Genre: Otherworld Fantasy
Rating: PG-13 Minimal Cursing. Violence. No Blatant Sexual Scenes. Best for those 13 and older.
Location: ???
Gandirk is an asshole. And he ENJOYS it. He likes to do ridiculously mean things just for his own entertainment. Waving a hand over his magic mirror – he spots the perfect opportunity to have a little fun.
____ is a film student at the local college, trying to film his latest movie project, A Picture Perfect Faerie Tale. It’s a dramatic saga about a Prince whose Fiance and Little Sister were kidnapped and hidden away in a magical garden by an evil wizard. He and his volunteer cast of student actors were right in the middle of filming the big scene when all of a sudden… POP! They find themselves in the middle of a mystical looking forest – in full costume! They definitely aren’t in the props department anymore…
BREAKDOWN: Gandirk was bored, so he decided to… dig up a little entertainment. A bunch of film students making a fantasy movie plopped in to a REAL version of the story sounded like a hilarious way to indulge himself! Everyone still in costume, and ___ holding his camera and equipment are now stuck in this crazy looking forest… with danger on the way!
Student Director: He is the writer and director of the movie A Picture Perfect Faerie Tale. It’s going to be his graduating masterpiece.
Handsome Prince: A student actor who is very enamored with himself.
Princess Fiance: Another student actor who thinks the film would be a great addition to her acting portfolio.
Sister Princess: Playing the part of the Prince’s little sister, but is actually the Student Director’s little sister that begged to play a part in the film.
Evil Wizard: A guy who is nothing like an evil wizard in real life, but seems to be the best actor of them all!
Gandirk: (npc?) The asshole who just likes screwing with people’s lives for entertainment.