Dizzie Bunnies

PLOT BUNNIES and roleplays to do later that we’ve not started yet!


The Chronicles of Frith:
Garrick and Sofia
Whomever and Cordelia
Whomever and Elizabeth
Whomever and Josephine
Tatiana‘s sons and whomever


Teen Island: 2 Years Later (Ian and Marsela)
Teen Mercenaries (Tommy and Ruby, Preston and Raven)
That Night in Victoria (Justice, Felicity)
The Madcap Adventures of Uncle Pleasant (Uncle Pleasant, Felicity, Benedict)
Caim and Katt/Evan and whomever
Wolfram and Carmilla

Sirius Black and Leanora Lark
Farmer Girl in Space plotbunny
Arabian fantasy plotbunny (Siavash and whomever)
Godric and Selena
Jasper and whomever
Space gypsy and Joka
Whomever and Clarice
James and Evangeline
Darien and Priscilla
Werewolf cowboys (Clive, Dean, Sawyer, KT)
Tobias and whomever/Whomever and Tabby
Alistair and Caroline
Stirling and teacher from a magic school who took the wrong position
“Secret Circle” harem
“Teen Wolf” harem (Caleb, Knucker, Chase, Lexi, Silvia, Margrit)
Simon and Feline
Cursed teacher and new headmistress at the worst magical school ever
Malcolm and Gemma

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