[Daren has a new life coach, maybe?] -03:23 Sep 17
[Jade is totally dressed again. …but there’s no way she can do a serious interview like this! Hmm…] -03:27 Sep 17
Jade: Morning sex wasn’t very common. Especially after a drunken episode. And definitely not with some suicidal wackjob, she just so happened to decide to do a story on. So now Jade had a problem. No journalist could do a serious interview while wearing her clubbing tramp gear and her fuck-me heels. …where -were- those heels? Jade was looking for them! “As soon as I find my damned shoes, we’re going on a little field trip!” -03:29 Sep 17
Daren: “They’re on the couch.” he said as he pulled a shirt on and then stretched and looked at her. She certainly wasn’t the ugliest girl he had ever slept with, not by a long shot, she was actually very pretty without makeup on. Her hair framed in the light drifting through the window was spectacular and… “Shouldn’t you wear shoes that are a little more practical? Wjere are we going anyway?” -03:35 Sep 17
Jade: “These aren’t practical shoes, babe. These are last minute booty call shoes.” She balanced easily on each foot as she slipped them on. Years of drunken dancing made her a pro! “I’m taking you to my place where I’m going to get a shower and a change of clothes. Then we’re going to ~interview~ Jade Sparrow style as you take me on a tour through the torrid world of kickboxing!” And that was only -slightly- because she was keen on the idea of meeting other well toned hotties. -03:40 Sep 17
Daren: “From what I’ve seen an interview Jade Sparrow style involves sex on my bed. Or did you want a change of venue?” he eyed her. She was going to interview him, his minded needed to leave the gutter. “And frankly I’d rather go to Area 34 than back there. If you want my story I’ll happily write everything down for you.” Nmaedrop the most exclusive clud in the city, and one he could her vip access to at any time, way to get your mind out of the gutter Daren. -03:46 Sep 17
Jade: Oooo. Exclusive club. Even flashing your tits at the bouncer rarely got you in there. “Hmm… Almost got me. You’re good at distractions.” Once she reclaimed her purse, she beckoned him to follow her. “How about you answer all my questions today and take me on that tour, and -then- tonight we go to your club. I’d say that’ll be a nice reward for behaving, yeah?” -03:51 Sep 17
Daren: “Reward for who? I could always go alone.” he looked at her. “Maybe death by party will be eatter than throwing myself off a bridge.” he pulled on a jacket and stratched his chin.. he didn’t have a beard before! Deppresion and not shaving… “I need a shave.” -03:54 Sep 17
Jade: Holy crap, was he still serious about that dying thing? Morning sex should have changed his life! Jade gave him a sly look. “Then if you’re good on the way to my place, I might let you shower with me. That better?” -03:57 Sep 17
Daren: “Are you bribing me?” he asked raising an eyebrown. “Honey you’re too gorgeous to be selling your booty to a tramp like me for a story.” but the bulge in his pants told a different story. “Am I going to to carry you in those heels?” -04:01 Sep 17
Jade: “Gorgeous, huh? You’ve got a vocabulary.” Jade cast him a wicked grin, but she brushed off the offer of carrying her around. This dress was way too short to be flashing her ass in broad daylight. “C’mon, I need that shower before I give you any serious questions and we’re gonna have a fun long day.” -04:06 Sep 17
Daren: “I could have said ravishing, stunning, too much of a knockout… anything you care to name. Point is you know perfectly well the state I’m in.” -04:12 Sep 17
Daren: “I could have said ravishing, stunning, too much of a knockout… anything you care to name. Point is you know perfectly well the state I’m in.” He opened the door and waited for her to exit. “You really shouldn’t be getting mixed up in this… with me.” -04:13 Sep 17
Jade: “See, now you’re just being insulting.” she responded, flicking his chin as she walked past him. “I didn’t spend years in college just to be told I’m too hot for a good story. I wouldn’t care if you were a secret agent on the run from Russian spies and any moment we’d be getting shot at. A good journalist gets a good story.” And as if it was the perfect closer to make her point, she stuck her tongue out at him. -04:17 Sep 17
Daren: “Your sas will get you dragged back into my bedroom and then you wouldn’t be getting any story other thna one to tell your friends as to why you’re in a wheelchair.” his turn to stick out his tongue. “So if you want to go anywhere today, go before it’s too late.” he pointed out the door with his thumb. “You’re damn good in the sack and I’m still horny.” -04:22 Sep 17
Jade: Grinning wide, Jade was out the door and leading the way. Only pausing long enough to make sure he -was- coming. “Need I repeat shower at my place. …Not that we should be continuing this whole sex thing longer than. Uh. Today. After today it will be pure business.” -04:26 Sep 17
[(Timeout) Jade has timed out.] -05:07 Sep 17
Daren: He closed up and locked the door. “Fine by me. She sooner you’re out of my life the better it will be for you.”and the sooner he could not have a life anymore. Maybe. “So back to your abandoned car and hope theres no douchebags this time.” -05:07 Sep 17
[Jade enters.] -05:18 Sep 17
Jade: “I’m sure you’ll sock them in the teeth for me.” He was still going on about the depressed stuff. She WAS going to have to be his life coach. Jade ran her hands through her hair to smooth it out. “Yeah, if this is gonna work I’mma have some rules. Kay? No more of that ‘Oh gods I wanna die’ stuff unless you’re getting sexed so bad you can’t take it anymore. And second, I pick what’s better for me. I know what I’m doing.” -05:23 Sep 17
Daren: He shot her a look. “Oh gods I wanna die. I havn’t gotten laid in an hour, I can’t take it any more please kill me now.” the sarcasm in his voice was thick. “Fine Ms. Jade Sparrow, no relative of any Jacks past or present, assumedly, al least none that are pirates, you get to say whats best for you. And you already have said no more sex after today and that is whts best for you.” -05:30 Sep 17
Jade: In a split second she was laughing out loud, and was still laughing even when they stepped outside on to the sidewalk. She didn’t care a bit that she was getting those ‘what a slut!’ looks from what she considered were very uptight, bored people. “You say that like you’re a little pissed by it. Did I give you a reason to live another day?” She leaned close with that wicked tease of a grin, before she straightened again and put on a more sheepish expression. “You’re like… an emotional wreck right now -and- I want that story. So even though I would looove to take you for a sping every day until I get bored, it’s not the best idea. I LOOK like a hot mess, but I’m not stupid.” -05:37 Sep 17
Daren: “I know you’re not stupid.” he snapped back. “If you acted like you look I would be at the bottom of the river. You’re quick on your feet even when hammered so don’t think for a second that I think you’re dumb. Or that I would stay alive just for sex. I still have half a mind to turn around and go the other way. These people are thugs and if you start asking questons they will go after you. The only reason I’m still here talking to you is because it’s better I’m there where they try since you’re going to poke around anyway.” -05:47 Sep 17
Jade: Jade turned, and with a surprising amount of skill for six inch heels, she was walking backwards in front of him. Giving that ‘gotcha!’ look, that she didn’t bother to be apologetic about. “Let them come after me! I’m not afraid of thugs aaaand it gives more fuel for my story. ‘Journalist assalted by thugs while doing researching in to an illegal gambling ring’. It’s a great headline. Besides. I carry a gun.” -05:52 Sep 17
Daren: “Carrying a gun only guarentees that there is one around to get shot with. Most people stut during break ins are shot with thier own guns. If you want my advice you’d throw it off a bridge but then you don’t do you? You don’t need or want my advice on anything. Jade: Always got everything under control.” he reached out and grabbed her just as she was about to trip over a bench. Then when she was safe let go of and stepped around her. “Why are you doing this?” -05:56 Sep 17
Jade: Almost lost her awesome streak with that bench. Jade gave it a scowl before she was walking to catch up to him. “Should I go down the list? You were trying to jump off the bridge. You obviously need somebody in your life at the moment, and I might not be the best option, but at I’ve been there before. And second, for totally selfish reasons that just -happen- to also be good for you, I can print a story that clears your name, puts bad guys to shame AND kick starts my career. It’s win-win, even if I do land in some trouble. You can’t have success without risk, right?” -06:02 Sep 17
[Daren enters.] -06:16 Sep 17
Daren: “No I don’t want you to run through a list. You’re a smart girl that doesn’t seem to be above using sex to get what she wants, can I trust you? Trust of smart girls who use sex to get what they want and then depart as soon as things look greener on the other side is part of the reason I do want to end myself. We’re not having sex again, not today, not ever.” -06:19 Sep 17
Jade: “What?” Jade punched his arm as hard as she could, which pretty much just ended with her cursing and shaking her hand. “Ow! Fuck… Hey, screw you! I didn’t have to sex you to get my story! I am plenty capable of getting information without cheap tricks. Oh, but thanks for the confidence there, buddy. Totally solved my business vs pleasure battle for me!” Rrrragh! Now she was ready to chuck him in the river herself. AS IF she’d use sex to get what she wanted. …other than more sex. So much for the smart girl compliments, she was clearly just a manipulative whore! She was muttering under her breath now. -06:26 Sep 17
[(Timeout) Daren has been fed to the plot bunnies for failure to participate.] -06:29 Sep 17
Daren: He stopped and closed his eyes. “I’m not going to your house, this is a bad idea, just call me when you’re ready to meet.” he walked forwards and turned up another street. He didn’t want her involved, not did he want to really see her. Seeing her was dangerous and how he was angry with her, no not with her, with himself, sex was always a bad idea. -06:29 Sep 17
Jade: Jade went several paces before she realized he meant it and wasn’t with her anymore. She turned back real quick to follow him… almost threw her purse at him. Instead she was shouting at his back. She might be pissy at him, and meeting him later would have been just fine. ….but… Jade doubted he should be left alone. At least for today. “Hold your horses! If you don’t want to head to my place, fine! But you’re not ditching me today. I’ll do interviews like this, whatever.” -06:34 Sep 17
Daren: He let out a loud groan. “You don’t get it Jade. Its a bad idea for me to be near you. The most you want from me to to and I quote you yourself ‘give me a spin every day until you get bored.’ and you have in your owm words callen me an emotional mess. So do you, in all honesty think I can be near and insanely hot gitl I had great sex with and not want more than just hot sex?” -06:38 Sep 17
Jade: “Oh my god, really?! You’ve known me for fifteen minutes! I’m pretty sure after twenty four hours all the hot chick stuff is gonna wear off, and you’re gonna realize ‘Oh hey, this girl is a career obsessed lunatic with a shoe fetish! Thank god I’m single!’ and you’re not gonna think twice. You’re too damned worried about the details.” ..oh man, she just realized he was a Leslie. A total wreck! How did she end up with these people? -06:45 Sep 17
Daren: “Shoe fetish?” that had his thinking… before her shook his head violently. “If I were more together this wouldn’t be a problem. But as you’re so fond of pointing out I’m not. So look at the person you fucked this morning and see what he is. I wouldn’t want to be with me and I don’t want to inflict myself on anyone and end up driving them away so its a lot easier for you to just leave now.” -06:53 Sep 17
Jade: “Okay, you wanna play the who is more crazy game. I’ve got this.” Clearly nothing was going to get through to him unless she did it to the extreme. Jade had no problem with that. She opened up her little clutch purse and out came that gun. No one was on the street, so hopefully nobody would freak and all the cops. With a click she pointed the gun at him. “Crazy gun-toting journalist isn’t afraid of your crazy, isn’t afraid of thugs, and sure isn’t afraid of sex or the awkward post-sex falling out. You’re coming with me to my car and to my apartment so I can shower and we can do an interview. Or I’m gonna point this thing at windows and starting shooting.” -06:58 Sep 17
Daren: He could have face facepalmed, instead he looked at her with a ‘are you serious’ expression, and then let his foot fly to knock it out of her hand, step, grab, twist, and she was in a half nelson, then be lened to pick up her gun and and edge towards a storm drain draggin her along for the ride. “Just means there is one around to get shot with. Tip: if you point a gun at someone make sure to pull the trigger.” -07:02 Sep 17
Jade: The way she squealed didn’t match the whole touch crazy chick she was going for. Plus, she was wearing a really short ass dress, this was not cool! So Jade was having a hard time trying to squirm out of his grasp while keeping her skirt down at the same time. “Goddamnit! I get it! Give me my gun back, that’s security blanket!” -07:09 Sep 17
Daren: He popped open the auromatic’s clip release and let the magazine fall down the drain, then emptied the chamber and sent that one down the drain too letting her go in the process, then he let her have her gun back. If you want to use it as a threat, don’t keep it loaded, if you want to use it as a weapon, use it as a weapon, but really, toss the gun and ger some bear mace.” he was turning to walk away from her. “And if you really want to see crazt get me a motorcycle, then hold on tight.” -07:13 Sep 17
Jade: “Uuugh. Why’d you have to do that…” Jade stuffed the gun back in her purse, scowling down at the drain. At least he didn’t toss the gun down there. Crawling in to storm drains was not her idea of a good time. She stomped after him so quick, her heels made very audible clicks on the pavement. “That’s not the way to my car. You know what, fine! Go home and I’ll call you when I’m done checking out your old places! All I have to do is google up your name and I can get the address. In fact…” she stopped following, now pulling out her phone. ah…! A text from Leslie. She scowled. Speaking of motorcycle maniacs… Jade ignored it for now and just opened up the web browser for a search. -07:21 Sep 17
[Daren is seriously pissed off with Jade for no reason adn for so many at the same time!] -03:09 Sep 21
[Jade doesn’t need her new story -with- her while she’s doing research. In fact it’s probably better that he’s not!] -03:14 Sep 21
Daren: He growled in feral frustration his hand shooting out and gripping her shoulder. "I’m not going to allow you to go out and get yourself killed." he snapped. making a grab for her phone too. All her notes were on there and if that went down the drain she’d need him. "You’re not going alone." Why did he even care, having this girl around was making him want to kill himself. She was insufferable. -03:19 Sep 21
Jade: "Hey! No. No taking my phone." Deadpan serious, Jade was jerking her phone waaay out of his reach and giving him a dark look. Not her precious! That thing was her life’s blood! Then she was turning herself out of his grasp to resume walking. "I can take care of my own business, and doing this stuff IS my business. And frankly, outside of giving me a tour of your old haunts – which by the way is cool if you really want to refuse – there’s a lot of crap I’ve got to do without you stepping on my toes. I can call you when I need you! Ciaaaaooo~!" Okay, maybe she was deliberately being assinine about it, but who was he to tell her what she couldn’t do? This was her career! -03:25 Sep 21
Daren: He narrowed his gaze and the grip on her shoulder tightened and he pulled her closer. "Jade. You’re not listening to me. I have a plan." his voice was a low hiss. "But then you don’t listen to anyone, do you. Not unless they’re saying what you want to hear…" Why did she make him so angry? Because she actually wanted to help him and didn’t hide that it was for her own benefit. "Doing this will kill what little pride I have left, so if we’re doing it, we’re doing it my way." thier faces were less than an inch apart and that fact seeped into his brain causing his other hand to move to grip her other shoulder, all though if the phone slipping his mind. -03:43 Sep 21
Jade: "I’m not trying to kill your pride, you jackass, I’m trying to fix it." Just because she had an agenda didn’t mean she was going to throw him under a damned bus. Jade was scowling at, he wasn’t trying to take her phone now, but she was still trying to take a step back. Man sure was hot when he was pissy. …but she had work to get done. "…besides, your way wasn’t working so well last. It’s my story, I’m doing it MY way." -03:49 Sep 21
Daren: He let out another thoaty growl. "I can get you in unoticed." he said. "You’ll be able to poke around and no one will give two shits about you being there. I’ll have my laugh at the end of the day. But until then, you’re my new girlfriend and I’m going crawling back to my old dicksucking manager. Play the dumb floozie and you’ll be part of the furniture. And you’ll be able to see it in action." His face was closer to hers now. "And dressed like that you’re perfect." his lips made contact, pushing against her as he pulled her croser and straitened up lifting her off her feet. -03:55 Sep 21
Jade: He really did have an idea! A good idea too. Hella more clever than some of the shit she was going to pull. Except… having him crawl back to his asshole manager didn’t set well with her. Before she could even shoot down the idea his mouth was on hers and she was giving a startled sound when her feet left the ground. Holy shit, she couldn’t get over how strong he was! ….nor could she seem to resist the pull of someone sexy -and- smart. That never happened. Jade was curling her arms around his neck in an instant, biting his lip with a minor ounce of frustration. -04:02 Sep 21
Daren: His lips still on hers he pinned her against the wall next to an alley and pushed his tongu against her lips, licking them and tasting her his body pressing against hers. "Ffffffffuuuuck." he breathed knowing he shouldn’t be doing this but melting anyway. His kiss softening but becoming needy, moving his lips and flicking his tongue. Her bite was his undoing. -04:11 Sep 21
Jade: This was not some cheap, drunk booty call at three am. Yet, she wasn’t thinking about the consequences or the fact it was broad daylight probably in some hobo’s favorite lunch spot. At some point she dropped her phone and her purse in favor of digging her fingers in to his hair and pulling his head back to give her better access to his mouth. He had some kind of irresistable hook in her! -04:18 Sep 21
Daren: He pulled her away from the wall and Arms holding her against him he carried her into the only shelted he could find, the alley itselfwhere he pressed her into the fall under a fire escaps and nipped her lip, his hand going down to her thig to pull it around him. He was beyind thinking this was a bad idea, there was only the need to have sex with the body pressed against him. -04:27 Sep 21
Jade: Totally a bad idea. Really should put a stop to it. …but it was so, so hot. And apparently appealed to some clandestine part of her libido, because she was wrapped her legs around him without question. Shifting herself against him just for that thrill of being trapped between him and the wall. Jade’s hands moved out of his hair, reaching down to pull up his shirt to steal her hands underneath the fabric for a touch of skin. -04:34 Sep 21
Daren: He smiled against her lips when he felt her hands on his stomach. His hant to the back of her head to circle his thumb behind her ear as he pulled his lips away to checkle. "This is a bad idea." he said softly, but unable to keep the heavy need from his voice or the hand fro sqeezing her buttock. It was a clear he wasn’t going to stop! -04:43 Sep 21
Jade: How the fuck could he mix carnal lusty sexiness with a simple sweet touch and a soft voice. That shit was crazy! Now she couldn’t stop herself from grinning either, forgoing speaking in favor of capturing his mouth with hers. Gently sucking on his lower lip before she pounced with an almost fierce nip. If she could have ripped his clothes off, she would have. Instead, Jade was reaching down to tug sharply at his belt. Bad idea or not, she wanted him. She’d worry about consequences later. -04:55 Sep 21
Daren: He pulled to the bottom of her bress letting it bunch up on her stomach as he responded to her nip with one of his own, his tongue strailing over her lip before he pulled her head back to suck on her lip, There was no more thought for wordy. He he could rip his pants with his penis to get to her faster he would do it. He NEEEEDED her. -05:03 Sep 21
Jade: She had his belt loose, the button undone and zipper down in a matter of seconds. Stealing her hand inside his pants to grip, not at all gently. Was there any part of this man that -wasn’t- rock hard? There was no going back from that point. Pulling him free from the contraints of his pants before she was circling her arms around his neck again. -05:10 Sep 21
Daren: He moved his hips closer to hers and he pushed one hand against the wall and the other continued to grip her thigh. He wanted to be inside her so badly and his impatience showed with how he continued to bite and chew her lip. There would be marks there was no way to avoid that but he didn’t care. They only thing in the world was her hand gripping him and the distance between tip, and lips. -05:16 Sep 21
Jade: She wanted to drive him crazy… she also wanted to fuck him like crazy! And if he didn’t quit nipping at her, she was gonan be done before she even got him. Giving a small sound of frustration against his mouth, Jade guided him to her. Releasing him to run her hand up his side and dig her nails in to his skin, and squeezing her legs tight around him to force him closer. -05:22 Sep 21
Daren: He pushed in hard, all the fustration of waiting and impasience fed into that one action and there was a growl of truinph and heavy pleasure as his lips took hers and his hand holding her thigh he thrust again giving himself over to the action of fucking her against the wall like an animal. The wall was rough, the alley was hardly the best location but the only thing he cared about was how hard he could ram his dick into her, the the jorlt of eletricity that shot up his spine every time he did that made everything from his toes to the lips pressed into hers tingle. -05:28 Sep 21
Jade: Jade’s gasp was nothing more than a muffled cry in to his mouth, and very quickly it shifted to a far too loud groan! She was so going to regret awkwardly placed scratches later, but damned if he didn’t know how to hit it right. She met him with equal fervor, back braced against the wall for leverage as she twist her hips. And touching she couldn’t get enough of. Running her hands up and down his sides and back under his shirt until her arms curled up around him to grip his shoulders. -05:35 Sep 21
Daren: His tongue captured hers and twisted against it, He arms terring his back off with pins and needles everywhere they touched. He pushed and trust against her helped by her twisting until he got the right angle, then there was no holding back, one leg around him and the other held suspended by his arm. His breath was rapid and deep the need for air to fuil his fevered actions making him suck against her mouth and groan into her. He couldn’t remember ever doing it like this before. This was something new. -05:41 Sep 21
Jade: He was absolutely killing her. Jade couldn’t breath and when she did, it would come out as a slow hissing sigh and then a quick intake of air. Only to be holding her breath all over again! Her every limb was so tensely coiled that even her toes were curled up in her shoes. The feeling was sizzling and rose so quickly, that it wasn’t long before she was caving to it. Savoring that delicious shiver running up her spine. -05:52 Sep 21
Daren: He thust deep into her and helt her go "Thank fuck…" he whispered pushing in again and it felt like a tidal wave when he let go his lips pushing hard against hers and a deep satisfied groan forsed it;s way down her throat. "Dammit Jade… You make a damn good fuck. I’m not going to be able to let you go tomorow…" he was breathing hard. "So we keep doing this?" -05:58 Sep 21
Jade: Ooooh, he was so good. So, so good… Jade couldn’t remember a guy making her feel like this and she had plenty! She was all but melted around him, nuzzling against his cheek until her head fell against his shoulder. Hmm, wait… what did he say? Her head was up again as she eyed him, but damned if she wasn’t too hazy and too pleased to put up an argument about it now. "I guess a few days wouldn’t hurt…" she mumbled. …Ah hell, where did her phone go? -06:05 Sep 21
[Daren enters.] -06:24 Sep 21
[(Timeout) Daren got too distracted for their own good…] -06:35 Sep 21
Daren: He lowered her to the floor and have her a fonal lingering kiss as he trailed his fingertips down her cheek. "Now we have scumbags to meet…" he really didn’t want to but it would let her play Nancy Drew whithough suspision. Tucking himself way and redoing his belt he then pulled out HIS phone and scrolled through the numbers. -06:35 Sep 21
Jade: Being released was almost like getting a cold splash of water. A goddamn did she need it. The man had her reeling enough that she nearly forgot about her day’s agenda. While he was pulling out a phone, she was smoothing her skirt back down, and with a worried, almost angry squeal went diving down the alley to snatch up her phone and purse from where she dropped it. Thank god! Still intact! Holy hell, the man actually made her drop her precious. What the hell was wrong with her?! -06:39 Sep 21
Daren: "I didn’t call he hear you gloat, I called for a job." his voice was back to it’s usual growl. "I’m on my way over now. Yeah I have comepany, a girl I told her I’d introduce her to some of the fighters of she got on her knees and asked nice. Yeah… Now. Fine. See you in twenty." he looked at her and smiled, she looked like she had been through hell, perfect cover! -06:44 Sep 21
Jade: Jade dusted her phone off and slipped it in her first. All that fire and feist was gone, and she was giving him a weary expression. The fact he had her losing common sense while sober -and- somehow taking control of the day had her a little unsettled. "So you’re serious about working for that jerk again, just for my story? Getting an easy in like this is great and all but… I dunno, it’s one thing when I’m doing something crazy. You diving backing back in doesn’t feel right." -06:49 Sep 21
Daren: "Its to take him down, isn’t it?" he pointed out. "Once he is exposed I’ll quit and get on with my life, until then I’ll do everything I can to make sure he pays. Can you get this thing published? Tell me you can and I will get you in and give you as much sex as you want. All I care about is that man on the street with nothing, like he tried to leave me." no that wasn’t true… he was starting to care about her and it was wrong of him to. -06:53 Sep 21
Jade: "Honey, the sex has nothing to do with the story! You just keep that and this separate!" That actually insulted her more than him asking if she could get the story published. Her hands were resting on her hips as she scowled at him. "I can get published, I’m not worried about that." Man, she really didn’t have the energy to argue it and the way she slowly fizzled and gave in. "I’ll have a look today with you, and then -I’ll- decide whether or not we need to keep pretending…" -07:02 Sep 21
Daren: He frowned. "I wasn’t being entirely serious." he said "Implying the sex would be your reward." that was more important that her suicide wish. For some reason. "But you know it will be your easiest way in, and I’ve already made the call. So we’re expected there in twenty minutes." He offerend ehr his arm. "I know it will be dificult but put on your best dumb girl act and don’t be surprised if hes a pig to you." -07:13 Sep 21
Jade: "Playing the game is the easy part." The hard, was surprisingly enough… him! Jade relented and looped her arm with his. Using her free hand to run through her hair and try to smooth it out. At least she definitely looked the part of trashy bimbo. That had her grinning. "Not making any promises about pistol whipping though. One ass grab and it’s a fist to the face!" -07:19 Sep 21
Daren: "No, a girl like you you have to romance a bit am I right? Have to work your magic before she’ll work her." he laughed and exited the alley with her in tow. "I’m pretty sure mine would beat yours to the punch though." -07:24 Sep 21
Jade: Jade wanted a shower. Jade wanted him in her shower. Jade was still trying to figure out how he was calling the shots now, for -her- story. She walked with him though, quickly running out scenarios in her head for her first real ‘cover’ and paying attention where they were headed. She was with him now, but she would be back without him the minute she had the opportunity. "I’m not the romancing type. Or did the dress and the heels not make that pretty obvious? Will you kung-fu around with someone for practice? I’d kinda like to see that!" -07:34 Sep 21
Daren: "I was being sarcatic." he said. "And practicing what I would say to him if he had a pass at you. He has a girty of doing that to my girlfriend… ex girlfriend and hes likely to do the same to you." Hse didn’t do dating, of couse she didn’t he knew that. Then why was he feeling disappointed? "And It’s not kung-fu, it’s kickboxing. And maybe." -07:40 Sep 21
Jade: "Yeah, yeah, kickboxing." Jade was eyeing him again. The girlfriend bit piqued her interest, and that was snoop worthy. "Did he do that a lot? Hitting on your then-girl? Did she ever flirt back? Turn him down? Get pissy?" -07:43 Sep 21
Daren: "She ignored him, not that it matters now. There’s the place though." he pointed across the street and then started to cross. "I bet he’ll have his smug asshole grin on his face. That one he always has." -07:50 Sep 21
Jade: Jade squeezed his arm in a hug. "If you want to drop it, feel free to sock him in the face at any time. I’ll pull the gun and we’ll make a dramatic exit. We don’t have to do this to get my story." Even if it -was- the best and easiest way to sneak in and get loads of first hand knowledge. Jade still wasn’t sure if this was gonna be good for him. -07:52 Sep 21
Daren: He shrugged and then pushed open the door and stepped into the gym area, then froze. "Brilliant. Well.." he turned to her and grabbing the back of her head kissed her hard then kept going towards three figures, a short plump man, a fighter, and a tall dark-haired woman. "Careful, they’re the riders of the apocalypse. Pain, greed, and whythehellisshehere?" -07:55 Sep 21
Jade: Jade knew when to turn on the act. …though, it really wasn’t much of an act the way she responded to his kiss. That I wish we were elsewhere so I could fuck you look was definitely the real deal. "Speak of the devil, huh. I gotcha, baby, don’t you worry about a thing…" The way she said it was almost vapid, but Jade meant it. Really meant it. All it once it kind hit her just how much he was sacrifcing to do this. -08:02 Sep 21
Daren: He stepped up the the fat short guy and looked down at him, even though he was looking at Jade. "Well you two look like you’d been having fun. Good to see you’ve come to you senses about your job though, your fiance heres been worried sick." Daren rolled his eyes. "Margret LEFT me and I have a new girl now." he squeezed Jade’s butt. "Get her out of here." -08:09 Sep 21
Jade: "Fiance, huh, baby? I bet the bitch is regretin’ she walked out now…" Jade might’ve smiling with her best, play grin, but her wheels were turning fast. She didn’t the chance to ask more about the ex, but Jade figured her being here wasn’t normal. …which could mean a lot! -08:15 Sep 21
Daren: The woman rolled her eyes and left. "There not look what you did, never mind, go and get changed. Before I give you a job I need to make sure’ve been taking care of yourself. How long have you had this one anyway, she doen’t seem your type." "You wait here honey, its time for me to put on shorts and gloves." he kissed her again and then looked at the manager. "Shes anyone’s type onse you get her home, best I’ve ever had." -08:22 Sep 21
Jade: There was always that female instinct of being pleased when you stuck it to another woman. Another big wide grin Jade didn’t need to fake. "Now you’re just tryin’ to sweet talk me. I’ve been waiting all day to see some men get sweaty and beat the shit out of each other." Jade couldn’t lie about finding that interesting too. She finally just turned to the manager, offering him her hand. "I’m Jade. You know, like the gemstone, yeah?" And cue the bimbo giggle at something that wasn’t even a joke. -08:27 Sep 21
Daren: She played the part a little too well… and as Daren left the manger was taking her hand and shaking it. "Harrold Arden, Dai-gen’s manager. I have to say hes lucky to have picked you up. I hope he hasn’t hit you, yet." -08:36 Sep 21
Jade: "Hit me?" Jade gave an overly wide-eyed look of astonishment, before it was back to giggling and playfully swatting the guy. "Oh right, cause he’s like, a karate master or something, yeah? No way, he’s like soooo much sweeter than my last guy!" Harrold Arden, check. Was the hitting bit a joke, or was he gonna give her the torried ‘the guy is a girl beater’ speech? …Jade did cast a quick look over her shoulder. Was he…? It’s not like she knew him very long… -08:40 Sep 21
Daren: "That’s why Margret left him… he didn’t tell you? He broke three of her ribs and busted up her jaw real good. She had to eat through a straw for weeks. Also why I fired him, though he promesed he hes got one of them, life coaches. But we’ll see." -08:44 Sep 21
Jade: Obviously if a guy was a chick-beater, he wasn’t going to tell the girl he just slept with. Especially one claiming to be a reporter. …but… would that same guy be jumping of a bridge in the middle of the night? Jade wasn’t writing off anything, though. The more info the better. "Oh my gods, that’s like… totally unbelievable! Now I kinda feel bad for her! But I know my honey would never do that to me, he loves me." Even while saying she felt bad, she made sure to have that smug ‘he’s my man’ look so many of of her college classmates would get about dudes everybody knew was a dick. High five to herself for being a social dynamite! -08:49 Sep 21
Daren: "I’m sure he does, heanwhile…" he stopped talkign asn Daren reppeared, shirtless and wearing shirts and gloves. He didn’t bother to warm up he just walked strait past them and clembd into the ring with a ‘I’m pissed off and I’m going to take it out on whoever steps in here with me look on his face.’ "Well not you get to see him in action, enjoy. C.. get in and don’t hold back." the other fighter climbed into the ring and they squared off, a few jebs here and there as they circled, but nothing solid… not yet. -08:55 Sep 21
Jade: Damned he was hot when he looked pissy. Especially shirtless and pissy and squaring off with some dude. Kinda made her wonder why she hadn’t thought to pick up guys in a place like this! …Well, other than the fact she was clearly underdressed for the place. "GIVE HIM A KARATE CHOP TO THE NECK BABY!" She squealed out, even hopping on her dangerous heels and clapping her hands. Then she was leaning over to quip at the manager. "This is sooo ccool! So it’s like a mix of kung fu and boxing, right? Or street fighting? How good was he when he fought before? I bet he won tons of matches!" -08:59 Sep 21
Daren: A hook was dodges as Daren stepped abck and ignoring the cheering grappened with his gloves and sent a knee into "C"’s ribs before pushing the man back and they squared off again. "Oh he was great. World champion. Would be in the hall of fame if he didn’t have such a temper. ‘EY I SAID CHALLANGE HIM NOT GIVE HIS HIS FIRN AND INVOTATION TO YOUR FACE." C was stepping hack holding his nose. "Weave for christ’s sake and keep ’em raised. Thaaat’s it." the match was heating up with both figters dodging and taking turns being on the offencive. -09:06 Sep 21
Jade: Yeah, she was totally one of those girls that loved a good fight. Another time she would be all in it, but she was busy stealth interviewing. "That’s pretty badass! He’s got tons of trophies and clips and stuff at his place. He told me he quit though, not got fired… " -09:10 Sep 21
Daren: "Who wouldn’t. I mean if I got fired I sure as hell wouldn’t boast about it. Would you?" he put a toothpick between his teeth and kept watching the figh. "Boy looks well rested though. Bet I’ve got you to thank for that. He always did fight better if he had a goof fuck the night before." -09:13 Sep 21
Jade: "Wouldn’t say last night." There was a smug grin from her again, and her fingers were dancing at her hips. Then she was trying to give that ‘pretending I don’t care but I totally do’ body language as she leaned in close to whisper at him. "I don’t wanna be that jealous bitch girlfriend or nothin’, but I didn’t think she would be here. Was she always here with him? What’s she doing here now?" -09:21 Sep 21
Daren: "She was here asking after him, shes still got a thing for the guy and I understand. They were together what… three years? How long have you been with him?" he turned his eyes back on the fight. "That was sloppy Gai, better do better than that in the ring come fight night. OH… you were asking for that. Look miss… uh… Ruby, they kid’s a great guy but he has issues. You might want to watch yourself around him." -09:31 Sep 21
Jade: Three years. And talking this guy was kinda not going the way it played in her head. Jade had really been expecting a total crazy sleezeball, and really he was… normal? Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and everything he said could be legit too. …she was definitely going to have to dig more. Somebody was lying. "It’s Jade. Do you think i can come back and ask some more questions later? Maybe another day, y’know when he’s not here too…?" It helped that she was honestly a little suspicious about her new friend, so sounding like a now concerned girlfriend wasn’t hard. Her arms were crossed now as she focused back on the fighting again. -09:37 Sep 21
Daren: The fight didn’t tacke mong to wrap ap and both fighters climbed out of the ring, Daren leaning over and kissing Jade on the forehead even with his bruised face. "Well how did I do?" it wasn’t clear if he was talking to Jade or Harrold. "You’re out of practice but we’ll fix that, be here wednesday morning, 8 AM sharp… And Jade, don’t forget what I said." he turned to go. "Look after this one Dai." -09:43 Sep 21
Jade: "I have no idea who won what, but it sure looked pretty kickass." Jade reached up to gently poke at the bruise on his face. That’d probably fade quick on him, but shit… these guys swing hard! "Mr. Arden is super nice, you can bring me to the next practice, riiiight?" She was still playing up her role for now. But Jade definitely knew it was going to be worthwhile keeping up the ruse. …at least on her end. She’d see how he felt when they were away from spying eyes. -09:48 Sep 21
Daren: "Of course." he said heading towards the lcoker room, not minding if she followed. "You’re my little good luck charm, I wouldn’t want you to miss anything." he was pulling off the gloves as he walked and he tossed them down on a bench as soon as he was in th elocker room and was stripping down to change back into his street clothes. -09:52 Sep 21
Jade: Oh she followed all right. And not just to catch a sneak peak of anyone’s goods. Her hands were back at her hips and when she was satisfied no one was in ear shot, she was stepping close and muttering with a low voice. "Did you ever hit her?" -09:54 Sep 21
Daren: He turned around sharply. -09:55 Sep 21
Daren: He turned around sharply. "Margret? He told you I hit Margret?" he throw down his shorts and grabbed his boxers to pull on. "Once by accident, we were arguing and I slapped her. It was an accident. And it was years ago." -10:03 Sep 21
Jade: "Slapping doesn’t happen by accident. What were you arguing about?" So he did hit her! Jade hadn’t expecting him to admit something like that. A little bit unsettling considering she slept with the guy twice… -10:07 Sep 21
Daren: He pulled on his shirt. "I wanted to forfit a fight, my dad had just died and I… I didn’t want to fight that night, she was arguing that if I did I would have to win every other match to get into the championship." he raised his hands in a ‘look here’ gesture. "I did this and turned at the same time and she was standing right behind me. She fell over, we got ever it. I didn’t even know scuzzball knew about that." -10:10 Sep 21
Jade: Easily explained. ….but easily bullshitted too. The journalist in her was having a fieldday knowing this story was going to be deliciously complicated. The woman, who had apparently stupidly claimed a guy she hadn’t even known for twenty four hours yet, was wondering if she should cut and run… "I’m gonna have to talk to her too." Jade finally muttered. Obviously she had an issue, but she wasn’t going to push it right away. "I definitely want to come back though. Your manager didn’t exactly give me a creeper dude impression at all.." -10:18 Sep 21
Daren: Daren snorted. "Give him time, when I’m not around he’ll be all over you. I’ll get her number, invite them both out to drinks with us and ‘make peace’ and jade." he leaned forwards to give ehr a quick kiss. "Thank you." he stood and started heading for the exit. Maybe now he wouldn’t want to kill himself. -10:23 Sep 21