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Character Name: Cheyanne Elaine Fowler
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Occupation: Front Desk Secretary at Mann Magazine
Family: Father; Retired Military Officer, Mother; Advice Columnist, Older Sister Kimberly: Housewife, Brother-in-law, 2 Nephews
General Appearance: About 5’4″ with curves in all the right places, she likes to tell herself when she’s not trying out one of those fad diets. (Where her mother says “Boobs a man would kill for and hips made for birthin’!) Cheyanne is a perfectly average woman, with a stylish (but obviously budgeted) wardrobe. She’ll buy all of her shoes at the thrift markets, but spend 200 dollars on an ensemble suit. (They can be mix and matched! A good work investment!) Her shoulder length dark brown hair is kept back with a headband or clips in a new and trendy style every week. Her eyes are the same deep brown. All around she is just another face in the crowd, and nothing about her appearance really stands out.
Strengths: Cheyenne takes her work outs seriously, even if she doesn’t stick to a proper diet. She likes to take kick boxing classes for a good workout and because she wants to be prepared in case some jerk tries to mug her or the apocalypse happens. She also goes jogging every weekend and participates in the yearly Zombie Run for charity.
Weaknesses: Must not… eat… cake… Cheyanne also has no tolerance for alcohol and avoids it when possible.
Current Goal/Purpose: Cheyanne is no longer happy with her entry level job and is looking for a promotion and raise. She wants something both interesting and challenging.
Talents: DISASTER RELIEF! Okay, so her paranoia can occasionally have benefits. Cheyanne is prepared for just about anything that could possibly happen, from birthing a baby to aliens attacking. This probably has a lot to do with her Dad being Ex-military and a bit of a nut.
Inabilities: Talking to a Superior without stammering in to a whimpering silence. Why? She doesn’t know. Cheyanne doesn’t want to rock the boat, and doesn’t want rocking the boat to end with her getting fired. She’s always had issues with people in authority.
Fears: A slight paranoia that something is bound to go horribly horribly wrong at any moment! Between her Dad always telling horror stories and her weird ability to just land in the strangest situations, she is afraid that one day she won’t be prepared to handle something and then BAD THING will happen.
General Personality: She is a severe introvert that doesn’t realize she is one. People are awesome and she loves to be around them and interact with them, but it very quickly gets draining and overwhelming. She believes she has social anxiety and that she’s a weirdo. Having her family and friends constantly reaffirming it makes it worse. Because of this, she spends a lot of time avoiding doing things outside of her routine. Cheyanne will skip out on parties, doesn’t care to go out for movies or dinner, or public places too often. She’s happiest in the comfort of her own home with snacks and watching TV.
Inner Personality: A sexy seductress, a savvy business woman, the mysterious lady in red! …Okay, Cheyanne likes to daydream and consider herself in all sorts of roles, but nothing seems to fit. She confident that she is a good person, comfortable in her own skin, and genuinely enjoys and appreciates her life. …but she does kind of feel like something is missing. People constantly trying to force her in to dating scenarios with Blind Date Ambushes and Pity Dinners is making her REALLY frustrated and reluctant to meet new people, even though she actually [i]does[/i] want whole fall-in-love package. She’d love more in her life, but she’d really wish her well meaning friends and family would back off and let her do it her way.
General History: Father is a retired military officer, Mother is an Advice Columnist. Cheyanne was born to middle class working parents and lived a pretty normal uneventful life. In elementary school she was really big on getting involved in the school plays as well as the Squirrel Scouts. High School was nothing but awkward moments and overly dramatic teenage drama. College didn’t fare much better, as Cheyanne couldn’t seem to get in to “experimenting” and spent most of her years doing nothing but hiding in her dorm and studying. She’s had a few serious relationships, but nothing that really sparked big emotions one way or the other. They all ended amiably and were pretty forgettable.
When Cheyanne was hired at Mann Magazine, the idea was to use the opportunity to climb the career and social ladder of success. That just… didn’t happen. She got comfortable in a job that she was good at, and because she’s a bit adverse to big changes or taking big risks, she never really got up the courage to go for it. Cheyanne has been in the same job since she left college, and has been perfectly okay with it.
Until lately.
Present Life: Cheyanne is feeling restless with her routine. It’s NICE and she has nothing to complain about. She’s spent her entire life being frugal and playing it safe, which has built her up a nice nest egg for sure, but something is still missing.
She’s decided a promotion and a job change is the best way to start. Now if she can just get up the courage to ask for it.
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