056 Too Far Gone to Save
Evangeline meets Sid and tries to help her. [Evangeline is at the park, hunting down acorns for a special \”lesson\” she\’ll be giving hunters later!] -11:35 Jun 30 Evangeline: *It was nice that this park had so many different kind of nut trees! She was filling up a pillow case quickly with acorns, a few…
055 What Might Have Been
Valraven shows Evangeline what the world would have been like had she not stayed with Gabriel. [Evangeline is not having a good day!] -07:39 Oct 17 [Valravn the white raven was perched on the back of a chair watching over Evangeline!] -07:40 Oct 17 Evangeline: *Classes were not going well, and it really wasn’t the…
054 Daycare Dilemma (UNFINISHED?)
Evangeline volunteered to watch the kids at the Oracle Daycare and Gabriel visits. [Gabriel is standing in the middle of a crowd of little children no taller than his knee!] -02:33 Jan 22 [Evangeline volunteered to be a caregiver at one of the Oracle day care centers! …she isn\’t sure why Gabriel joined her, there…
053 Dark’s First Crush (UNFINISHED)
[[[UNFINISHED]]] Caroline has her own missions to do and takes Dark along. He meets a nice young lady! [Caroline has no idea how to balance mentoring with her own personal work! Thus… Dark gets a cruise vacation while she hunts for a rumored demon!] -11:59 Dec 13 [Dark just wanted to find a way off…
052 Oracle Christmas Party
Christmas party at Oracle! Gabriel tells Evangeline she may ask for a kiss whenever she wants one. [Evangeline is wearing a long green velvet dress and has mistletoe clipped in her hair! So how come no one will give her a kiss? It\’s bad luck!] -08:45 Dec 11 [Gabriel knows full well why no one…
051 Sleepover at Oracle (UNFINISHED?)
[[[UNFINISHED]]] Dark has shown “promise” after he protected Evangeline, thus Gabriel has decided to return his memories and let him be aware of who created him and why. Evangeline sees this as a perfect bonding opportunity as a sleepover! [Evangeline is going to have a sleepover at Oracle with Dark who probably has no idea…
050 Gaining Dark’s Trust
Lily meets Dark and doesn’t take much liking to him. Dark is left “stuck” with Evangeline who is trying to explain the wonders of life. [Lily was wandering around Oracle looking for Evangeline or Gabriel. Find one and you\’d find the other!] -07:14 Jun 14 [Dark was still trying to figure out this place …]…
049 Dark’s Discovery
Caroline discovers Dark. She takes him to Oracle where they might find info about his identity. They meet Evangeline who mistakes him for Gabriel. She takes them immediately to go see Gabriel, where Evangeline convinces him to give Dark a chance. First Lessons with Dark. [The vampire looked ready to kill–but he wanted some information…
048 She’s Not Real
Elizabeth Bathory drives Lily Crazy. Gabriel teaches Evangeline some spells. [Lily was in class, apparently sleeping while the teacher lectured.] -07:02 May 13 [Conrad was outside with Brutus, playing fetch!] -07:04 May 13 “Lily …” someone whispered in her ear. It might be a classmate trying to wake her up! Evangeline: *There was something strange…
047 Leon’s Family History
Gabriel takes Evangeline to Canada for a date. Ciara and Leon are there to babysit Brutus. Leon discovers the pack his mother was from and a connection to Gabriel. He rescues his grandmother. Ciara gives in to naughty temptation with Leon! [Gabriel was escorting the Grey family and Santos to Canada!] -08:17 May 04 Leon:…
046 The Wolf Experiments (UNFINISHED)
[[[UNFINISHED]]] Leon and Lily are out for bonding time, and he sees someone he used to know get grabbed by men in sits. Lily stops him from chasing after them, and he tells Ciara what happened. Ciara decides to finally do something about these government people, and Evangeline volunteers to go digging up info. [Lily…
045 Cold Chaos (UNFINISHED)
[[[UNFINISHED]]] Everyone at Oracle HQ has caught a cold. Chaos! [Evangeline has the sniffles, but unlike Ms. Grey she is just fine to work! Why is everyone moaning and laying around?] -02:12 Mar 20 [Gabriel was not one who accepted \”being sick\” as an excuse to escape training!] -02:14 Mar 20 “Woof! Woof!” went Brutus…
044 A Fight Between Friends
Leon and Ciara have a fight! Leon is invited by the White Queen’s daughter to join their pack. Ciara has a talk with Nicholas Wulfric. Ciara: Of course I was serious! If Lily wants to see me dating before she’ll try something herself, then that is what I’m going to do! *Speaking of which, she…
043 The Confusing Date
Something to Think About Lily gets talked in to helping Hannah ask Conrad on a date. Leon argues with Ciara about Victor. [Lily has Hannah, and somehow has to help her ask out Conrad? She\’s not sure if she likes this idea!] -02:58 Feb 18 [Conrad was outside waiting for Lily!] -02:59 Feb 18 Conrad:…
042 Gabriel’s Mark
Evangeline takes Lily (and Conrad) on a girl’s day to thank her for talking to Gabriel. They discuss girly things and relationships while Conrad covers his ears half the time. Conrad and Lily go to fetch icecream, leaving Evangeline alone. She’s stopped by a couple of cops who intended to take her off somewhere, but…
041 The False Betrayal
Evangeline is at a church to purify stones. Anthony shows up for a ‘plot’. Evangeline has a vision spelling Gabriel’s doom if he kills Anthony – and stops him. Anthony makes it sound as suspicious as possible, as if Evangeline has been working for him. Evangeline decides maybe it’s better if she left, sparing Gabriel…
040 The Romanian Queen’s Problem (UNFINISHED)
[[[UNFINISHED]]] Leon and Evangeline help the Romanian White Queen were with a problem. [Evangeline volunteered for wolf bodyguarding! She couldn\’t possibly have an agenda!] -02:49 Feb 25 [Leon wasn\’t too sure about letting Evangeline tag along!] -02:50 Feb 25 Leon: Uh, Evangeline, I don’t know … It might get dangerous. The messenger didn’t say what…
039 Testing the Vampire
Ciara wonders just how Gabriel knows when Evangeline is in danger and tests it out. [Leon was having a playful tug of war with Brutus!] -03:29 Dec 13 [Ciara was sipping coffee and chatting with Evangeline.] -03:31 Dec 13 Brutus was growling as he tugged on that rope! He had quite the firm grip! Evangeline:…
038 Lesson with Wulfric
Leon has his first lesson with Nicholas. [Leon felt as good as new and Cissy hadn\’t mentioned anything about lessons so he was certain he was in the clear!] -11:49 Feb 22 [Ciara has been keeping a secret!] -11:50 Feb 22 Leon: MMmm!! *He was sitting in the cafeteria wolfing down his seventh steak in…
037 Asking Wulfric a Favor
Ciara realizes Leon needs to spend time with his father and learn wolfy things,and asks Nicholas Wulfric to teach his son. [Ciara never had any intention on staying in bed for long! ] -02:19 Feb 22 [Leon was stuck in bed until further notice! … No matter how healthy he said he was!] -02:21 Feb…
036 Attempted Assassination
Someone tries to assassinate Ciara Grey under the orders of Anthony Carnatelli and nearly succeeds, prompting Ciara to admit that she needs real security. She officially enlists Gabriel as a personal guard, and seemingly getting Evangeline as part of the package. [Ciara is working two jobs and refuses to delegate. …That means double the supply…
035 The Fieldtrip
Evangeline and Gabriel giving lessons to hunters. Going on a field trip for a final test! Rewarded with a spa! [Evangeline is going to teach Hunters about the valuable lesson of paying attention in scary places! …By turning out all the lights and throwing stuff in the dark!] -03:26 Feb 11 [Gabriel was, of course,…
034 A Real Date
After rest and healing, Evangeline insists on taking Gabriel on a real date so he can see how pleasant those sort of things are. …And maybe more so because she wanted to spend the time with him! Leaving Brutus with Ciara and Leon to puppysit, they leave before Ciara has another jealous fit. Gabriel was…
033 Rescuing Gabriel
Despite being afraid, Evangeline is leading the way to Anthony secret place in Alaska with Ciara and Leon for help. Ciara had reluctantly agreed to let Leon come along if he didn’t get himself in trouble. When they reach an odd little cabin, Evangeline insists it’s the right place despite everything seeming normal. Leon impresses…
032 Erasing Gabriel
Leon and Ciara are cooking… more arguing as Ciara doesn’t seem to appreciate Leon’s renditions of Elvis. When she insults the wonders of Elvis, he runs out with his hands over his ears and singing at the tops of his lungs. Ciara chases him down with a waterbottle. They are interrupted bu the pizza Leon…
031 A Bath with Gabriel
A bright and cheerful morning at the Lake House. Leon is bright-eyed and bushy tailed as usual and plotting a grand breakfast, while Ciara as usual has much to complain about. Mostly about Leon eating everything in sight, but the occasional jealous quip about Evangeline. Gabriel and Evangeline slept quite awhile. Gabriel awakes, considering the…
030 Oil Tanker Trap
Gabriel is on the deck of an oil tanker out in the middle of the ocean. It’s pouring torrents of rain with waves crashing over the deck and the beats on board notice him at once… as well as a seal that start’s putting itself in motion! Evangeline is far down below having constantly been…
029 The Library Ghost
Conrad and Lily (with Brutus!) are investigating strange rumors about a dangerous ghost in the college library. Lily is becoming resigned to the fact that her life isn’t going to be ‘normal’, and seems to display a natural curiosity for investigating things. Conrad mentions that he can’t imagine a better person for the job of…
028 A Date with the Professor
As promised, Lily meets Stephan Hawthorne for their date… along with Conrad and Brutus in tow. Lily displays a wicked streak nearly as devious as her mothers, when they discover Hawthorne in allergic to werepups. She plays coy and innocent when Hawthorne makes a fuss about the additional dinner guests. Brutus is an excellent watch-pup…
027 She Is Mine
Lily and Conrad are discussing the bizarre warlocky habits of her Professor when there’s a sudden commotion outside the college building. He looks completely different, but Lily recognizes it as Michael. Conrad dashes outside to rescue when Michael heads towards an injured girl calling for Lily. Lily watches for a moment and (for the first…
026 Return to the Lake House
Leon wakes up on the office sofa, and hungry! Ciara is sleeping at her desk but she also has a bag of wolfy snacks – steaks. Leon tries prying them out of her hands without waking her and fails! Ciara teases him before giving him the bag, then suggests that they take a vacation. To…
025 Protecting Evangeline
Evangeline is trying to teach those newbie hunters how to fight monsters while still protecting innocent people. But the training exercise goes awry and she ends up shot in the shoulder when someone forgets to unload their gun properly. They lot of them are panicked about what to do with Evangeline trying to console them…
024 Werepack Treaties
Gabriel is ‘teaching’ a glass by having Hunters chase Brutus around in circles. Evangeline wonders if maybe Gabriel needs a little teaching himself. Leon stops by to ask if they know anything about werepacks, and Evangeline offers to go with him to speak to a few. Evangeline warns Gabriel to be easy on those poor…
023 Taking Over Oracle
Ciara heads right in to the Oracle Chief’s offices and flat out tells him he’s fire. He tries to argue back, but Ciara sics Leon on him. He runs out in terror! Ciara calls a meeting for everyone in the building, announcing she is the new head of Oracle, along with the major changes she…
022 Conrad’s Secret
For a few days Leon and Lily have been able to keep Ciara away from Conrad long enough for him to get some rest and heal a bit. Ciara is determined to speak with him today, and there is a comical fight on the floor with Leon as he holds on to her leg for…
021 Take Body and Soul
Lily is up early saying hello to one of the horses and meets Conrad’s mother. The woman asks Lily if she’d like to go help feed the animals at the other house. Lily accepts and follows, but finds it strange that the path is so under used, as well as the place looking abandoned when…
020 The Wolfe Family
Wolfe family in Montana! Ciara displays a liking to children, while becoming suspicious at the lack of mention of Conrad’s direct family. No one ever speaks about them! She’s slowly trying to drag information out of people. Everyone adores Leon who is a delight to children and adults too! Lily finds herself stalked by an…
019 A Place of Her Own
With a place of her own, Evangeline needs a few things so she takes Gabriel out for dinner and shopping. They go to an Italian restaurant, which seems nice enough, but the entire place ends up being an ambush to take out Evangeline. Gabriel and Brutus silently take out baddies while Evangeline enjoys her lunch,…
018 Wareham Asylum
Returning to England Evangeline had to fly back to London for a family emergency, leaving Brutus in the care of Gabriel! After a week of puppy disaster after disaster, Gabriel finally gives up and calls the number Evangeline left for him. He calls but the number was disconnected. He calls a second number, Evangeline’s friend…
017 Roadtrip to Montana
Roadtrip on the way to Montana! At a rest stop bar, they ask for directions and Ciara’s open disdain for the ‘intelligence’ of the people gets them near killed by angry trucks and rednecks! A little quick thinking by Conrad and Leon being steak happy saves the day! It’s late at night and they stop…
016 Awkward Moments Between Friends
Ciara and Leon leave for their date. Lily and Conrad stay at home, opting not to spy. Conrad makes an amusing display of fighting off Angus and his army of gnomes while Lily is entertained with watching and teasing. Conrad shows that he’s not one to be bullied! Ciara and Leon have dinner at a…
015 The Last Date
Leon is trying to talk Ciara out of her last date with Anthony Carnatelli, but she is determined to make this moment count and kill him. She promises Leon that she won’t get herself killed, and tries to reassure Lily. Ciara leaves before she caves in and cancels the date. Leon and Lily had no…
014 Coming for the Seer
Brutus sniffs something and finds a cat hiding in the stairwell. Evangeline chides him for trying to eat someone’s pet and a voice tells her that it’s actually a familiar. The person walks about before she can think anything of it. Afraid to go upstairs and sleep, Evangeline opts for getting some caffeine and taking…
013 Taunting
Conrad meets Leon with Ciara asleep on his lap. Leon tells a little about himself. Anthony calls on the phone (waking Ciara) and Lily tells him to fuck off! Ciara is alerted to someone waiting for her downstairs. Lily hears Anthony greeting Ciara via the phone before he hangs up. Blind with rage, Lily grabs…
012 False Visions
Evangeline gets a vision about magical creatures crying out for help and takes Brutus to go find them. She knocks on the door posing as Magical Police. It turns out the man is a collector of magical creatures! Brutus was his escaped puppy, and by luck he needed a new psychic to replace the old…
011 The Bodyguard
Conrad was the one Oracle decided to send for Lily Grey’s new personal guard. He was surprised to find out the girl Lace that was rescued is actually Ciara Grey’s daughter. Lily exits the hotel deciding she’ll go to the park, but when she realizes she doesn’t have her gun, she turns back. Then she…
010 The Daughter’s Return
Gabriel, Evangeline and Lily appear at Shades and asks the secretary to tell Ciara Grey that Gabriel is there to see her. Ciara says she’ll be right down and Leon comes along. Upon reaching the bottom floor, Ciara is floored to see her daughter. All grown up, but obviously her daughter! Evangeline introduces her werepuppy…
009 The Werepup and the Rescue
Evangeline wakes up at the park to slobbery puppy kisses! A werewolf puppy has discovered her. Deeming him a purebred pup and too young to be on his own, she decides to find his mommy. Evangeline uses a scrying crystal to find weres in the city, coming across a few unfriendly types before heading in…
008 The Doll Escapes
Lily is one of Michael’s many dolls. There is a raid on the building, and two people crush through the door in the middle of their fight. Lily jumps on the opportunity to escape by grabbing a gun. Another of the girls tries to stop her because she’s Michael’s “favorite” and doesn’t deserve to leave.…
007 Trapped In the City
Evangeline is trying to return to London. She books a plane ticket and arrives at the airport to find out all flights have been canceled due to “unforeseen weather”. She thought she would wait it out until later, when people start running and screaming in terror! Evangeline pulls her luggage in to a bathroom to…