Category: Tower’s Calling

  • Tower’s Calling 010: It Takes Two

    Tower’s Calling 010: It Takes Two

    [Corona doesn’t feel right. Something is wrong. But she has not said a word about it…] -02:08 Jul 12 [Athos has to get them into the tower before the god frees himself but Corona seems to be sick.. of all the timing!] -02:16 Jul 12 Corona: "This needs to be done as soon as possible."…

  • Tower’s Calling 009: The Sorcerer’s Marionettes

    Tower’s Calling 009: The Sorcerer’s Marionettes

    [Corona is sitting at her desk with her newest book. If anything is going to help with the proper destruction of evil gods, it’s a ancient grimoire about Magical History and Theory.] -04:11 Jul 11 [Athos enters.] -04:16 Jul 11 Corona: The grimoire was so old, it recounted events predating common knowledge history. So old…

  • Tower’s Calling 008: Shattered Glass

    Tower’s Calling 008: Shattered Glass

    [Corona has discovered that having help makes things so much easier. Especially when you have to sneak in to a steel and glass tower belonging to an evil sorcerer…] -04:48 Jul 10 [Athos is tasting the lighter side of destiny for once.] -04:49 Jul 10 Corona: "I might have sent you alone had I known…

  • Tower’s Calling 007: A Proposal For The Future

    Tower’s Calling 007: A Proposal For The Future

    [Corona has slept and slept and slept and slept and she might even be dead!] -04:13 Jun 25 [Athos is waking up and hes hungrier than he has ever been in his life.] -04:17 Jun 25 Corona: She may have slept for days. Which would explain why her stomach was churning and why her body…

  • Tower’s Calling 006: To Resurrect a God

    Tower’s Calling 006: To Resurrect a God

    [Corona had clearly gone the way of madness. She was on her way to bring back to life a dead demi god.] -05:52 Jun 24 [Athos has clearly gone the way of madness. He is about to let an apprentice sorcoress while lost her primary power sourse make him a new body.] -05:56 Jun 24…

  • Tower’s Calling 005: Fate’s Twist of Irony

    Tower’s Calling 005: Fate’s Twist of Irony

    [Athos thinks he might finally be getting through to this girl.] -04:36 Jun 21 [Corona isn’t sure where it all took a strange turn, but she’s going with the tide.] -04:40 Jun 21 Corona: They were going back to the tower. Not because she won an argument, but because she needed her books. From there…

  • Tower’s Calling 004: Something to Live For

    Tower’s Calling 004: Something to Live For

    [Athos Drifts though long dead corridors and past empty decaying rooms.] -05:20 Jun 20 [Corona is claiming artifacts as her own and feeling a little… off-kilter!] -05:24 Jun 20 Corona: The sword and belt cinched tightly at her waist, the fragment slipped in to a pocket to be close at hand… Everything else Corona found…

  • Tower’s Calling 003: A Shard of Truth

    Tower’s Calling 003: A Shard of Truth

    [Corona has spent a couple weeks having to do research on necromancy, reincarnation, life-giving, ancient gods, and new forms of magic. All with a ghost looming over her shoulders.] -05:45 Jun 19 [Athos Has been reading every book he can get his hands on, weather Corona was bust with them at the time or not.]…

  • Tower’s Calling 002: A Deal with a God

    Tower’s Calling 002: A Deal with a God

    [Corona has awoken. She is clean, refreshed and recharged. And still really pissy.] -06:54 Jun 14 [Athos Is comcerned… the amulet is bount to someone and theres only one person that could be… and every Emedio would know what that meant.] -06:58 Jun 14 Corona: Corona decided she would ignore the ghost for now if…

  • Tower’s Calling 001: Awakening

    Tower’s Calling 001: Awakening

    [Athos Has been dead for 300 years. Dead and trapped in an amulet that won’t let him pass on without a heir. The curse must have a bearer.] -05:08 Jun 12 [Corona Flare is a sorceress. A technomage if anyone wants to get specific. And she has just returned to her tower with a sack…