An angel that is now babysitting the human actor that a fellow-angel used for his face. For Ascendants universe.
Cicily Charbonneau
Weird little fangirl. Made for the Ascendants universe.
Moriah Savage
The next GOD. Part of the Ascendants universe.
The Sailor’s Chest
A story about a sailor with a treasure map hidden under his hairy chest. prologue – a silly little story about a sailor and a treasure map, and the legend about it being passed down by ~magical~ means. chap one – a big nobody’s shitty day. and then meeting a really hairy, really awesome badass…
Interview with a Character: Jayden Green
For Iwaku Challenge, Interview with a Character #4. [I]What’s your choice of drink?[/I] The woman dressed in an impeccable grey suit regarded the interviewer with an amused expression. Her nails tapped gently on the bar. “I like a good beer. But if you’re thinking about buying me a drink, there’s no need. I own the…
Interview with a Character: Eleri Xerxes
For Iwaku Challenge, Interview with a Character #4. [I]What’s your choice of drink?[/I] Eleri glances around in confusion before pointing at herself. “Who me? You’re not a bartender… Hrm. All right then. I’ll bite. Get me a brandy on ice.” [I]What’s your ideal romance? *wriggles brows*[/I] There was a twitch to the corner of her…
Interview with a Character: Leslie Cole
For Iwaku’s Interview with a Character 3. [I]Tell me about yourself.[/I] My name is Leslie Cole, I just graduated college and started a new job as a desk secretary at a local Magazine. Eventually I’d like to be an Editor. I’m currently hunting for a new apartment in the city, but I’d really prefer living…
Interview with a Character: Tessa Thorn
Done for Iwaku Challenge, Interview With a Character. [I]Please tell me about yourself.[/I] My name is Tessa Thorn and I am a manager! Specially, a band manager. I’ve recently been fired and I am now starting up my own record label called Calico Productions. I kinda have really bad luck with jobs, up until now.…
I’ll Sell My Soul to Dream You Wide Awake
I would sell my soul to dream you. They say be careful what you wish for. That what you desire can become bittersweet. What could be worth the price of a soul? A love wild and without constraints. Molten amber eyes and honeyed promises. For what seems to be unreal, impossible, too amazing to be…
Jenna Kirsten Martin-Jones
A normal teenage girl that gets adopted by kooky vampires!
A demon who is trying to get an asshole human CEO to sign a soul contract.
A scifi jeweler who refuses to be a descendants bearer. Descendants – His Own Bearer plot.
ABOMINATION CHILD of Jayden and Cupio. A prophesied creature.
A witch of the wood. Her magic is based on her connection with nature. Lives alone out in the forest and is part of a witch’s coven.
Madeline King
Painter that works as an art restorer at a museum. She wins a contest to meet her MUSIC IDOL. One she has been a #1 fan of since she was a teenager.
Autumn Katelyn MacGowan
Smalltown girl goes to Europe for a last taste of freedom and ends up trading places with a doppleganger Princess. Can Autumn navigate the wicked world of Royal Society without getting caught?
Dannon Aisley
Dragon tamer/rider with a dragon named Bobcat.
Zenith Dragon Riders
[Tynebris remains silent.] -05:46 Dec 09 [Mathew Ramhorn is waiting for the group to give them their assignment.] -06:02 Dec 09 [Dannon is a TRAINEE and a terrible one at that. Whomever thought taking HER on this mission must really hate the group leaders.] -06:02 Dec 09 [Marcus is usually just instructing new trainees these…
Descendants Universe
TIME PERIODS PRE-FERIUS? The very first incident of the amulet? Aztec age? AGE OF FERIUS pirates everywhere MODERN AGE raul and kate time SKY PIRATES zeren TECHNO AGE dakota POST APOC AGE corona SPACE AGE PALADIN AGE PEOPLE OF NOTE POWERFUL BLOODLINES
Country of Charbriq
[B]Country Name:[/B] CHARBRIQ [B]How does the average commoner/noble person dress?[/B] Citizens of Charbriq wear practical clothing for their occupations. They do not put heavy emphasis on fashions or fluff. [B]Some common occupations:[/B] Jewel Mining, Gem Crafting, Farming, Trade [B]Education system: [/B] Most denizens are educated under apprenticeships. [B]The dominant religion and a brief overview of…
Demon slayer for modern scifi setting.
Notes for a random generator character.
Gemma Maes
Half faerie, half witch, that is banished from the Goblin Court because she is not a very nice lady.
generic charrie
Sammy Bartholomew
Random charrie for supernatural universe
Festival of the Damned
The Festival of the Damned is a local yearly tradition where a town does a lot of superstitious things to keep the Damned happy and from rising up to claim the living. A group of troublemakers have decided to hang out in the town's cemetery for their own little party of drinking and games. And…
The Veil
Cold. Damp. Soft. A flawless cheek pressed against the forest soil. The sensation was strange. Unfamiliar. Her fingers curled in to the dirt, eyes fluttering open in vague confusion. A clump of brown material lift in the air and slowly sift through her fingers. Her body moved in a lithe, controlled, almost unearthly smooth motion…
Vaydia Character Color Codes!
/char Julia:EE3A8C: /char Amy:009900: /char Brett:7B3F00:
Katie “KT” Townsend
In the middle of werewolf drama.
Teen God High School
[color=cyan][b]”Boredom is the root of all evil. Even the gods knew this, for in their infinite boredom they created mankind. Then mankind made teenagers and now we never hear the end of [i]I’m Bored[/i].”[/b][/color] Your hear this story all the time. A kid turns whatever age and then suddenly their whole world is turned upside…
Vaydia Upcoming Scene Lists
A work in progress list of all upcoming scenes for currently open Vaydia roleplays!
[Azudia] A Christmas Curse
==== Title: AWC: A Christmas Curse Number: 381 Date: Dec 14, 2008 at 2:46 AM ==== Divinatas – Dec 14, 2008 at 2:46 AM [bg=#676C4E][padding=10px][bg=#14382A]ANOTHER WHITE CHRISTMAS: A CHRISTMAS CURSE[/bg][/padding][/bg] ==== Divinatas – Dec 14, 2008 at 4:20 AM [bg=#2C0C0E][so=#305443][imga=right]http://space-kitten.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=1&pictureid=853[/imga][b][u][i]Holly Roberts[/i][/u][/b] [i]Have a holly jolly Christmas! It’s the best time of the yea-[/i] CLICK. [i]Iiii’m…
Descendant Kalaleilani
Clarice Drosselmeier
Harry potter universe charrie.
Ales Dusek
A shithead that somehow managed to get himself a job as Royal Guard. Probably because he’s an assassin or mercenary. Made for a fantasy setting. I would prefer someone to play this character FOR me than to play it myself!
SATHERIANS (From Sathera) Most of the life on Sathera is located on the land masses near the equator, making the dominate races prefer heat and warmth. Satherians value their life of pleasure and leisure. Arts, Music, Food… If you want to sample the most wonderful things in life, you would spend a month in Sathera!…
generic maid character.
Ruby Delgado
Teen Mercenaries
Duchess Beatrice D’Allessio
Steampunk duchess.
Lady Feline Valencia
Potions maker.
Juniper Kelley
Carmilla Lace Montgomery
A teenager cursed with “goth parents”. She just wants to have a normal life!
Princess Selena
Princess married off to a grumpy mcgrumps.
Random Character and Plot concepts
Just some quick character thingies on my character’s to play wishlist, that I haven’t developed yet.
Sci Fi Space Opera #997839
A military base is under surprise attack! Pilot(s) tell a teacher friend to meet them at the escape pods, go straight there, no detours etc, as they got orders to follow first. On the way woman has to dodge several enemy soldiers but gets stuck when a few torturing and ripping apart a fellow teacher…
Epic Fantasy #223767292
(The past) A young woman opens a box she finds under rubble at the ancient ruined castle site. It possesses her with a god’s power, but in exchanged it killed/sacrificed her younger brother and also set loose an evil in to the world along with a curse. A curse prophecy about the fall of the…
Felicia Gaska
BIANCA THE MOUSE FROM THE RESCUERS AS A HUMAN, PRETTY MUCH. A tiny little lady that loves investigating and solving mysterious. Made specifically for a supernatural modern setting.
Honey Kilborn
Honey the really terrible, totally bimbo, Vampire Hunter. Modern Fantasy!
Adelaide Caltross
A young woman from the College of Bards, seeking her missing brother. Has no idea her brother got mixed up in the Wizard Fight Club. Magical fantasy settings.