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Character Name: Angela Reese
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Waitress
Age: 20
General Appearance: When she’s not wearing her work uniform, Angela is dressed rather sloppy. Old ripped jeans, baggy t-shirts, sneakers that have seen their day. Her hair is dirty blond and tossed up in a loose pony tail. Brown eyes. Pretty average figure. 5’6″. Most of the time she looks unapproachable, even when she’s supposed to be smiling and serving coffee at the diner.
Current Goal/Purpose: Revenge. Down and dirty revenge.
General Personality: “Unapproachable” is what Angela seems like most of the time. She hates chatting with strangers, or chit chat in general. At work she at least makes an effort to be nice to customers, but otherwise she’d rather keep to herself. Never cruel to people, but occasionally blunt and bordering on plain rudeness. Despite all that, she does have an even temper and a surprising deal of patience. On rare occasions you can see a softer more gentle side of Angela, giving a brief glimpse of a completely different woman.
General History:
Childhood in the Reese family seemed pretty normal. But when Angela was around 8 years old her father died. Being so young, she didn’t really understand what happened, but slowly after that her mother started behaving really weird. Things started getting unpleasant, mean, dangerous for a little girl like Angela and her younger sister Sara. Sometimes things were just downright disturbing.
Then one day a couple of people showed up saying that Angela’s sister had an accident. That her mother had to be taken away. She and her sister would have to live with a new family. It was all really confusing but a girl does what she has to.
Teenage years with an adopted family was okay. Angela was adapting all right, but Sara’s metal health declined fairly badly. Eventually Sara had to be sent to an institution before she hurt anyone or herself. By now Angela was seeing a weird trend about her family and decided to find out what happened with her parents.
Come to present date Angela’s found out all she needs to know. Her father was working with the police as an undercover contact, but was shot during a drug deal setup. Her mother wasn’t really the most mentally stable of people and the trauma of it sent her over the edge. The woman just wasn’t right in the head anymore when she nearly killed one of her own daughters.
Angela has bought a gun and is now seeking a little vigilante revenge.
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