner a request that he was to remain. Not sure why that was even required, but he supposed it was simply because she was merely enjoying the moment and the heat of the waters before they were gone. “Alright.” He agreed and stepped backwards to return to his previous seat. Letting gaze wander the rippling surface of the turquoise hues as he could already figure out that the reason for the colour was likely due to some minerals.

Curious then to which ones and what sort of use it was to have them. Although he doubted he could even fathom the reason for filtration that happened, if it did at all.

Araminta was no sultry seductress, so when he did finally take his place next to her, she was still pondering how exactly one was meant to initiate flirting contact. Finding, with absolute embarrassment, that all of her ideas seemed so over the top silly and ridiculous, too aggressively forward and out of character for her, or something that might just be too scary for Theon! Wishing it could come as naturally to her as weaving conversations in a crowded room or plucking the strings of a harp.

In the end deciding if she were thinking this hard about it, she ought to just forget it altogether! At this rate Araminta was liable to make a fool of herself and have poor Theon twisted up in confusion and worry all over again.

Abandoning all wild ideas of flirting attempts Araminta leaned back instead to comfortably roost. Curling her arm under Theon’s to clasp her fingers with his and rest her cheek against his arm. This was at least safely familiar and a pleasant way to wind down for the evening. Having no problems at all lingering within the silence of his company and needing nothing more than his presence to be content.

It lasted a good while before she shifted enough to tilt her chin to rest on his shoulder, that beaming gentle smile hinting that she was more than pleased with herself and likely to say one of those classically exasperating things. She certainly didn’t disappoint when she reached up with her free hand to comb back his hair out of his face.

“A hot bath isn’t so terrible at all, is it. Almost as good as a soft bed and warm covers.”

There was benefit to him being not much of a conversational person. Able to comfortably accept silence without a second glance, finding it easily familiar to him. Though of course this type of quiet was a little less intense than any former ones that he had grown accustom too; likely why his mind was prompt on filling the means of skull with all sorts of prepping thoughts. Doing well to be internally emotive as said thoughts would compound and spread like a spiderweb of consideration. From the means of minerals to the waters, to filtration to now the wonder of how all of this worked outside that of what he assumed was the gravitational pump.

Spreading wider and wider with questions and vague guesses of answers to himself as he would at least acknowledge the motions when Araminta had settled close. Using arm as a place for cheek.

Renewed and refreshed to be unbothered by any potential mental or physical weight; it was somewhere between the means of how potentially herbs and items could be useful for such a watery escape that he found the polished rings of emerald aimed at him.

Glimpsing but not lingering out of pure respect; Theon could have shrugged at her commentary. It wasn’t as thought he thought he waters were terrible, but he was just prone and practically self declared as not to be imposing. Preferring that any sort of outlandish comforts were for her to have first and foremost while he was very accepting to not. These things were luxuries at this point and he found them pretty much highly unnecessary when he had lived this long just fine without. Watching momentarily as she seen it fit to shoo aside the length of red.

So he hummed to give his sort of answer that was declaring he was not so convinced that a hot bath and a cushy bed were good. “If you are enjoying it, then that’s the boon.” Theon stated genuinely. “It is best that you take comfort in the waters at least. It will be difficult to repeat come the future for some time. Unless you wish it to be otherwise, then it can be done.” Indicating that if she wanted this sort of comfort, then likely they’d have to find a inn with such abilities often.

That reply of his was Theon Speak for I’m too in my own head to care about this bath, drawing out a soft scoff and a further smile from her. Any and all comforts were considered luxury items and not ever for himself. If Araminta herself didn’t seek out these things, he’d likely be content sleeping on a bed of rocks somewhere and taking baths in ice covered rivers.

“I will alright without, although now that you have spoiled me so, I will expect you to take baths with me in the future,” she gently teased. Doubting he could fit in the average tub comfortably all by himself, let alone with her in there too. Araminta would have to be on his lap for such a thing, and what scandalous and fun mental images that created!

For now, though, if they didn’t get out they’d soon become stewed prunes. Araminta twist her hair to pull over one shoulder and made the slow, languid rise to her feet. Glad that the heated waters with their minerals had made any lingering aches ease themselves away.

“We ought to get dry for bed,” she declared, intending to reach down and grab his hands to help him to his feet and finding that some impulses were too strong to ignore. Bending down before she could think twice about it to brace hand against solid shoulder to steal a kiss before their ritual of a bedtime fuss began. Discovering it was difficult to pull away once she’d started, and having a hard time feeling bad about it regardless!

Typically he might have thought of a quick reply to point out that such things that he deemed too fancy to be normal, had been normal for her. Practically able to guess that her mountain castle with a loving family, likely had some big ornate bathing chamber. Or at least maids that would boil water for their royals upon gentle request. To be paired with lavish oils and soaps and fragrances that it was truly a pampering nightly ritual. Of course these were things he assumed had been normal for Araminta. Still learning that how they were both raised was like two different sides of the world.

Yet she seemed to be wiggling in the notion that now if she was to expect this type of thing, he was to join. Leaving him to give her a silver eye look that seemed to be more aware to her antics now than ever. Having history of how well that all transpired because of the bedding arrangement. He wasn’t sure he was willing to repeat such things now with bathes! It was just so… so unnecessary!

Water was water, be it hot or cold. So long as there was soap, then one could get clean.

However, he was not so daft as to start attempting to argue semantics with her. Also learning these things were better just accepted temporarily. Later given a chance of commentary when he was ready and had viable sources of replies to be constructed in use.

The sounds of waters moving as her frame was doing the effort of beginning, her commentary of drying was suitable. Less they their fingers and toes became so pruny they ought to be able to scale a smooth wall efficiently. Tilting focus upwards to only hone in properly to that of prepossessing features, he would have intended to point out that he would wait for her to dry and be ready before he would exit the same. Not about to be some sort of lecherous deviant even if the place they were currently residing was all about that!

Where mouth would have sought to pique words into speaking, it seemed that she was indicating her intrigue momentarily in seeking affection. One he did not shirk. As one could easily accept their interactions as they had been, he took her leading motions as allowances. The intention to just reciprocate was authentic, valued even. The little thought in skull merely reminding that regardless any upbringing, he found comfort in the barest bit of warmth when it was given the means of permission. Just he was certainly a little more alert when Araminta wasn’t withdrawing as she typically would! A mere pass of lips was becoming common as he did not feud her seeking; just the action now was different enough to warrant a figurative raise of brow. “Ara?” Pulling back some himself to offer query, “You were stating about drying for bed.”

“I’m going, I’m going,” murmured her breathless reply, Araminta only lingering long enough to squint an examining gaze over his features. That creeping fear trying to sneak it’s way in, worried that she might’ve overstepped or rushed him too fast again. Or worse – that Araminta had not the skill or ability to put that surprised daffy look on his face, the same way he seemed to be able to do to her. Perhaps a kiss from her had only been remarkable that very first time because it was a surprise!

Now she had something new to fret and be embarrassed over! All this time working in a brothel bathhouse, Aramina ought to have paid more attention and learned how to be a proper vixen.

Still, she brushed her thumb gently over his cheek in a sweep of affection, at least not regretting having kissed him at all. Moreso regretting that she did not have the sort of bold charming finesse that she thought she ought to have. Araminta could charm monsters into friends, but not men into… well. She was not sure where she was going with that thought. Turning herself about with all the wants, wishes, coulds, shoulds, and woulds. All of which she likely needed to stuff under a rug anyway.

At least she managed to back away withing flushing like a heart-sick demoiselle, stepping away to snatch up one of the extra towels once she’d climb up out of the bath. Not about to go traipsing out into the grand room dripping sopping wet from the present towel wrapped around her, Araminta unfolded and flipped the dry one to hold out behind her. Unconcerned about any glimpses of pink lined scars Theon might see in keeping her back to him, only being sure as she did her little shimmy of loosing the wet towel and allowing it to drop to the floor, that she wasn’t going to give the man a heart attack with anything scandalous he wasn’t ready to see!

“It will only take me a moment, then you can come use the dressing screen and come to bed. Okay?”

Had she asked, he might have been inclined to similarly ask why she was lingering. Sure that there was a reason for it but it felt unusual for her. Knowing that she did things thus far with a reason, a purpose behind every action. Surely there had been one here as well though she was murmuring about going to dry off.

Lightly drawing teeth over lip that had been brushed across and certainly feeling his own internal affects. Of course he could be aware of what things did to him and how his body may have wanted to react, but he also had a unnatural control as well over such things. Due to many reasons. Regardless if he had that ability, it didn’t mean his head wasn’t prone to voicing such things privately.

With a thumb grazing in passing, he considered her. A internal thought puckering and hovering that hadn’t been displeased with her all so near action, but he also wasn’t about to act in ways that were likely to be considered rather forward. Rushing perhaps? That didn’t mean he wasn’t wanting to react either in at least flirtatious and prolonged necking. The very thought alone was enough to stir a delicious flop in his stomach, just being respectfully polite as not to go about letting sights dive and dip as she climbed out. Maybe a bit more grateful she was the first to leave. Feeling effects once more of the waters warming and his own muted interest. Certainly rusty as they were.

Humming as she called out that she’d be a moment –liable to be a few as he wasn’t about to come rushing in after like some perverted beast to catch her in the midst of undress-. That didn’t mean his brain wasn’t feeling particularly devilish with offering various thoughts that were hardly appropriate even in the dirtiest of companies.

Eventually he’d managing to get out of the heated depths to reclaim that of a towel that wasn’t sopping wet! Pausing for additional seconds to switch wet to dry. So one could attempt to wring out the first that surely didn’t need to be dripping all over the place. Eventually slipping out to assure that the privacy screen wasn’t occupied with, “You are…” Well he wasn’t going to say decent, “Comfortable in bed?” Decidedly asking instead.

Theon’s query had been met with immediate amused laughter. If she had been close to brooding or overthinking, his simple statement and accidental hilarity was enough to break any tension.

It hadn’t taken Araminta long at all to get herself properly dry and enough toweling of her hair so it was down to being lightly damp curls instead of dripping everywhere. As it was an impromptu stay at the inn, she’d changed back into her usual romper style underthings. Being plain and boring as it was, it was far more comfortable to her than the cheeky little scrap of silk and lace that had been sent up along with the bathing supplies for what she guessed was meant to be something spicy enough to seduce an Imperial Prince. While she appreciated the gesture, the blasted contraption looked more like a torture device of straps than anything actually appealing! She’d do just as well wearing wet spaghetti!

Once she was in her own modest things, Araminta had climbed up into the ridiculous bed and was crawling around trying to figure out exactly where a pair of individuals were meant to sleep when there was too much bed in every direction. Even she, who liked beds to be a plush and fluffy marshmallow of extravagant comfort, felt this monstrosity of a mattress was incredibly ridiculous. It wasn’t practical. One would have to roll a dozen times to the edge if they needed to use the toilet in the middle of the night!

“A good thing you did not ask me if I were decent, Theon, I fear I am not decent at all!” she replied with that laugh still in her voice. “But I am dressed and I am attempting to arrange pillows. You are safe.”

Her amusement at least was enough to silently or rather non verbally state that she was not standing anywhere that he may of rudely encroached her space. Or came into the area far too early because she was not yet finished. It merely meant she thought what he had said was worth the laugh. Something likely moronic seeing as his comment was probably not in the realm of what had been expected.

Thankfully he didn’t seem to linger on these types of things as he would have. Accepting it as is and letting it all fade away to nothing in a snap of figurative fingers.

Stepping through so he might be neatly tucked behind that of the screen for its purpose of privacy, he hummed to her eventually giggling reply that she was not decent –at least able to figure out that she was meaning something beyond clothing- before stating she was attempting to arrange the pillows of the bedding. Finding the comment of you are safe almost twisted enough that he could have had the thoughtful reply that he wasn’t thinking of anything outlandish.

Although he was semi confused to many things, this evening thus far proving to be written into those sensations; Theon wasn’t about to point out that he did feel a certain way and it was likely she would be less safe if he wasn’t the one in check of himself. Finding that internal commentary absolutely heinous and therefore not about to mention at all.

Busying with drying methodically to assure the return of attire that had been the only gear present was put back to form. Padding the towel as a last effort to features to dab away any collection of moisture in hair or beard; he’d gravitate eventually with the collection of wet towels to hang them over one of the provided wooden chairs. Preferring to let them dry as much as possible.

Checking the room over before having no other place to go but towards the astronomically large bed and well, sort of came to sit on the edge. Stealing a glimpse or three towards her as he found his thoughts were comically louder than usual. And not about things that were so normal that he barely acknowledged them. “Perhaps it is not wise to share the bed this evening.” Theon directed line of sight away, “Not in the usual means of avoidance on my part but rather, other reasons that I do not believe are appropriate to comment upon.”

Araminta had come to the conclusion that sleeping was going to have to be done in the very middle. Setting up the pillows for herself and Theon in an arrangement that felt cozy enough, knowing Theon was likely to push most of them out of his way anyway, or else prop himself up with a few to catnap rather than actually sleep. At least in the very middle she’d know when he’d be trying to shuffle out and escape, as he’d surely have to shuffle and scoot just to make it over to the edge.

His statement drew a curious blink from him, not quite understanding where the issue might lie if he weren’t giving his usual fuss of avoidance. Until she remember exactly why this bed was designed the way it was. Araminta nearly cracked into a wicked grin, ready to blurt out that the bed was made for at least twelve, it would be fine enough for the two of them! But that sort of teasing might add to his confusion on what she wished from him, and Araminta wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice.

“You’ll be alright, Theon. I am the only lady here that is going to put her hands on you. You may want to look under the bed, just in case.”

Well. She couldn’t resist being herself and behaving the tiniest bit wicked, anyway. A harmless sort of wicked!

Quick blinks and a singular thought of the supposed if he were someone else, he might have laughed at her reply. Much how she laughed typically at his! Looking over the arrangement in this stupidly absurd size of a bed – wondering if they ever had ogre’s stomp through here and this was the only place for them to rest- the rings of polished argent found her.

Somewhat tilting attention towards the side of bed in case there was suddenly someone’s peepers looking back at him because she knew there was someone else in the room. Thankfully not even though he found embarrassment next to be knotted up in that of his throat.

“That’s slightly the problem.” Theon mumbled outwards as he didn’t think it was best for them to be close. Not when it was apparent to him that his own emotions were doing that whole rise and fall like a violent ocean tide! Having gone from embarrassed earlier, to accepting to Araminta being little more than a person he walked with and shared gentle presses, to this. To where he was more abundantly aware that there was a strong want for physicality that wasn’t simply based in leaping stones from affection to vigorous twists. Something in-between that was not something he had delved into before as there was no actions in his former use and stated loneliness.

Although now that he was thinking about it, it was probably just silly things that were mole hills instead of mountains.

Shortly shaking head. “Ignore my statement.” Theon nodded seeming to be trying and perhaps succeeding in putting the blocks back into place that would keep that level control. Turning focus back, “Do you need assistance with the bedding then.” He wasn’t a young teenager any longer and getting wrapped up in such silly things was beneath them both.

Was it a problem if she put her hands on him? Araminta watched him carefully after the statement, willing her mind not to leap to absurd conclusions simply because she felt a little insecure about so many things. Their usual snuggling up in bed had never been a problem before, aside from their very strange week of confusion and poor communication. He did not appear to be upset with her, nor had he given any indication he hadn’t liked her kissing him before.

Then he told her to ignore the statement altogether with a sort of determined expression that Araminta recognized all too well.

Oh. Oh! Perhaps Theon was not so unaffected by her fumbling attempts after all.

Her own expression bloomed into something soft and gently sweet… Araminta could’ve laughed at how silly it was, or make an attempt at being saucy, but Theon, in his usual way, was trying to be delicate with her. No doubt having it in his head that she as a princess needed all of the courtly behaviors and long winded romancing and round-about avoidance of any mention of tawdry things. Something too precious to be touched and tarnished.

That really only made her want to pounce on him and kiss him all the more. But if he knew that, he might not risk climbing in bed at all!

Araminta shifted to push the covers back far enough for them both to be able to sleep under. Then rested on her knees upon the fluffy nonsense to hold out her hand for him.

“There may be too many pillows for you, but I think you can safely sleep with me!”

At this point he sort of expected her to just laugh at him. Maybe not knowing why or she did which probably could have made it all the more hilarious for her to start snickering. Considering he was pretty open about things in general yet this was the item that was making him proverbially shy away. Even just the thought of neither being just chaste kisses or bounding romps, it was the middle ground that had him piqued and annoyed at himself in totality.

Settling to accept he was foolish. That those things were dumb little thoughts that had no business existing anyways.

Nor was he about to even say much about it. Too mentally horrified at the idea of being clear that he wanted to be close while enacting things that were feeble, weak and easily nothing he had experience with. Realizing in those moments it was precisely stupid to feel any which way or another. Swallowing it down. Burying it deep into the blackest parts of his mind not to entertain or even open that sliver of belief to have a want of any sort!

Foolish things.
Fruitless things.
Feeble things.

As the blankets were flipped back to show the fluff of the stupid mattress, Theon hummed. “It will be fine. I’m getting used to your need for fluffy pillows and beds.” Didn’t mean he enjoyed them but it made her happy so that part he could be content with. Shuffling over when she was ready, finding this damnable squish was probably never going to feel normal to him but managed to slide into place without being absorbed into the ludicrous bed. Adjusting one pillow for himself and merely waiting for her to arrange around till she was properly engulfed and looking the part of satisfied turtle.

Araminta waited patiently for him to climb into bed, not breaking into a laugh as she was tempted to do, but holding that soft smile that really was only ever reserved just for Theon. He treated bedtime as if he was being sent to the gallows, and whatever nonsense was currently rattling in his head was surely in full force tonight because there was that little determined almost imperceptible furrow in his brow and the slight hidden crook of a frown at his mouth. So subtle that no one else in the world would’ve noticed, but now it was so plain to see for Araminta.

She’d been so wrapped up in her own fears, own wants, own utter nonsense that she’d forgotten there were just as many steps for Theon that were completely unknown. Things that she did actually know how to do and could freely give with a genuine joy to do so.

Once he settled, she scooted close to her usual place. Only instead of laying her head on his shoulder and throwing an arm around him, she propped her head up on an elbow above his shoulder. Lifting hand to gently comb through his hair in soft running and thumb against hairline for soothing stroking.

For what the man actually needed was genuine, loving affection. To actually be touched and loved and fawned over in that same delicate way he’d always treated her. For once in his life to be treated like someone precious!

“You were the best surprise of today,” she confessed, smile widening to something bright. “You really were the only one I wanted to play for.”

This surely what it would be like to wade knee deep in a bog full of absurdly soft fluffy desserts that were just coated in sugar. Surely! Needing to take time to finally get to a point that he wasn’t just a hand sticking out of the folds of mushy softness that Araminta would have to watch being engulfed to the last finger.

Somehow with a great miracle managing not to suffocate or drown in any of it. Using pillow as the life preserver till attention was quietly formed to the woman that wasn’t currently twisted into a fitful of giggles. Instead she took the chance once he had stopped moving about to find her claimed spot. Settling in that he was prepping to enact the same laying of arm across once she was scooted into suitable place. Yet he was finding her not quite there yet. Propped up that warranted confusion.

No less presented at the gentle affections that may or may not have caused him to give her more of a wondering stare as to why she was wasting her efforts currently. Almost hating himself in that second that she was doing so when she had certainly one hell of a long day. He didn’t know the half of it. Or even a quarter of what it took to get ready as she had this evening. Only knowing that it was probably an ordeal of length that now she ought to snuggle into the gifted bed and tumble down into sleep.

Practically cursing every inch of himself for liking the attention. Echoing no sooner that he wasn’t deserving of such things. Save he knew how voicing such things went, so it never came out. Settling gaze to find her when she expressed she had been pleased with the arrangement of things. “It was Padma’s idea. Originally. Bo and Adra helped execute it. Without them, none of it would have happened. I think your gratitude would be best served to those who did the work.” Theon didn’t want them to not be acknowledged. Padma had pointed much out and the loving couple had taken it upon themselves when he asked for assistance to do just that. And they did with gusto.

Even against his best interest or cursing depending on who was looking into his thoughts, there was a leaning into her stroking touch. Heightening the level of stupidity he felt for being so vastly greedy, “It was lovely. Though I worry you put too much emphasis on myself when I know nothing of your music or the skill it takes to appreciate it properly. It was still good to see you enjoying every bit of the night.”

“There seems to be a growing list of people I need to thank for the gift of you,” she murmured with some amusement. With the way he was trying to deflect her gratitude in any other direction besides himself, at this rate she’d have to thank his mother too for being the one to birth him, as he’d not take any credit at all for his own existence!

Araminta’s gentle affection certainly wasn’t going to stop, as she was quite content to brush her fingers through strands of red. Finding that while it was ever so slightly damp, it was harder to see those strands that so oft looked gold in the sunlight. Idly wondering if it was just the natural highlight for someone so ginger or if perhaps they were strands attempted to fade silver with age and were simply going the way of golden blond before that moon tinted white.

Those fingers went over the line of his brow where a scar nicked through, down his nose with a few long tapping strokes. Brushing thumb over the scar across his mouth, betting there was no one there to care for him when he’d received those scars. No one there to clean up th blood, or patch him up, or even give him kind words so he’d at least feel like a person and not like some discarded thing only to be brought out for evil deeds.

Impulse took over again, bidding her to lean forward and kiss that first scar. A silly nonsensical thing – she couldn’t kiss his old wounds away! – but a simple motion all the same.

“You don’t have to understand it, I only wish to share all of me with the one who is most special to me,” she did deem to answer before leaning to give gentle press to that second scar. Having no qualms about lingering there seconds too long or softly nuzzling her nose against his cheek.

“Gift?” Lips moved sooner than his mind could catch the word from sliding through. Confusion ample as if the word itself had no connection to any sort of understanding in that of mind. Yet paired with the contemplation that she considered him worth such a statement, it had a way of melting something internally. In a mushy sort of pleasant but equally nervous sensation.

Lightly narrowing sights at the affection passing of grasp that surprisingly seemed to reach out to parts of himself he often forgot even existed. Reminded and ready to shift away in an effort to show he was not about to leave her to feel uncomfortable with the baring of scar tissue. Although he had plenty. More than plenty.

About to start even apologizing for their unslightly existence, there was silent awe instead. Feeling lips across brow and eventually towards that of lips once more. Making something in his head quiver in a sort of leery worry that she was liable to be properly bothered by such markings.

Save this was Araminta. Someone that had yet to show him a single grain of upset or disgust towards him. Even if she knew he had been charged with taking her life, she had been polite to him. Gentle… kind. The very things he didn’t know what to do with and yet, she continued.

Going so far as to even speak about how he didn’t need to understand her love of music, but that she just wanted to share it with him. Nuzzling the tip of nose against cheek, leaving him to purely awestruck. Searching her for something that might disguised as a lie and yet he knew he wouldn’t find it. “That’s… a rather high honour.” His mouth began to work slowly. Shuffling grasp that hadn’t exactly found a placement yet due to her not having slid into place, but using its listless freedom to reach. To delve would have been far more fitting as fingers reached to slip up to cradle that of jaw.

Studying her a little before he seemed surprisingly bashful, “Can… I kiss you?” Deciding that even though she had given him permission, he felt out of place. Out of body and oh so entirely cheesy even asking!

Araminta was prepared to listen to him fuss about all the things she was saying. How he was no gift, but a nuisance and a problem. How he did not need these moments of softness and she was doing naught but wasting her time and energy upon him. How she’d had a long day and needed to shush and get herself some rest. Instead he surprised her by simply calling it an honor, drawing out that wide smile of hers against the skin of his cheek. Placing soft kiss there as a thrilled reward until he drew his hand up to cup her jawline.

He’d asked if he could kiss her and Araminta nearly laughed all over again. A silly question when she’d already given her full permission to do so… only she didn’t laugh, blinking down at him with that curious verdant stare. Not really understanding the reasons why he’d needed to ask, but he had such a softly bewildered expression that she couldn’t help but melt under the look. Brushing fingers over apples of his cheeks before combing through crimson scruff of beard.

“You can,” she whispered along with an affirming nod. Goodness knows, she’d never refuse him anything if he asked, and likely never refuse him even if he didn’t!

It was a small thing. Highly embarrassing to say it outloud but it felt vital to even ask. Regardless of former permission. The whole existence of himself that was bound to serve, serve, serve! Right now, it felt very important for him to simply ask for the means of doing so even if she probably didn’t realize that it was liable to mean far more to him than her. To even ask was something he didn’t do easily for much of anything. As it indicated something he needed or wanted. Things that were not supposed to exist for him. To be a proper little servant in every matter was the objective if the entirety of life.

Thus far having been tainted and twisted because Araminta valued life as a whole. Treating people well and how they deserved to be rather than enforcing her own ideals upon them.

So even if he was properly horrified at the silliness of asking, it was a vastly big step for himself. Acquiescing that he simply wanted to do something with her that was admittedly very personal.

With her allowance, hesitation still ruled for a particular length of a second. Considering but ultimately pushing up on elbow as not to leave the means of roosting entirely to herself. Strengthening the hold upon tender line with a ginger nearing press of kissers. Soft, at first. Just that there was a inching flutter of stare from nose to verdant rings that betrayed interest that such a close range. Turning from sweet touch to a widening flirt over the bow of feminine mouth. Teasing to harder press that strummed thumb over cheek. Maybe a surprising himself somewhat at the flush that wanted to toss aside the means of chaste peckings for personal ravishing rather quickly.

Simply settling with a withdrawal that teased lower lip across the corner of her own. Seemingly accepting that was all that was needed.

What an interesting thing to watch him going through the motions of his thoughts, knowing they were a complicated squall of things she might not ever truly understand. He’d have to fight through the conditioning of his mother and the betrayal of those that lied to and betrayed him, to somehow find the courage to allow her into this intimate setting with him. That he trusted her enough to open himself up to being vulnerable and close.

So even despite her urge to hurry him along with a little quick grabbing and kissing Araminta remained still, curiously watching and waiting through that slow rising ascent. Holding her breath at first ginger kiss only for it to quickly slip into a soft humming sigh. Marveling at how something as simple as a kiss could leave her completely dizzied and tingling down to her curling toes. Making a soft regretful sound of complaint when he pulled away.

Oh, that was not nearly enough. Reaching hand up to scritch fingers through scruff of beard, it was hard not to be swept away with that soft look deep within moon silver eyes. He had no idea how greatly extraordinary he truly was! Theon deserved every ounce of love and care that she could give him.

Perhaps a bit over eager in that desire too, for he couldn’t have pulled away from her longer than a few seconds before she was leaning forward to close that gap again. A capturing collision of lips to reciprocate kiss that wasn’t so delicate and sweet, but absolutely impassionedly loving.

There was a singular belief for all of two seconds prior her impassionate lip lock, that he would have withdrew politely. Respectfully as the rubbing thoughts of his mind had decided that was enough. What had been given due to his asking was more that he expected. Favouring it truly. However it seemed whatever it was that Araminta’s own mind was up too, she was coming forward.

Laying fast and wonderfully furious in its own way, spurring certainly a sound of wicked surprise and delight all in one to be hummed back against her. Practically prodding an overzealous portion of himself that was far too large to keep encapsulated in that of a jar. Threatening to burst at its seal in wanting to get closer. As if there was a way to do so as they were.

He’d heard before in passing that someone could describe their better half as something of a drug. Never really getting that before but he was speculating in this moment; as he daringly let the graze of tongue press upon lips for seeking of certainly more like a greedy beast: that this was likely what they meant. It was dizzying. Airily and hard to find the means of grounding when heat erupted behind that of flesh in fantastical wanting to be smothered by that of another’s hand.

Barely managing to offer themselves a hair’s separation as fingers crawled from cheek to the plain of cupping the back of lady’s crown. “A… Ara,” Theon stole a snippet of lips even as he seemed to be trying to say something, “Yo… we are p-playing with… with,” By the nines what the hell was he trying to say! “Fire,” Breathing out the word as posture moved to allow the other arm that had been acting as prop to instead find itself grazing outwards. Seeking to centre itself upon delicate hip.

Straying the means of puckered kissers to flatter themselves across the swell of lower lip of her own, but liable to trail to chin and down if they weren’t dutifully aware of what sort of dangerous leaps they could make so swiftly. “Is… is t-this,” Breathless entirely and seemingly not about to refill lungs Theon, shifted to try and keep their postures from crumpling like wet paper. “W… wh… what you want?” Not about to just let them fall into a frenzy so easily, he didn’t think it was wise either. Certainly not against –obviously- getting fully acquainted with the slow means of gentle and hardened presses, he didn’t want to swing open the door to something else far too quickly. That regret would form in them each.

Araminta had never really cared about power before, but there was something oh so tantalizing about this new gift she’d been given. An ability to have him stammering and flushing, that she could easily feel the radiating heat under his skin when she explored her trailing fingers down his neck to grip and squeeze his shoulder. Wanting very much to throw her arms around his neck, even if that meant toppling down on top of him. Her heart thundering so hard in her chest, that with every additional stolen kiss she tried to take for herself it made her just as breathless as him!

She wanted to crack a wicked little phrase about fire, only to be unable to find the words. Instead attempting to focus her fuzzy brain on the question Theon was attempting to ask her.

What did Araminta want?

“I want to be close to you in every possible way,” she confessed without qualm, whispered sweet before capturing his mouth for another long kiss. One she drank in with such a greedy wanting that it was nearly impossible to break away at all. Only being forced to when she had to gasp for breath and gazing into those sparkling silver eyes. It’d be so easy to take him as far as she wanted to go – with wild abandon and loving embrace! Irresistible too, as every part of her was reaching for it.

Araminta could not bear to rush him, though. All her greedy, selfish impulses needed to be kept in check! He may have had experiences that she hadn’t, but it also hadn’t been a good one and he needed to be cared for with a gentle touch and all of the love he actually deserved.

“What do you want?” the princess dared to ask, soft and sweet. “You can have anything you wish?”

It was a bubbling sort of sound. A wilting melodic near whine when there came the claim that she just wanted to be close to him. The very word want liable to be a steadfast trigger of pure enjoyment when she uttered it. As it had often been the very thing that was a simple thing for him. To be wanted!

Yet if he was about to come up with some sort of brainy or witty commentary, it was swallowed down. Sealed between the long drawn kiss that made even his toes feel rather tingly. An odd but delightful sensation. Falling a willing victim to that moment. Holding that of ivory column gingerly between fingertips till the rhythm of breathing even out from one’s nose was no longer even an option. Requiring a gulp of cool air compared to that heated burn that was within one’s lungs.

Finding that Araminta was turning the question back around to ask of him. What did he want. Anything he wished and it sort of tumbled around in the slush that was his thoughts.

Revealing a mind that was somewhat torn. Feeling the rise of preverbal hackles that sought to simply give way to baser desires of using this room likely what it had been made for. And the other side still shy, still uneasy and wanting to be methodical about how any of this went down. Wishing not to rush because it felt too easy and quick to just fall to the whims of whatever emotions were firing up right now.

Dragging lower lip through that of his own teeth, Theon found her so present. So near and it was a thrilling acknowledgement. Certainly all this had already changed from what he had been part of before. The only thing right now that was similar was his own nerves.

Then the answer came to him.

“I… don’t want to rush.” Theon admitted to her. Stealing a momentary softer kiss to accent his point. “It’s too easy to just rush. You aren’t worth that, but more.” Of course he was still very much dabbling in thieving lips between each time he paused. Knowing he wanted her to understand that while they could certainly be wild, he didn’t think it was right. He cared about her to the point of love and felt that they deserved the consideration of each other to not just throw their cards into the air for a rambunctious flop. However, there was still something to say about that. Palming cheek to bring her back to a zealous open mouth kiss, lingering with intention. “But I do want you.” Indicating he meant now and certainly in ways that weren’t nearly as known due to his stoic behaviours. Not about to allow once single thought that she might think he wasn’t remotely attracted to her. He was. And the idea of certainly making this fluffy abomination of a bed into something properly useful was not lost on him.

It was probably starting to be noticeable in his own desires, still… still.

Lips moved to line along slender jawline, “I just want to explore with you.” That was the difference. Exploring each other together. To learn where they liked or didn’t like something was far better than just leaping into the covers. “That said… I’m not… I like feeling you close and… feeling your touch, Ara.” Hopefully suggesting for her that he wanted her to freely do as she wanted with him, finding it riveting.

Theon did not want to rush and if she had any worries that he might’ve had doubts about where their relationship was going, he left no room for her fears to bloom or fester. Every stolen kiss between brief pause was enough proof to know he did wish her to be there, even before he confessed that he did actually want her. Without Araminta having to be the sultry vixen with practice wiles and charming beckonings. He was happy with just plain and simple Araminta.

She could have been content with that knowledge all by itself, only for his next confession to send her reeling. To avoid a frenzied passionate tumble amongst sheets not simply to avoid rushing them forward, but because he wanted to take the time to explore! Even with Araminta’s present state of blood surging and thundering heart, her itching desire to cling to him and attempt a ravishing of her very own… How could she not adore such a beautifully sentimental and romantic thing of learning every little tiny detail of each other beyond the mental and into the physical too.

Just like that Araminta melted down into their bedded nest, nothing but warm broad smiles and soft gentle giggles. Tucking herself at his side as close as she could possibly get, to rest her head at the crook of his shoulder where she usually did. Though now being bold enough to pull up her knees and throw her legs over his for a bit of lap sitting without actually being on a lap. Her hands didn’t go anywhere though, too busy now with the permission to explore and touch at her leisure and the princess was certainly happy to do so!

“I am happy to spend forever exploring with you,” was her answer, seeming to take that instruction literally in capturing his hand to hold to her cheek and softly kiss his palm. To start that excruciatingly detailed examination of fingers and knuckles as if she had a personal goal to discover every nick, scar, mark or freckle he might have!

Such a statement may have been a risky move for anyone else. To pump the brakes as it were before they were suddenly so impassioned that clothing was being wrangled loose and tossed somewhere to be forgotten for some time. Instead, he wanted to be sure that they both could learn about each other. Discover another. As she had no history and his had been the tawdry fall into a bed with ramshackle desires just demanding to be sated.

He wasn’t sure what he may have liked any more than Araminta did. Slightly putting them both in the similar square as she seemed to approve of the idea.

Settling down to nestle comfortably in only adding the slip and arrangement of legs over. Earning a curious look but seemed to settle himself without being so quickly perturbed or questionable. Likely due to the fact that she was all grins and sweetened sounds. Laying touch over his own to peck at its palm before watching her seemingly finding the obvious distress of years working in ways that were bloodied, messy and certainly assured he was not spared carrying scarred memories. Although the ragged lines on his hands weren’t so much the ones he could remember where each one had come from.

Just that he found her interest enough to make him soften a little further. Boldly leaning forward to come and steal that of kiss once more. “That’s all I would want in this. You and the freedom to explore what we both need too.” Theon felt like this would have been a moment where he ought to have offered a slow smile but was a little more occupied with potentially turning lips into lovingly kissed bruised instead. However he paused a moment as to articulate something important, “I will just need you to do one thing… if you want me to do something or we do something… it needs to be said. I am not able to know these things with just a few hints. If that is okay.”

Cooling down that heated rush was not going to be easy if he kept insisting on kissing her the way he did. Like her favorite sugar cookies or a bowl of blueberries, it was an addicting, irresistible thing. One kiss was not enough, it needed to be another and another, until all the air had been squeezed out of her lungs and that twist in her stomach was sure to have her fainting like an old world damsel!

Thankfully, his need to make one final request was a wish that had her blinking fir green eyes at him twisting her mouth to the side with a rising embarrassed flush. That… was not a terrible thing to ask. In fact, it was perfectly thoughtful and respectful to give her that chance to state what she was ready for and when. Along with being something necessary for Theon who did not always catch cues, or worse yet, had a habit of not believing things until they were expressed plainly, loudly, and repeatedly.

“It is okay,” she agreed with a nod, still seeming a bit dubious, though. “I can do so. But it- I am… well, it is not going to be very elegant, I am not so skilled with alluring statements? it is going to feel so very aggressive and demanding. A kiss me here, a touch me there. I’ll be directing you like a symphony’s maestro and sounding so very silly.”

Equally he was finding it difficult to cease this want to continually drape and flourish that of his lips upon her or her own. Just that he knew if he wanted to live to the expectation of them each having that ability to learn with another, it meant relaxing. Somewhat.

Perhaps why he also mentioned that if she needed or wanted something from him or them to do, it was going to have to be vocalized. Otherwise he may never pick up on any subtle hints. Far more likely that he might hear her and go through the dangerous ruminations of thought that was plagued, twisted and split apart so badly that it wouldn’t connect the proper way with what had been said. Wanting to try and avoid this pitfalls if possible –knowing that not all of them would be. However, “Elegance is a good form of disingenuous.” Far too many times had he and likely herself found out that while someone could speak with a upper cut tongue, suggesting something was nice when in reality it was hardly that. Typically done as a cutthroat attitude that was properly cruel.

Save a light frown that was turned into a softer pecking once more in hopes that what he said next she wouldn’t find too much fault with. “Right now… directing me is better. Until those strings are properly broken.” Pointing out he was far more accustomed with being directed rather than allowing himself the mobility of his own freedom.

He was learning but in matters that they were potentially to explore, direct was better. “Otherwise I could do something too quickly or not at all. The means of lines aren’t always obvious… or rather assumed there is many lines in the sand that cannot be crossed.” Settling some, Theon lightly exhaled. Letting gaze falter away, “There will always be stressful contingency within me that will believe that it’ll never be enough.” Exposing a little nugget of his self doubt, though she probably already knew that. “Especially when it comes to you.”

Araminta was starting to realize his need to be directed wasn’t because he didn’t have wants and desires of his own. Theon did, in fact, have many things he wanted. He’d even admitted that week how he didn’t want to be trapped in a relationship purgatory, unsure of what they were together, as he had a wish to actually have a life somewhere one day. This insistence that she direct him didn’t come from being subservient, but rather from his fears of actually having those wants. That he might somehow ask for too much and potentially ruin this bond they’d been building together.

He didn’t actually need her telling him specifically what to do, what he was seeking was the reassurance through every new step they reached that things were okay. That he was wanted, accepted and needed.

“This I can do,” she agreed with that soft giggling smile. Reaching up to cradle face within hands to guide his mouth back to hers for a brief grinning peck. “For now I expect bedtime snuggles and goodnight kisses, every night and always? And hugs and soft touches and being held, all of the time… or at least when we are not busy with other things. Is this good?”

Worry held there. Tight within that of his chest. Waiting on a figurative ledge after he expressed what he hoped made sense. That while he was very accustomed to being told to do this or that, in this situation; he wasn’t expecting her to just telling him how to do everything. Merely when it came to their budding relationship, he was unsure. Unaware that she was able to pull apart the tangled thread that revealed his lack of forwardness was due to requiring assurance that things were alright. That he wasn’t overstepping, pushing or making her uncomfortable while allowing himself to take these cues and start arranging them into his thoughts. To build new platforms of maybe one day, confidence.

In these moments, he merely observed the subtle shifts in comely features. Being so near, it was easy to see the barest movements that he could note within his own mind. Finding that after a moment or more, she accepted. Baring a grin paired with the merry sound of gentle giggling he was getting to realize slowly was delighted sounds, not snide or haughty.

Softening him up like warm butter with the beaming press. Till she was saying something truly horrendous! Warranting a bare knitting of brows that were shortly pressed to her own. “Yes… though it will take time to get accustom to… bed.” Theon uttered like it really was his ultimate foe!

There was no holding back her sudden burst into laughter then. How could she not laugh! The man had no limit of things to be concerned about and enemies to have, yet a bed seemed to be his biggest foe! It took throwing her arms around his neck and burying her face into his own, with several more chortling moments before she was able to contain it down to a simmering giggle. Where she was finally able to shift again to press kiss to cheek, all silly amused smiles and gentle nuzzling.

“Now there should be something to look forward to when coming to bed, don’t you think?” she asked, full of amusement. “Not a downy doom, only time with me. Won’t it be nice to fall asleep like this and to wake the same in the morning?”

Araminta was certainly going to enjoy and cherish every moment. Knowing that in the evenings, even when they were out doing one of the trials, they could curl up like this and let the frightening events of the day fade to memory. That she could rest well, feeling safe and loved, to wake in the morning with that same security. And that tiny little thrill that with every day there would be some new discovery between them.

As much as he really was struggling to accept the means of a proper bed, he didn’t find her burst of laughter to be insulting. Admittedly he knew how ridiculous it was. Leaving her to draw in close till she was shortly settled and declaring that maybe he ought to think about how such things could be something to look forward too. Instead of being potentially bothered by the idea of being so cozy that it could leave them entirely defenseless.

Phrasing it as not a doorway to doom but a chance to settle and recuperate together.

“It will be a change.” He wasn’t sure yet that he could even promise to adjust. Having to just accept that this was the best he could do currently. “One that will take some time to overtake that of somniphobia.” Theon knew it would and hoped that similarly she would know he would do his best to eventually overcome.

Yet something arose in him, “Do you not… have any unrealistic fears?”

Now that they were simmering down from the means of heavy petting and frenzied, insatiable kissing to this gently quiet conversation, Araminta shifted herself to get a little more comfortable for bed. Using her own hands to guide and shift Theon as well, so he could stay close in whatever position he felt more comfortable to chat with her in, whether it was to lean over her or to lay down himself. Either way, her legs were remaining tangled up with his, and she made a point towards the covers so he could draw them up with his own long arm.

The question required a bit of thought, being apparent in the way she had to pause and frown. Mulling it over with due care. Theon’s fears were great and many, things that most would laugh about and certainly there were times she found them silly too. Only Araminta understood where they came from, and wasn’t about to shame him. There might be moments she giggled or smiled, but Araminta always took them seriously and made an effort to make it easier for him.

As for herself? Everything that came to mind were not unrealistic fears at all. They were very realistic, very real, very dangerous fears. On knowing that, she also felt that perhaps Theon’s fears weren’t as unrealistic as he was suggesting either. Terrible things had happened to him to create those fears, he had legitimate reasons!

“I have many fears…” she did admit with a twist of her mouth and a soft shrug of shoulder. “But I have found that when I am with you, they are not so scary. I’ve been afraid to fall asleep and not wake up again. To walk in caves and feel as if something is bearing down on me. Sometimes I will hear a sound and it strikes this cold terrifying memory. Then I look at you and I know I’m safe.”

His fears came from a childhood having to practically stay on his toes because somehow he valued his life more than he originally thought. Had he not, well he’d have happily let his siblings cut away at him without hiding. He’d have accepted and allowed them to do so without any attempts for safety. He’d never have started hiding in the evenings to avoid someone finding him in the room that was allotted to him. Never using the same spot twice and always being on that state of just alert enough that if he heard footsteps coming, he could either hunker down as low to the ground as possible. Hide in something that could be overlooked and hold his breath.

He’d never worry about food or water being touched by other hands. Nor researching the means of antidotes to help himself try and fix something if he had been poisoned.

Watching Araminta currently as he asked her a question –as she seemed to be never fearful in his gaze, guessing more so that his own phobia’s were properly foolish and useless; she was pretty stalwart. Wondering if he ought to never say anything himself and accept that while he could start working to making amends with these unrealistic frets, she didn’t need to deal with even an inch of them.

Yet when they seemed to properly settle away from getting handsy with another; he found her statement of having fears a bit interesting. Only for her to point out that they seemed to dampen due to him. “I feel that is dangerous.” Theon pointed out softly, “I was originally the one who was meant to harm you. I do not know if you ought to base hopes in such aways upon myself. Less you be hurt by accident.”

Araminta examined him then, trying not to give away some hint in her expression that she thought the statement ridiculous – of course he was safe. Even with his order to kill her, he didn’t even get as far as making the attempt. Luck, of course, had been on her side in those first moments, but dangerous enough for her to be hurt even by accident? Never!

Though, she wondered if she would have fought him if he tried. Araminta had been resigned to die, ready for it, expecting it. A dark part of her thought that she might just stand there and let him stab her. …only, her rolling over and accepting death never really happened, did it? She struggled against it even during her most lowest of moments, that even Araminta was surprised that spark existed in her at all.

“My hopes have carried me far,” she mused out loud, still thinking it over. “Even if I had accepted the Queen’s betrothal and we met in the Imperial Castle. I would have confounded you then, and you would have bewildered me. We’d have gotten married, nothing would have gone the way she planned and we’d escape the castle to land just as we are now. You are my safe place, where ever we might be.”

He’d never actually think that looking back to their first encounter, would he have preferred it over the fact of any betrothal. While she might be correct in safely assuming he would have naturally been confounded by her as he had been, the castle was where the most loyal to the crown resided. Neither of them would have been able to leave to the safety of the hut or anywhere else as they had. They’d have been perfectly in the dagger like claws of the Imperial Queen. Had he not acted upon orders then to slaughter the wife, someone else would have. Add on that he safely could say that being within those walls where a lot of his mental, physical and emotional torture had run freely, he doubted he would have had the same resolve to hold back his sword.

There was something truly diabolical about how the Imperial Queen let her children become proper monsters. Unfazed that they were resorting to searching, concocting and exacting their unhinged desires to slain their own blood. Even if all of them were only by half.

His mouth had become sewn and he didn’t feel the need to even hint at the thoughts that presided. Instead letting himself listen to the nonsense that Araminta suggested. Finding it far more calming than the truth of his own.

Only then did he properly come to lay down once more. Laying chin over that of chestnut crown. Holding close and present. Wondering plenty of things but not so bold enough to breach any of them!

“Let it be fact for as long as possible then.” No hope, no wishful thinking. He was by far no optimistic person, having to leave such things to her to do. Reaching out to tug up the blankets she had previously indicated too. Making them rise and tucking them around her as much as he physically could. Checking only to see if it was suitable and that she was comfortable.

With Theon’s ridiculous need to tuck her into little warm bundles, it only proved her belief that he was her safe place. Her true home and place was she was meant to be. He might not believe her himself, and likely not for years to come, but Araminta was confident in her hope that they could build a fine life together. After all, it was Theon that returned that gift of hope to her when she’d lost it!

“For as long as we live,” she affirmed, knowing their mutual promise to not die. Confident in that too, for Theon had struggled his entire life simply to have a chance to live at all, while Araminta just defied all odds potentially out of pure spite. If only he knew the life she intended to provide for him once they were finally free and clear of their current tribulations.

“Goodnight Theon,” she murmured softly, curling herself in snuggly to what was quickly becoming her favorite place to sleep. A faint smile creeping onto features in knowing he wasn’t likely going to escape bed tonight!

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