Verge 001: The New Captain

[Andrew Sharpe has been passed over for a promotion promised to him yet again. Now he’s standing in the shuttle bay with a filder under his arm watching the vessel bearing the new captain land smoothly with most of the command staff behind him. ] -12:12 Dec 31
[Charlotte Kristoff is not qualified for this command, and even SHE knows it. But that’s not going to stop her from doing the job.] -12:15 Dec 31
Charlotte Kristoff: Already dressed in uniform because she wanted to make a good impression, Charlotte stepped off the shuttle and tugged her jacket down to make sure it was nice and smooth. She was young, not even thirty, which would lead most to assume she hadn’t any experience at all, let alone enough to manage a command as tricky as the Lightbringer. Once leaving the shuttle bay, she recognized the command staff when she spotted them by the curious looks and even occasional sour face. Her chin went up as she approached, defiantly refusing to show she was nervous at all. "Andrew Sharpe, I presume?" -12:20 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: He saluted in a smooth practiced motion. "Yes Ma’am." he said Lt. Andrew Sharpe, you new second in command and ready to give you a tour of the ship as soon as you’re ready. You command staff are coxswain Pile’, Shief Xenobiologist Dr. Griffiths. Xenolinguistics expert Dr. Chao. Head of Security Lt. Kyle and our Chief medical Officer Dr. Steele." He was perhels a little informal with how he introdducedd everyone but this… "captain" can’t commanded so much as a rowboat in her life and now she was takign command of the Lightbringer, the poster ship of the Columbus class exploration cruiser fleet and used on recruitment posters. There had even been a movie made about the previous Captain Alex Colt, who had just been killed in a raider incident two months ago. A man well respected by the crew to whome there could be no replacement. -12:30 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: Charlotte nodded, putting each face and name to memory. There were quite a few to keep track of, but that was going to be the simpliest task. Later she would try to get to know them all on a one to one basis. "I would like the complete tour. Top to bottom. Meanwhile a staff meeting should be scheduled tomorrow 0800." -12:37 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: In his head Andrew shuffled around his scedule, it would delay final preperations for departure by at least an hour unless tthe chief engineer couldd fill in for him. "Aye aye Ma’am. We’ll start with your new quarters so you can make sure all your luggage made it on board." The one perk of being second on command was ahving his quaarters on the diplomatic deck with wass designed to represent Earth and her Military as a small embasy and by far the most spacious and luxurious level. The Cpatains quarters were there too, ajouning her office and from the shuttle bay it was only a short walk and an elevator ride up to the reception hall off of which her spacious office and thier quarters branched. The cieling was vaulted and though the thick glass and retractable armor plating the stars shone brightly. "As with all Columbus class ships your office is right though that door and your quarters…" he lead the way down a short coridoor designed to provide the officers with a small ddegree of privacy that terminated with another elevator eading into the bowels of the command deck. "Is right through this door. I inspected it myself and it is stocked andd ready for you, Captain." -12:47 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: Everything looked incredible! Here was a deck designed for comfort and long term living, and not just surviving, but the kind of luxury designed for politicians. Unearned extravagance. Charlotte kept a straight face as she entered her quaters and took a quick look around. Her things had arrived before her, as expected. Not a flaw to be seen. But of course this deck was going to be fine. It was the rest of the ship she needed to be concerned about. "I expect the crew’s quarters are just as polished. What about the civilian decks?" -12:58 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: He was going to assume she was an idiot. He has her file under his arm after all. He knew all about her and why she got the position of captain. "The Columbus cllass is designed to operate light years from all other Earth ships for months or years at a time. Every crew member has thier own cabin and wash facilities and we’re moree relaxed about what we allow them to crong on board than other ships since keeping the crew comfortable is the most important part of making sure they can due thier duties under sucj conditions for so long." She sooner she understood that the better. "We will passs thought he hab deck after we go through the command deck where you will see the bridge, communications room, navigation, Val, and meet a few of the men and women who couldn’t make it to the shuttle bay because we’re all working double shifts to be ready to depart by tomorrow. I assume you know our orders?" That was the OTHER folder under his arm which he now offered to her. They would pass through Rechon controlled space and explore the edges of the Verge, a wild and poorly understood area of space that had been the source of more than one dosturbingly large and well equiped raiding fleet that Humanity had been asked to help deal with by her allies and had lost a lot of men, women and ships doing so. They plan was to explore it and orinise a multi-racial patrol sustem along it’s edges to pace the way for colony ships to finally stablize the region and end the threat. Thier tour would be one of the longest and potencially most dangerous to date. -01:12 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "I get the feeling you don’t like me, Lieutenant." she commented while taking the folder and browsing through it’s contents. In honestly, she was grossly underprepared. Two weeks ago she thought she was going on a second tour of duty for the military. Instead she received word of a promotion and was shipped off before she could catch her breath. She followed where he led, her impassive face slowly turning to a deep frown. They were taking an explorer ship in to dangerous territory without military escort. This was supposed to be a GOOD idea? "What I don’t know I will catch up on tonight and through tomorrow’s meeting. How equipt is our security team and the weapons systems aboard this ship?" -01:21 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "Our security team is composed of Marines, Captain. The best in the bussiness and trained soldiers every one and we have more than a cruiser normally has." He said. "And if I may speak frankly, Captain…" they were in a private area with no one aorund so this would not undermine her alreaady fragile position as captain. "I have read your file and you are not qualified for this position or this mission. The crew don’t know you and they won’t trust you until you prove yourself. I have kept you file and… level of experience confidential because if it got you you’d never get the respect you need to run a ship like this but… I am here to bridge that gapp for you. I have served for 10 years, five on explorers and three on the Lightbringer. The crew trust me and if you have any questions about them, or if some of them have concerns they feel they can’t bring to you directly, that’s what I’m here for Ma’am." He didn’t like her, but what was important was the ship, the crew, and the mission and his own feeling would not get in the way of his duty. His family had served for generations after all… and had a lot to make up for. "Speaking of… I have logged all of the crew’s files into your computer and I believe Lt. Kyle has your login information." -01:30 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: Charlotte wanted to punch him straight in the jaw. She could get away with it too, now. She was the captain after all. It didn’t matter if it were all true, daring to say it to her face and then offer his highly esteemed and oh so experienced help was assinine at best. Charlotte gave an icy smile as she snapped the folder shut. "On paper I am underqualified and inexperience, but you will quickly find that paper doesn’t do me justice Lieutenant. …Shall we continue?" -01:40 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: The emphasis on his rank stung. He could see that they were not going to get along so he wouldn’t try. He would be her glorified secretary and request a transfer as soon as they got back. He saluted without another word and stepped past her into the elevator. She woulddd no doubt look at his file later. See the crossed out section on him being slated to command this cruise and no doubt that his Grandfather: Hte infamous Gordon Sharpe had been the same General Sharpe who had surrendered to the Islar on the Eden Colony during the last war making him the only human commander to surrender to an alien force in Earth history and the reason why thier family always got sent on the shittest and most ddangerous assignments far away from any press recognition. His chance to finally redeem his family name had been taken away by this trust fund baby with a mother in the senate. "Captain on deck." he called out as the doors slid open and everyone on the bridge froze where they were and saluted. Many of them were carrying data slates or folders when they did so. A few more had been staring at their consolels and second Lietenant Briggs had been standing on the central dias where the commanding officer was stationed. Since neither Sharpe or Kristoff were on the bridge he had had command. -01:49 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: Charlotte swallowed that smug feeling of satisfaction and entered the command deck with a smidgen more bounce in her step than she had when stepping on the ship. "Carry on." she stated easily, taking a stroll around the deck. Again she was noting who sat where, what each panel did, the best places to stand, where she would sit… Later she would want to know how to work each station. If every last person in the room died leaving her alone, she’d need to know. "The bridge flows well. " -02:04 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "Based on alien design, actually." Sharpe said following closely behind. "In contemporary ships the Captain sitn in the middle, surrounded by the bridge crew. In the Columbus class they sit overlooking the crew so they can keep an eye on them all at once and get a better feel for the situation. We took the idea from the Islar after the peace treaty was signed and diplomacy opened up." He knew the class and the Lighbringer herself like the back of his hand. Two stations seemed to be shinier and newer than the rest and next to these Andrew stopped. "Since we are going further from human space than any other ship has before they’ve refitted us with brand new sensors and communications equipment." There was a hint of pride in his voice. "The very latest so we can find out as much as we can and sent it all back to the Gamma relay station who will then send it directly to Earth. Gravtron 4 sensors, which came coupled with Deltoid targeting computers for our main armorment, which has also been upgraded, reducing our manueverability and fuel efficiency slightly in simulations but after out last tour… command thought is prudent concidering our mission. Final asessment will be made when we rendevous with the Phoenix on the edge of Earth space who will top off our fuel and supplies and be the last Earth ship we see until we get back." -02:16 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "You know the ship very well." The bite in her tone was gone now, replaced by genuine interest. Charlotte had no training in technology outside of knowing how to fly smaller crafts and use most basic weapon systems. All of her education had been centric on social sciences, politics and language. All of which would be useful here as the commander when it came to making contact with new species and creating treaties. But it wasn’t going to get her far when it came to the technical side of things. He would be useful for that. She ought not to stomp him down immediately. After we make rendezvous, I’m sure you can educated me on what changes and alterations might be necessary." -02:23 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "Colt will be monitering all systems closely during the jump and will submit his report along with the one from the Phoenix before we make final adjustments. I will look over both of them and advise you…" he moved along to another door which led directly into another room, the centor of which was a massive holographic map of the entire known galaxy. "This is the Navigation room." he said. It was kept seperate from the main bridge both for sefety if one was breached, and because jumps were generally panned ahead while there was no other action going on negating the need for them to be in the same place. "Nice we often have to jump to systems where there are no navigational beacons we have a more advanced nav computer than any other class of ship in the fleet. Capable of automatically turning out sensor data into star charts, surface maps, and calculating jumps to within 3 kilometers without the help of boeys." -02:37 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Val: "Pleased to meet you, Captain Krisoff." The map was repalced by the hologram of a woman, her smiling face directed at the Captain. "I am Val… the computer your second just oversold." -02:38 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: The computer had a face. And for the first time Charlotte looked visibly stunned and impressed. "I see. It’s a pleasure, Val." She was walking again, trying to figure out how it all worked, but it was definitely beyond her. The giant navigation system was an amazing feat just on it’s own, but with artificial inteligence built in to the system itself? That was very advanced. "When there is an emergency, how quickly would we be able to chart a location and make an immediate jump?" -02:43 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Val: "3.2 nanoseconds." Val responded without hesitation. "as long as 5 nanoseconds if we are in the gravity well of a planet. Charting a jump is not the difficult part, making it as efficient and fast as possible and waitinf for the engines to respond takes significantly longer. But efficiency becomes less important in an emergency. If the engines are charged then the fimp would take five seconds to get us moving at faster than light speed. Do not worry though. I am programmed to stop if I detect gravity wells or any other gangers that could be a danger to the ship before we run into them even at those speeds so we can usually charge the engines before moving with standdard drives to investigate whatever it is we’ve found."" -02:49 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "So, quick as long as the live people know what they’re doing." she muttered with a smirk. As long as she knew what she was doing. There was going to be a lot of late nights studying the workings of this ship. The smirk vanished when she turned back to Sharpe. "What is next on the tour?" -02:57 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "Next is the officer’s lounge, and where the rest of the command crew are quartered followed by the Marines’ barracks. We’ll drop by Lt. Kyle to get your access codes." he led the way back to the elevator. "But before that we should have a look at the communication room slash conference room, where you can take confidencial messages and where meeting are held. That’s the next level down from the bridge and on the same level as she officers’ facilities." -03:00 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Thorn Desoto: In the elevator someone was already waiting, apparently more than happy to Sharpe. "drew..! Andrew. Drew. drew. Dreeeew. Buddy." They were inside and the elevator doors closed, so there was no escape for the sudden hands that came out to paw down Sharpe’s uniform looking for money. "Ran out of gems at the bar. What happened to the word o’ Desoto around here? I get paid just like err’body else." That was when he noticed the girl. Sharpe was shoved out of the way and against the wall with a hand, one that Desoto now had braced against his chest as he leaned and flashed a toothy smile. "Soooooo, helloooo there babe. How about loosenin’ that hair a bit and joining me for a drink, eh?" -03:10 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: Andrew shook his head. "Captain Kristoff, meet Engineer Desoto. Our resident gambler and barfly. Thorn, meet our new commanding officer and the person who will be signing the pay checks you convert to alcohol with suck surprising efficiency." Desoto was a source of tension on the ship but usually Andrew wasn’t this snippy with him but it had been a long day and the new Captain wasn’t working out. "I believe you were assigned to loading dock 2, making sure the storage crates were secure for the jump tomorrow?" There wasn’t a crewman Andrew didn’t know where they were meant to be at any given time. It made breathign down thier necks so much easier. -03:20 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Thorn Desoto: "Right. Captain. Nice to meet you Captain." Desoto made a pretense of standing straighter and smoothing out his uniform. Then he held out his hand to shake. When it was only reciprocated with a raised eyebrow stare, he flashed an even wider white toothed grin. "Not a smiler? Don’t worry, Captain. I’ll be plenty sober by clock in in hours. Lieutenant has my ass if I don’t." He gave Andrew a good hard slap. He was aiming for the shoulder, but well… vision was a bit tricky in a moving elevator. -03:29 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Charlotte Kristoff: Charlotte buried her amusement, and forced herself to keep a stern expression. "I thought I recognized a staff uniform." He smelled strongly of scotch. The Lieutenant knew his crew well, but perhaps a little too personally if they were this familiar and this free to walk around drunk and grabbing at their superior officers. "I expect to see a better performance tomorrow." -03:29 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "Clock in was an hour ago." Andrew said, flatly. "Go to medical, get sober and sleep it off if you have to but we do need those crates secure and with staff a meeting tomorrow Colt can’t cover for you this time." the elevator doors opened to reveal a corridor and Andrew stepped past Desoto. "This is our stop, Captain. The Officers’ deck." a place Desoto wasn’t meant to wander into but did anyway. They had better drinks in the bar up here. -03:33 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Thorn Desoto: "Aw shit." Her fumbled on his person looking for the time. He also followed them out, completely disregarding rule, protocol, and the situation. "How the fuck is a man supposed to know what time it is out here in space. It’s always dark!" -03:38 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Charlotte Kristoff: "I am very curious to see the state of the rest of the crew now, Lieutenant." she couldn’t help it and her mirth was slipping through in her tone. However, she ignored Desoto’s trailing presence as she kept in step with Sharpe. -03:38 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "The bar has a clock." Andrew called back before stopping in front of a door that two marined guarded, saluting as they saw the offecers’ uniforms. "This si where the meeting tomorrow will be held, it also serves as a secure communications room for sending messages back to command. It looked a lot more likesomething belonging to a military ship than the diplomatic conference room upstairs. Simple office style chairs, a sleek black table, set of holographic projectors in the walls and table top. It was also completely empty. "Only Lt. Kyle and I have the access needed to get into this room outside of scheduled meetings, and when you get your codes from her that will make three." -03:44 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: A room like this with strict permissions was a necessity when handling alien politics was going to be involved. There was that sinking feeling again that she was in over her head. Didn’t belong here, and certainly shouldn’t be handling something as important as this. But she WAS here, and she was going to make it work. "Then I better get those codes ASAP. You said Lt. Kyle was the next stop, yes?" -03:52 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Thorn Desoto: "Kyle’s got a nice ass. Not the best ass on ship, though." He was still there. When he got stared at, he just flashed the smile again. "Sorry. I gotta see Kyle too for the updated security codes in cargo. Can’t do my job without the access, yadda yadda. Didn’t think I came up here just for the gems and better booze, didja?" -03:52 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "Not the only reason you came up here, anyway." Andrew said hurrying them from the room so long as an unauthorized crewman was with them. "Next is the Officer’s lounge. A place Mr. Desoto could probably give you a batter tour of than I could…" -03:55 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Emelia Kyle: "Desoto!" The voice came from a short, but well built woman with firey red hair, green eyes and a scar across her right cheek. "Drunk on duty again?" She glared at the man before hiving Andrew a cold stare. "You shouldn’t pamper him. If he’s drunk on duty he should go in the drunk tank until the hangover hits and then thrown into the mist miserable job available until he learns better. Ma’am…" She eyed the uniform before her eyes went wide and she saluted. "Captain. Elelia Kyle, reporting for duty." -03:58 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Thorn Desoto: "Passing your job off to someone else, that ain’t the wa-" Desoto visibly cringed, rolled his eyes and turned his beaming smile at the redheaded harpy. "There’s my favorite ass on board. Where’s my codes, babes? Can’t work without my codes." -04:03 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Charlotte Kristoff: "I don’t know. Getting Mr. Desoto as drunk as possible and then making him fill out a full detailed report on the finest ass on board Lightbringer might be a better punishment. We can see if he makes it back with his balls in tact." That wasn’t at all professional, but Charlotte was enjoying how this was making her first mate look very bad. "Tomorrow’s crew meeting should be quite colorful." -04:03 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: Even in front of the marine shook her head and held out her hand. "Card." as soon as Desoto’s card was in her hand she swiped it through her wrist mounted computer and handed it back. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Captain. Then we’ll make him read it over the ship’s intercom system and throw him into the crew lounge with every woman under my command adnd turn off the security cameras." she couldn’t help but smile at the thought. -04:07 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Andrew Sharpe: "Alright, alright, both of you have jobs to do. Lt Kyle, the Captain needs her codes and then I need to take her around the rest of the ship starting with the lounge and quarters then onto your barracks." -04:09 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Thorn Desoto: "Get her a drink too, Andrew. She’s got this crazy idea I’m not charming enough to woo my way out of trouble." He smiled sweetly at Lt. Kyle when he took his card back. After a shameless perusal, he waved a hand and took his leave. "Good luck, Captain. Hope you survive longer than the last one!" -04:15 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Charlotte Kristoff: "Hmm." She needed background on the former Captain. Charlotte hadn’t the chance to do proper research on the ship, all she DID know was that it had trouble keeping it’s commanding officers. Might have made it that much easier for the Senator to buy her position here. "We’ll have a chance to get more familiar with each other later, Lt Kyle. I do hope that’s soon." -04:15 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: Her dark glare after Desoto changedd completely as she looked at Kristoff. "I’d like that, Cpatain. A lot." she winked as she fished out Kristoff’s card and handed it over. "Built in biometricks scanned meant it only works when you’re the person holding it. Now I say this to every Captain so here goes. Do you want a sidearm My people will do everythign they can to protect you but you can get a lot further with a kind word and a Christof 9mm semi-autimatic on your hip than you can with just a kind word." -04:21 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "Yes, I do." she said without hestitation or second thought. She received hand to hand combat training, but it didn’t mean she was built for it. With firearms, on the other hand, Charlotte excelled. She’d feel ten times safer with one of those than relying on someone else to protect her. Her code card disappeared in to her jacket. "As soon as possible, by this evening if you can manage. Otherwise tomorrow morning will be acceptable." -04:24 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: Kyle had another plan, with a swift motion she enhooked her own belt, holster and all and held it out. "No time like the present. I’ll do the paperwork and send it up to you later before wordy mcdiplomacy over here tries to talk you out of it." she nodded her head as Andrew. "He’s a good officer, has a boner the size of a torpeddo for the ship, cares about the crew and has been around to see the last four Captains come and go but god he’s a pussy." she looked the other offer up and down before turning on her heels. "If you’ll excuse me I have paperwork to do and then I have a few hours break that I plan on enjoying. Goodd to meet you Captain." -04:28 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Emelia Kyle: Kyle had another plan, with a swift motion she enhooked her own belt, holster and all and held it out. "No time like the present. I’ll do the paperwork and send it up to you later before wordy mcdiplomacy over here tries to talk you out of it." she nodded her head as Andrew. "He’s a good officer, has a boner the size of a torpeddo for the ship, cares about the crew and has been around to see the last four Captains come and go but god he’s a pussy." she looked the other offer up and down before turning on her heels. "If you’ll excuse me I have paperwork to do and then I have a few hours break that I plan on enjoying. Goodd to meet you Captain." -04:29 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Andrew Sharpe: Andrew was left speechless and if took him a moment to pull himself together. "Well that was our head of security and leader of our marines. For a marine she’s not that big on protocal but runs a tight ship and is a good officer. Now shall we move on?" He gave the gun a look as if it had been the one calling him names. "I really hope you don’t plan on wearign that while greeting diplomats. They’ll think they’re talking to a soldier and not anyone with any actualy political power." -04:32 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: Charlotte wasn’t expecting to get the gun right off the girl, but her momentary stunned expression vanished at boner for the ship. She cleared her throat, cinching the belt of leather securely around her waist and making sure the gun fell at the perfect position for quick grabbing. It wasn’t ideal, but adjustments could be made later. She glanced back up at him with a raise of her eyebrow. "Have you ever been in a room full of true politicians? I can promise they all have something hidden under their flawless robes and fancy suits." -04:35 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "And we ahve a hundred marines fully equiped and armed to the teeth and well as a few special eafures added to the lounge that no one finds out about unless they’re you, me, or Lt Kyle. And here we are." he entered a spacious and luxurious lounge with a full size bar against one wall, soft music playing and one or two people dotted around chatting idly, obviously off duty and enjoying it with all the extra work there was to do. "Food and drinks are served here, you have to pay for it unlike the mess hall but we have a couple five star chefs who make it worth it." -04:43 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "A hundred marines aren’t going to do me any good if someone decides they’d rather stab me than listen to another proposed treaty plan that’s giving them the shaft. You say the crew isn’t apt to trust me, well. I am not apt to trust them with my life yet either." The lounge was quite nice, more than she was expecting, but then that seemed to be true for the Lightbringer itself. They really did put in the extra work to making the the crew and civilians on board were going to be comfortable and entertained for the time they are in space. "Do you spend a lot of time in here yourself?" -04:50 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "After a log day it’s nice to get a drink." he admitted. "And have faith in our thraining, besides if they kill you it’s an interstallar incident and we radio back to command who send in a battlefleet. I don’t think they want that. Humanity has been getting quite a reputation since we approached the galactic council asking for membership despite being known by them for under a century… and it’s not an entirely good reputation." His wrist computer chirped and he instantly pressed a button. "Sir… the captain has a coded call from sector command. She doesn’t have a wrist rig yet but we figured she’s be with you… They’re asking she take it alone" Andrew looked puzzled befire replying. "I’ll forward the message. She’ll take it in the conference room." he closed the link and looked at her. "You should know the way and have your card… I’ll meet you back here?" -04:57 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: Private messages already? My, word traveled fast. Charlotte had a twist of dread in her stomach. If that was the Senator… "Aye. I know the way." she nodded, making a quick exit. The sooner the conversation was over the better. Charlotte wasn’t lying about her memory either. She was very quick to put things to memory, so returning to the conference room went by without confusion. She was in with the doors closed behind her. "Answer. Captain Charlotte Kristoff here." She glanced up at the ceiling, praying it wasn’t her mother. -05:04 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: /char Admiral Christov:596127: the holograms came to life and standing at the end of the table was an aging man with a full beard and a lot of medals on his chest. "Captain Kristoff? Admiral Christov of the 7th fleet." he looked aorund as if he could see the room, which fiven the technology at play was probably true. "As you probably know the Lightbringer falls under my command, I might not agree with having an overpriced shout that costs the same as a capitol warship but would have a hard time fending off a frigate but as long as we have them I’m damn well going to use them." he wasn’t giving her any chance to respond. "By now I’m sure you know your mission. To explore the systems on the edge of the verge… that’s what your crew have been told but while that is your mission it’s not the full story." Images appeared. Battle records. Human ships opening for on ramshackle construcks, seemingly cobbled together out of parts of different ships but still an equal for the navy ships, as fire tore through the hulls of both sides. The burned remains of towns with bodies aranged as ephigies. Human, Alien, some still in marine body armor. Medical logs of tortured survivors, too insane to do anything but scream or cut themselves. "I don’t think I need to tell you where these are from." He said before closing them with a wave of his hand. "It’s been five years and we still have no ideaa where they came from, who they were or why they attacked. We lost a lot of good men and woman making sure they never reached out colonies and we have recieved reports from some minor alien governments that what we saw… whaat tore thrugh us laast time wasn’t even half thier number and ships similar to these have been sighted on the edges of the Verge. YOu mission is to find out where they are, how many ships they have so we know weather or not we can orginise the preemptive strike. As you know you have to pass through alien space to get there and relations with thier government have been… strained… lately that is why you need to avoid and incident before you reach the Verge… understood?" -05:19 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Admiral Christov: the holograms came to life and standing at the end of the table was an aging man with a full beard and a lot of medals on his chest. "Captain Kristoff? Admiral Christov of the 7th fleet." he looked aorund as if he could see the room, which fiven the technology at play was probably true. "As you probably know the Lightbringer falls under my command, I might not agree with having an overpriced shout that costs the same as a capitol warship but would have a hard time fending off a frigate but as long as we have them I’m damn well going to use them." he wasn’t giving her any chance to respond. "By now I’m sure you know your mission. To explore the systems on the edge of the verge… that’s what your crew have been told but while that is your mission it’s not the full story." Images appeared. Battle records. Human ships opening for on ramshackle construcks, seemingly cobbled together out of parts of different ships but still an equal for the navy ships, as fire tore through the hulls of both sides. The burned remains of towns with bodies aranged as ephigies. Human, Alien, some still in marine body armor. Medical logs of tortured survivors, too insane to do anything but scream or cut themselves. "I don’t think I need to tell you where these are from." He said before closing them with a wave of his hand. "It’s been five years and we still have no ideaa where they came from, who they were or why they attacked. We lost a lot of good men and woman making sure they never reached out colonies and we have recieved reports from some minor alien governments that what we saw… whaat tore thrugh us laast time wasn’t even half thier number and ships similar to these have been sighted on the edges of the Verge. YOu mission is to find out where they are, how many ships they have so we know weather or not we can orginise the preemptive strike. As you know you have to pass through alien space to get there and relations with thier government have been… strained… lately that is why you need to avoid and incident before you reach the Verge… understood?" -05:20 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "You intend for me to spy on the alien races for you." The relief at not coming face to face with her mother was short lived. Her commander was just as imposing. "Forgive me for questioning you, sir. But why are you not already in alliance with the other races to share resources for this problem? If you’re already receiving warning and information, it seems it would be easier and less dangerous to send actual military personel out in to the verge and not an explorer vessel half filled with civilians. Besides going in undetected, what are we going to be able to do if we DO find the culprits?" -05:25 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Admiral Christov: He stared at her, long and hard. "Aliens have thier own agendas that have nothing to do with the security of Earth. I don’t need to tell you these things are evil, Captain. Whaatever they are they take joy in killing in the worst ways possible. And as I said you have to go through alien space to get there, they’re not going to let us send a war fleet through thier territory without solid proof especially when they’re accusing us of trying to turn other races against them and if you don’t find anything them we can put this to bed as a rumor since like I said no earth ship has seen them since the incursion." -05:33 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: There was an angle at work here. She had no proof and no reason to doubt his intentions. Maybe it was just that she was so used to being manipulated that suspicion was her default nature. Charlotte finally let out a breath and nodded. "So be it. I’ll gather as much information as I can, Admiral. Anything that will be of use for protecting Earth Nation." -05:36 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Admiral Christov: "Good… another thing. These aliens on out border, intelegence believed they are gathering a fleet to send against us if we send ours to the Verge. Attack us while our dreadnaughts are elsewhere." A map of the region appeared above the station. "We need you to jump in, out of thier sensor range and use those big sensors of yours to scout thier rally point. See if there’s any truth to it after you meet the Pheonix. If we can get proof that they are gathering thier forces we can put diplomatic pressure on them and force snactions until they disperse." -05:40 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: She very nearly opened her mouth to ask And how am I supposed to do that SUBTLY?, but thought better of it. Without thinking it through and having a good reason, if they were caught out there it could be suicide. Lightbringer had already been attacked once by hostiles, it would happen again. She let out a slow breath. "I’ll see what I can do, Admiral. Though it might require some time." -05:45 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Admiral Christov: "Remember, your sensors are more powerful than anythign they have. You should be able to get a readong on at least thier numbers from further than they can see you. If they are in positing to attack up we can’t move out fleet to help you if you get into trouble on the verge… the entire mission depends on this. You may inform whichever crew you deem fit once you’ve left the Phoenix but not before… secrecy is important for this one. Understood?" -05:48 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "I understand, sir. I will do my best." It wasn’t her place to questions the orders, even if the back of her mind was thinking it. This WAS her job now. A mishmash of agendas from the military and the political side and somehow keeping the entire crew and those on board alive in the process. She would have to figure it out and make it work. "If that is all, sir, I have tour to finish before we kick off tomorrow." -05:52 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Admiral Christov: "Thank IS all, Captain. Good luck." the projectors died and as the signal was cut off and in his office on the other side of the sector the Admiral turned and shook his head. He had to have his entire fleet ready to move in on a possible invasion of the entire quadrand and some pissy alien government was more interested in trying to start a war with humanity… if this was how the council controlled it’s lapdogs Earth was better off without them. -05:55 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: Charlotte rubbed her temples. There was a million reasons why she shouldn’t be here. The lieutenant with a boner for the ship was better suited for this command. Instead SHE was here because her mother was insane. A very stiff and irritated Captain Kristoff made her way back to the lounge. She had half a mind to command the ship as drunk as Mr. Desoto. Once she had the Lieutenant in her sights, he was the poor victim of her impatience. "We will finish our tour at another time. I’d like to get a report on Lightbringer’s full weapons and power systems sent to my office, along with the schematics map of the ship." -06:03 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: He had a glass of orange juice in front of him and was scrollign through a news site on his wrist rig’s hographic display when the Captain got back and almost insinctivly flid a folder towards her. "I went through the updated one last night. I hadn’t had a chance to file it yet. The schematic map I’ll get to your desk within the hour." He wondered what the call was about. Some admiral shouting her down to establish who was in charge the same way she had done to him, probably. He couldn’t help but smile. "Lt Kyle left a messag asking if you’re free for dinner tonight. Said something about wanting to get to know you better. Speaking of I’ll have a wrist rig sent to your office too." -06:09 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: She was already flipping open the folder and examining it. They weren’t heavily armed, if under attack they’d have to reply on the marines and well thought out plans… She’d have to figure out where there weakest areas were from the schematics. "Hmm, dinner, yes. That would be good." Getting to know the Security Chief would definitely be an asset. She didn’t approve of how lax Sharpe was with his crew, but there was something to be said for having a more personable relationship with them. These people were now her responsibility. -06:15 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: He stood. "Then you’re going back to your office?" if he was off the hook he ocould get back to overseeing final preeperaations and maybe visit the loading bay to make sure Sesoto was doing his job. He had already types out the Captain’s reply to Lt Kyle -06:22 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "Yes. You’re free számú, you can resume commanding the hoard and cursing my very existance." she responded with a flippant smirk. Her ass was under fire, but at least she could take pleasure in needling the one person on board this ship who was just as vexed and frustrated with the situation as she was. She mimiced the wave Desoto had given them earlier as she walked away. "Until the morning, Lieutenant." -06:28 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff

SOME HOURS LATER! -Charlotte Kristoff 06:47 Dec 31

Charlotte Kristoff: Charlotte Kristoff was not qualified for this job. But that didn’t mean she WOULDN’T be, through sheer force of will. Since the moment she settled down in her new office she was going over every detail of Lightbringer they had on paper and on digital file. She needed to know how the ship worked inside and out. That was, of course, after she went over the files of each and every member of the command staff, including her second in command. The information would be vital in controlling her crew. She very nearly forgot about dinner until her stomach protested – and in truth she HAD forgotten she made plans with Lt. Kyle. By chance she made it to the lounge early and was presently nursing a glass of scotch and memorizing more files. -06:47 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Thorn Desoto: "If it isn’t my favorite new Captain." Desoto slipped in to a seat beside her and held up a finger ordering a drink. "Scotch, eh? I knew you were my kind of girl." -06:47 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Charlotte Kristoff: "I believe you are supposed to be making sure things are secure in cargo." she muttered in reply without looking up from her files. -06:47 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Thorn Desoto: "You’d be surprised what a man can get done in four hours. The rest of that time is spent dicking around. Ask anybody." He leaned closer to the captain with interest. "Studying the ship? If you wanna join me back at my quarters I could teach you a few things about Lightbringer even Lt. Sharpe doesn’t know." -06:47 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Charlotte Kristoff: "Before or after the sex, Mr. Deseto? I have very limited time." -06:47 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Thorn Desoto: "Before Obvi- …Wait, are you serious?" -06:47 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Charlotte Kristoff: "I suggest you return to work and without that drink. Unless you’re interested in making out with my new pistol." -06:47 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: was usually a no-nonsense woman. Loose pants and t-shirts, gym clothes for every occasion. A grizzled veteran who had refused a promotion to general to be able to serve on explorer class ships she waas married to her job but sometimes… From her strapped heeled shoes to her stockings, tight black dress that shoped off her fit curves and makeup to soften her face and carefully hide her scar she entered the lounge, her freshly burned hair bouncing with every step. "Captain." she greeted the woman with a smile and then gave Desoto a look. "So glad you accepted my invitation… shall we get a table?" she was speaking in softer tones then one familair with her usual drill seargent bellow would believe possible. and even now a freshly manicured hand was curling around Charlotte’s. -06:53 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "Lieutenant. You look very nice." Every women could recognize when one dressed up pretty. Charlotte just didn’t realize there was reason, and assumed this was how Lt. Kyle liked to dressed when she was off duty. The familiar touching, though, had her eyes widening a bit and a brief moment of confusion hitting her. "Yes, a table…" She scooped up her files from the bar. -06:58 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Thorn Desoto: Thorn had a great comeback for the Captain. He had no problem sassing authority, after all, the worse thing that could happen was getting fired. But there was Kyle. Prancing in looking like a REAL girl. His mouth gapped open for a second. "Emmie? Since when do you have legs?" -06:58 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: "I’ve always had them, they’re just usually used to kick you in the ass." she replied without a moment’s hesitation. "And please Caaptain you can call me Emelia when we’re not on duty." the change in her voice depending on who she spoke to was like night and day and she was glad to leave Desoto behind to find a table in the corner and smile across it at the captain. "Working? I’m a little disappointed but it’s understandable for your first day. I’m just happy for the chance to get to know you a little better." -07:02 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "Yes, I’m sorry. Normally I’d devote full attention to my company, but I wasn’t prepared for this command and with the launch tomorrow, there is a great deal to catch myself up on and very little time to do it." However, she closed the folders and pushed them aside for the time being, offering Emelia a smile. "Emelia Kyle, is it? You’re more than qualified to run security on this ship, some would even say you belong elsewhere commanding your own units. Why did you decided to stay here?" -07:06 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: "We might have to try this again alter then." she said angling for another date, not that she was entirely sure this WAS a date but her message through Andrew had been pretty explicid. "They offered me a generalship." she admitted. "But I’ve alwasy wanted to be on an explorer ship and see things no one’s ever seen before. I never though I’d get the chance with the 3rd inner arm war breaking out almost as soon as I enlisted. There was a lot of talk about humanity closing itself off from the galactic community back then. Giving up space as a bad idea but I got my chance and I’ve never thugh about going back." He had her chin on her hand and a smile on her painted lips. "Having obviously reaad my file you have me at a disadvantage, I’m not even sure I know youe first name ad what bring you to the ragged edge if the frontier." -07:12 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Charlotte Kristoff: "Charlotte. My name is Charlotte." It seemed Lt. Kyle was ambitious and in it for the adventure, that was good to know. Charlotte kind of admired the woman’s freedom and her willingness to persue it. Not everyone had those opportunities. She grinned. "I was intending to enlist back in to the military. Be a marine and fly fighter class ships to help defend the borders. It just wasn’t what others had planned for me. Not that I don’t intend to put my all in to my command here. I’m just having to get used to the idea of flying a much larger ship than I’m used to." -07:19 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Andrew Sharpe: "Charlotte." she repeated. "Only things we have here are shuttles I’m afraid. The last time I heft anythign with desent thrust between my left was when I was stationed on the Zeus." She didn’t bother to mask the inuendo. "I’d really love to again though. I miss it." -07:23 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
Emelia Kyle: "Charlotte." she repeated. "Only things we have here are shuttles I’m afraid. The last time I heft anythign with desent thrust between my left was when I was stationed on the Zeus." She didn’t bother to mask the inuendo. "I’d really love to again though. I miss it." – -07:24 Dec 31 Andrew Sharpe
[Andrew Sharpe is now known as: Emelia Kyle] -07:24 Dec 31
Charlotte Kristoff: "I’m glad to hear you know your way around a fighter. It’s likely that could come in use for us later." With just the shuttles on board that wasn’t enough fire power to help protect Lightbringer if they came under attack. But if anything, Charlotte was real good at improvising. The more she learned, the better she’d be at it. "If I could ask something a bit more personal… Do you have many close relationships with the crew and civilians on board?" -07:30 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: Asking iAsking if Elelia asked many people on dates? "Not many. I like to keep things professional. I usually don’t ask people to dinenr the same day I meet them." she said her heavily lidded eyes staring at Charlotte’s. "But you did say you wanted to get to know me better… did you read my file?" she of course didn’t know the specifics of what was in there but she was sure it reflected her war record and didn’t contain any dirty laundry. Maybe even that she was the sole survivor of her unit and it was that that had changed her, made her turn down her promotion and look to get away. -07:35 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Emelia Kyle: >=( -07:35 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Emelia Kyle: Asking iAsking if Elelia asked many people on dates? "Not many. I like to keep things professional. I usually don’t ask people to dinenr the same day I meet them." she said her heavily lidded eyes staring at Charlotte’s. "But you did say you wanted to get to know me better… did you read my file?" she of course didn’t know the specifics of what was in there but she was sure it reflected her war record and didn’t contain any dirty laundry. Maybe even that she was the sole survivor of her unit and it was that that had changed her, made her turn down her promotion and look to get away. -07:36 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Charlotte Kristoff: She nodded. "I read everyone’s file." There was that look of confusion on her face, in response to Emelia’s expression and comment about dinner, but Charlotte had already gathered that Emelia was a sassy sort of girl. "I’d like to get to know everyone on the command crew better, and personally if that’s possible. I know that you as Security Chief know how important it is to trust the people you work with. Especially considering we’ll be traveling through unknown and potentially hostile space." -07:46 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: Slowly she folded her hands and the look on her face said it all. Either Charlotte had chickened out or this hadn’t been a date from the beginning. "Well first thing to know about me is that I never dress up." she said. "Throw me through a shower, give me a shirt and a pair of pants and I’m good. I -07:48 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Emelia Kyle: Slowly she folded her hands and the look on her face said it all. Either Charlotte had chickened out or this hadn’t been a date from the beginning. "Well first thing to know about me is that I never dress up." she said. "Throw me through a shower, give me a shirt and a pair of pants and I’m good. I’m a soldier, I don’t do things I don’t have to." that had to spell it out. "Another thing is…" she was getting into bussiness mode. "I run my marines how I see fit. I drill them my way, keep them in fighting trim my way and when it comes to security let me do my job and I’ll bend every rule in the book to get it done and done right. That is all I ask from my commanding officers. Thank and don’t get the ship blown up with me in it." -07:51 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Charlotte Kristoff: And that is about when Charlotte clued in. To her credit, she didn’t turn red but she did feel the burn somewhere deep under the skin. "I might have given off the wrong impression…" she started to apologize. She was a commanding officer now, and she shot down people all the time. If she didn’t care about a man’s feelings, she shouldn’t be feeling so bad about this either. "Actually, no. I’m not going to apologize. You’re a beautiful woman and took a chance. If you throw that kind of passion in to your work here, I will be blessed to have you as my Security Chief." -07:59 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: "I didn’t aask you to apologize." she said trying her best not to sound acuasory or sassy or sarcastic, somethign very hard for her. "The look on Desoto’s face made it worth it and now we can finish this… interview without any nonsense. I apologize in advance for any rumors this has started." -08:04 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Charlotte Kristoff: "Darling, there are worse rumors than being accused of an affair with a pretty woman. And if it is any consolation, I do genuinely want to get to know you better. You seem to light up a room and I find that very refreshing compared to some of my other encounters." Case in point, Desoto must not having taken ‘return to work’ very seriously because he had only been gone long enough to be able to claim he really did leave. He was back and taking a great deal of interest in what they were doing. "Hmm. What is the story on Mr. Desoto. Lt. Sharpe doesn’t seem the kind of man to put up with useless bullshit, and Desoto seems like more trouble than he’s worth." -08:10 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: "Only way I light up a room with with a MK 2568 assailt rifle." she joked. "Desoto… all I know is he’s been here longer than I have and is a disaster waiting to happen. The amount of times he’s abandoned his post or bee drunk on duty is apauling but Colt, the heaad engineer keeps covering for him so it’s never enough to get him thrown out and the previous captain was Colt’s brother. There’s also a surprisingly little amount on Desoto in the records. As for Sharpe he likes to stay on top of everything and pushes people hard, somethign we both do to those under us but I think he’s given up on Desoto. Maybe he knows something that’s not in the file… Speaking of the first Lt. He was going to get command of the Lightbringer before we heard you were coming last minute. Promotion paprs were people processed and he’d aalready been fitted for the uniform. Not the first time he’s been passsed over for command, being from the family he’s from but this time it had to sting… he won’t try anything or do anythign but his best for you but somewhere deep inside the poor boy has to be crying. Or screaming. I’m getting myself a drink, want something?" Drinks and messing with Desoto while gettign them. Sounded like just the thing to get over embarressment. -08:21 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Charlotte Kristoff: Ouch. He was fitted for the uniform and still got the boot. He had to really hate her. One of them was going to have to bridge that gap. Charlotte just wasn’t too keen on being the one. "A drink would be lovely, yes. Order dinner for us as well. That’s why we’re here after all." Her smile was a bit cheeky, mostly for the benefit of the rumor mill. Charlotte would take stories about her dating life over the comments about her command. -08:26 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Thorn Desoto: Honestly, there WAS probably -something- could be doing besides sneaking back to the bar for spying on the hot new captain and Emmie in her surprising hooker stockings, but who was going to resist watching hot girls and hoping that they kissed? Not him. He swallowed down his drink and asked for another. -08:32 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: She slid up to the bar and ordered two strong drinks and smiled. "Done with those crates?" she asked giving Desoto the stink eye. "You must have somethign better to do than piss away someone else’s money." Kristoff seemed like a girl with simple but rich tastes so she got roast duck shinly sliced up and draped over a bed of seasoned rice with sake to go with it after her sex on the beach while Emelia ordered a skteak that Charlotte could steal some of if the duck wasn’t to her liking. She got a side of garlic bread too. -08:40 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Thorn Desoto: "Crates are locked, cargo bay battoned down. You can tell the Captain I’m soused but efficient." He took another drink, squinting at the order. "A lot of rich food and booze for an interview. You don’t have to get ME drunk to sleep with me, babes. I’m a cheaper date." -08:45 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: "Who said anything about an interview." she shot right back. "And maybe I like a challenge, I’m a marine." she collected the drinks and was walking right back to the captain and putting hers in front of her with a smile. "No, not trying to get you drunk I just think that a new command should be celebrated, no ratter what. Start the cruise on a high note and it brings good luck, is what my CO used to say. So long as you don’t have a haangover on launch day." -08:50 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Charlotte Kristoff: "It’ll take than a few of these to get me drunk." she winked, picking up her sake for a sip and giving a small sound of approval. "We’ll save the celebration until after we’ve launched. There’s still the possibility that I’m going to get everyone killed and Lieutenant Sharpe will get his command after all. I’ve heard about the Commander’s Curse on Lightbringer." -08:56 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Thorn Desoto: "HEY KYLE. IF YOU WANT TO SEE BOOBS, I’VE GOT SOME FOR YA." He was already pulling up his shirt showing off his chest. That’s about when a couple others grabbed his arms to drag him about before he got himself fired by the new Captain. -08:56 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: She sipped her drink and rolled her eyes at the engineer. "Ma’am, I’m a soldier. All soldiers are supersticious to a greater or lesser degree but I don’t believe in the curse. I’m no expert in ships but you take a lightly armored cruiser and put her among the galaxiest biggest dangers and people are going to die." swizling her drink she settled in ehr seat no longer caring about posture. "All of us on board know the dangers and accept them as part of our job." if rumors abounded and her ‘secret’ was out it didn’t matter. She was actually enjoying the talk. "If you want a celebration after launch I’ll set up a little something. Who knows maybe we’ll get Sharpe to loosen up." she smiled. "He’s actually not that bad… he’s just been working harder than everyone else to get us ready and you know… the promotion that was meant to be." -09:04 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Charlotte Kristoff: "I’d give it to him if I could." she muttered, settling back in her seat. Emelia Kyle was actually quite comfortable to relax and talk to. Meeting her as one of the first was a stroke of luck. It helped that Charlotte had downed a scotch or two prior, though. "Hmm, but I can’t, it’s mine, and I’ll do the best damn job in the galaxy just out of spite if that’s what it takes." she grinned, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes. "I don’t believe commanders just up and die like that out of coincidence, though. I’ve been going over some of the records. Something about it doesn’t feel right. So unless Sharpe has been trying to kill his competition to get the command, I think there’s something else going on." -09:11 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: "Stuffy? Nooo. He’s a navy man through and through. One of those few poor assholes who bring thier personal code of honor to the job. It’s my job to know everyone and figure out who can do things like what you’re suggesting and he’s not one. He carried too much on his shoulders because of his grandfather The Eden colony incident…" she spoke like she expected the captain to already know. -09:16 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle
Charlotte Kristoff: "The surrender. That was a big deal." Anyone who spent time studying political science knew about that. And depending on who did the teaching, you got quite a few different opinions on the matter. But most were almost always negative. Earth Nation was never to surrender. Ever. It was pretty much criminal. Charlotte wasn’t sure she agreed. "That’s comforting to know my number one isn’t going to try and shank me in my sleep. But that means we’ll have a lot of watching to do. I kind of don’t want to die." she smirked, raising her glass to her lips again. -09:21 Dec 31 Charlotte Kristoff
Emelia Kyle: "Then keep your head and keep us out of combat…" a dark look crossed over her face. "I don’t want to speak ill of the deaad but that’s what got your predecessor, a dizen of my marines and a lot of other good men and women killed. We saved a bunch of people but with heavy casualties and one of our ships out of comission for months? And now those assholes are looking at our colonies. I hate polotics." She look a deep drink and set her glass down. "War is a hell of a lot simpler." -09:27 Dec 31 Emelia Kyle

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