
Here is a collection of my plots. Many of these are well developed “ready to play” plots, while others are just quickly jotted down notes about ideas and concepts I want to use in the future. You are more than welcome to draw from these plots for inspiration! But please make sure to link back to the plot and let me know in a comment so I can read along. :D

  • Unnamed Scifi Steampunk Cyberpunk

    A crazy cross between Mad Hatter and Robin Hood type character. He doesn’t steal from rich to give to the poor, and technically he’s never doing good deeds when he does the things he does. He’s a “bad guy” that inevitably does good things.


    Genre: Space Exploration Sci-Fi Place: Exploring Galaxy #882701, more commonly referred to as “Ganymede 7” Timeline: Future URSET, the United Regency of Space Exploration and Travel has a top of the line Colony Vessel named Junomedra. With over 100,000 staff and civilians on board, Junomedra is one of the largest self-sustainable exploration ships in the…

  • Vaug Toran

    Genre: Otherworld Fantasy Rating: R – All the fun stuff without the porn! Location: Vaug Toran Plot Teaser Vaug Toran – a marvelous world of… nothing very extraordinary. The golden days of old are over; the council of mages all but diminished saved for a mere few, the dragons that once dominated the mountains have…

  • Verboten: Seeing Red

    Genre: Mobster Family Crime Drama Location: Chicago, Illinois Timeline: Present Date Basic Plot The streets of Chicago aren’t ruled by rival gangs, but rather by rival families. Mob families that have vied for power of the city for decades. Lately, two of the most influential families have been rather cross with each other. Stepped on…

  • Verge

    [et_pb_section admin_label=”Section” fullwidth=”off” specialty=”off” background_image=”” transparent_background=”off” background_color=”#000000″ allow_player_pause=”off” inner_shadow=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”off” make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”on” make_equal=”off” use_custom_gutter=”off”][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row”][et_pb_column type=”2_3″][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″][et_pb_blurb admin_label=”Blurb” title=”VERGE” url_new_window=”off” use_icon=”off” icon_color=”#793851″ use_circle=”off” circle_color=”#793851″ use_circle_border=”off” circle_border_color=”#793851″ icon_placement=”top” animation=”top” background_layout=”dark” text_orientation=”left” use_icon_font_size=”off” header_text_color=”#ffffff” body_text_color=”#ffffff” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” header_font_size=”40″ header_letter_spacing=”10px”] Stories of the Verge Universe [/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row admin_label=”Row” make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”on” use_custom_gutter=”off” background_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0)” allow_player_pause=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”off”…

  • Voodoo Rite

    Genre: Modern Supernatural Location: Timeline: “Last Saturday’s fatal Brooklyn fire started by voodoo sex rite”

  • War of Stormwind

    Genre: Fantasy Plot Basic Telmir has been at war with Anthova for over 30 years. Neither side seems to gain control, and now the people aren’t even sure what they’re still fighting for. The leaders of both countries have died, leaving temporaries in charge searching for heirs and replacements. Country of Telmir Kingdom of Anthova

  • Wheel of Fate

    Genre: Fantasy Rating: Location: What if you discovered you had been living the same life and same events for thousands of years? That every time you are reincarnated you carry out the same events regardless of who you are and where you are born? __ is a man that accidentally stumbled on the home of…

  • Winter’s End

    Genre: Fantasy Location: Daimir Daimir is a world of great magics, amazing stories, prosperity and peace. Ruled by clans, each region of Daimir has it’s specialties for trade. The crops that they grow, the animals they raise. And in the world of Daimir, everything has it’s seasons, sparked by ancient orbs and protected by chosen…

  • Wishing Well

    Genre: Modern Fantasy Location: Timeline: Present Date In the center of town there is a wishing well. People like to toss in their coins and make a wish. They say if you do it exactly at midnight on the night of a full moon, the wish is sure to come true! One evening a couple…

  • Witching

    Genre: Modern Fantasy Location: Timeline: A little boy learns how he is connected to a family of witches. Random Notes: Learning how the wands are created, including the mysterious missing “master wand”. Five orphaned siblings, three sisters, two brothers (the witches the boy learns of and meets.) The eldest sister is an evil witch and…

  • Xelmor

    Xelmor Colony Station has been in the forefront of society advancements for the past 200 years. Being a multi-species colony, there has been a lot of debate on which Empire the station actually belongs to. Recently, the local government of Xelmor has decided to succeed from all world ties and become it’s own Independent entity.…